Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 6


As I arrived at the mansion, my mind was filled with memories of the novel I had read years ago. I knew that the royal castle was located at the center of the capital, and the other dukedoms were situated on opposite corners, with the Mallory household on the eastern side.

As I was escorted through the grand entrance of the mansion, I was greeted by the head butler. He informed me that I would be meeting the young lady soon, and instructed me to wait in the garden as per her request. The garden was a grand and opulent space, filled with lush greenery and exotic flowers. As I waited, my mind was filled with a sense of unease, knowing that my fate was now in the hands of the villainess of the novel.

As I stood in the garden, awaiting my new mistress, I heard a voice that was high-pitched and arrogant. I turned to see the villainess of the novel, the young lady I was to serve.

She was a bratty-looking girl, with her arms crossed under her chest. She was dressed in an expensive frock, her shiny white shoes with low heels adding to her air of immaturity. Her long, silver-white hair was styled in a similar fashion to the Duchess, and her magenta eyes shone with a glister.

Despite her spoilt and bratty demeanor, her appearance was that of a mature woman. Her features were refined, her small nose and lips adding to her elegant appearance. However, the smirk on her face as she looked at me was far from elegant, and it was clear that she viewed me as nothing more than a possession.

"Hmm..." she said, as she approached me and examined my face, cupping my cheeks with one hand. "I hope Mother sent me a durable one this time. I wouldn't want to break you too early," she murmured, her words laced with disdain.

She then turned her attention to my chest, her eyes lingering on my breasts. "What's with these?" she said, her tone filled with contempt.

I didn't reply, knowing that any words I spoke would be met with further disdain. I simply stood there, enduring her inspection and her cruel words, my mind racing with thoughts of escape and freedom.


It was not due to any special diet or care that my physical attributes had grown to such an extent. In fact, I had often been subjected to starvation and harsh living conditions. However, even the other maids and the head maid were surprised by my growth, as I had already surpassed some of them in terms of physical development. The reason for this was something that only the Duchess and I were aware of.

I was a halfling, born from the union of a succubus and another demonic species. Even the Duchess was unaware of the identity of my other parent, but she was certain that I possessed demon blood mixed with that of a succubus. This was the reason for my alluring appearance that was becoming more and more captivating with each passing day. Even I was momentarily surprised when I first laid eyes on myself.


My hair was as dark as the midnight sky, cascading in sleek and glossy waves that complemented my striking red eyes that gleamed like precious gems in the darkness. They were known to mesmerize anyone who laid eyes upon them, sending shivers down their spines. My features were delicate and refined, with a small nose that was perfectly proportioned and lips that were plump and alluring. My body was a testament to the epitome of femininity, with curves that were becoming more pronounced as I grew older. I was the envy of every single maid in the mansion, and it was evident by the expressions of jealousy that were etched on their faces when they saw me.


The Duchess, a woman of high standing and prestige, did not want a demon, let alone a half-blood, to be in close proximity to her daughter. The mere thought of it was unsavory to her and to the other nobles of the land. Despite my undeniable beauty, as acknowledged by all who laid eyes on me, including the servants, the knight captain, and even the head maid, my demon heritage was deemed a blemish on the reputation of the Duchess and her daughter.

In an attempt to conceal my true nature, the Duchess provided me with an object that barely hid my race. It was her belief that as long as I remained within the confines of the mansion, the servants would not take notice and even if they did, their fear of execution for leaking information about my race would keep them silent.

I, however, had no qualms with this arrangement, as I had grown accustomed to the uncomfortable feeling of restraint ever since I was branded with the slave crest. I simply hid the object and, as per the Duchess's orders, never took it off. The slave crest ensured my compliance in this matter.


"Y-young lady...t-that's..." I stammered, my voice trembling with shock and discomfort as she suddenly grabbed my breast, her hand fitting perfectly around its shape. I struggled to keep my composure as she began to fondle and manipulate them with force, her long nails digging into my flesh.

"Stay still," she commanded, and I knew that any movement on my part would result in even more severe punishment. I gritted my teeth, tears welling up in my eyes as she continued her experimentation on my body.

" they are indeed real," she murmured to herself, "but still, how can you have such a chest size even though you are smaller than me..."

Finally, she released me and I breathed a sigh of relief, my body trembling with pain and discomfort. Despite my attractive appearance, I knew that my status as a half-demon and a slave made me nothing more than a mere object to her, to be used and abused at her leisure.


"All right, I have decided you fit my tastes, you will be my personal maid from now on, and know that if you disobey me, I will make sure to utilize the slave crest very efficiently."

She smirked like a villainess and conveyed that she knew how to use the crest that she owned now.

I could only nod shakily as my first encounter with the villainess was worse than I expected.

With a final glance filled with amusement and curiosity, akin to that of a child receiving a new toy, she turned on her heel and sauntered off, leaving me to ponder just what kind of twisted playtime she had in store for me.

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