Reincarnated as a Spider (Draft/Writing practice)

Chapter 13: Fortune’s turn

Google d's over here. 2.3k words, atleast 50% longer than my maximum set limit for words of 1.5k. Don't get used to it though. In case someone hasn't noticed The horizontal lines represent shift in Point of View. Should I make a full legend showing the ins and outs of my intentions? Also this editor doesn't have my Orbitron font. :\

Fleeing from the lake in a hurry Alicia found herself lost somewhere.

‘I think I went west to find the lake so the tree should be in the east somewhere. Where’s the sun...?’

Hoping to find her directions through the sun she looked up, eyes squinting, but the sun had no tilt whatsoever to clue in on west or east.

‘Solar noon? Just my luck… I’m not waiting till it leans.’

⟨ Olfactory ⟩

  • “What’s that good smell… woodsmoke… herbs… someone’s cooking?”

Lured by the scent she followed it all the way to a campfire. Unknowingly she went quite far to find its source.

Blue skin blemished with mud, boiled leather garment that covers the chest and guts. Legs and arms are half covered with linen that favors flexibility and movement rather than protection. It’s face has a long pointy nose, long curved tusks, and it seemed like one of them was broken off. The remaining one chipped and damaged. Surrounding him were various nets, spears and javelins and a strange mask, that looks familiar to her. They were squatting down in front of a fire pit dug out from the ground with something cooking on top of the charcoal.
‘Chicken? Too small. Pheasants maybe?’

They had covered the pit partially with dried plant matter, to limit the scent of the smoke and to stop the scent of meat attracting unwanted attention from the monsters within the forest. It almost worked perfectly at hiding it’s presence from monsters, if you excluded a certain  hungry spider eyeing them.

‘That looks and smells good… I wonder if they’ll share some… I’m turning into a mountain hobo…’

In Alicia’s previous life; often during lunch breaks homeless people around the area would pester the construction workers to share their food. Though as a site manager he had always told them not to feed them as it would only make them more reliant and expectant. Sometimes he had to shoo them away. Even though he knew some of the workers still fed them behind his back, he let it slide from time to time.

‘I sure hope karma doesn’t rear its ugly head. Wait, what’s that rumbling?’

The day had started badly for him. Hunt he was chasing ran into a pack of dire wolves, and they wouldn’t let such an easy prey go. Contesting the pack  alone was suicide. Many of the traps he set were either empty or broken. Only a few rockbird trapped in nets were his catch. They wouldn’t be enough for the village. These days were common for hunters. You can do everything perfectly, and still have nothing to show for. Other days fortune smiles and forest rewards you with its plentiful bounty.

The plan was to take a quick break and continue the hunt. Marching on an empty stomach will invite nausea. A muddled mind can’t focus. Mistakes will be made. After finding a suitable location, he quickly set up camp. First he collected dry wood and plant matter along with Mille flower petals. The monsters dislike it’s scent, and burning it spreads it. Ideal to mask the scent of blood and flesh. Charcoal brought from his home is excellent for cooking in the field as it burns with intensity with little to no smoke emission.

Defeathering the bird and butchering it with his favored knife. Thrice he did this. Pleasant smell cooking avian soon wafted all over. Mixed with the Mille flower’s strong odor no monster should approach, but ear piercing squawk interrupted his short-lived break. He hurriedly grabbed his weapons ready to protect himself.

What emerged from the foliage was yellow eyes and a huge beak. Judging by the particular features of its face and the mammoth size…


  • ‘Owlbears… They, unlike owls, are diurnal. Dangerous part to look out for is their sharp beaks and claws… This one shouldn’t be here… If it’s not attracted to the smell of blood then… driven out of its home?’


The creature was carefully watching him. It had the face of an owl and the body of a bear. They’re known for both their strength and their tenacity in hunting down its prey. But what makes them truly frightening was their ability to sneak up to their prey.

A single movement and it would spring to an attack. Bringing down an owl bear would take days of careful planning and observation of its habits, trapping it in its nest and cutting off escape. This was no game for a lone hunter… Even if they’re the most accomplished…

  • ‘Careful of its beak, the neck can greatly extend… If I run it’ll attack, I can’t stand my ground… Outrunning is impossible. Hiding… no use their eyesight is impeccable.’

The monster was creeping ever closer, soundlessly. He was conflicted between running or fighting. Running not to his village, but away from it, so that it’s as faraway as possible from it can be from his home, it would mean death. Fighting it… the chance of winning is slim, but it’s not impossible. Even in defeat he would at least maim the beast before being ripped to shreds.

Their standoff was about to end, the owlbear was impatient, with another squawk it was first to make the move. Neck springing forth, beak wide open. He narrowly avoided it, by making a small jump to the side. It’s head was now right next to him, still facing toward him observing very little movements he makes. Next came the claws from the side, its left claws' massive strength gouged out chunks out of the tree caught in its path, showering splinters its wake. With quick thinking he ducked underneath the swing almost laying flat on the ground, the force of its swing causing a gale to blow over his head. Despite avoiding certain death, he was not unharmed. The broken piece of wood splinters and chunks dug into his flesh piercing his leather armor. Still, it was far from a mortal wound.

Now it was his turn to attack, while the creature was off balance he stabbed his spear deep into the armpit where it’s hide was at its weakest. Another squawk escaped its mouth, one borne from pain. He wanted to drive his spear all the way into its heart but failed to. Another swing immediately followed, its right claws. There wasn’t enough time to pull out his spear. Abandoning it without hesitation, he leaped backwards with all his might to dodge the attack. Even still that wasn’t enough, although only in grazing, the claws made nasty lacerations on his chest and stomach. Groaning in pain he held onto his wound. If he took its full force he would’ve been in pieces.

But in his exchange he noticed something…

  • ‘Slower than normal… my strike shouldn’t have been that debilitating… It’s injured from something...’

Thankful for the small fortune that this mighty creature was so wounded that it couldn’t fight him effectively, had it been in any other case even landing a blow was laughable joke. His weapon was jammed in its body. Armed with only his curved knife. There was no chance of winning and getting out of this alive. Still he was satisfied, even if it’s injured he would be the first to bring down the beast, alone. Poised to bring the bear with him to the afterlife. He charged forwards with a rallying warcry for himself. However their climactic combat was interrupted. Like a star falling from the sky, a pillar of light fell upon the owlbear.

‘The blue guy is quite capable… Though that bird thing is ridiculously strong. For an animal the size of a jeep it got moves and fast as hell.’

Alicia was closely watching the fight between the spear wielding warrior and the owlbear. She wanted to help the human-like man, but was hesitant that she would also be attacked as a monster. Despite the close distance, both of them didn’t seem to notice her presence at all.

‘I practically have a first row seat and neither of them knows I’m here… Rank 10 stealth is busted. Are all rank 10 this effective? I should be focusing on getting skills to rank 10 rather than spreading my points out. I think concealed action is also doing something...’

While she was watching the warrior lost his weapon and got injured.

‘That’s bad, I gotta do something. I’ll just run away if he attacks me, he can’t chase me with that injury, right? What do I do though...’

While she was thinking of a way to help the man without putting much risk to herself. Her other self surfaced.

  • ‘help them…?’
  • ‘Alice, you got an idea?’
  • ‘mmh...’
  • ‘Sure go ahead.’

With swiftness they climbed up a nearby tree. After positioning themselves right above the beast, she was hanging down from the tree with a thin line of silk.

⟨ Concealed Action ⟩

Soundlessly the snapping the thread, they descended down, their large fangs ready. Using the momentum from the fall to deliver a lethal deep bite into the beast’s neck.

⟨ Venom Fang ⟩

↳〔 Paralysis Venom 〕

↳〔 Neurotoxic Venom 〕

The owlbear couldn’t even fight back as it’s body was near instantly paralysed. Before it could even feel pain. The neurotoxin flooded it’s nervous system, systematically shutting down it’s neural activity. It was a painless, quick death in mere moments. Like going to sleep from a long day of hunting…

As his eyes regained focus, he was more than baffled. A spider white as bone had effortlessly dispatched the beast he was determined to take down with his life. That was not the only thing shocking to him. There was a young woman’s upper torso on top of the spider. He thought that was the spider’s first victim, but looking closely she was connected to the spider, as if growing out of it. The owlbear, without even flinching once, died instantly.


  • ‘Powerful enough to kill it in such a short time… I guess my luck ends here.’


It was only natural… He struggled for his dear life against the previous monster, now something that could kill what he considered to be one of the strongest was in front of him, what chance did he have? Would it let him go, because there was a bigger prize of the owlbear for it? Only a glimmer of hope was left… He already braced himself for death before. It’s just not what he had expected to die to. As he was harboring grim thoughts…


  • “Uh, hey, are you okay there?”

He was astonished. It was a monster that could speak, moreover intelligent enough to use it. Tales of monsters that could speak and use it to lure curious victims was an old but well known one. However, it was always treated as a fairytale. An impossible occurrence that only happens in stories and legends. As if to test if it was truly intelligent or using it’s human top lure victims he tried to get it to speak more… Even though he knew he was compromising his chances of escape. ‘Am I well huh...?’

He took some time to briefly inspect his body. Battered, injured, bleeding and tired. But otherwise fine...

  • “I am well...”

He answered cautiously, waiting for a different response. If it repeated itself that meant it wasn’t intelligent and only used its ability to speak to lull the prey into false sense of security.

  • “You’re bleeding badly from your chest you know? Are you sure?”

He was awe-struck. After all, the creature proved itself to be one from extreme rarity. He was in the presence of a legendary creature, one thought to be existing only in oral traditions.

  • “Ah, I will treat it soon… Will you be taking the owlbear?”
  • “Is that what these things are called? No, not really... Do you want it?”

Owlbears were dangerous but also rich in meat and materials. Their hides are tough and their claws make for great material for making a knife. Its bones are durable enough that it can be fashioned to make a shield or a new mask. Simply put there’s nothing that couldn’t be used from it. It was a valuable catch. Giving such a thing away was the height of generosity.

  • “It would be the most gracious of you… but is that truly fine?”
  • “It’s fine… Actually you were cooking something on the fire right? Can you share some with me?”

Once again he was dumbfounded… Why would they want the measly rockbirds rather than the huge feast that is the owlbear?

  • “You can have all of it… But is that okay?”
  • “Really? Thanks alot.”

The creature quickly snatched the skewered rockbirds and disappeared into the forest depths. He would’ve thought that he was dreaming had it not for the massive carcass next to him and the stinging pain in his chest… He quickly treated himself with bloodmoss to stop the bleeding and Sissinghurst lichen to wrap his wounds. Having realized that he forgot to thank it for saving his life, he vowed to himself that he would the next time their paths would crossed.

He would be bringing home an enormous catch and having feast with his village all throughout the night. One to celebrate his survival and another to drink in toast to his saviour.

Alicia was ecstatic, she was only expecting to get one of the pheasants. She instead held three in her hands. Because it was left on the coals for a long time part of it was charred and burnt. But that had its own taste and texture not too unpleasant. The meat was tender and juicy with caramelized exterior. It lacked salt but the smoky taste, charred skin was already good enough for her. And the aromatic herbs had penetrated deeply into its flesh, that even without salt, it was seasoned remarkably well.

‘Finally some real food… That dude’s a pretty good cook too huh…
Ah I forgot to introduce myself… I was too focused on the food… Eh maybe next time...’

Alice too was happy; she was tasting things she never did before as a spider, through her other self.

The two decided that they would always try to have cooked food through their human mouth, rather than just eating raw animals through their spider mouth.

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