Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

7: Brothers?

“Welcome to Sky City everyone!” Senior Hao beamed as we landed in front of a white grand city gate bathed in an orange glow.

It made the sword look like a small cart with its sheer size. Cultivators watched over the stainless white walls on their flying swords too, another common thing among them was the pink uniform that flapped in the soft breeze.

“Senior Sister Hao?” One of the disciples manning the door came down and did a martial salute.

She had short mousy hair and strong black eyes. Her uniform had a similar shade of pink as Senior Hao, but there was an emblem on her shoulder that resembled a Peach blossom, similar to the pattern of the token Senior Hao had on her hip.

“There isn’t any need for that Ming Ming. By the way, these are the new recruits. Can you take care of them for me? I need to rush over to the Disciplinary Hall.” The woman raised her sharp eyebrow at the words.

“Again?” A sense of defeat in her question.

“I didn’t do anything, I swear!” Senior Hao protested, but her opponent had an unfaltering gaze and wrinkled brows.

“…Leaving that aside, why did you land in front of the Western Gate?” The question made Senior Hao smile.

“Cause the Sky Peak is nearest from here. I’ll go now, Bye Bye~!” Jumping on a flying sword that appeared below her feet, Senior Hao shot off like an arrow in the wake of her pleasant giggle.

Miss Ming sighed as she called one of the guards below. He had the same uniform as Miss Ming and showed her respect even if he looked much older with his short stubble.

“Take the Dragon Flying Sword back to the landing dock on the east gate.” She said turning to us as the man went to take care of the task.

“My name is Ming Chyou and I’ll take you to the accommodations, be sure to follow me closely so you don’t get lost.” Miss Ming’s stern words and gaze kept us in line. She had the same aura as a drill master that I had seen in the Capital’s Defence army.

Like those soldiers, none of us uttered a word and followed her through the humongous Gate. There seemed to be an abundance of people here, many of them in normal clothes like us, and many more in the sect uniforms ranging from pure white to black.

“How much for this grilled Stalk Toad?” A boy asked the man who roasted the frogs as big as chickens with bellowing flames that sprung from his hands.

“Come on old man you can’t charge that much for a pair of pants! Are you taking advantage of me?” Shouted a man dressed in a green uniform. His body missing from the waist down.

Was his body floating? Or did he use something to hide his legs? Maybe he really needed the pants.

“This scimitar has a nice edge and the handle is comfortable to hold onto. Six spirit stones, deal?” A woman dressed in all black with a blindfold ran her finger down the edge of a blade, but the problem is that she asked that question to the pillar.

There were some colorful people here. But, this place did deserve the title of a city. Dozens of forked and stone-paved streets decorated with lanterns and waving banners. The mixed scent of spices and fresh meat took me right back to Baihe City.

We passed by several Pagodas of varying lengths. Some of them were much taller than the ones at the outpost.

As the sights kept me occupied, we arrived at the promised accommodations. It was the largest Inn I had seen yet, almost the size of a small village. It had several Pagodas that peeked over the tall walls like trees. A sweet melody of the zither tickled my ears.

We entered one of the wooden buildings in the middle of two Pagodas in a neat line like trained soldiers. The building had four floors, made with Eadr wood as a calming smell filled the hall.

“The guys can collect information about your rooms. Girls follow me you’ll stay in the opposite building.” Senior Ming took the seven women in our group and left.

“Don’t take off somewhere without me.” Kexin warned me before following the others out. Not that I planned on going anywhere, seeing so many things at once was enough. My brain deserved some rest too.

“I am the owner of the inn and my name is Xiao Hong. Form a group of four and line up in front of the counter so I can help you with the room arrangements.” The man’s voice was soft, yet it reached back to me at the building’s entrance. He welcomed us with a harmless smile, but the sword on his hip spoke a different story.

One could only see a cultivator out in the city once or twice a year if they were lucky. But, here even an inn owner was a cultivator. But, this city was situated in the shadow of a Major cultivation sect so it made sense. Leaving that aside, I had to form a group of four to stay with.

With Xiao He by my side, we only needed two people.

“Why didn’t that woman let me go with Big Sis? I even tried to act cute…” Suppressing a chuckle at Xiao He’s grumble, I approached the people closest to us.

“Um, hello would you like to form a group with me?” They seemed startled by my words and the tallest among the four cleared his throat. “We all come from the same city, so we formed one.”

“A Group? I already promised to make one with the people I know! Sorry!” Said a plump guy with a mole on his chin. He almost tripped running away.

“Um… I am waiting for my friends to arrive, they are coming on another.” Slipped away a short boy with long lashes.

“I am… uh, forming one with people from my province. See you later.” Sweated the lanky guy with a pretty face.

“Everyone is sticking to the people they know, too bad we were separated from our group.” Maybe waiting for them would be better? Kexin and I talked with a few of them on the way and got along well. Some were even from the same city as us. So, it wouldn’t be a problem to join them.

“Are you serious?” Xiao He’s question confused me a little.

“How do ya not understand when a kid got it?” A rough voice came from behind me. It belonged to one of the guys from the different group that traveled with us on the Dragon Flying Sword.

He had a good build and was a head taller than me. His dull yellow eyes bore into me as sharp teeth peeked out when he grinned. His style leaned towards the flashy side, with a gold sleeveless robe and spiky yellow hair. Now that I see it he even has some piercings on his ear. A bandit perhaps?

“There’s a reason for the refusal?” Nonetheless, I asked.

“Yer seriously thick, huh? All them have been takin’ about ya in the back since midday.” At his rough words, the others started to scatter even more averting my gaze and trying to look busy in the line.

I did notice that people kept their distance from us. But, I didn’t think much of it because we were added to their group in a hurry. Now I saw that even the ones who traveled with us hushed away. But, why?

“They said ya questioned the Second Peak Master? They been avoiding ya so they don’t get in trouble by association later.” His words cleared up the fog a little.

“That person allowed it, and I think not asking would be a bigger offense, no?” And I didn’t feel like he took offense to it. He appeared more open-minded, or maybe only I thought that way.

“Heh, ya really got a pair, boy.” His cackle did rouse some attention, but no one said anything to him only hushed murmurs came from the balconies.

“Hey… isn’t he…”

“Yeah… should we stop him?”

“You got a death wish?”

Some gossip reached my ears but it didn’t matter. Right now I had to find a group to stay maybe waiting for someone else who didn’t have one would work. It didn’t hurt to try, but my stomach was stuck to my back in protest right about now. Hopefully, the wait wouldn’t be long.

“Join me.” And it wasn’t. The flashy guy hadn’t left yet and gave me quite the offer.

“You aren’t scared like the others?” I asked. If everyone shunned me it gotta be a big deal. So, why would he extend a helping hand?

“Don’t lump me in with those other wimps. A man’s gotta be bold like ya. So, join me.” He’s a weird one, but I didn’t have any other options at the moment so I nodded.

“My name is Wang Yang, and this is Xiao He.” I did a bow as Kexin taught me. But, saw him shaking his head in dismissal.

“Put your hand out like this.” Although he told me he had already positioned my right hand at the level of my head and struck it with his open right palm. That stung.

“The name’s Xu Qiang and this is how real bold men meet. Remember it, partner.” A grin of joy appeared on his face.

“Another weird one.” Xiao He muttered but Xu Qiang’s eyes landed on him.

“Yer a bold one too. As I expected bold men attract each other! Follow me brothers let's get ya'll some rooms.” Xiao He’s face deadpanned as the laughing manly man turned to walk out of the building.

“The counter’s that way.” I pointed at the people lining up in the back.

“That’s for the people who don’t got the cash. I got us covered, food and single rooms, baths included, so have fun and eat as much as ya want.” They used spirit stones as currency here. I had a few but holding onto it was better. A very small amount of it flowed around the mortal world.

Not even a hundred Gold Taels would be enough to get one. And the banner outside this inn said that getting a room here for a day with food would be 3 spirit stones, 5 with a bath, and additional food should have extra cost of course. If Xu Qiang was this generous, maybe he didn’t have to worry about the prices.

“You are great, Big Brother!” It was as Xiao He had said.

“There isn’t any need for praises between brothers. If we don’t have each other's back, then who will?” We strode out of the building and went into one of the bigger pagodas with bravado.

One thing was for certain, Xu Qiang got cash. Everything in the pagoda was double the price, but the soft bed below me suppressed any complaints or will to refuse I had.

Looking out the window to see the five peaks in the distance made my heart beat faster. The Spiritual Root Test will take place tomorrow, marking the start of our cultivation journey.


The next morning came much quicker than anticipated. All recruits gathered at the square in the inn, it was a swarm of heads as some more caravans came in last night.

Senior Ming led us through the heart of the city to where we were supposed to land yesterday. In quick succession, the groups boarded the flying swords and went in the direction of the peaks from the moment the first rays of sunlight touched our faces.

Like a flock of birds, we soared through the sky and passed by the few peaks. With much effort, I could only make out some structures on the peak where people, that looked like ants now also hurried away.

Now we could see seven peaks, five Peaks forming a circle to protect the two in the middle. And our destination was the one covered in mist. We touched down in a place that looked like an arena with a vast stage that could fit us all and the sitting areas that could accommodate more.

With awe-filled gazes and excited murmurs, we arrived at the site where the Spiritual Root Test would take place.

The Lotus Platform, Lotus Peak.

As our steps landed on the pathway that cut through a pond filled with lotuses a bell tolled, marking our entry in the square before a giagatic white building marked with a lotus motif. There, a stage had lay in wait, a thin man dressed in yellow robes with long white hair stood there, as if to welcome us.

“Yo Yo Yo! How are you doing everybody?!” His energetic voice boomed through the square shaking everyone to the core. “It is once again time for the Spiritual Root Test. Hosted by the one and only, the one burdened with glorious purpose, the hands of heaven, yes ladies and gentlemen it is I, the breaker of hearts and any artificer’s confidence in themselves, Chen Zhipeng! Don’t hold back on the applause now!”


“It is Him! In flesh!!”

“It really is him, Damn!”

Although the man placed more emphasis on himself than the test, an electrifying aura roiled through everyone as they started to cheer and shout. And he received it all with open arms. In a way deserved, even I who sometimes didn’t know about things knew his name. The man was everything he claimed to be, and his inventions were very popular throughout the Continent.

The Sixth Peak Master of Azure Sky Sect and Genius Artificer, Chen Zhipeng.

“Are you all ready for the Spiritual Roots Test my cute little caterpillars? It is time for you all to become a butterfly now.”

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