Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 17

(POV Xyrra)

How long has it been? I have been reinforcing the barrier but for how long? And where is this divine power coming from? Going into a meditative state has helped a lot more than I thought it would but whatever caused the anomaly is still trying to get in and is close to getting in. Who are they and why are they trying to get in.

(POV Ziella)

Why is she here? I specifically made my first world here so that she can't find it and made the defences specifically to keep her out. Did she get stronger? This is bad if she gets in here it could mean the end of my world and likely spending the next hundred thousand years trapped with her.

What can I do? I might have to release my sister's limiters but if I do that it might break divine law. On the other hand, I could claim it was in the defence of my world but who knows what those idiot elder gods will decide. I will have to fight her myself and then release the limiter as a last resort. I better get ready then.

(POV ??)

“Ziella my love you thought that you could get away from me.”(??)

I have nearly broken through Ziella’s barriers I am so close to her. I will soon be reunited with her after all this time. Ziella it has been too long. I will get to you and take you back to where you belong and I will defeat anyone who gets in my way.

“Ziella I am coming for you.”(??)

(POV Ziella)

“Ziella I am coming for you.”(??)

I shiver as I hear this voice it is a calm and beautiful voice but it is also playful and cold. She has broken through enough of my defences that I can now hear her. I have to hurry up and stop her.

I am currently equipped with my armour and weapons. I am wearing armour made of divine mithril and I have a purple bladed naginata at my side. The armour is purple and is like a suit of armour but more minimalistic to allow for more movement and that it is very hard to harm a true god in the first place.

I thought that my defences were good enough but I was wrong and now I have brought harm to my world and my sisters. I will have to fix my mistakes only as a last resort will I ask my sisters for help.

(POV ?? 100 years later)

“I have done it a ha ha ha ha ha ha I am coming my Ziella.”(??)

The barrier is broken I will be able to free her. She will be mine again. The wall in front of me is the last barrier separating me and my love. She has been trapped within this castle for thousands of years and I will now free her. I pull back my arm and then punch the wall. As my fist makes contact with the wall it crumbles to dust. The final layer is down.

I step through the hole and before me is the one I love Ziella. She is now free but what is this? I tilt my head to the side in confusion. Why is she ready for battle? She was supposed to have been kidnapped but it doesn’t look like she has.

“Ziella my love you are now free.”(??)

I imagined her to run to me and give me a hug happy to now be free however instead she runs at me wielding a weapon. She swings at me from my left will all her force. In response I grab the blade stopping its full force instantly and push it away.

“Ziella what are you doing? I came to help you.”(??)

“You haven’t helped at all you made everything worse.”(Ziella)

How did I make everything worse? The only important person in her life is here.

“I am here now everything must be better now?”(??)


Her shouting makes me take a step back. What does she mean I just want to help her.


They are her family? I thought they had kidnapped her? She must be being controlled. Yes that’s it she isn’t herself.

“Ziella you are being controlled by those three devils. I will kill them and free you.”(??)

Yes, I will free you. You are not yourself currently but once I have freed you, you will see sense and love me like you used to. I Move towards her and light speed and knock her out. Now I will find those devils and kill them.


(POV Ziella)


She is here. The wall falls to dust and a young-looking girl walks through. She is short with black hair and red eyes. She is wearing a black and red dress with black boots.

“Ziella my love you are now free.”(??)

Why? Why do I need to be freed I have finally got the family I have wanted my entire life. I might be young for a god but I have still lived long enough to know what true loneliness is. I spent eight hundred million years alone because of her and I had finally gotten away but now she is back.

Unable to control my fear, anger and sadness I run at her and swing my naginata with all my strength. I know that I am not as strong as her but I was not expecting her to stop my strike so easily with one hand. That strike had the power of at least a thousand hydrogen bombs, and she stopped it so easily not even the shockwave hurt her she probably didn’t even notice it. I don’t have a chance, do I? All these years I was unable to get away but eventually she let her guard down and I escaped my captor but now she has found me again.

(POV Xituna)

The anomaly still rages on outside the sanctuary but recently it has changed. The focus of the anomaly has been thunder and lightning rather than other more destructive methods such as hurricanes and tsunamis. Big sister is still meditating only because of this has the sanctuary survived for so long. I and the rest of us here have been doing our best but the situation isn’t good. We are low on food, manpower and water. We can't go much longer like this we have to find a solution and fast. I have continued to try and contact big sister Ziella but I haven’t been able to get through to her.


I bolt of lighting lands directly in the centre of the sanctuary barely missing Azurea’s tree. I look up to the sky and see that it has been split in half. A dark mist flows out of the crack in the sky with a humanoid silhouette in the middle. This isn’t good whoever they are they must be the one causing the anomaly.

I must wake up big sister, I can feel that they are much stronger than any of us. This will take all of us to win.

Some of you might already know but I will be participating in the collaboration project Arant Chronicles Arant Chronicles: Fight for Ibinia [Season 1] | Scribble Hub

For todays recommendation we have one from Royal Road and one from Scribblehub.

Royal Road - There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns. | Royal Road

Scribblehub - Tricked Into a New Life, God Must be Screwing with Me! | Scribble Hub

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