Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Chapter 18: Do or die

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PSA from author:


I think the ending might be a bit cliffhangery? No need to worry I'll get another chapter up asap but until then maybe delay your reading of this chapter

High upon treetops, hidden in the leaves Alicia was observing the conversation between the water spirit and the archer girl… Due to the distance though she couldn’t make much out of their exchange though looking at how the archer was kneeling, she knew they had some form of relationship. After a while one of them ran off to the forest leaving her belongings on the ground and the spirit.

As it seemed like she forgot her belonging, thinking of returning it to the archer Alicia followed her snatching the bow along. Getting down from the trees she swiftly tracked her trail. ‘Going alone without your weapon is dangerous…’ However it proved to be quite challenging to keep up with the speedy girl. Sprightly she weaved in and out of the vegetation and when she came out to the open she suddenly jumped on top of a nearby tree branch, lightly hopping from one tree to another with movement like a circus gymnast performing a stunt. Making abrupt sharp turns it as if she was trying to shake Alicia off her trail which informed the latter that she was - if not seen at least seen, her presence was known.

Fortunately for her, Alicia couldn’t hope to match her acrobatic ability and their gap started to widen. Knowing this Alicia decided to change her method. Stopping at once, instead of pursuing the girl in a hopeless race, she used her greatest asset she has. Frantic chasing wouldn’t help her then she would let her think that she managed to lose her. Instead of trying to catch up to her, she obscured her presence and stalked her, tailing her with the help of Pallesthesia and Presence detection.

It worked, the girl stopped to catch her breath for a short time before continuing to go on foot somewhere, giving Alicia the chance to close the distance. Without much difficulty being seen she drew near her. ‘This would’ve earned me a restraining order a few times over…’ Now near enough to see the features of the archer more clearly: Pointed up ears, velvet red ponytail hair around shoulder length, skin hue reminiscent of golden honey…

‘Elf? Like an actual elf and not a cardboard cutout? No wonder she runs like hell. Now how am I supposed to return this to her without being seen… Oh I know, I’ll hang it from somewhere she can see on her path. Just need to get ahead of her… and… done! Now to just wait… oh she saw it… Why are you tearing up? Are you happy? No? What’re you muttering to yourself? Hey where are you going? You’re not gonna take it after all I’ve done? Why’re you screaming with tears in your eyes…?’ 

‘Well I’ll have the maiden of the lake™ return it… And I think I’m lost… Terrific.’ Taking back the hung bow and letting out a tired sigh Alicia tried to make her way back, but only got stranded without much of a reference point. The trees all looking the same were the cruelest maze…

Sometime later she found herself in a forest clearing, many trees leaning or uprooted and knocked down each with their barks stripped partially seemingly marked by someone. The place was empty of sounds and animals; it was the image of calm serenity, at the surface. Through Pallesthesia Alicia felt low rumbling noise prevalent and a snort like heavy breathing. Deciding to simply to back off after feeling the magnitude of the vibrations increase. Due to it being felt through the ground and air at the same she couldn’t precisely locate the direction of where it was coming from. It was that moment where she heard an ear piercing drawn out squeal.

Looking at where it came from, there stood a huge boar-like creature about 2 or so meters in height. Pinkish white fur, red bloodshot eyes and most outstanding of its features; a pair of tusks long enough to impale her upper body. Pawing the ground with its hoof the rhythmic rumbling disorienting Alicia’s sense of direction reliant on vibrations. It very much knew where she was, and from it’s demeanor it also didn’t appreciate her presence.

‘This ain’t good… Back off slowly… keep looking in its direction...’ For reasons unknown it charged at her full speed. Its tusks threaten to skewer her. Instead of backing off, she decided to side step to the best of her ability to avoid its approach. Still it wasn’t good enough as it’s tusks ripped through her shirt and scratched the side of her waist.

The beast caught up in its inertia, crashed into the forest depths. In that brief exchange she realized; ‘I’m not out running this guy. Can I hide?’ Climbing up a tree in hoping that it leaves her yet she was disturbed by violent shaking, the boar returned from its diversion and started to smash against the tree she was on. ‘Is this why the trees fell down…?’ With each time it bashed its head against the tree she was on, leaves fell and it leaned more and more.

‘Can’t run, can’t hide… then the only option is to stand my ground huh… Fire won’t do good, it’ll probably only enrage it, don’t know what’s going to happen then. Wind nope… water unlikely to do anything helpful right now. Earth is promisi-’ Another hit on the tree stopped her thoughts momentarily. ‘-ng. But I don’t have time to use points right now. I have to make do with what I have. Let’s do it like we always have.’ 

As the boar hit the tree it stopped in its tracks briefly, timing that window of opportunity, they fell upon it. The fangs only connected temporarily before it’s wild thrashing knocked her off its back, not enough time to inject venom. Quickly getting on her feet, ‘Dry-bite, damn. Back of its neck is full of muscles, even in the best of scenarios, a light bite won’t pierce deep enough… then what about its throat…? Surely it's not as tough…  I hope… but that means getting close to those tusks…’

After the two fell off of its back the boar made a quick retreat, to make enough distance to charge again. ‘Well there aren’t any other options… if there is, I’m not seeing it with this huge boar wanting to make a shishkebab out of me.’

Thundering steps resounded alerting her of the coming danger while also conveying the massive power of each step. ‘How do I do this… Ah whatever.’ 

⟨ Fire Aspect ⟩ ⟨ Air Aspect ⟩

Using her hand in sweeping motion, letting flames lick the tips of her fingers imagining them being fanned out using the winds a roar of flames were brought out. Surprised by the sudden oncoming flames the boar reeled back squealing loudly stopping itself. The flames without fuel quickly died out on the moist forest floor.

‘Well that’s the best I can get for now huh…’ sweat was running down her upper body. She knew she didn’t have many choices left. The swine giant was trotting around her, circling warily. It seemed like it was now cautious of her human half more so than her fangs below. Its eyes glued on her body. Observing this behaviour… ‘Stop staring at me… you’re making me self conscious… but I think I have an idea… If it’s more aware of my human body will it avoid me or… try to attack my human body…?’

Boar with a renewed will it started to charge once more, it’s eyes still trained on her upper body. ‘Thanks for the answer I guess… if I lower myself and then rise up… then maybe…’

  • ‘Alice I need to ask you something.’
  • ...i’m here… always…
  • Thanks, when it tries to hit me, can you attack it’s throat?
  • will do...’

‘Is it me or is she getting better at using words…? Ah think about that later!’

⟨ Fire Aspect ⟩

As the boar’s quickly shrank the distance, Alicia created flames letting them run through her hands. The beast saw it and showed no signs of stopping. ‘Expected as much… Now I only have one shot at this…’

Her first two legs raised up… elevating her position somewhat.

‘Keep your eyes on me… just like that.’

It was now only a few steps before she was within reach of the menacing tusks.

‘Oh I’m really doing this aren’t I...?’

Swiftly the boar raised its tusks, bent on spearing her. With confidence she caught both of them with her hands, pushing it upwards away from her body. Using the strength in her back legs helps her efforts.

⟨ Venom Fang ⟩

⟨ Paralytic Venom ⟩

⟨ Necrotic Venom ⟩

Without much delay, the hidden fangs tucked in revealed themselves clamping down on the beast’s throat and finally delivering venom, unfortunately due to density of muscle mass the release was slow and belated.

In pain the hog thrashed even more aggressively. “Hold… Still… you stupid…” Strained voice escaped her. Though she could catch tusk it didn’t mean she could hold onto it for long. She was getting tired and in a bid of desperate shake off incited by fear and pain it managed to free its tusks briefly out of her hold. In that short time it managed to land a hit against her side piercing one of her lungs and reaching all the way to her heart before succumbing to the venom and falling limp. From Alicia who received a fatal injury, let loose a mix of pained groan and a growl…

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