Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

7- Bloody End Part 2/2 (Prologue end)

SOFINALLY, the prologue ends, for those unsatisfied, the character interactions start the next chapter, for real this time, and then there's almost no fighting (To the Death) for a looong while.


Raven Appears, and Ozpin too so there ya go finally 'plot' for those desperate for it, it was a long and tedious Prologue, but I'll get better at writing them in the future, I learned many things writing this one after all.


[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/7-8 Kilometers away from the Explosion's Epicenter Yang: 10 Years Old, 6:03 PM]


Yang's mind sped up as the world slowed down, dozens of ideas formed and were discarded just as fast, second after second she tried to think of a plan to escape, anger and frustration gripped her mind.


She had been fighting for a long time in this dammed forest, and all she wanted to do now is go back home and fix her life, but apparently, the Grimm won't let her go scot-free, and now a Grimm pool is making something to kill her.


'So, it is sentient, or at the very least smart.'


Bubbling violently the sphere of darkness exploded with so much force Yan was forced to shield her eyes from the resulting air crack.


Her danger sense screamed so loudly her head began to hurt, in her mind's eye she could see the gigantic pocket of danger covering the entirety of her vision.


Her heartbeat began to skyrocket as a sense of hopelessness took hold of her, she has almost no Ki or Aura left, exhausted and wounded she knows she has no chance to win against whatever that is.


But then, she remembered something, she was not alone, and Beaks proved in the past that she could alter the form of her shield, finally forming an idea in her mind, she turned around and screamed.






The owl did not need to be told twice, flying off into the air she created a gigantic green projection of her body with her at the center, flying back down she scooped both Yang and Zwei out of the ground, immediately after she flew the highest she could.


Had Yang not given her Ki to Beaks the Owl would not have been able to create such a projection much less make it fly according to her movements.


"Go to the explosion area we need to find shards of plant dust, or at the very least the energy reminiscent of it!"




Beaks immediately turned around and headed toward the explosion's epicenter.




A powerful growl permeated through the air, shaking Yang's bones, and rattling her teeth, turning her head back she looked down, just in time to see the gigantic Grimm preparing to jump.




Yang's heart beat faster, the thing wasn't as big as the spider Grimm but it surely was orders of magnitude stronger than it, worse of all even 40 meters above ground, she didn't doubt for one second it could make the jump.


"BEAKS DODGE IT!" Yang shouted with all her might but it was too late, the Tiger Grimm jumped, breaking the ground below and reaching them in a single second.


Jaw wide open the Grimm bit down on Beaks' projection tail, destroying it instantly, the constrict immediately lost its balance as it began to fall, fortunately for them that was also the case for the gigantic Grimm.


Beaks immediately sent her aura to fix the damage, at the same time the Tiger spun in the air, falling without any control, or at least it was, right before two black bat-like wings sprouted from its back.


Yang frowned, but even then she was not surprised, in her fight against the Beringel she learned that Grimm could manipulate their essence and as a result their bodies, even still, the sight of it happening brought forth a feeling of dread to her stomach.


Much faster than what she could hope to react, just as Beaks fixed her projection's tail the Tiger Grimm flew with such speed it seemed to teleport in front of them.


One second she saw the creature down, far away from her, the next all she could see were white teeth, all bigger than her limbs ready to tear her apart.


She tried to move, but it was useless, the creature's mouth closed on her, sinking its teeth into her body... And passing right through without leaving a single scratch.


With eyes wide open Yang looked at the small pup on her side, relief washed over her as her heart began to calm down.




She was so happy not even the sound of the creature sinking itself on the ground could take her attention away.


Shaking her head she suppressed the wish to hug Zwei like a plush toy, she was thankful for whatever the pup had done but the small confrontation against the monster had given her worrying information.


Mainly, It can copy the abilities of different Grimm, she couldn't confuse that absurd dashing speed even if she wanted to, the ravagers had engraved that memory onto her.




Not waiting for the creature to act Beaks flapped her wings, throwing dozens of giant-sized feathers at it.


What happened next was something she could not have seen, much less prevent it, it all simply happened too fast.


Opening its mouth the creature formed a red sphere of fire, not a second later It roared, sending the small ball of fire flying toward Beaks Projection, obliterating the incoming feathers that melted just by being close to it.




The small ball of concentrated fire exploded in contact, expanding until it almost consumed the entirety of the green owl and destroyed the projection entirely.


All three of them went down instantly.


Yang and Zwei's bodies had small burns and wounds, Beaks had managed to, at the last moment, turn her projection sideways, protecting them from the majority of the explosion.


Unfortunately, their current state could not be compared to that of the White owl, her wings were destroyed parts of her body received third-degree burns.


Had Yang not suffered similar wounds she would have puked after seeing her friend's insides, but that isn't the worse thing, no, Beaks is unconscious, if no one saves her, she will die in the fall, all three of them would.


Spinning uncontrollably in the air Yang had already made a plan to save herself and the other two.


Forming a hollow sphere of Ki on her hand she gathered the maximum amount of air she could and exploded it instantly throwing her body directly toward Zwei.


Taking the small pup in her arms while still spinning yang closed her eyes and concentrated, remembering the instincts of her Phantasmal transformation she slowly called upon the Ki inside Zwei.


When she gave her Ki to him in her phantasmal form, her energy had changed after entering his body, transforming into something else and becoming his own, hence why the end of her transformation didn't make it disappear, it was no longer her energy.


But still, it had somewhat of a familiarity with her, making it easier for her to absorb it back into herself, of course, if Zwei didn't want to give her his energy then she would have no hope of doing so as she is now, but fortunately, the small pup is more interested in the fun he's having with the wind hitting his face and her patting him.


Her danger sense spiked as she felt the air around her get hotter, without any wait her Ki exploded from within her, with a hasted movement she quickly flew to the side, just in time to dodge a wave of flames.


Not stopping she shot herself towards the fallen form of Beaks, the Grimm however would not make it easy for her.


Tensing its limbs the creature shot itself forward and began to shoot dozens of flames toward Yang's flying form, the Hybrid, in turn, was forced to hastily dodge every one of them.


Flying to the side she dodges a fireball, only for another to gaze at her body, she was given no time to breathe as it exploded sending her spiraling toward the ground.


Catching herself quickly she shot towards Beaks again, the small owl had already fallen 30 meters, 10 more and she'd hit the ground with enough force to crush her organs.


Had that explosion not propelled her down Yang might have had enough time to catch her but as it is now the stain of flying at her maximum speed while being forced to dodge dozens of fireballs was eating up her reserves quickly.




Yang once again heard the beast's growl, but, this time... This time it's different, instead of hatred she can only feel amusement coming from it.


Veins popped up in her head. 'This fucker is finding this funny?!'


Disregarding anything else Yang transformed her Ki into aura until both were even and then started to fuse them into Katamashī.


For but a moment, she felt... Something on the back of her head, a vag-




With a powerful scream, she shot herself forward at more than double her speed, her red and black aura brightened to absurd levels, her body became shrouded in a dark so deep no light reached.


Around her, the world became red as her aura lit with an intensity never seen before, with an exhilarated expression, seen only by two red dots on her face Yang slammed into Beaks, her Shī impeding her from simply going through the Owl.




Her heart hammered in her chest in both happiness and fear, but she ignored it, she forced herself to.


Her danger sense screamed at her as she felt the air grow hotter and hotter, wasting no time she sharply turned and flew towards the epicenter of the Dust explosion, the damn thing had thrown her kilometers away, it would take 20 seconds or more for her to reach it, the only problem is... Her shī will end before that.


ዘቿልዪ ጠቿ, ዘቿልዪ ሃዐሁዪነቿረቻ, ፕዪሁነፕ ጠቿ



She could try to use her Phantasmal form and regain her Ki but even then her speed would go down as she is not capable of Creating Shī in that form.


It would be a question of time before she was hit, not only that but when the transformation ends she'll have no aura or Ki to reach the explosion's epicenter, in other words, as soon as she de transformed she'd die.


Dismissing her thoughts Yang shot down and flew slightly above the ground, as she did so the fireball behind her changed direction and kept following her.


ነቿቿ ጠቿ, ሠልፕርዘ ጠቿ, ልክዕ ረቿልዪክ ቻዪዐጠ ጠቿ



'Tch, that fucker is playing with me.' She angrily thoughts as she zigzagged through the trees, as she did so the fireball followed her trail perfectly, be it twisting or turning it always kept getting closer and closer.


Yang smiled, 'But so be it, this will be the last mistake you will ever make.'


She had no doubt the fireball could simply break through any tree that got in the way but if the creature wanted a light show who was she to say no?



Her brain began to tingle.


Turning sharply to the right Yang lightly bit on the back of Zwei's nape and held the pup with her mouth lowering her free arm she picked up a passing boulder, twisting in the air she threw the gigantic rock at the incoming fireball.




The thing instantly exploded into red flames as it consumed hundreds of meters of land around it.




Hearing the angry roar of the beast Yang simply continued to fly forward.










Powerful limbs hit the ground causing slight tremors, Yang did not need to look back to know what was causing it, the miasma of concentrated Grimm essence was more than enough for her to know the reason behind it.


Trees broke into pieces and were thrown to the sky as the 12-meter-long, 6-meter-tall creature ran toward Yang in a mad dash, breaking the ground below and angrily swiping away any rock that entered its way into pieces with its giant-sized claws.






Her bones shook as the creature's roar only got stronger, had she not used her Katamshī they wouldn't be the only thing doing so.




Yang harshly dodges left as a giant paw hits the place she was in, sinking the ground below due to its sheer power and destroying everything in a two-hundred-meter radius, almost hitting her as she flew away at maximum speed.


Her veins pulsed as she used every drop of Shī to move forward, it was of no use, 2 years and she hadn't trained the speed of her flight.


Her brain tingled as she tried to recall a distant dream.

Looking forward she started to sweat, she knows her shī will not be able to last, 16 seconds in and she had only managed to fly four Kilometers out of the seven.


With a solemn expression, she took Zwei into her arm and transferred a high amount of Katamashi into Beaks, covering her in her red healing flames, not enough to properly heal her but just enough to stabilize her condition.


Her heart hammered in her chest, she knows what she has to do but one mistake and it will not be just her life that will end, and that terrifies her.


She... doesn't believe Raven, her mother will allow her to die, but she refuses to make plans based on the wishes of other people, based on the strength of other people.


Her mind might... Have changed dramatically from what it was when she arrived at Forever Falls but mere hours are far from enough to change deep beliefs.


Something lit inside her nerves.

And she believes, even now, that the best person she can rely on is, is herself, throughout her adventures in Forever Fall she has been saved multiple times, something that she is deeply grateful for, but now...


"Now, let me save you."


Using all her might she threw both Beaks and Zwei to the side, twisting around she flew backward while looking at the monster behind her, and just as she thought, the creature prepared to jump directly toward Beaks.


Opening her palm she formed and shot a Ki sphere at the monster, and just as she expected, it did nothing besides annoy it, exactly as she wanted.


"Ayo skull brain, are you going behind birds or are you gonna fight something that can punch back?!" Yang cringed internally, she should really work on her insults.


The monster reacted instantly, with a low growl it once again advanced toward her, this time however she was prepared, using all the Katamashī within her she covered her legs in a protective barrier, and as a result, she stopped flying.


It happened faster than she could react, in less than a second the Grimm disappeared from her vision, all she could see was the air cracking, a result of the sheer speed of the creature.


In that same second a gigantic paw appeared in front of her, by the time she saw it, it was already in the process of swinging toward her, it did not matter, she had planned for it, hoped for it.


As the paw neared her she met it with her feet, the movements were quick but she still moved carefully to avoid the sharp claws.


Bending her leg she absorbed the entirety of the impact, her movements were not born out of speed but careful planning had the Grimm not done those exact actions she would most certainly receive fatal injuries.


Allowing the paw to move her for but a moment Yang used all her strength and jumped back, taking all the energy of the impact with her and being sent away at an absurd speed.





The air exploded as she broke through sound itself, her sheer speed so high she arrived at the border of the explosion in but a second.


Her legs hurt, she couldn't feel her feet, she is mildly sure her sandals were destroyed, but that doesn't matter.


She could feel it, the dust energy in the air, not as high as the one in the cave but still dangerous, if the wind allowed it she would be smiling now.


Wasting no time she concentrated and began to absorb the energy around her, she couldn't identify the specific type of dust energy she was absorbing but at her speed, she didn't have much choice, so, she simply absorbed everything she could.


ክዐፕ ዒሁጎፕቿ

Flying through the air she slowly slowed down, the energy in the air seemed to resist her advancement as she got closer and closer to the center.


Even while struggling to absorb the energy surrounding her Yang still looked attently to the world around her, and it was absolutely chaotic, the closest she got to the center the more insane things started to be.


Rocks floated in the air, ice, and fire spheres randomly expanded and imploded not a second later.


The air seemed to grow heavy as gravity increased and decreased without reason or rhythm, be it twisting, looping, going vertically, or even at opposing sides conventional gravity seemed to be completely ignored in this place.


Not far away behind her, Yang could hear the sounds of thunder and rain, a heavy mist blocked her vision entirely as she got closer and closer to the explosion's epicenter.


Her heart hammered in her chest as her danger sense screeched at her from all sides, the mere act of staying in this place actively threatened her life.


ጌሁፕ ቿክዐሁኗዘ ቻዐዪ ል ጌቿኗጎክክቿዪ

The dust-infused air was a death sentence for any living creature, if the uncontrollable dust interactions didn't kill them the result of simply breathing the air would.


And she is just absorbing it all while heading straight to possibly the densest area of dust energy in the entirety of Remnant, she had no choice, it is either death by grimm or by dust poisoning, she'll not manage to save herself she is sure of it.


But then again, she's not the only person inside this forest, is she? It brought a sour taste to her mouth, but it doesn't matter, she'll do everything she can to save herself, even if she's fated to fail, she'll still do it.


The girl who would give up on her life is long gone now.


A rainbow of colors lit up on her skin in the form of random lines of energy, she felt as if her nerves were on fire as she absorbed more and more dust the poisonous energy doing its best to destroy her from the inside out.


Parts of her body lit up in green flames as she fought the urge to scream, dust poisoning had not become any less painful compared to before.


But even then, now, she has a way to fight against it.


Using the Ki inside her she, for lack of a better term, exploded the poisonous dust out of her body while only letting plant dust stay inside her.


It wasn't a smart or even efficient way to do it, she'd much prefer using her Ki as a glue to take the dust out of her, but this would only make her spend more Ki.


The small explosions tore her body apart little by little, although this method harms her it is still the best in her current situation, put it simply, it is the best way to expunge her body of dust while wasting the smallest amount of Ki.


Although... she can't expunge the dust energy close to the pockets of plant dust, if she does so her green flames would disappear, and she preferred to suffer some more now rather than not have her Ki to protect herself when reaching the epicenter of the explosion.






Hearing the explosion Yang took a second to understand what happened, and then she bursted out laughing.


The Tiger Grimm might be more powerful than almost all the others she had encountered but it is still young, meaning that although it can learn fast it currently isn't very smart.


The creature most likely tried to shoot a fireball at her and exploded itself in the process, this wasn't part of her plan, but thinking about it she realized that by going to the explosion's epicenter she had accidentally given herself another advantage.


In other words by reaching the epicenter any energy that interacts with the air, if not precisely controlled will result in an explosion.


Considering the energy density of the epicenter the creature would not be able to do anything but physically attack her.


And she, will not be put under the same restriction, at least not with her Phantadmal transformation, with the mental tranquility it bestows upon her, her Ki control will be immaculate, as long as she is careful, nothing bad will happen.


Below on the ground the Tiger Grimm ran at its maximum speed toward her, its limbs moved so fast the very air broke as it ran, forming a vapor cone and destroying anything it encountered in its way.


Be it gravitational anomalies, floating boulders, lightning strikes or even the very air itself becoming so dense the mere act of walking could be compared to swimming in the deep ocean, all of these obstacles were cut right through as it ran in a mad dash towards its objective, the mist might have made it hard to see but the green fire above the sky could not be missed by anyone or anything.





Finally regaining a significant portion of her Ki and Aura Yang turned around and flew toward the center of the storm, she had to actively use all her might as the air around became more and more dense.


But it wasn't a problem, she could feel it, even amidst gigantic tornados of fire, water, and even lightning she could feel it, right in the center of it all, in the so-called eye of the storm where a truly absurd amount of dust energy gathered, everything was calm.


The four dust types expunged from the ground with such force any elemental reaction became impossible, Yang had no doubt even a huntsman would die in seconds simply by standing on it.


But she isn't a huntress, she's a Saiyam Hybrid, and most of all, she's a Ki user, something more than enough to make sure she doesn't die in seconds.


Shooting herself down she violently landed on one of the floating rocks, even then, the soil below did not break, the thing isn't ordinary rock after all, but something created out of dust.


Mentally she covered her entire body with Ki as she felt the surrounding dust energy trying to enter her body.


She could not stop it from entering her body via her breath, the mere action irritated her nose but she could simply use her ki to expunge it from her.


Her body had finally healed completely, and although she didn't feel the zenkai boost she still planned to use it to its maximum in this fight, it is the only way for her to survive after all.


'Surviving the fight that is, this poison is a whole other thing.'


Shaking her head she crossed her arms, with a serious expression she looked down, and waited, not three seconds later she heard the sound of air being cut as her enemy finally arrived.


Looking closely at the Grimm Yang managed to see it in more detail, its white fur, bone spikes on its back, mouth full of teeth bigger than her body, powerful muscles, and most important of all, the snake on its tail.


'It's not quite right but it does look like a Nue.'




The beast growled at her, its killing intent was so intense Yang was sure that if it hit her before this day she would have died from it.


A powerful lightning strike hit the ground shaking it slightly and shadowing both her and the creature's face for a second.


In the darkness her eyes glowed with crimson light, just as intense as the monster's own, a frown married her face as a tense atmosphere resided, the creature, on the other hand, continued to glare at her with hate-filled eyes.



Its tail hissed at her as its body, without the necessary protection slowly burned away, the dust energy being so powerful it ate away parts of its gigantic body, forcing it to constantly heal itself, shrinking little by little.


Yang smirked, it seems like she isn't the only one on a time limit.




The Nue made the first move, in a sudden, powerful jump it was already almost in front of her, had it done such a thing outside of the epicenter Yang would have died without knowing what hit her.


Unfortunately for it, its movements were significantly slowed down, allowing for her to see them in clear detail, she, not being a fool knows that the air around too impedes her from moving at maximum speed, something she counters by relying on the veil of Ki covering her body, allowing for her to 'slide' through the energy filled air.


Unfortunately, she doesn't know anything even closely related to Hydrodynamics meaning the technique does not allow her to use the full scope of her speed, only about 70% of it, but even then it is enough to barely react to the monster's attacks.


But.. She didn't dodge, no, she blocked.


The creature swiped its paw fully intending to end her, not backing down she advanced and blocked its attack with her arm.




And as expected she was instantly thrown away, the impact spread all through her body ripping her insides apart, even then, she did not use her flames.


Not stopping the Nue landed on the floating rock she was previously in and immediately jumped toward her, flying forward she headed out to meet the creature.


Punching forward she punched the Grimm's head with all her force, and once again, she lost the struggle, the creature's titanic resistance made it so the bones on her arm cracked under the force of her own attack.




ርዐክፕጎክሁቿ, ልክዕ ሠልዪክ ፕዘቿ ርዐክነርጎዐሁነክቿነነ

Suddenly the creature's tail shot toward her, seeing the imminent attack Yang quickly twisted her body mid-air and kicked the snake's head with all her strength.




Her feet collided with the snake's head causing a deafening boom and sending a powerful shockwave through the air, had she not covered herself with her ki Yang would have been unable to keep her eyes open.


But even with that power, all she was able to do was stop the snake from advancing for but a moment, even worse, the bones on her leg cracked, the same moment she felt a horrible feeling of intense pain in her entire body and for one moment, she stopped moving.


Taking advantage of it the Snake opened its mouth and shot a wave of Grimm essence at Yang, the hybrid immediately reacted by opening her palm and sending a powerful wave of air into it before quickly flying up, just in time to dodge the creature's attack.


Clicking her tongue in annoyance Yang shot down, kicking the snake's head with all her strength, this time however the creature dodged and immediately attacked.


It was too fast, all she was able to do was put her arms in a defensive position just as the thing pounced and bit down on her arm, its fangs passed right through her arm, piercing flesh and bone as they did so.


Yang bit down her lips, blood flowed freely out of her mouth as the agonizing pain in her arm got worse, but it was fine, this is what she wanted.






With a mighty scream, Yang's form changed, as her muscles grew she clenched her arm and used all her strength to stay in place as the Snake tried to trash around with minimal success.


Veins popped up her arms and exploded in a shower of blood, her heart pounded at an incredible speed as she used every single ounce of her power to hold herself in place, the pain became almost unbearable as she felt the creature's venom destroy her body.


For a moment she felt her insides twisting and turning, her nerves felt as if they were on fire as a strong wish to puke took hold of her, she was about to do so but the next moment, the sensation simply disappeared, the only thing remaining was the pain on her arm.


Using her free arm she gripped the Snake's fang as the Nue began to shake itself wildly, managing to move its tail together with her, she smiled, even while feeling the agonizing pain on her arm she couldn't help but giggle.


'Newborn Grimm, are really stupid aren't they?'


Her subconscious mind started to act with the help of her Parallel Thinking, Ki and Aura fused at insane speeds to form Katamashī boosting her power level even further beyond.





Her Shī began to act weirdly twisting and contorting in a... Confusing way, her split mind tried to tell her something, it was... Confusing.


Her energy began to drain unnaturally fast as her strength soared, with a powerful scream she yanked her arms back, ripping the snake's fangs from its mouth.

Sweat trickled down her body as her entire form pulsed with energy, the surrounding dust particles became excited as her uncontrolled power began to leak out of her body, she knew she couldn't keep this up for much longer.


Her brain hurt, something akin to a voice tried to speak with her.


She might have stabilized her mind after the spider's illusion and gained a much better control of her Ki but it is still not quite enough for her current situation, if she doesn't transform her energy will cause the surrounding area to explode.



Even then her /mind\ intuition says it is not yet time, something has to happen first, something important.


Ripping the two fangs from her arm she shot herself at maximum speed toward the Creature's rear, black flames surrounded her hands as they spread through her new weapons, with a powerful throw, she shot one of them forward.


The projectile flew at insane speeds leaving a flaming trail behind it as in but a second reached its destination and passed right through the creature's tail, cutting it off instantly.




Twisting mid-air Yang took advantage of the beast's enraged state and threw the second fang directly at the snake's head, her aim was off, it would surely miss, that is, if it didn't make an unnatural turn and stuck itself on one of the Snake's eyes.


For a brief moment, she stood confused at the weird turn but dismissed it almost instantly, weirder things happened before.


It wasn't over, far from it, she had to do something, no, she had to not do something, it was confusing, her intuition said to her to stand still but her danger sense screamed at her to move.


She had no time to hesitate, making up her mind she stood frozen in the air, she needed to stand in this exact place at this exact angle.


Its eyes burned as its paws neared Yang's form, its attack was far too quick for the girl to react, but not for her to plan ahead of it.


It couldn't have dodged it, not when it was so invested in attacking her, with a wooshing sound the first fang appeared out of nowhere with that same black flame hugging it, although weaker it still had a high amount of power behind it and so, in a single second it stuck the Tiger's skull.


The sheer force of the attack slightly cracked the Grimm's mask and pushed it to the side, unfortunately for Yang, this abrupt change in direction did not move the monster's paw far enough for it to not hit her.


The tips of two giant-sized claws reached her and without any resistance, cut right through the side of her thorax and the lower part of her feet.


It wasn't a glancing blow, no, its claws passed right through the entirety of her body, leaving only a void where anyone could see through.


She let out a silent scream as all the air left her lungs, blood and flesh spun through the ground as pieces of her lung flew away together with the eviscerated parts of her heart.


Her eyes lost all light as she blacked out, the pain was simply too much for her to bear, her muscular form receded as her limp body lost all of its strength, the veil of Ki shielding her from the dust outside blinked on and out of existence.


For one moment, just before going down she had the impression of hearing a woman screaming.


Below her, the gigantic Grimm tried to regain its equilibrium, and in some seconds it would do just that.


Gravely wounded, unconscious and unable to heal herself Yang stood closer to death than ever before, if nothing happened this would undoubtedly be her end, if not for a simple detail.


Mind over Mind, the philosophy of which she built the foundation of her technique, Parallel Thinking, a primitive way to reach Ultra Instinct, or at least, that was her objective, what she unknowingly obtained however is perhaps just as good, or maybe, one day it will be.


With her conscious mind incapacitated her subconscious took control, by itself it would never be able to do such a thing but with the small part of her conscious mind that stayed back due to Parallel Thinking the impossible became possible.


Meditation makes it possible for one to tap into their subconscious mind and do truly incredible things, in Yang's case however it makes it so she can act even while not being completely awake.


Of course, this does not allow her to move her body while sleeping, the technique is in its infancy after all, but, although complex movement is not possible, smaller things are.


And so by the power of her mind, even while not conscious and aware of her surroundings, she transformed, it was as easy as clicking a button, and something her subconscious had full capacity of doing.


A blue aura exploded from her as her hair grew becoming a bright blue and white, her tail sprouted from within her back, her wounds began to heal as her mind slowly came back to the waking world.


Her subconscious using her semblance to regain her consciousness, truly, that is not something Yang would ever dream of happening.


Snapping her eyes open she suddenly stopped mid-fall, she could feel herself growing stronger by the second as her wounds healed but... Something was different, she felt no pain, no exhilaration, not even an ounce of happiness or even tension.


Her heart felt... completely calm, despite being in the most intense fight of her life, one where her chance of victory is all but impossible she did not feel any tension, her mind is tranquil, peaceful, relaxed to such a point the chaos of the world around her could not hope to affect her.


This is not the result of her semblance, neither is it the result of her subconscious mind but a combination of both.


Soul and mind are intercalary connected, if a creature has a soul, it has a mind, and Yang's case is no exception, although, it is somewhat different due to a certain energy flowing inside her.


Katamashī, the moment Yang discovered this energy she didn't only gain a way to fuse both Aura and Ki to gain something more powerful than the sum of both, no, Yang Xiao-Long's very existence changed the moment she touched Shī.


Knowing or not she did touch upon the energy that Kais use to create both soul and body.


Many possibilities were open to her at that moment, mainly, however, she made it so both her mind and Soul gained a closer relationship.


This might not seem much but it gave her a very important ability, one for both her Mind and Soul to communicate, different sides of the same coin that would never look directly onto one another now could not only see but also speak with one another.


Through this, the mind learned of the powers of the soul, being but a facet of Yang it too was excited to learn new things, to become stronger.


And just like her, it too was a genius in anything related to fighting, without any fanfare it sought to learn the soul's power, Mind over Mind, the ability to disconnect from one's brain and exist beyond even consciousness, to not be confined or restricted by the 'organ' called Brain.


Invisible nerves, invisible threads that connected the Sould to the body the so-called [Spirit Roots] the mind saw them all, and with its limited understanding, built a cheap copy with Katamashī.


Concentrated, focused, no instincts, chemical reactions, pain, pleasure, happiness, sadness, distractions, but still her, even below all this... coldness Yang Xiao Long could never stop being herself, she could never stop feeling... love.


For herself, for her family, for her friends, and lastly... For her world, it might be muted, it might not be the true scope of what she truly feels but still, it is her, it is what defines her.


Yang smiled, her absolute state wavering to allow her to feel happiness for a simple second, to laugh at the hilarity of her existence.


'I guess I am a shounen protagonist.'


The same second it came, it slipped away, and with a serious expression she looked at the monster below her.


Power flowed through her body, both the result of zenkai and the absolute equilibrium of her mind now allowing her to use the power of her Ki to its maximum potential.


Much like Nappa, destroying cities now should only be a matter of lifting her finger.


Suddenly, without any reason, the words of a powerful man found their way into her mind.


"Power... does not come from a desire, but a need."


Breathing deeply she concentrated and then... ignored it all, doubt, fear, anxiety, and even... Her pride, no longer she felt doubt about whether or not she could defeat the monster, she will.


No longer she feared what could happen in this fight, uncaring about wherever or not she would get out of this place alive and whole, she will.


No longer she felt any anxiety about the state of her friends.


The hardest of all, she felt no pride, not when her fist hurt her enemy, not when her power level increased, not when she achieved a new form, and not even when she broke through her limits to go even further beyond, in her mind, all that matters is beating the enemy in front of her.


Powering up she felt herself grow stronger than before, the zenkai boost this time was truly absurd, the reason for it was obvious.


She received a true death blow, one that would most likely kill her in seconds if not for her transformation, even with the help of plant dust it'd be impossible for her to heal her heart, and due to that, her zenkai was brought to its current limit as it more than doubled her power level.





Yang looked down at the gigantic Grimm, looking around as it tried to find her corpse, she knows that even with her power level it would not be enough, she needed another, just one more zenkai boost and then she'll be able to deliver the final blow, if her estimations are correct then the Grimm below should be relative to a ki user with a 4.000 to 5.000 power level.


Briefly, she wondered how humans managed to survive with such monsters running around, dismissing these thoughts she calculated the time she had left in her transformation.


If they are correct, based on the worst-case scenario where her semblance consumed 9% of her aura in 30 seconds that would mean she is only able to keep herself in her Phantasmal Saiyan form for a total of 5 minutes and 33 seconds.


She could de-transform and use katamashī to boost her power but it was far too risky, she doesn't know if her subconscious mind will be able to save her again, so, she will not bet on it.


Her phantasmal form gives her too many advantages to dismiss including an exponential growth in her ability to absorb energy, automatic healing capable of bringing back limbs and organs, a significant reduction in aura consumption for any techniques, and most important of all, her tail.


With her Parallel Thinking, she started to test different ways of creating Blutz Waves, contrary to the show the moon was not slightly broken, if it was she could transform into a great ape when its intact side faced Remnant, but no, the entire thing was completely shattered.


So she had to improvise, using her semblance she regained the memories of every time she looked at the moon, every minute detail was analyzed and used to replicate the blutz waves she may or may not have felt.


But that doesn't matter now, what does is surviving the fight she is about to enter.


Lifting her palm she slowly shaped her Ki forming a giant-sized rotating yellow disk, making no sound she threw her attack at Nue.


The light of the disc was the only thing that alerted the creature, but it was already too late, more by instinct than anything else the monster jumped away, avoiding a hit to its face.


The disc collided with the creature's frontal leg cleaving right through and exploding right below its stomach.




The creature screamed in rage but Yang would not let such a chance slip away, exploding forward she kicked the fang still stuck in the Grimm's face, causing it to go even deeper, but not penetrate the face mask completely.




The creature went down instantly, its body crashed on the broken ground, destroying it even more and falling deeper and deeper into it.


Two wings sprouted from its back as it started flying upward toward Yang, who wasted no time and flew to meet it head-on, her hand began to glow as she gathered both Ki and Aura into It.


Not fusing it but overlapping one with the other.


The air exploded as both moved faster than the eye could see, one moment both were still, the other, they collided.




Yang's fist collided with the creature's nose, exploding in a shower of black light and forcing the monster's mouth shut, Yang did not get out of the collision unscathed, the veins of her arm exploded in a violent shower of blood, her new technique [Aura Fist] mitigated the damage but even then the impact itself overwhelmed her resistance.


She did not heal herself, it was not yet time for it.


She was thrown back, but the beast was not, with a growl it exploded forward once again, its size diminished as it healed both its leg and tail.


Reacting rapidly Yang attacked, a second before the imminent collision her arm muscles violently expanded as her fist glowed.


Bringing her fist down she met the creature's dash, and once again, they collided.




Her bones shook as her fist met the creature's stretched paw, she was not given time to react, her senses screamed at her, without any context all she was able to do was use her other arm to block.


Something that saved her life as the monster's body collided with hers, dragging her upward, Yang tried to move herself but as she did the creature smashed its two paws on her body.


Having felt the imminent danger she transformed fully into her muscular form and concentrated all her might on her arms.




Two giant paws collided with her arms as a titanic force attempted to squash her under its pressure, she was unable to contend against it, and not a second later her arms were forcibly pushed back.


Without waiting, Yang used all her power to fire two massive Ki blasts from her paws, forcing the monster's limbs away from her, she saved herself from a gruesome death, but now she was stuck.


Unable to move as the creature continued to push her back, its speed simply too fast, her flight would not manage to keep up, in a second she'd be hit by the creature's head and finished off by its tail that even now eyed her patiently as if waiting for just that to happen.


Neither could she go down, the creature's snort was too big to allow that, looking forward she gained an idea.


Gathering her Ki and Aura she stares intensely at the creature's head, veins pop up on the side of her eyes as she attempts to create something new.


Blood flows intensely to her eyes as they become bloodshot, two seconds later she feels a weird pressure on her eye, ignoring it she continued to stare down at the creature's forehead.


For one moment, her iris glows white, not a second later her head is forced back as a powerful force shoots out of her eye and hits the fang embedded in its skull, forcing it deeper but not doing anything else.


With a hum, Yang gathers energy in her eye and forces it out into the fang, and then again, again, again, and again.




The creature roars in rage as the fang goes deeper and deeper into its head, with a hateful scream it opens its mouth, flames gathered inside its throat as it flew higher and higher.


Curiosity entered Yang's mind as she saw the creature preparing to spit out a wave of fire, her confusion lasted but one moment as she noticed something weird, the world that previously barely had any light now became extremely bright


Suddenly, she felt something, the temperature around her increased drastically as she kept being forced up, a weird smell hit her nose, looking down she finally saw what was causing it.


Her body, her body burned as her Ki became incapable of protecting her, her flesh began to be consumed, not by fire, but by the absurd temperature that surrounded her.


Looking around herself for the first time she clenched her teeth.


Around her, the world burned as chaos reigned, all she could see was fire, clouds, and lightning, she understood it now, the Grimm had forcibly dragged her into a cloud of fire to burn her alive, it didn't open its mouth to spit flames at her, it did so to fuel the already existing ones.


Her eyes started to melt as the mere pressure of the chaotic surroundings began to try to kill her, each second inside it made her sweat, her breathing became slow as any existing oxygen was used to fuel the unnatural fire.


She knew if she did not find a way to free herself, she would die, either by fire or bt the monster's paws that even now did not relent in trying to crush her.





Her wounds worsened but she refused to heal herself, she needed more than this.


Using more Ki she shielded her eyes as the monster's paws slowly closed in on her, even the power of her Ki attacks could not stop the creature for long, much less harm it in a meaningful way.


But she had stopped trying to rely on her Ki blast the second it showed itself incapable of damaging the creature, and so, she tried something new, something... dangerous.


With parallel thinking, she began to gather the dust energy around her, and as she did so the beast's paws started to get dangerously close to her.


Her veins began to pulse as her arms started to bleed, the strain of keeping such a powerful Ki wave up for a long time finally showing.


She did not panic, not when her body began to break down, not when all the oxygen around her disappeared, not when the beast's paws began to darken her vision, not when she was unable to keep her attack going, and not even when the two gigantic claws closed on her.




A loud, grinding noise permeated the air as the beast finally closed its paws.


For one second everything stopped, the fire storm seemed to grow quieter and the lightning strikes fewer as the beast stood there in the air, immobile as it looked attentively at its own hands.


It... seemed to be over, or at least that is what an unobservant person might say.


The beast, reduced in size due to its injuries looked almost frantically at its paws, if it was capable of it, it would start sweating.


It used all the strength in its arms but no matter what, it couldn't stop it, its paws kept being pushed away by something.


Suddenly the Grimm's arms were blown away as a bright Orange consumed the world around it, for one second it became even stronger than the flames around it, blinding any who looked at it directly.


Out of the orange light, a gigantic torrent of flames shot out, hitting the creature directly in its face.






The creature screamed in distress as the flame forced it back, it could feel the heat emanating from the flames in vivid detail as its body began to take the full force of the attack, the flames spread through its form, eating away its essence, slowly making it smaller and smaller.


As the creature was forced back the dome of light receded, its light diminishing just enough to reveal Yang, her body on fire as her wounds bled profoundly.


Soot and smoke covered her body as her blood burned intensely, had she not been in her current state of mind even moving would prove to be far too agonizing.


Black, Orange, and Red flames surrounded her, both destroying her body and healing it, even then yang did not allow her healing flame to do anything besides fix her bones, without it she would have been unable to move as the monster's paws even if briefly managed to crush her.


And so, her Zenkai did not activate, although, the flame's energy did give her a powerful boost in strength.




One paid in blood and countered by the destruction brought upon her body, but it didn't matter, at least not as long as she held her weapon.


In her hands, she has a completely blue sword, Bodement, brought back by her semblance she was able to regain the sword's dust properties, and with it, she could release the accumulated fire dust energy inside her body into a powerful attack.




Saving herself not only from being crushed completely but also from being cooked from the inside out, the dust poison, however, is not something that could be relieved instantly, small, unnoticeable particles clung to her blood, killing her cells one by one.


She was forced to use her semblance to regain her healthy state but the particles just kept coming, the fight had not lasted even 36 seconds since she transformed but she could feel those five minutes being reduced to a mere three, soon enough something would give in, and when it did, she'll be unable to even throw a punch.


'I need to end this, fast.'


With a powerful explosion, Yang shot toward her enemy, swinging her sword she released a gigantic arc of flames.


Regaining its balance the Grimm stabilized itself and prepared to fly upward, its fur burned together with parts of its body, its snake tail shot out black sludges of Grimm essence at the fire, quenching it.


By the moment it looked up it was too late, a gigantic arc of fire hit it in the shoulder, breaking through its bones and cutting so deep the creature almost lost its arm.


It was given no time to react as Yang, still in her muscular form punched its jaw with a glowing fist that exploded in flames, the creature screamed in rage as parts of its jaw broke under the intense impact of her fist.


For the first time since the fight began, Yang finally harmed the Creature with her bare fists.


Looking at the monster's face being dragged away by the impact of her fist Yang started to think about its biology, she had not bothered to read anything about Grimm so she was only able to determine its capabilities and abilities through observation.


As far as she knows Grimm only have bones outside their bodies, their essence is simply solidified to such a point it can be used as a skeleton although weaker than its bones Grimm Essence can be an extremely resilient material.


Dismissing her thoughts Yang briefly looked at her muscular form, reaching a decision in her mind she stood still in the air.


With a serious expression, she dismissed Bodement and brought it back a second later, the sword was still the same blue color, however, it was also different.


Lifting it above her head she infused it with aura, making it spark into yellow lightning, not a second later a powerful lightning strike hit the sword, had it been the original it would have been destroyed instantly.


Fortunately for Yang however she could reinforce it well beyond what it was possible before, lightning passed through the blade, giving it a bright glow just before traveling to her body.


The moment it touched her hand she felt a jolt of energy run through the entirety of her body, her burning body felt more energized as the world around her seemed to slow down.


Her experiment had gone right, by utilizing Bodement in its Lightning form she was able to enhance her speed tremendously, allowing her to negate the disadvantage of speed from the muscular form.


Putting bodement in its scabbard her eyes sparkled with black light as she exploded forward, with a glowing fist she prepared to punch her enemy once again.


The nue reacted quickly, with an enraged growl it breathed deeply, and screamed the loudest it could.




The ground trembled as everything around the monster was obliterated, the sheer power of its voice was enough to cause a gigantic earthquake throughout the forest and beyond.


Clouds of fire and lightning were pushed out by the powerful scream, but even then Yang did not stop.


Her flesh rippled as she flew through the soundwaves, her organs ruptured and shook, the beast's mere voice being enough to irreparably damage them.


Yang did not stop, she felt no pain and as such, had no way of knowing the state of her body, but she did realize the state of the flames surrounding her, the beast's scream kept vanquishing any trace of the fire surrounding her, it didn't matter the majority of the flame's power came from the energy inside her.




Quiet as the night Yang slammed her fist into the creature's throat sending hundreds of lightning sparks through its body on impact and silencing its scream.


Wasting no time Yang followed with a powerful kick, the strength behind it no less powerful as she used lightning dust to speed ut her movements to the maximum.




Her kick connected and with a deafening sound, it ripped chunks off the beast's throat off.


Yang might not know how to use telekinesis with her ki but she does know how to spread the impact of her attacks with it.


Reacting to her danger sense Yang suddenly punched right hitting the gigantic Snake about to bite down on her, suddenly she was punched down.


The nue's left paw hit her forcing her to the ground and smashing her body on the floor.


Without warning a red light shone through the beast's paws, not a second later a blackish crimson wave of fire exploded from within its fingers and flew up, reacting rapidly the beast jumped back.


The ground broke once again as Yang, surrounded by a cracked red sphere of energy flew directly towards the beast, her expression cold as she did so.





Dismissing the sphere of energy Yang lifted her sword dismissing her transformation for but a moment.


Instantly part of her wounds returned, unable to feel the pain she simply continued normally, concentrating she fused Shī and gathered the maximum amount she could in the sword.


The dust energy flowed hungrily at her blade in mere moments it became impossible to look directly upon the sword as a powerful white glow was emitted all throughout it.


The next second she transformed once again and dashed toward her enemy.


Her speed increased massively as she reached the beast in less than a second, she did not kick or punch the beast, no, she simply hugged its ear the tightest she could.


Lightning cursed through her form as she saw in slow motion the Snake advancing toward her together with one of the beast's paws stretching to do the same.


She didn't hesitate, not anymore, all her plans, all her techniques now had nothing but pure confidence behind them, she didn't ask herself if she'll survive, she will, and that's it.


It happened instantly, Yang's form shone in a brilliant white, and then... the next second, all sound vanished from the world as a white sphere of light consumed everything around it.





Sound suddenly returned to the world as the blinding flash shone brightly enough to reach the walls of Vale and the city itself.


Hunters, Humans, and Faunus closed their eyes and covered their ears as a gigantic ball of pure energy outshone the sun.


The sound of it was so strong all windows of the upper and commercial district were broken, ears bled as their bodies felt the strong heat emanating from far away.


Even in the city, protected by the walls people in both the commercial and upper districts still suffered second-degree burns.


In forever fall the ball of energy rapidly collapsed into itself revealing the massive crater it left behind, in a radius of 6 kilometers (3,7 Miles) there was nothing.


No clouds, rocks, water, not even dust energy, everything inside the explosion was completely vaporized, that is, with the exception of two things.


In the sky, Yang breathed heavily her body riddled with wounds, lightning-like lines ran wildly through her form, parts of her skin were directly burned off revealing her muscles and in some parts, her bones.


A red spherical shield brittle and cracked surrounded her form, not a second later it shattered into a million pieces.


Yang's body trembled as if it could no longer sustain her form, if she does not heal herself she will most likely die in mere minutes, and still, even knowing this, she chose not to.


She has a plan, a very important one, a single misstep will mean her death.


Besides, it is not like her plan did not succeed, looking down with her only remaining left eye she saw the form of the Gigantic Grimm below, just above the molten rock, its front half was completely destroyed, and its body stood there, limp and unmoving, but she knew it wasn't dead.


As if to affirm her thoughts the beast's body began to tremble behind it what she could only describe as a black tentacle touched its body and began infusing itself with it, slowly the front of the beast began to regenerate.


Yang did not attack, it was pointless, if her calculations are correct then the attack she gave with the help of every drop of dust energy she could gather had roughly 4.000 power level behind it.


Everything compressed into a potent sphere of energy that if allowed to expand would most likely take half of Forever Falls and small parts of Vale with it, even then she had no doubt its after-effects managed to reach the closest parts of the city.


She would never be able to survive such an attack no matter how much Ki she put into her sphere shield, so she didn't.


The explosion did not originate from her body, no, it originated from her Ki aura, this way she made it so she didn't die at the start, but it wasn't enough.


The shield was not made to block the explosion, no, wait, that's not right, calling it an explosion would not be entirely correct, she released the entirety of the dust energy within her blade, fused with Shī, and released it into a powerful attack using her Ki aura as a starting point.


It's more precise to say the energy expanded instead of exploding, had it been the latter she would not have survived.


The shield served to repel the lightning by constantly pushing outward, she had to use her Ki and Semblance to regain the spent Ki just so she wouldn't die, she didn't put 36% of her Ki into the sphere, she put over 300% and even then it wasn't enough to completely block it.


Just enough not to die instantly, but again, just that would not be enough for her to survive, she predicted this, and when releasing the energy made it so it kept expanding until it reached the maximum distance she was comfortable with.


Both Beaks and Zwei are still inside the forest, allowing that attack to expand would mean their deaths, and the complete destruction of not only forever falls but also that of the walls of Vale.


In other words, it wasn't an acceptable outcome, fortunately, the blast's expansion allowed for a significant reduction in power at the center making her able to shield herself from most of the remaining energy.


Before the explosion Yang was at 54% capacity with both her Ki and Aura, now she is at a mere 18% she couldn't have simply used her semblance to regain her Ki and power the shield, she needed to be able to use her shī at the end to power her finishing move.


Still... The blast took much from her and now her time limit tickled down even more.


'60 seconds, I have 60 seconds left.'


Looking at the now healed form of the gigantic grimm Yang breathed calmly, she had not expected it to be able to use the essence from other pools to heal itself but she still has to work with it.


Suddenly, faster than she could perceive an energy blast hit her directly on the chest.


Not being able to hold it down she puked blood, involuntarily, her muscular form receded.




Her absolute state wavered as her eyes widened, looking back she felt her entire body tremble as she saw Nue, or at least a smaller version of it flying with its bat-like wings right behind her, its mouth red as it gathered energy for another attack.


'T-the paw!'


Seeing the creature preparing to attack Yang knew she couldn't waste any more time.


Her wounds quickly healed as she used her semblance to return to her healthy state.






Opening her palm she quickly shot a small Ki sphere toward the smaller Nue, throwing it back.


Without wait, Yang de-transformed, her absolute state, already weakened made it so she could feel a portion of the pain of her wounds returning.


She ignored it, if she doesn't do this now, she will die, and so, she prepared her attack, shooting herself down and landing on the molten ground she concentrated her energy and once again compressed it all resulting in her muscles expanding rapidly




Exhaustion quickly built up in her body as the stain of so many power multipliers in a single day finally cached up to her, even still, she ignored it.


Focusing inside herself she fused every drop of Ki and Aura she had Into Shī.




The Kamehameha is an attack that multiplies the user's battle power by 2,5, unfortunately however Yang was only able to discover the secret of how to amplify the power of her techniques hours ago, and so, she had to use another way.


Forming spheres of ki on both of her hands Yang slowly stood with her legs shoulder-width apart, extending her arms in front of her she touched one sphere with the other.


Sweat trickled down her face as she struggled to stop both spheres from forming, with veins popping up on her arms she started to spin both spheres.


She did not smile when sparks started to jump from both of them, instead, she opened her mouth, ready to say the last words that will decide who will get out alive of this forest.




Placing both arms behind her she focused even more as both spheres began to fuse, she could feel it she was almost there.




The nue did not stand still, opening its mouth it started gathering power from within itself, as it did so a deep orange light lit up its throat.




The world around her turned blue as pulses of violent energy were emitted from both spheres, steaks of lightning crackled randomly through her body as she used every drop of her shī to power her final attack.




The nue's mouth glowed with a menacingly red light as the temperature around started to melt its insides, its bones too started to liquidy as they could no longer bear the power of the Grimm's own attack.






Bringing her arms forward the energy within them exploded outwards with more force than an atomic bomb, destroying anything it touched.




The Grimm spit out its flames sending them into a direct collision with Yang's attack, it wasn't even a contest, with all the power inside her body the Kamehameha cut right through the wave of fire as if it was paper.




The beast tried to roar one more time before being interrupted by the energy blast hitting it directly on its face.


The beast planted its claws into the molten ground in a vain attempt at holding itself in place as it was dragged back by the powerful attack.


Yang could see it, the beast's body burning and being destroyed by her attack, but it wasn't enough, even the gigantic electric blast wasn't enough to completely kill it.


Her energy would run out before her Kamehameha could destroy the monster, she thought, briefly about using her semblance to call her mother, but dismissed the idea, in her state doing so is impossible.


Knowing that she had no choice, she closed her eyes and looked deep within herself.


Ki is the energy of life, that she already knows but something others might not is that there are two types of Ki, not in the sense of Divine and Mortal but in the sense of excessive energy for attacks and vital energy.


Excessive energy is used mostly for techniques and to strengthen one's body, Vital energy however is the Ki tied to one's life expectancy.


The more one has of it, the more time one will live, contrary to excessive Ki this one is irreplaceable, increasing one's PL and condensing their Ki will not make it so it expands, no, being a completely different type of Ki this energy can only be made by Kais, although it cannot be confused with Shī both being vastly different on their uses.


But that is not important, what is important is that Vital Ki is much denser than Excessive Ki, meaning that if combined the two energies will not fuse precisely.


Knowing this Yang used it for her advantage.


Dragging the energy from her body she felt an extreme feeling of wrongness, as if something important was being stolen.


Ignoring it she called forth her flames and infused them on her attack just as the Vital Ki touched the Kamehameha, in a mere second the Ki wave expanded significantly as it turned from a bright blue to a crimson red






The lava around her shot away as her attack consumed all that stood before it.


Yang stood stoic as her energy wave died down, her body twitched in pain as her wounds impeded her from moving even an inch.


Dust and steam blocked her vision as she tried to look forward.




Suddenly she heard a low growl coming not far away, looking right her eyes widened in confusion and shock, her mouth opened and closed as she tried to understand what was happening in front of her.


Nue, the gigantic Tiger Grimm is now in front of her, its face contorted in absolute rage, the entire right part of its body is now missing, not only that but it was now significantly smaller, perhaps the size of its two previous front legs.


As she looked at the beast its body slowly began to heal.


Yang wanted to laugh, even... Even after all that she still wasn't able to win.


"haha- Gurrkkk*"


Yang threw up a mouthful of blood as she chuckled to herself, it didn't take a genius to understand how the monster was still standing.


'That damn paw.'


Yes, the leg Yang cut off with her destructo disk didn't turn into ash, no, it transformed into a smaller version of Nue, one that almost killed her and that saved its bigger counterpart from certain death.


Most likely by fusing with it, but it didn't matter, what matters is that she lost, utterly and completely, her best wasn't enough, even going beyond what she should ever be capable of she still lost.


She smiled, using her vital Ki she used the rest of her strength to keep herself in the air and lifted her arms.


"If you want my life, You better work for it little guy."



The Nue roared in anger at her words and advanced with a murderous face.


Yang? She just laughed, an honest laugh devoid of any other emotion besides happiness, and honestly, she felt nothing besides it.


It was fun, everything, every fight was enjoyable, every discovery was incredible, every friend she made was amazing and most of all, every moment in this forest was appreciated.


She... Felt like she changed for the better since arriving here, the fights allowed her to let out her repressed anger, allowed for her to realize how much of an idiot she truly is.


Hell, that damn spider made her feel hope for the future and even talk to her dead mother, so, yes, coming to forever falls was perhaps the best decision she made in her entire life.


So she'll go out like this, happy for everything Remnant gave her and cracking her first joke and pun since receiving her memories.


'A pity it is also the last.'


With a smile full of teeth yang brought her fist back, ready to give out one last punch as a goodbye.


She opened her mouth as a laugh couldn't help but leave her, the beast was now mere meters in front of her, its mouth opened as red flames began to gather on its throat.


It was a mere second away from tearing her body apart and burn her alive, when a red comet suddenly slammed on its side, throwing it directly at the molten ground.


In front of her, Yang saw the back of a woman, her eyes widened, and her heart began to skip as she quickly recognized the woman, she had an unmistakable long, spiky black hair and a brown monkey tail that wiggled right and left.


Deep within her memories she suddenly remembered a woman holding her, singing to her.


Save your breath, it's far from over.


"Humph* can't even kill this little thing after all that light show Shrimp?"


The woman turned to her, her red flaming eyes glaring holes in her body.




Many people would have crumbled under the pressure, but Yang felt nothing besides relief and happiness.


"Now, now, don't be so hard on Miss Xiao-Long, she might have made some... Questionable choices at the beginning of her journey but she did get better."


A white-haired man with both a familiar Owl and Pup floating behind him in green spheres spoke.




"And I have to admit Miss Xiao-Long, never in my life have I ever seen such prowess at such a young age."


Raven suddenly looked at Ozpin her eyes blazed with red fire as she pointed hatefully at his face.


"Don't you fucking dare drag my daughter into your Games Ozpin, It will be the last thing you will do, I promise you that."


"Mom?" Yang couldn't hold back the desperate tone of voice that left her mouth, tears freely flowed out of her eyes as her vision became blurry.


She ignored it all, Ozpin, her friends, and even the downed beast.


Throughout her adventures in Forever Fall there is one thing she learned, no, it's more precise to say it is something she meditated on, it was a simple thing that perhaps she should have already known, it to treasure her family.


She gave up on her father far too quickly, the memory of her previous one tainted her mind with false expectations and assumptions, and her overreactive brain also didn't help.


When her mother gave her, her clothes and weapon she was ecstatic, she wanted to meet her, no matter what her show showed she still wanted to have a mother.


It didn't matter if she was a coward that ran away from a war, from her family, the memories of her previous life showed her what the love of a mother truly was, and even now she isn't willing to let it go.


The girl who would give up on others was long gone now.


Raven's eyes lost all anger as her expression turned to that of concern, wasting no time the woman rushed at Yang, only to hug her tightly.


"It's ok Little Dragon, you can rest now."


Yang hugged her tighter, not even noticing as her Ki left her and she stopped floating.


She cried, not of pain, not of anything else but relief, Years, YEARS not having a mother and not trusting a father that only meant the best took a heavy toll on her.


And so, she cried, she cried until she couldn't anymore, until her throat couldn't make any more sound, until her eyes became dry, until she lost all her strength, and finally, until she fell asleep in her mother's arms.


Her hands still gripped the water-soaked clothes of her mother even as she slept, she was simply too afraid of being left behind again.


Raven sighed in exasperation and started to flow away directly to Vale.


"Will you not kill it? You were quite angry at it If I remember." Ozpin said looking at the retreating form of the Nue.


Raven froze for a second, before scoffing.


"I've seen my daughter since she fought against that Beringel Ozpin, she'd never forgive me for taking such a powerful enemy away, she will fight against that thing in the future, by then it should have gotten strong enough to actually not die in one glare.


Saying her piece Raven shoots herself to Vale, a Red aura surrounding her all the while.


Ozpin looks at the retreating back of Raven, his glasses beep in a low sound as numbers appear in front of it.




"Hum, so she did get stronger, but then again." He looked far away into the ocean, at a place only he could see.


His glasses beep again, this time he did not bother looking at the numbers.


"So did our enemies."




Yang's Power Level, Start: 58


First Zenkai: 119 (+61)


Second Zenkai: 167 (+48)


Third Zenkai: 169 (+2)


Fourth Zenkai: 243 (+74)


Fifth Zenkai: 520 (+277)


Sixth Zenkai: 878 (+358)


Maximum power obtained: 820



878 → 1.756 (Muscle Form x2)


1.756 → 2.879 (Katamashī +64%)


2.879 → 4.318 (Kamehameha X1,5)


4.318 → 6.477 (Vital Ki + Flames X1,5)




2.879 →6.477 (Crimson Kamehameha x2,25)


I made some calculations and determined that the minimal amount of Power level one would need to destroy the solar system based on the estimation 10.000 PL is needed to destroy a planet the size of Earth is 11.754.060.000 (11 Billion)


But as said before Power levels are not Linear but exponential, So based on Perfect Cell's statement I believe (3 Billion) PL is the actual minimum necessary to destroy Solar Systems.


Why am I saying this? No reason, don't look deeper into it, anyway, have a good day.


The next chapter is an interlude bye!

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