Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 67


The sound becomes noisy.

More and more.

Look back.

"I think we need to expedite this Killivar"

The flesh of a two-ring monster.

Augustus didn't want to lose.

The same Karel and Angela do not want to lose.

Although the magic power contained in the meat of the second-ring magic beast is not as good as the magic core, it is definitely more than some low-level magic cores.

The blue dragon head nodded.

The white dragon head nodded.

"What to do?" Angela asked.

"cut in the middle"

"You two can transport half, I can transport half alone"


The white dragon head nodded.

Karel wouldn't be stupid in a combat state.

Now this state is no different from fighting.

The fiery red pupils looked at Karel who was speaking.

This guy is so sensible.

Now is not the time to dwell on this.

"Then let's get started"

After the announcement, Augustus began to move his claws.

"Yeah." Angela.

"Okay~" Karel said.

With a reply, the two young dragons began to help together.

The cut is made directly from the middle.


The claws penetrated into the flesh.

The blood soared out.


It seems that the blood stimulated the surrounding sand monsters.

The restlessness became louder.

Momentarily stop the claws and raise the dragon's head.

This look.

Good guy.

It was surrounded by a dense circle of sand monsters.

They are all in the state of half body sticking out of the sand.

His eyes are also fixed on this side.

The vertical pupils condensed.

The next second, the Dragon Kiss opened.

The red dragon's breath poured out.

The dragon's breath swept around and then stopped.

The sand within ten meters around was scorched black.

The surroundings fell into silence for a while.

A few unlucky ones were directly burned to death by the dragon's breath.

The air smelled of grilled bugs.

Dispel the sand monsters.

Buried the dragon's head and continued to work.

Sharp claws pierced into the flesh.



puff puff puff~

The sound was noisy again.

Stop the claws and lift the dragon's head.

The scene just now has been restored in four weeks.

The sand monsters formed a circle.

The sand monsters that were burnt to death also disappeared.

It must have been digested internally.

These sand monsters still showed no signs of attacking.

There was a hint of contempt in the vertical pupil.

Anyway, these guys dare not attack.

Forget it.

Bury the dragon head and continue cutting.



With the rupture of internal organs.

This Killivar was completely cut in two.

It's finally finished.


The sand monsters became noisy again.

Yu Guang cast a glance.

Many sand monsters are burrowing into the ground.

The vertical pupils narrowed slightly.

Is this evasion?

It seems that something big is coming.

Staring at the sand, the dragon head did not move.

"You two grab a piece and fly up to the sky!"

"Alright then Augustus, be careful yourself," Angela said.

The blue dragon head glanced where Augustus was staring.

Clearly she realized something.

"Okay~" Karel said.

Responding, Karel stretched out her claws and pierced her thigh, which was almost the same size as her own.

She didn't realize anything.

Angela on the other side also stretched out her claws and pierced into the thigh.

One white and one blue dragon wings unfolded at the same time.


Claws off the ground.

Although a little slow, they are still slowly lifting into the air.


The sky was full of yellow sand.

A fleshy black body emerged from the sand.

This sand monster just drilled out of the ground.

The red dragon's breath landed immediately.


Thick juice overflowed from the black skin of the sand monster.

The huge body twisted violently.

The yellow sand stirs up.

Looking at the huge body twisting on the sand.

Turn around and grab the remaining half of Kilivar's wing link on the ground with one paw.

The black dragon wings spread out.

Claws off the ground.

Bye bye.

Whatever comes out of the ground.

Dragons are not interested.

Now the dragon just wants to go back to the dragon's nest and lie down and sleep to advance.

so sleepy~

A strong sense of drowsiness swept over.


The hot air in the air is so comfortable.

He flicked the dragon's head left and right and regained a little sobriety.

Now is not the time to sleep.

Dragon Wing accelerated his fanning.

Soon, two familiar figures appeared in the air ahead.

Karel and Angela.

They are descending.

The Great Rift Valley below is where the dragon's nest is located.

Hold on.

Adjust the dragon wings to land towards the Great Rift Valley.

When it was about to land on the platform at the end.

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