Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 7

(Xituna’s POV)

I was walking around the world watching the land with my cute fluffy fox-like usual when I see something I haven’t seen before in either of my lives. After picking up the fox I hugging him and fluffing his tail I move over to the anomaly.

In the distance, I can see a tree that is moving. It's not moving much but it is enough to be noticeable. The closer I get the more it moves. All it's doing is swaying side to side the leaves and branches of a tree usually do this in the wind but not the trunk of the tree. Once I get about ten metres away I put the fox down for safety.

“Mr Fox Stay here ok.”(Xituna)


“Good. I will now go and see what is happening with the tree.”(Xituna)

I start moving towards the tree again. As I get closer I can feel I small amount of mana coming from it. I am now about two metres from the tree before going closer I quickly check to see if Mr fox is safe. I look at him behind me to see him sitting there looking at me.

“Kyun.”(Mr fox)

Good, he is still safe. If anything happens I will be fine but it might not be the same for Mr fox. Knowing Mr fox is safe I move the last two metres. Nothing has happened so far the tree is still moving like it was before. I place my hand on the tree to have a closer look at it. What I see is something that I have never seen before and thought impossible.

All trees act as a sort of conduit for mana. When a mortal uses magic trees take in the divine energy and convert it into mana and then they transport it around the world to where it needs to wherever it is needed. Trees only ever give out mana around them if they have too much but this tree is giving out a far larger amount than usual. But it’s when I take a deeper look into the tree is the part that I am most interested in. All trees have a soul to convert divine energy into mana this soul is stronger than animal-based mortals but it is smaller meaning that trees do not usually have a conscience. However, this tree has developed a larger soul by absorbing mana and a small amount of divine energy. I knew that this was a possibility but what I thought impossible is that this tree has two souls. There is one soul for the tree but there is also another.
The other soul is developed enough that it is sentient and could be communicating to the tree. This is something I will have to ask big sister Ziella about as she is the only one allowed to interfere with souls and the only one who knows much about them. I step back from the tree and ask big sister Ziella about it in my mind.


(The second soul in the tree is a stray. When the soul of the tree went through the cycle of reincarnation this other soul was able to follow it through leading to them both being in the same body which is usually impossible. This is a very rare opportunity that you are not likely to get again use it wisely. I would suggest helping develop these souls into your divine helpers. – Ziella)

My divine helpers? I can do that. I look at my skills again and read them carefully. I can create divine helpers. But what should they be like? Should they be strong and steadfast to protect the forest or should they be cute and fluffy because… errrrrrr they will be cute and fluffy?

(Xyrra’s POV)

I continue to look at the two fish trying to decide what form they should take. I think back at all the folklore and mythology I knew in my last life. Eventually, I decide on two different sea creatures from mythology and folklore.

I first turn to the redfish. I activate the skill [create divine helper] in front of me a status panel appears.

[Create divine helpers]

Race –
Lifespan –
Mana limit -
Base stats
Strength –
Wisdom –
Magic –
Agility –
Base skills –

After looking at the status screen I start to fill it out.

Name – Eslise
Gender – Female
Race – selkie

Is mana limit a numerical representation of how much mana their soul can take? If so I want this to be quite high so that they don’t take in too much mana and get hurt.

Mana limit - 500

For lifespan, I don’t want one too short but I probably don’t want one too long.

Lifespan – 1000 years

That shouldn’t be too short or too long.

Now for stats, I don’t know what the standard for mortals will be. I don’t have any and in most books, I read in my last life these stats can vary wildly depending on the setting. I think a base a hundred across all will be a good start to be on the safe side.

Strength – 100
Wisdom – 100
Magic – 100
Agility – 100

Now for the base skills well water magic should be obvious but what about the others. Considering she will be a selkie she will need a way to transform. She will need a coat of some type to transform between the seal and her humanoid form. I will give her a magic coat that allows her to transform like in the folklore of the Shetland Islands.

Base skills – [Blessing of water] – [selkie coat transformation]

That should do for now.


(You have created a new called [selkie]. As the first one to be created the selkie Eslise will gain semi-immortality all future selkies will have the standard lifespan of 1000 years. The states and skills the selkie Eslise gains will affect the future growth of the selkie.)

I didn’t know this would create an entirely new race I thought it was just on the individual. So I have just created an entire race by accident. Now I can't say anything to Xituna for making a fox. Well then on to the next. I turn to look at the blue fish seeing the same screen open up in front of me.

Like last time I fill it out.

Name – Ceirean
Gender- Male
Race – Cirein - Croin
Lifespan – 1000 years
Mana limit - 500
Base stats
Strength – 100
Wisdom – 100
Magic – 100
Agility – 100
Base skills – [Blessing of water] – [Silver fish transformation]

After I had done this I got a similar message to before telling me that I have created a new race and that Ceirean will be semi-immortal.

Not entirely knowing what semi immortality is I took a closer look at it.

[semi-immortality] – (Any mortal with this skill can still be killed but they will not age.)

All it does is stop ageing they still die if something stronger fights them. Next is to create their appearances. Starting with the red fish I imagine what she will look like in both her forms.

In her seal form, she will mostly be like a seal from earth would be, but she will be nine feet long and pure white all over. In her human form, she will have long red hair, silver eyes and light skin she will also be nine feet tall. Her beauty will be unmatched by any other mortal. She will wear a long white and silver dress. To transform she will have a coat when she puts it on, she becomes a seal and when she takes it off, she will become human. The coat will be pure white and will almost reach the ground when worn.

Ceirean will be a huge sea serpent that is a hundred and sixty feet long with bright blue scales and silver eyes. He will have long sharp teeth and powerful legs these will allow him to protect the sea with magic or physical attacks and allow him to go on land if needed. He will be able to transform into a small silver fish fifteen centimetres in length. He will not have a human form and will always be either a sea serpent or a small silver fish. When swimming he will be able to swim up to speeds of a hundred knots.

Once I had finished imagining them, they both start to change form.

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