Reincarnated as the Narrow-Eyed Character in a Magical Girl Battle Story

Chapter 8

The magical girl with a fate of colossal dimensions blooms with two radiant starlights, reborn as a True Magical Girl.

But what about a magical girl with just one starlight? Can she bloom and wield the power of fate?


The moment she clings to the hope she didn’t even realize she had, she can bloom with her little starlight.

‘Finding what you want to protect’ — that was the identity of the dream pointed to by the stars.

Moreover, it was the shimmering light that humanity, blinded by power, had carelessly let slip from their hands.

Getting stronger by defeating others through fights, not dreams.

It was the tale of a world that carried on with a grotesque life, scavenging the remnants of others’ dreams.

The only one who realized this in that world was the protagonist, Yuki Shikishima.

But she couldn’t change the world.

In a world where only the strong, who held the potential to move the world alone, survived, the protagonist, the last remaining True Magical Girl, was acknowledged as the ruler of a world with nothing precious left.

That was the futile ending of [Magical Girl HAZARD].

Only unpleasant feelings remained for the dark manipulators of this world, laughing at us as we fought openly, but they were still out of reach.

‘If I just sit quietly and wait for the main story to come for a year…’

This world will flow towards the Apocalypse I know.

Fortunately, I had enough resources to take care of myself and had made various arrangements over the past two years aside from my cafe job. They weren’t grand, but just preparing for the Apocalypse could give me a good edge over others.

I had to live using that knowledge effectively.


Suddenly, a question flashed through my mind.

Is this really the right thing to do?

[What should I tell my mom?]


[It’s a miracle I absolutely don’t want to break!]

[You fit that role perfectly.]

If I give just a little help, their future will be a bit brighter.

Even if the original story changes slightly, should I really pretend I didn’t see these things?

Two years.

It’s been two years since I came to this world.

Even if I try to pretend nothing happened, there were people I couldn’t ignore who received far too much help.

Right in front of me, there are those who could return to an ordinary life with just a bit of help.

[Become someone who walks the big road.]


My reason warned that this could be a decision I’ll regret for life.

‘Even so…’

The future of this world is far too scary.

My hands are small, so there’s little I can protect.

But still, there are some things I can’t pretend I didn’t see.



“Don’t you want the power of a True Magical Girl?”

“Whaaaat?! Shirogane-san, what do you mean?!”

“This is something I know all too well. I’ll share it just for you.”

From the start, I thought it was nonsense for gods to push humans to their limits and talk about their nature.

What I saw in [Magical Girl HAZARD] was only the protagonist.

Her words wishing for a bright future and happiness moved my heart.

So, no one ever forced me to take responsibility.

But as someone who knows the original, I felt I would deeply regret leaving it all unattended.

This determination felt like it was wiping away two years’ worth of guilt inside me.

I informed Haruko about what to prepare. After a brief rest, we set out to act.

“Master, I don’t think I can go out today.”


“Yes, I’ve got some preparations to make.”

[Got it.]

I was touched by the Master’s generosity who calmly overlooked the staff’s absence and hung up the phone.

In the corner of a shabby apartment empty lot, a kaleidoscopic prism-like space was scattering all the gathered light.

Dream World

A Unique Skill bloomed through the fate of [Deception].

Beyond that light, Haruko Busujima was wandering through the illusion.


Haruko couldn’t help but be astounded by the scene before her.

The smell of dried paper, wooden aromas, and various comic books piled up on the floor due to a lack of space on the shelves bore all sorts of titles.

[Haruko’s Diary], [Haruko’s Meals], [Memories of Haruko’s Sleepless Nights], [The Day Haruko Danced].

She knew a space that organized her life in the most familiar form would appear, but this was incredible.

Accidentally causing some trouble, fleeing, being chased by the police, and meeting another magical girl — who knew it would lead to such an amazing experience?

How on earth did it come to this?


From a young age, I loved comics.

The sight of each frame coming to life and weaving stories.

I adored that so much.

Yes, Haruko had fallen in love with comic books.

At some point, I realized that among a myriad of frames and dialogues, my own story was absent.

I could not become the protagonist of this world.

Amid many stories, I could hear countless lives pass by, but none contained Haruko’s tale.

As Haruko stepped between the shelves, she suddenly realized that this bookshelf extended infinitely.

“Um, wait?”

It was eerie that her story was tightly packed in this space, resembling a familiar comic book store, and the outcome of the infinite shelves beginning to look increasingly frightening.

“Where should I go…”

Would it be better to call Hikari now?

Seeing her alluring red eyes shining through slightly closed lids made it feel as if she would casually solve everything while knowing everything.

“We’ve only known each other for a day.”

Yeah, I wanted to be that kind of special person.

“A special person.”

-Ken-chan! I’ve become a magical girl too! So now I’m a ‘special’ person, right?


Looking back, that single phrase from Yamahara ignited a warehouse full of gunpowder called hatred.

If not ignited, it would dampen over time, and one day, upon opening it again, it could be easily dismissed with, ‘What? Just this?’

Someone like you.

Isn’t special.

Mustn’t be special.

What does being special mean?
Anyway, you’re not one of them.
I don’t want to hear dull stories.


A comic book fell right beneath Haruko, who was standing dazed for a moment.

Had it not been for the sound of its fall, I wouldn’t have thought to pick it up given its ordinary cover.

Carefully picking up the book, each page turned brought nostalgic feelings.


Once, I had a moment when I wanted to draw my own comic.

I drew for ten days straight using drawing guides, but it turned into a mess.

Out of embarrassment, I had burned it in a corner of the school incinerator without showing anyone.

Watching the self-made comics burn slowly, I ended up crying.

That comic book had resurfaced at this moment.


Something was sticking out between the comic books.

A bookmark made from dried maple leaves.

A gift I received from my classmates when I won a drawing contest back in elementary school.

[Haruko’s comic is fun!]

[Wow, you really draw well.]

[Haruko’s illustration is beautiful.]

Chatter chatter

[Haruko, don’t you draw anymore?]

[I’m curious about the continuation of the comic you showed me before!]

“There were indeed people who listened to my story.”

My unremarkable tale.
People who liked it.
I had forgotten.
Ordinary stories.
People who cherished my ordinary story.
The true story I wanted to tell.

Haruko cherished the bookmark and comic book tightly against her chest.

As one long-forgotten memory turned into tears, it flowed between her gentle smile.

In a changed world.

The second born True Magical Girl was a [Fairy Tale] Magical Girl.

She was unremarkable.
Didn’t hold a colossal fate.
Yet drawn by a colossal colorless starlight,

She found her own small starlight.

When Haruko opened her eyes again, she saw a shabby apartment and a lot with containers.

And a silver-haired girl.
The mysterious girl who guided her.

Hikari smiled at Haruko.

“Did you succeed?”

“…Yes. It feels like I’m recalling something I had forgotten.”

“Congratulations, Blooming Magical Girl. We are now comrades.”


“Busujima-san, let’s do a job together.”


Every time Haruko heard the reasons why the police were chasing her and why Hikari made her bloom, her face became paler. And finally, when she heard the plan that would overturn all of this, she started to laugh.

The laughter held three meanings.

First, the name of the plan was simply ridiculous.
Second, it was thrilling like a story from a comic.
Third, Hikari, who told her about it, was just too cool.

‘Even someone so cool has terrible naming skills.’

Haruko felt fortunate about that.

Each of her little actions added to the richness of her character.

In fact, the more human Hikari appeared, the more radiant she seemed.

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