Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 5

[4] I couldn’t seem to dream ochi or anything like that.

When I woke up, there was an unfamiliar ceiling, and for a moment I said, “Hmm? I think.”

Stretch out and wake your torso out of its comfortable bed.

It has spacious rooms.

… I knew you couldn’t be the original world when you woke up.

It was actually a dream!

What a little anticipation.

There didn’t seem to be such a sweet story.

Place your hands on your chest to confirm.

This plentiful mass, which I didn’t have in the original world. Warm plush.

I’m like Hilda after all.

After I made sure, I thought it might be more common to rub my cheeks if I wanted to find out if it was a dream, but my nails looked painful, so I stopped.

Not if you’re doing something stupid, so start acting fast.

First of all, understanding the situation is paramount.

So I ask Claude, who seems to be my exclusive butler, about the boys.

How long have you been here or meeting Hilda? Family information and data about him/her were documented and compiled on paper.

Luckily you remember Hilda’s body, I appreciate being able to read and write general letters.

Apparently, the thirteen boys were collected during the three years since Hilda came to this house.

If we all go back to our parents, we’ll figure it out! And it can’t be easy.

The boys also have children from Hanaya who were male prostitutes like Betty.

There’s no way I can get it back to that place.

An unaccompanied child or a child with special circumstances.

The majority of the boys in this mansion are like kids with a complicated past.

Some kids, like Abel, have been bought from the average household simply by letting the money say something.

It’s out of the question to return a child to a parent who lets go of his own child with it, no matter how expensive the money is piled up.

I bought it. I mean, Mr. Hilda, so it feels like you’re not telling me!

Well, anyway, do a lot of background checks here.

We need to find out if we can leave.

The job Hilda was giving the boys was primarily to take care of Hilda around herself.

Let Hilda eat dinner on duty or take a bath with you.

And then they were letting him play with Hilda at random.

The other guy at night seemed a little relieved that as far as I could hear, he only let the kid from Hanayashi.

It’s totally out for the purpose I saw, but I don’t have a problem with age, so where’s the porn gay…… shuffle.

Still morally out enough.

Abel’s going to kill me in the future because of all that.

Oh, dear Hilda! Can I cry?

– And well, that’s why.

I have abolished all duty that does not seem to be good for the child’s education.

So, what are we going to do with the boys?

To think about it, you need to get to know them.

In the meantime, I decided to let one person a day, my assistant.

To know who you’re dealing with, start with contact! Naturally it’s not meant to be a favor at night.

And I tried to make breakfast and dinner mandatory for all of us every day.

I can’t believe Claude has stopped letting servants sit in the same seat, but Hilda is the law here. After being forced through, Claude also tried to force her to be present.

Set aside some tea time to get to know the boys.

Somehow I’ve got rough data on everyone.

Only thirteen and only one could decide that I was going to be able to attribute it to my parents.

She’s the one who decided to go from herself to Hilda because her sister is sick and needs money for surgery.

Have an interview and turn Claude over to the house.

I decided that there seemed to be no problem with my parents’ personality.

But my sister still needs medication, and this is the only other weak mother in his house.

Now I still had the money Hilda gave me, but then I’ll run out.

Where young he went to work, the earnings were known.

So I asked his mother to come to the mansion and work in the lodge. My sister also decided to let me live in the mansion and administer the treatment.

For now, let’s loosen up basic education and help him get a stable job in the future.

All the boys are going to need an education for now.

Some kids can’t read or write.

It should be ok if you get your basic academic skills and make sure you get a job in your hands in the future.

And the other twelve, besides him, have problems with the home environment or have no home.

What they had in common was that they did not know a happy family.

I also looked into Abel.

Her mother was quite a beautiful woman, walking around among men, and approaching all kinds of noblemen with Abel as your child, she seemed like a bad girl who would pay or threaten her mistress to squeeze money.

According to Claude, Hilda offered Abel’s mother a check with a forehead that she wouldn’t have any trouble with for the rest of her life if she lived normally.

Did the mother say she was happy to hand Abel over?

Abel’s face was dark in despair.

He said he was begging his mother not to throw him away in a semi-frequent manner.

“I’ve spent so much time wishing I didn’t have to have you, but I’m glad I did if I was going to have this kind of money. From now on, you’ll serve Hilda properly, won’t you?

Abel’s mother told him that at a young age.

He left without even turning around to say he was happy.

Even such a bad girl would have been more than just one heart for Abel.

She resents being separated from her mother.

But that’s why you can’t possibly give it back to her.

When that happens, it’s about what we’re going to do with Abel.

In the game Abel is to be admitted to the School of Magic.

Rather than interested in magic, I had the impression that in his case he was coming to study and to get along with the sons of the aristocrats who were coming there or to make connections.

I mean, I guess I’m interested in power or something like that.

Even if you can’t bring Abel back to her parents, you don’t even have to be resented.

In good company with Hilda, I can live five years from now if I send him off to the School of Magic.

That whole school dorm system, once you let it in, and fall in love with the main character, you must care about Hilda.

Let these boys all be raised into fine adults.

And you’re going to survive five years without Abel despising you!

Aim. Avoid death!

Such determination was born in my chest.

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