Reincarnated As The Ultimate Hybrid

Future Plans

After exiting the treasury I decided to return to the master bedroom which is now my room to rest but before that, I needed a bath

"while I take a nap I want you to tell Sebastian to collect some maids and man servants to serve me in the castle and to tell someone to make me some clothes and undergarments"I ordered Leila while she was removing my heels, dress and then the crown

"of course my lady no excuse me your majesty" she said to me respectfully

"mhm mhm your majesty sounds good" I said with a wide smile as I finished showering and moved towards the bathtub

"ahh this is relaxing"I said as I sat down in the bathtub and signaled Leila to wash me

After bathing and brushing my hair I wore a nightgown and jumped on the bed

"have a good rest your majesty" said Leila with a warm smile on her face

"I will!" I replied with a small smile then went to the land of dreams

waking up from my rest I saw an unfamiliar girl with pink hair and crimson-red eyes wearing a maid outfit standing beside the door of the room

"Good morning your majesty" she said while bowing her head then she walked towards me "hmm good morning and who are you?" I asked while tilting my head

"I am one of the maids assigned to the castle, and I am your personal maid for today as lady Leila is tired your majesty" she replied to me with a light giggle

"ohh, so Leila already did as I asked, and what is your name? "I asked while getting up from bed

"this lowly one's name is Rosa your majesty" she replied while bowing her head after hearing her answer I nodded and then walked towards the bathroom to wash my face and do my hair then I walked back into the room

"let's go I want to have something to eat," I said as I walked towards the door and left the room with her following me.

After arriving in the dining hall I sat down on my seat and waited for someone to bring my food which took nothing more than a couple of minutes before a man wearing a suit came with a cart and put the food on the table after he left I picked up my eating utensils and started eating it

"Rosa is there an office here?" I asked while I drank a glass of blood

"yes there is your majesty" she replied to me while tilting her head

"that's great to lead me there after I finish my meal" I said as I took ate a piece of bacon

After finishing my meal I changed my clothes to a casual black dress and then went to the office with Rosa leading me to it

when we arrived in front of the door she opened it and what welcomed me was a room with two sofas in front of a desk it and a table in between them like a typical noble office in anime, sitting on the desk's chair

"Bring me, Elwin and Boris, I have something to discuss with them both"I ordered Rosa while looking in the desk drawers "and also bring us some papers" I added

"at once your majesty" she replied while bowing her head and then left the room

a while later she came back with papers in her hands and Boris, Elwin, and Violet behind her

"good morning your majesty" said Boris as he entered the room

"Good morning Boris I called you two here today because I have some Ideas I want to share with you" I said as I signaled for Rosa to give me the papers which she nodded to and put it on the desk, taking a pen from the desk drawers I began writing some of the things from earth to help in building the city like cement, glass and stainless steel and how to make them using magic

'although I did waste most of my time on earth in watching anime and reading novels I was a straight A student' I thought to myself while I finished writing everything I know about them

"take this Boris"I said as I gave him the paper, taking the paper from my hand Boris looked at its contents questionably

"what is this your majesty" he asked with slight interest "these are materials for building and how to make them using magic it will increase both lifespan and durability of the building I also want Elwin to find a way to improve these recipes"I said with a slight smile

"but I want all of this to be a state secret, so I need anyone who sees how it's made to sign a contract"I added

""yes your majesty!"" replied both Elwin and Boris with excitement in their eyes

"and the second thing I wanted you to do is to help me create a piece of technology that might make our country a future superpower "I said with a sly smile

"hmm and may we know what it is?" asked Elwin with interest while Boris nodded his head "

A train"I said with a smug grin

""A train?""asked both Elwin and Boris at the same time

"it is a type of carriage that moves both people and goods from place to place without horses, and they can move in places that carriages cannot move in like valleys, mountains and forests"I said which caused both Elwin and Boris to stare at me with starry eyes causing a wide grin to appear on my face

"how does this train thing work without horses"asked Elwin with excitement

"well by using some kind of energy"I answered

"I think we had something similar in the mines of the dwarf kingdom we called them mine carts"said Boris while nodding his head

"hmm really?" I asked with slight interest

"yes although its existence itself was state secret so it is impressive that her majesty thought about something similar without looking at it" replied Boris with awe

"I see and do you know how to make it" I asked with doubt "yes I do know your majesty, but we don't have the resources and the work force to do it" he replied with a dejected tone

"it's alright knowing how to make it is enough I will fix this workforce issue soon enough anyways in the meantime I want both you and Elwin to find ways to improve it and turn it into a something that can be used outside of mines" I ordered while nodding my head

"" it would be our pleasure "" replied both Boris and Elwin at the same time

"before we forget let's do this contract" saying that a magic circle appeared under every one of the room and a paper materialized from thin air thin burned slowly causing me to feel a slight connection to everyone here

"now then you may leave" I said with an authoritative tone

"excuse me your majesty there was something I wanted to take permission for from you" said Boris hesitantly

"speak" I ordered

"I wanted to lift the castle up"he said while looking away

"lifting the castle why would you want to do something like that?" I asked with doubt

"we want to raise the ground below the castle so that the castle can be seen from far away" he replied hurriedly

"oh so that's what you meant alright I give you permission" I replied with a slight smile

"thank you your majesty" said Boris while hurriedly bowing his head and leaving the office

"Rosa I want you to bring me William and Scarlet here" I ordered with a sigh

"at once your majesty" she replied with a bow

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