Reincarnated as a Phoenix

Chapter 3 – Fly or Die

"I'm not doing it!"

<You can do it, little one>

<Yeah Ikarus, were right here to catch you!>

"I'm still not doing it"

Outside of the cave, I'm standing on top of the mountain peak which the cave sits under.

In front of the steep mountain, a vast mountain range can be seen. To the other side of this mountain, a tall, dark never-ending forest sits way below it.

Both of my parents forced me up here on top of this gigantic mountain by carrying me while flying up here, then placing me on this tiny peak. There's nowhere I can only go except down; I don't even have enough room to turn around up here. I don't even care that those two are both hanging from the cliff face ready to catch me. I'm physically shaking from anxiety up here; I can't do it!

The reason why I'm even up here in the first place is that these two are obviously trying to teach me how to fly. They both said it would come naturally once you take that first step and go into freefall. Learning isn't the issue though, I think. All I need to do is flap my arms, no, wings and I should start learning how to do it naturally. However, I'm not throwing myself off a freaking mountain whether or not this is the fastest method to learn how to fly.

"Can you just let me down already?"

<Not until you take that first step, little one>

<Your dinner will start rotting soon!>

"I'll starve then"

I've already been up here several hours and it's already getting dark. I am not doing it.

"You're wasting your time, I'm more stubborn than you realize!"

<We should probably give up for today darling. It's getting dark>

<I think you’re right Dermak. We'll have to try again tomorrow>

"You can keep trying. I'm not jumping off this mountain!"

In the end, they conceded and brought me back into the cave. I may have won this battle but I don't know if I can win the war. I might end up fainting next time.

I'm back in the nest after been taken down with my cute little dragon brother Minos. Yes, I know that name is from another Greek myth. I tried to protest and explain it to my parents but once they heard me say the name belonged to a king, their minds were set. I really have no idea where they get these names from.


"Does anyone know when he'll be able to talk?"

<Years probably, little one>

"You're joking?"

<No, I wasn't joking when I said you were impatient. It takes dragons years to speak little one>

Years huh? I might be slightly impatient then. That, or this bird body is quicker at growing then dragons. Since we're speaking right now, I need to ask him something.

"Why do you still call me little one instead of using my name like mother?"

<Don't take it personally little one. I rarely use mothers name>


<No particular reason. I just don't use names. Do you want me say your name, Ikarus?>

"I take it back; it sounds weird when you actually say it inside my head"

<Then that suits us both, little one>

I should also probably give a little recap since I gained my system.

Maybe another couple of weeks or months have passed?  I'm going to stop mentioning it because I really not sure how long it's been.

Also, I might be a little stupid as well. I've managed to level up a couple of times since then but I've also wasted out on loads of EXP not realizing a good method. After I discovered my system, I should've asked straight way for live animals to eat, not dead. Both parents were a little confused but were still happy to agree to this request.

Using my beak as a sharp blade, I can finish off animals pretty easily by pecking at the throat. It sounds a little barbaric but I can kill most things in one sharp peck if there being held down.

There was an incident early on where father misread what I wanted and brought me back an aggressive wolf which he then set free in the cave. It took him a second of seeing me running around like a headless chicken away from it to realize that I needed help.

I'm not too ashamed to say that I may have broken down and cried after that. I did kill it but not by my beak. I kicked that bastard with my talons while dad helped hold him down.

Anyway, onto my status.


[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 3]

[Health    700/700]

[Stamina 650/650]

[Magicka 150/150]

'How much do I need to level up?'

[<Approximately 18 wolfs>]

We're using wolfs as measurement for EXP since this is one of the only ways this stupid system can tell me how close I am to levelling up. Still, that must mean I've killed at least eighty animals. Think it's eighty-one if it is just wolfs and nothing else.

Two meals a day recently so I guess that adds up then. I'm actually a little surprised just how many animals this family eats thinking about. They are dragons so it should be high regardless. I've really got to start hunting for myself, if only I could get over this stupid fear.

As for assigning my stats, I'm ignoring magic for now. Since my system isn't great, I reckon I need to focus on actual health for now. It won't save me getting my head cut off but it might toughen me up a bit. Some logic applies with stamina, If I can run away from a fight, then I've got a bigger chance of surviving.


Then the next day, something bad happened as I was getting out of the nest.

"What the- what kind of bullshit is this?"


She couldn't smack me since she was flying around outside of the cave. As for what I was swearing at, you can blame my little brother.

"How the hell can he fly before he can talk?"


He and mother were both currently flying in front of the cave entrance. This is what I woke up to. Father was lying near the nest.

<Are you not feeling embarrassed that your brother can fly before you, little one?>


I should be happy for him since he's accomplished something good. However, watching the little shit happily flapping his small wings about makes me want to swear.

"The reason I can't fly is cause you two are terrible at teaching me. You're not going to get an ex-human to jump off a mountain"

No, the reason why I can't fly is my own fault. I'm just deflecting my embarrassment.

<You really think that little one? Maybe I need to up be a little more aggressive>

"More aggressive? Are you going to throw me off that mountain this time?"

<Being nice won't get you to fly. And no, something even more effective though>

"Wai-, get off me!"

Using his two arms, or would It be his two front legs? It doesn't matter what, he now is princess carrying me with them. I'm trying to get free but it's not working.

<Dermak, doing that might be taking it too far>

<Relax dear, you really think I'll let her fall for too long? This is the quickest way>

Wait, let me fall? Mother, please save me from this brute of a dragon.

<Oh, fine, just be careful okay. I'll have a reward for you when you get back Ikarus!>

You've betrayed me mother! I don't want a reward.

As he's carrying me through the cave towards the entrance, I'm still trying to break free.

"Let, me, down!"

<I will little one, just once we get high enough>

High enough? Oh god no, please don't let this be happening.

Once we get to the entrance, he sets off and starts flying up. Of course, I'm no longer kicking and screaming. I don't want to fall now.

There's only one trick I've got left that might get me out of what's about to happen.

"Father, pwease don't dwop mee!"

I try and say that in the cutest and sweetest way I can imagine, as well as doing puppy dog eyes. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don't care how embarrassing it is.

<That cutesy face only works on your mother, little one>

"Damn it! Seriously, please don't do this"

<It's for you own good>

Oh god, we're getting even higher now. I can see the entire mountain and most the forest from here. Then, once we get high enough, he stops.

<It's time to fly, little one>

Then he goes to drop me.


I'm falling, oh god, I'm falling.

This fall is endless, I can see so much. Why is it so high?

Bird brain, switch on. Why haven't I started flapping my arms yet?

'Come on, just do it'

I start thrashing my wings about trying to stop the fall. It does slow the fall a little but barely.

'Argh, the ground is coming'

<Got you>

Father swoops down and catches me just in the nick of time.

I may be exaggerating a lot; we weren't even close to the ground or mountains yet. We were basically still in the clouds.

"I… hate you"

<We'll keep doing this till you start trying>

"I am though!"

Then we go back up to repeat another cycle. And then another.

In the end, it takes about six tries before I'm able to keep myself from falling. I must look like an idiot up here though.

'Oh my god, I'm actually doing it'

I'm still desperately flapping my wings about but it seems a little easier now that I've gotten used to it. The height is still a massive issue.

High above the clouds, a chubby orange bird can be seen flapping its wings. This bird however… is not a very intelligent species.

'Damn it'

I'm imagining that old broadcaster who did all them life documentaries commentating on me. I bet I look really stupid up here.

'Hey system, what do you think on this?'

[<G.A.P system has no thoughts on -user- action>]

'Do you have to keep calling me user?'


'Irritating piece of crap'

<Enjoying yourself, little one?>

Father flies near me making sure to get me if I fall, it's just irritating how easy he makes this look.

"No. It's still too high. Can we leave yet?"

<A little bit longer>

If it isn't obvious, I can just about keep myself from falling right now. Trying to change direction as well would instantly make me fall.

<You can try gliding if you like little one>

"Another day, okay?"

I'm really starting to get tired now, I'm even too tired to keep being stressed about the height. Thankfully, father senses this.

<Let's get you back down now. little one>

He catches me mid-air into a princess hold again. Once I'm in his arms, my fatigue really starts kicking in.

'Getting… sleepyy'

<Rest for now, little one>

Oh, before pass out, I want to check something.

'System… statusss'

[Name: Ikarus  |  Species: Phoenix  |  Level: 3]

[Health 700/700]

[Stamina 4/650]

[Magicka 150/150]


With that, I drift off to sleep.


"Num, num, num"


"Nu- let, me, sleep… Minos"


Urgh, he's really not going to let me rest, is he? Fine, I'll get up then. Just stop nudging me.

As I awake from my hazy slumber, something new surprises me again.

"Morning Ikarus!"

"Morn… Mother! Put some damn clothes on!"

What presents me outside of the nest is a human looking woman completely naked. Long blood-red hair, black eyes, absurdly large breasts. Seriously though, she must have been G or H cup!

I could instantly tell it was mother, I mean, who else could it be? Her voice is the same as well. Wait a second, she's talking from her mouth. Why I am focusing on that? She's butt naked right now, I don't want to see this!

"Do you like your surprise? Dermak, change into your human form"

<Why must I do such a disgusting thing?>

"Because it's a reward for Ikarus getting over her fear of heights"


I didn't get over it, I'm just battling it for now. Still don't think I can win that battle.

"If you’re both gonna transform, at least put some bloody clothes on!"

"Hmm… we don't have any but some of the furs might work. Dermakvar! Change, now!"

<Urgh… fine>

"I'm not looking till both of you are wearing clothes"

With that last remark, I bury my head in the sand. Well, in the furs actually. Minos is just in his own little world not giving a care, ah, the innocence of youth.

"We're both covered up now Ikarus"

"Urgh, this form is disgusting!"


Thankfully, when I go to look again, the both of them have used some furs to cover up their most intimate parts. They've basically just got fur robes on.

As for fathers' appearance, he has jet black hair with red eyes, the opposite of mother. I immediately noticed something about his height.

"Hehe. father, you're tiny"

"Ahahahahaha… you deserve that for calling her little all the time"

"Urgh… This is why I hate this puny form"

He actually wasn't that small. Just compared to mother, he looked small. I reckon he would be around average in human height; mother just looks like she's a giant compared to him. She must have been over seven feet tall!

I didn't notice how tall mother was till just now, I guess her dragon size has to transfer over somehow.

"Anyways, why is it you both can talk in human form but not dragon?"

"It's, erm, complicated, little one"

"No, it's not complicated. Your father just doesn't like to admit we're using human magic to converse right now since dragon tongue is incompatible with human bodies"


Minos is just wondering around without a care in the world like usual, he might actually have a lizard brain sometimes.

"Ah, that makes sense then"

Then after my response, I get excluded from the conversation.

"Hey Dermak, do you remember the last time we were in human form?"

"E-Erm, I'm not s-sure darling"

Mother has a sly grin while father looks slightly uncomfortable, maybe even a little flustered. Not sure why though.

"Dermak, you're lying again"

"Y-You can read me s-so easily, darling"

Still haven't a clue what their on about.

"You're not turning me down, are you Dermak?"

"N-No no darling, it's just I'm a little tired"

I immediately get what they're talking about now. Damn these parents of mine.

"Nonsense my cute little dragonoid"

"Cute? Oh… fine then"

And then she feistily grabs him and they both go towards the cave exit.

'Oh god, not this again. These two are friskier than teenagers'

Seeing mother basically dragging father out of the cave reminded me of something but I couldn't remember what though.

Wait a second. Wasn't this supposed to be my reward? Why are both of them going off about to get frisky? I feel like they've forgotten the entire point of this. Ah, forget it. I don't care anymore


"Leave me alone Minos, you're too young to understand"

Poor little dragon, now he has to have his big sister look after him again while the parents are out. I just referred to myself as his sister, didn't I? I miss my manhood.

Thinking about Minos, he could probably survive on his own out there. I'm the one who needs caring for, I'm such a coward.

'Hang on, how are they getting out the cave without flying?'

As soon as I think that, I see both of them grow wings and fly off. Their fur robes also happen to fall off giving me an image of both of them from behind.

'Didn't want to see that'

[<Dragonoid form has hidden wings>]

'You're a bit slow system'

[<System name is G.A.P>]

Every now and then, it corrects me about its name. I'm not letting this time slide.

'Stop calling me user and I'll stop calling you system'


'Silence again? That's the only time you're useful, system'


'You just call me an idiot?'

[<-User- is an idiot>]

'Your only other use system, is toilet paper'

[<-User- smells like discarded toilet paper>]

We've been having these types of arguments quite often recently. The system definitely has some use but its personality is purposely frustrating.

'Ah, forget it. I'm not in the mood to put up with your crap today'

[<G.A.P also is irritated by -user->]

A little time passes and I'm once again back in the nest. Minos is sleeping to my side.

I start to think about how I even died while relaxing in here. I'm sure I was in my bed so obviously truck-kun couldn't have paid me a visit. Still, dying in your sleep as young as I was really seems dumb. I guess it's better dying that way instead of dying in pain.

That's depressing, I'm not thinking about my death anymore. I've got this damn bird body to keep putting up with. Oh god, I've still got to learn how to fly properly as well.

While I'm stressing myself out, both the dragons return still in their human forms. Thankfully, they've found their clothes.

Once they get close the nest, my eyes immediately go to father. He looks like he's just been beaten up.

Oh my god, I know what it reminds me of! It's death by snu snu! I feel really bad for father, I think mother might actually kill him.

I don't even want to glance at his stamina, might actually be a little sick if that happens. His health might be low as well.

At least they both look happy, I think?

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