Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Called Out

Alex drove the old truck through the road which around Forks always seemed to be watery, rain was always on the horizon and you never knew when it would start. It could be fine one moment and a deep rain could start the next.

The high rain was the reason why you could almost constantly see puddles around the city and roads.

The drive home was quiet with only the sound of the radio and the wheels on asphalt being everpresent throughout.

Arriving home, Alex parked the car, twisted the key, and shut the engine off.

"Is something wrong Bella?" Alex asked Bella as he turned to face her.

Bella just turned towards him and furrowed her brows.

"You've changed and I don't like it," Bella said, her voice while sounding harsh was equally vulnerable at the same time.

Alex's heart jumped to his throat.

'Did I make a mistake? Did I somehow get found out?' Alex thought immediately as soon as he heard Bella utter the words, no it could even be said that he had read her lips and continued her words before she even fully told them.

"What do you mean I've changed Bella? I don't think I follow." Alex said as he scratched his neck.

Bella just stared at him and then smiled.

'Uh, seriously what's happening?' Alex thought as he got confused by the rapid change of expressions.

"You know Alex, while you might have changed, you also haven't and one thing that seems to remain a constant is your tick," Bella said, her face showing the same smile as before though she was smiling, it wasn't reaching her eyes.

'My tick?' Alex thought confused and then asked Bella to clarify what she meant.

"What do you mean Bella, Tick? I don't think I've ever had one of those." Alex said.

"I think you are just in a bad mood and we should go get a pizza or something Bella, you are acting strange and are confused." Alex continued as he tried to grab the keys to restart the car only to be stopped by a hand, Bella's hand.

"No, I'm not confused at all Alex. You do have a tick and even you knew about it so it is quite strange that you would forget something like that when mom and I used to make fun of you so much for it. You hated it that you actively tried to get rid of it but couldn't and it's stuck with you since childhood." Bella said as she kept holding Alex's hand in place.

"When you get caught and lie about something, anything then you would always scratch the back of your neck as you tried to explain your way out. So I said that you had changed Alex and you said you didn't. And as for the Pizza? I don't want any of it and you can go alone anytime you want. You ask how you have changed. You are much more rude, a lot more brutish than before and it almost feels like the only thing you care about is yourself. Have a nice time at the pizza place" Bella said as she took her hand away, grabbed her backpack, opened the car door, and then slammed it in what Alex felt was his face.

She then proceeded to stomp to the house door, only to almost fall once and then continue with an even angrier trek inside the house.

'Well fuck' Alex thought as he slammed his head onto the car's steering wheel causing the car's horn to let out a small beep.

'I thought I was acting perfectly? No, moreover it doesn't make sense for me to forget something like a tick if I have both of my life memories.' Alex thought to himself as he tried to come up with any answers but couldn't come up with any.

He could only think of one more question, however.

'Have my memories been tampered with?' Alex thought, shivers running down his spine at the chilling thought.

'At first, I thought that the Alex before me was simply some clone of me that lived his life until now when I, the real person could take hold of the body but it turns out he was an entire person of his own huh.' Alex thought as he curled his fist and raised it up.

His fist was shaking from the amount of force he was using to clench it, even though his skin was harder than any metal, it was being pierced by his nails as red steaming blood came out of his palm. 

'God damn it, that fucking god that brought me here and said he would grant me three wishes, he did something didn't he' Alex thought as he tried to think back to the moment, think back and remember the one who had granted him his wishes.

'I can't, I can't remember a thing about him, not his face, not his voice, nothing besides knowing that he existed and brought me here with three wishes to choose' Alex thought as he got up from the car seat and went outside, closing the door of the truck, he locked it and started walking alongside the road, heading towards the outskirts.

'That's not all, I thought I was being discreet but I still had this thought at the back of my mind that these were simply unliving thoughtless characters around me. The real Bella isn't as dumb nor as naive as the one portrayed in the book, Charlie isn't the father who couldn't talk to his children at all and Alice certainly isn't just a mindless bundle of excitement and joy.' Alex thought as he continued walking, turning around he started heading into the woods.

'I fucked up even while trying not to huh.' Alex thought.

'No, this isn't as bad as I'm making it be, it's simply annoying to deal with. Now that I think about it, I guess I can even call it the true wake-up call that I needed' Alex thought as his walking pace turned into a jog.

His jog turned into a sprint.

And his sprint turned into a flash, as any normal human eye would have a hard time even keeping up with it.

'Next time it won't happen, no this time I will not think of them as mindless and thoughtless characters in a book, not even subconsciously.' Alex thought as his determination shined through.

'The first order of action is that during this week of downtime when Edward still isn't back and before the plot of the book starts rolling,
 I need to figure out my memories and everything about this body and myself.'


Hey guys, the author here. This chapter had a lot of what I wanted to portray, that the characters aren't Characters, they are living people to Alex anyway. Might have made it a bit edgy but I tried my best xd.


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