Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

215 Red pill can trigger a world war

"I remember Draco's loss of life was serious, didn't he?" Suddenly remembering the platinum boy who had lost most of his life to Tom, Ans touched his chin and said, "Give it to him. After all, it has become a potion and it should be used." It still needs to be used.”


Hearing this, Snape glanced at Ans, slightly surprised, then looked at Cassandra and asked.

"Huh? Well, as he said, it has become a medicine. Even though its appearance is inhumane, it has come to this point and cannot be discarded. What we can do is not to do this kind of thing ourselves, and Crack down on manufacturing.”

For the sake of cost-effectiveness, since there is a life-replenishing potion here, even if the manufacturing process is ugly, but it can be used, don't care too much, otherwise, Draco will have to stay in bed for a long time, and... I don't know if it can be used. How long to live.

At a young age, little Tom gave away most of his life to give birth to him. The damage was very great. This loss of energy and blood is difficult to replenish.

"Hmph, I thought you were the kind of pedantic, bright and positive heroes," Snape's lips curled up, as if he was pleased, "So I didn't tell Dumbledore about this matter. People like him would definitely do it." stop."

Indeed, Snape was right. The White Wizard, who was blessed with various auras and titles, naturally could not let the path of 'evil' appear under his nose.

"Let's go then."

Snape was a man of action. He had already tested various potions in advance. Even if there were any side effects, he had already solved them. After all, he was his godson. This time he came to inquire, just to ask for his opinion. .

Fortunately, the two children's answers satisfied him.

In the medical room, Mrs. Narcissa and Mrs. Pomfrey, who were dressed like medieval healer nuns, were their sons after all. In addition, the family was not yet sure whether it was safe, so Mrs. Narcissa stayed here. .

"Good morning, Narcissa."

"Oh, Severus."

The originally luxurious and graceful aristocratic lady had to worry about her husband who stayed at home and her son who was lying in the hospital bed because of her family. Even if she used magic to dress up, she could not hide the fatigue in her eyes.

Snape and Narcissa hugged each other politely, and then Madam Pomfrey left with a wink and said goodbye to them. After she left, Snape waved his wand and arranged a warning and soundproof magic shield.

"This is Cassandra Winston, a student from Slytherin. She is... a very promising student, and this is Ankunais Wick, a student from Hufflepuff."

Snape didn't often praise people, and Narcissa knew this. After hearing this, she made a decision in her heart. Although she didn't know the boys' evaluation, since she could stand with girls, she must be very qualified.

After getting to know each other, Snape did not delay and took out the red potion he had purified from the big bat wizard robe.

"This potion contains a huge amount of life, enough to replenish a person's vitality," he glanced at the man lying on the bed, his originally platinum-blonde hair turning dull white. "In other words, it can replenish Draco's lost life."

At this moment, both Ans and Cassandra saw the light called "hope of maternal love" blooming in those eyes, bright and beautiful.

Without too many words, Narcissa trusted Snape, and she could only trust him when it came to potions.

As the red potion was poured into the eyes, Ans and Cassandra's pupils also began to change, and each performed a pupil technique that could "observe" the reaction of the red potion entering Draco's body.

I saw that the body that was originally like a dry lamp, with the entry of red medicine, is like refueling an oil lamp, like a hungry person eating a taxi, like a seed that has been waiting for a long time to germinate in spring, it is reborn.


The two of them marveled in their hearts. According to common sense, life is like time. It is always moving forward, flowing and passing, and cannot flow back, just like water poured out. But now... this law has been broken. .

Although making potions seems evil, equivalent to eating other people's lives to replenish one's own, and a bit opportunistic, this is reality, and in a sense it is a success.


The unhealthy pale hair has some luster. The haggard boy opened his eyes a little while sleeping, opened his mouth and made an unexplained sound. He was still confused when he woke up from the silent darkness.

Although his mind was still cluttered, everyone could tell that Draco was getting better, but it was a pity that his hair color could not restore the platinum color it once was.

"Great! Draco!!!"

Narcissa lay on Draco's body, her tears uncontrollably flowing out again. Snape took Ans and Cassandra out and left the time to the mother and son.

"How about that potion?"

Although Snape didn't know what the eyes of the boy and girl behind him were, he could still guess their specific effects.


The boy and the girl looked at each other, and it was the girl who finally told Snape.

"Rejuvenated, no sequelae were noticed. In other words, the newly added life is just pure life. Perhaps Mr. Malfoy will live a long life."

"As long as he stops overestimating his abilities," Snape sneered. After discovering Harry's existence, although he didn't want to say it, Draco's position in his heart had dropped. Isn’t there a...'zuosi'? As long as Draco can live well, the assets of the Malfoy family are enough for him to squander."

Indeed, although Malfoy was in ruins at this time, it was only on the surface. In fact, apart from the need to replenish house elves, Lucius did not suffer any major losses. As a magician, it was easy to build a house, and those porcelain oil paintings were very important. It's not a precious thing for a magician.

"In the evil soil, the pure flower of life is cultivated," Ans smiled beside him, "Where did this hell joke come from?"

"Mind you, what do you think the gray-haired Muggles in power will do if there is a backup for this technology?"

Cassandra pointed out this one, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she could already imagine the future.


"War of the Worlds."

Snape and Ans spoke up at the same time and gave their own answers.

If you can plunder the lives of others to replenish your own, then your own life will no longer burn out. And those beings who are aloof and rich in gold and silver will definitely have a different attachment to life as they get older. When they After learning about this technology, it is natural to do whatever it takes.

Most human beings have the characteristic of "hoarding", regardless of poverty or wealth. So, for them, human beings have become a kind of life resource, and they will naturally plunder them.

And plundering will naturally lead to war.

And war will inevitably cause turmoil.

And turmoil will lead to chaos.

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