Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch117- Azashiro

With his Zanpakuto at hand, Kazuki and Kukaku vanished into the darkness, their bodies concealed by dark cloaks and hoods. They moved with purpose, their steps silent and swift as they navigated through the winding paths of Seireitei and into the outskirts of Rukongai.

Kukaku, despite her usually bold and brash demeanor, moved with a grace and stealth that belied her powerful physique. Kazuki, on the other hand, had always been nimble and quick, his movements fluid and precise. Together, they made for an efficient team, covering ground quickly and without detection.

Kazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency as they moved closer to their destination, the memories of his vision flashing in his mind. He knew that what they were about to embark upon was dangerous, but he also knew that they needed answers.

Kukaku seemed to sense his turmoil, her hand finding his in the darkness. “We’ll figure this out,” she whispered, her voice firm and resolute.

He squeezed her hand in response, grateful for her presence and support.

They continued on in silence, their senses heightened as they delved deeper into Rukongai. The air grew tense as they approached the site of the massacre, the memories of the brutal attack still fresh in the minds of those who lived nearby.

Kazuki’s hand went to his Zanpakuto, his grip firm and ready. They were warriors, through and through, and they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

As they reached the site, Kazuki’s senses went into overdrive, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The area was eerily quiet, the only sounds the rustling of leaves in the wind and their own steady breathing.

Kukaku moved forward, her eyes sharp as she surveyed the area. “This is it,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Kazuki nodded, his gaze never leaving the shadows. “Stay alert. We don’t know what we’re walking into.”

They moved through the area with caution, their eyes and ears straining for any signs of movement. The place was a ghost town, the aftermath of the attack still visible in the destruction left behind.

As they stepped into the ghost town, successfully evading the guarding Shinigami, Kukaku asked in a whisper, "What are we looking for?" Kazuki shook his head. He didn't know. His senses had led him here, compelling him to search for something he couldn’t yet define.

A fleeting sensation brushed against his neck, so faint it could have been easily ignored. But he felt it, a subtle whisper of energy calling out to him. Turning his attention towards it, he realized the sensation was getting stronger. He followed it, moving further away from the massacre site with Kukaku closely trailing behind.

They navigated through the deserted and broken paths until they arrived at an opening. The silence that enveloped them was abruptly broken by a voice, resonant and unexpected. "I don't know how you can feel me, but I will give it to you, you are the first."

Kazuki took a deep breath, his instincts on high alert. The voice belonged to Sōya Azashiro, the new notorious criminal pursued by all Gotei 13. His presence, even in this elusive form, was a potential threat.

Kazuki's hand instinctively went to his Zanpakuto, ready for any sudden moves, even though the voice seemed disembodied and distant. Kukaku, ever the vigilant warrior, adopted a defensive stance beside him, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

"Show yourself," Kazuki demanded, his voice steady despite the uncertainty of the situation.

"I am not here in the way you think," Azashiro’s voice echoed around them, its source impossible to pinpoint.

Kazuki then remembered Azashiro’s Bankai, an ability that allowed him to merge with his surroundings, be it ground, trees, grass, or any other element present. At that moment, he realized, Azashiro was merged with the very environment they were standing in. His ability was as dreadful as ever.

Reacting on instinct, Kazuki took a step closer to Kukaku, positioning himself protectively in front of her. The tension in the air was palpable as Azashiro’s voice rang out again, “I am not the one who killed those innocent.”

Kazuki nodded, his grip on his Zanpakuto unwavering. He had sensed that there was more to this story from the beginning, that the surface-level evidence pointing to Azashiro as the perpetrator didn’t tell the whole story.

Seeing Kazuki’s reaction, a moment of surprise flickered through Azashiro’s disembodied voice. “You believe me?”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Kazuki admitted, his gaze still scanning the surroundings, “but I knew there was more to the story when I first heard it, and I wanted to investigate it.”

A laughter, deep and resonant, filled the air as Azashiro responded, “Kazuki Shiba. I did the right thing to look past when you maimed Tokinada Tsunayashiro.”

The revelation struck like a bolt of lightning. Kazuki’s biggest secret, the one he had kept even from his closest allies, was out. He felt a chill run down his spine, his body tensing even further as he realized the implications. One that could spell the Shiba Clan's eradication.

Beside him, Kukaku went rigid, her body freezing as she processed Azashiro’s words. She turned to look at Kazuki, her eyes wide with shock and realization. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as she pieced together the truth.

Kazuki had maimed Tokinada Tsunayashiro for them, for her and Kakyō. He had taken such a drastic and dangerous step to protect them, and she had been oblivious to it all this time.

Kukaku’s mind raced, a whirlwind of emotions surging through her. Anger at Tokinada for whatever he had done to Kakyō to warrant such retribution. Fear, for Kazuki, realizing the lengths he had gone to and the danger he had put himself in. And above all, a deep, overwhelming sense of love and gratitude.

She had known Kazuki was strong, knew he would do anything to protect the ones he loved, but this… this was beyond anything she could have imagined. He had risked everything, had taken on a burden so heavy, all to keep them safe.

In that moment, she realized just how much he meant to her, just how deep their bond ran. She felt a surge of determination, a resolve to stand by him no matter what, to face whatever came their way together.

Without a word, she stepped forward, placing a hand on Kazuki’s shoulder. He turned to look at her, his sky-blue eyes meeting hers. There were no words needed; the look they shared said it all.


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