Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 91: Two Red Tails

Redy, Greeny, and Purpley. Those were the nicknames I gave these guys based on the colors of their shirts.

I held my breath and kept my senses on full throttle. I knew Carpy was looking out for me, but no one was perfect, he could make mistakes, and that was without even considering outside interferences of the enemy.

Just as I was about to attack them, Purpley manifested a bell in his hand.

Whatever its ability was, it was safe to assume that it had something to do with sound. Just as he grabbed the bell's handle, I sent a mental order to Carpy.

'Cover our ears with water! Hurry! Block the sound! '

Purpley shook the bell. Thankfully, the only sound I heard was the rushing water in my ears. The other two opposing team members had silencing talismans on them.

It seemed like the attack worked when the victim heard it, not a hybrid affinity of someone sending sound waves with Blaster affinity. Because even if you didn't hear the sound due to silencing charms, the shockwaves would still travel to your ear.

Was that physically realistic in my last world? I had no idea. But it worked in this one.

The activating condition of the bell was likely: when someone hears the sound generated by this bell, they will fall under some effect.

Bets took out his nail gun and shot at the team without hesitation.

Greeny took a deep breath and came forward. He blew out the air in his lungs, and a strong gale of wind changed the direction of the nails, making them miss their target.

Redy came forward and stood next to his green-shirted teammate. They both took deep breaths.

The first to blow out was Redy, and he created a small torrent of flames that was more spread out and not a concentrated attack. But then Greeny added to it with his wind.

"{Combination Attack: Laughing Firestorm!}"

A tsunami of flames flew towards our team.

Too hot! It felt like I was getting barbequed all the way here!

Even Carpy couldn't block something like that! There was no water source nearby!

They jumped back, but the attack covered an area too huge to dodge even while in mid-air. While in the air, my team couldn't go any faster! None of them could dodge it!

But before the flame's heat got close enough to them to be dangerous, three whips of water grabbed them around their midsection and pulled them away.

Even then, it was a close one as the water started boiling. Luckily, Carpy was fast enough to pull them out.

"They're spread out! Hunt them!" Yelled out Purpley, who seemed to be their team leader.

I sent a mental order to Carpy to watch over the others. He was the only one who could stop the Purpley's bell ability.

Greeny was the one left behind to deal with me. They probably left him here because he had the best sensory abilities.

Blasters had better sensory abilities than the other affinities. But the sensory range and sensitivity were different even amongst Blasters. One of those things was talent affinity. But in a close second came the mental state.

How could someone concentrate on a sixth sense if they didn't have their normal ones in order? A panicking person or someone in pain would have difficulty sensing anything. That’s why in this case, even if their talents were similar, Greeny would have an easier time handling a sneak attack.

One of the strategies to deal with someone like this was to play the waiting game. My opponent was a concentrated Blaster, but no one can keep that concentration forever.

But this wasn't the time to play the waiting game.

Though it was hard to get close and be able to land an attack on Greeny when he was in this state, I had to try at least.

There was only one thing guaranteed in life: you will miss every shot you don't take. Also, you will die one day. So I guess two things were guaranteed in life. Taxes too? But I wasn’t sure about that one since I knew my clan didn’t pay any.

I suppressed my Ord and my presence as much as I could. I stalked him from behind and slowly inched closer. I made sure not to step onto branches or leaves.

"Your Ord suppression is almost better than our teacher's," Greeny turned around. "He is an old man who was quite a talented exorcist in his prime and has much less Ord to suppress."

For a Master, having less Ord, one might not be able to handle a strong demon. But it was easier to suppress the Ord.

If he was telling the truth, and his teacher was a Master. Then he probably had training to sense Masters trying to hide. I couldn't account for these things since they were rare occurrences.

Though I did agree with his comment, I copied this suppression from Perfect Me. While it wasn't as good as in that form, it was close.

"If you had done it in a crowded place, I wouldn't have ever noticed," Greeny rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

As the guy talked, a small gust of wind hit my glasses and knocked them off,

"Heh! Are you stupid or what?! Why would you just stand around while the enemy explains their back story!?" Greeny slapped a talisman in his belly. It was a camouflage talisman, good for hiding, but in battle, the air ripples as he moved showed where he exactly was.

That slight wind he must have generated while talking. Though I had to commend him on his strategy, those camouflage talismans were expensive, and he used one as if it were nothing.

As he got closer, I unsheathed my sword and stabbed him, piercing straight through his talisman on his belly.

His camouflage canceled, revealing him staring at me like a deer caught in headlights. "Why the hell would you wear glasses when you have such good eyesight?!"

Was he talking about me being able to hit the talisman precisely? Well, I came from a clan bred to fight supernatural monsters. Even without Ord, I was better physically compared to the average human.

Wait, did he knock my glasses away so he could do something like stop me from seeing? Did he think I needed glasses to see? No, they were non-prescription glasses.

I took my sword out of his belly, and he slumped to the ground. I picked up my cracked glasses and put them on again. “As a wise man once said, embarrassment is temporary, but style is forever.”

Or something like that. I didn’t remember Mr Fort’s exact words. But it was something close to that.

Most fighters would do anything to win. Glasses would protect me from tricks like spitting blood in my eyes.

"So, what kind of ribbon do you have?" I asked Greeny while I cleaned my sword casually.

He looked at me and frowned. "I will never betray my comrades."

His legs shook, and tears welled in his eyes.

Did he think I was going to kill him? I would rather make friends than murder someone. In this world, I didn't have the power to do everything by myself. I couldn't stop the worst-case scenario alone.

Whatever was left of humanity, running off to a foreign land, they had long since escaped.

Also, having friends would greatly help in the war against Shuten Doji. That war should go better than it did originally since I had eliminated the Arc, where the Special Class Exorcist would come to the academy and mess things up.

"Don't worry. For us, this is just an exam. Not a place where we murder our fellow exorcists." I explained to him.

Unexpectedly, Greeny still started crying, and snot ran down his nose. "It seems like I misunderstood you! You're a really kind man!"

Kind? Just how low was the bar for that? I was sparing their lives and expecting something in return. If they showed any signs of having thoughts of revenge, I would kill them. Leaving loose ends in a world like this was just asking for trouble.

Not long after, my team returned with the Purpley and Redy. They both had their hands tied, their mouths covered, and Carpy carried them in water bubbles that exposed only their heads.

Bets had a red ribbon tied around his wrist and showed it to me. “They didn’t have the green we were hoping for. But this is still better than nothing.”

It seemed like the enemy’s Spicy Balls and Morning Breath abilities weren’t-

What the fuck was up with all the weird abilities's names?!

Though me judging them was a bit hypocritical since Perfect Me sounded like a narcissist's orgasm.


Sei and his team ran through the forest; they had already gathered all three ribbons they needed in six days on the island. Their only job was to get close to the meeting place and wait there.

During this exam, no one on Sei’s team was injured. During the train attack, they only got hurt because they made the mistake of choosing one of the first compartments. They were ganged up on.

Though it wasn’t an injury they got while getting ganged on, since Sei’s ability wrecked best in closed compartments due to his absorption mirror’s distance limit.

The team who injured them was that weird silver-haired team that, for some reason, kept addressing Agon as their little brother.

But suddenly, they all stopped as two malicious presences sitting on a tree looked down at them.

Sei’s body shook for a second before returning to his senses.

One was a big man with a thick beard. He looked like a caveman and wore a tiger hide around his waist. The other was a girl wearing a one-piece dark swimsuit with short pink hair and blue eyes.

The man was the biggest and most muscular person Sei had ever seen, even more so than the guy who followed Kon around.

“Pixie, why did the boss have to send both of us here? Why did I have to be the one to sneak in?” The big man grumbled.

Pixie, the pink-haired girl, shrugged. “Well, the Demonic Exorcist wanted a demon here, and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. I thought you knew better than that, Roc.”

His name was Roc? That was a fitting name for someone who looked like a caveman.

“So what? The boss can easily just refuse him! Are you saying that the boss is afraid of the Demonic Exorcist and his shitty demons?” Roc snorted.

The pink-haired girl sighed and rubbed her brows. It was clear she was annoyed. “No. But he sent you as backup in case the Demonic Exorcist decided to do something. He believed in your abilities that even if the Demonic Exorcist came here, you would be able to protect me.”

Roc frown morphed into a foolish smile, and he rubbed the back of his head. “Aw, shucks. I never knew the boss trusted me so much!”

Listening to this conversation, Sei came to two realizations. One, the Warrior was a fool and didn’t understand when someone was just telling him things so he would get out of her hair.

“Should we just leave? They seem busy with their conversation,” Agon said.

The second thing Sei realized was that these people knew they were there already; but had continued their conversation as if nothing had happened. The two were dismissing them as a non-threat.

Roc turned toward them and smiled. “Seems like our target is already here."

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