Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

24: The Second Peak Master (IX)

“For the next reward, may I have a chance to face Master in a duel?”

Of all the things Sun Lingling could’ve asked for, it was this. However, I did give my word so there wasn’t any need to step back from this, and it was a good opportunity to push Wang Yang.

“Only if you can reach Foundation Establishment by the end of this year.” Seeing her current speed and the things I have planned; this would only be a little hard for her to complete this.

“I will do my best.” Sun Lingling also got her first small goal this way.

“Master me too.” Wang Yang also got into high spirits, whether he can reach that level by the end of the year depended on his luck, and that was one thing he didn’t have a shortage of, as part of the reason I was taking them out was for him to get a proper taste of the Cultivation world.

“It is great to see you two being so eager to advance your cultivation, as your Master it is my duty to support you.” The two looked over, Lingling’s eyes sharp while Wang Yang most likely prayed that it didn’t involve reading it was the thing I had planned before. Now, I could move on with it as if it was naturally put forth because of their resolve to improve.

“We’ll go on a trip outside of the sect at the end of this week.” Iron Body Deity’s Grotto Heaven would be much more helpful to them compared to me.

“You two can continue with your day, from now on we will do the progress check every first of the month with lectures on the first day of every week.” They nodded and walked into the western wing, that was where their new training rooms were.

I would’ve started the lectures from today onwards, but some things were still undone. The first was the rat in Sky Peak, and the second was putting Wu Kexin on the starting line. The task at Sky Peak wouldn’t take long, and it would be easier now that Zhao Jun and Ning Fan rushed towards the smoke.

The Main Disciplinary Hall of the Sky Peak was an imposing building made of dark black wood and tiles, although justice was usually associated with the color white, Zhao Jun didn’t think so, and the same was true for me. The Disciplinary Hall was one of the two forces in the inner sect that could punish the sect members, whether that be Disciples, Elders, Peak Masters, Grand Elder, or the Sect Master. As long as they can prove the crimes with enough evidence, they could take action.

Because of such power, many people flocked to this peak, some with pure intentions but most with their agendas. The Fourth Hall, which was in charge of investigation and evidence collection became the breeding ground for corruption after the Vice leader took complete control of this sector. However, many righteous people rose from this hall, who later put an end to the corruption and maintained the dignity of the place.

“Greeting Second Peak Master, this disciple’s name is Fu Yuzhe.” The black-eyed youth guarding the Sky Hall’s main gate bowed, he was the most trusted disciple of the Fourth Hall’s Head.

“Greeting, is Peak Master Zhou in?” I asked.

“Sixth Peak Master had left for the territory inspection earlier with Vice Peak Master.” The kid answered without missing a beat.

Given how detached I made myself from the sect, it was obvious that anyone would think that news wouldn’t reach me this quick, and this visit too wouldn’t come under suspicion by anyone. As for the reason for talking to him.

“Then what about Hall Head Yu?”

“Master Yu… she’s under house arrest right now.” Yuzhe’s face turned dark for a moment, and this was the correct moment to make the move.

“Then, who has the key to the Evidence chamber right now? I have something to submit regarding the Iron Wood Forest case.” They kept important items related to ongoing cases in that place.

Only two people had the key to the chamber, one of them was Zhao Jun and the second was Elder Yu, the Head of the Fourth Hall. Now that she was under house arrest getting investigated for the attack on the caravan, the key had to be with someone of trust.

“It is the Three-Mouthed Centipede of the woman that led the attack squad.” I had taken it out before handing the evidence to Ning Fan, since Zhao Jun hadn’t given me a visit yet, he must’ve thought that it got destroyed given how mangled the remains of the original body were thanks to the Antidote. “Before I didn’t think it had anything important, but with the information it has, this evidence can clear Elder Yu’s name.”

Yuzhe’s eyes widened, he looked around as a layer of sweat gathered on his forehead. Although Zhao Jun and Ning Fan weren’t here, a lot of people visited the Sky Hall for their work and submission of documents. This boy’s main concern was whether someone would overhear us.

“You needn’t worry, there is a sound-blocking array around us. I wouldn’t want to expose the little secret Elder Yu told me about.” Those words drove Yuzhe into the corner, but it also helped him relax because it looked like Elder Yu had told me about him.

“I… I have the key.” He said.

“Then, I’ll trust in Elder Yu’s eyes and give this to you.” With a smile, I handed him the red silk pouch, the impatient and lively insect inside pushed its sharp mandibles against the inside trying to rip its way out. As it circled in place, one could feel its numerous legs poking the palm of one’s hand.

“I-I’ll put this in the dedicated storage ring through proper methods.” Yuzhe flinched at that weird sensation crawling on his palm, it wasn’t a nice feeling at all.

Keeping the centipede alive, even for a few hours after the host had died wasn’t possible by normal means. For that special containment pouches were made in the Eternal Wheel Sect of the Middle Continent, using formations and alchemy it created a pseudo environment where the insect could live as if it was still inside the host body.

“Good. Then, I’ll take my leave.” I smiled to bring the tension down as a pair of footsteps stopped behind me.

“S-Second Peak Master…” It was Lu Liang from before, with another man with beady eyes and a pointy nose.

“Yes, is it such a surprise to see me here?” I kept an amiable smile, however, Lu Liang still stayed in a state of shock.

“I apologize, my name is Lu Liang, from the Fifth Hall!” His enthusiastic greeting coupled with a 90-degree bow drew even more attention, even the guy with him bowed following the flow.

“I have heard of you from Bian Que.” I was sure he sniffled right there, but patting his shoulder I walked past him. “Hopefully you focus on cultivation more going forward.”

The first stage of the plan was done.

The Three-Mouthed Centipede was an integral part of the Demonic Sect’s plans for the future, not only did it give them control over the hosts, but it also allowed them to see the stored memories of the host when collected. However, it wasn’t until much later that the sects found out about the centipede’s actual usage after the raid on the Demonic Sect’s stronghold. It was only recently that the memory-storing technique was imbued in these centipedes so that the sects wouldn’t suspect a thing, and among that group only the leader had it.

Since the insects died quick and had no use, the cultivators didn’t put much mind to them from the start and even the pouch was a creation of an eccentric inventor. Many threw them out like garbage, this was where the spies came in and collected it all. Using that information and other that they had gathered over the years, the Demonic sects prepared contingency plans for all of the strong cultivators of the major sects around the place, this became a major driving force to push the alliance back, making them lose strong and talented individuals to traps and ambushes.

Now that the centipede of the squad leader, the one dealt by me, had come out. The rat will have no choice but to make a move. After all, information about the secretive Second Peak Master of the Azure Sky Sect had its value weighed in gold for them, because among all of the major sect’s well-known cultivators, I was the only one they lacked information on.

During the time I was active these methods weren’t around and I had never let a Demonic cultivator that had seen my techniques escape, the only thing they had were a bunch of rumors saturated with fake facts I had prepared beforehand. Even if they have to give up their cover, the demonic sect spy will have no chance but to take the bait.

Behind me the tension around Lu Liang lessened, he stood up and looked around, but didn’t find me. The Shadow cloak was a useful item in such situations.

“Hey Yuzhe, what did Second Peak Master ask? It wasn’t about me, right?!” His voice cracked, maybe I scared him a bit too much.

“It wasn’t! Now stop shaking me!” Yuzhe pushed Lu Liang off him.

“C’mon man, it is a matter of life and death for me…” As the tanned man cried to himself in the corner, the person guarding the door with Yuzhe walked over making sure that I wasn’t around.

“Fu Yuzhe, what did Second Peak Master talk about? I saw you were handed something.” The question caught Yuzhe off-guard.

Of course, I never said anything about a View Obstructing Formation now did I?

“…It is a small task the Second Peak Master wanted me to do because there were other matters to attend to. Senior brother Xu, please guard the gate and I will be back in a moment.” Before the Xu Family’s kid could say anything, Yuzhe had run into the Sky Hall using that excuse.

Xu Zhang looked at the back of the running kid with narrowed eyes, Yuzhe’s hasty rush disrupted the orderly flow of the Sky Hall, he cut through lines and almost stumbled over a cage containing a dog-like beast before he entered one of the faraway corners.

And with that, the second stage was done. With the bait attached, the line was thrown into the water where everyone could see it. All I had to do now, was wait.

Leaving the Sky Peak, I decided to make preparations to catch the spy in Iron Wood Forest.


Black Ridge Outpost, Iron Wood Forest.

The full moon hung high in the midnight sky, its ancient and lustrous light falling on the black pagoda illuminating its green and rocky surroundings. Around this time most people would’ve fallen asleep, yet in front of a tall pagoda a group of three men and two women stood at attention with their different colored uniforms, leading them was a tall and imposing woman in a pink uniform.

“You are leaving for a mission at this time, Junior Fu Yuzhe?” Ming Chiyou looked at the black-haired youth, her face still as a pond.

“Yes, Senior Sister Ming, I have been summoned by the Sixth Peak Master to Qingyun City. Here is the permission slip.” Fu Yuzhe showed a golden slip.

Ming Chiyou saw the 1st Hall’s seal on the bottom right corner, the document was permitting him to leave, but he came by and decided to leave a record behind in case something happened on the way.

“I have added your name to the list, you did a good job leaving a trace behind, Junior Fu.” Chiyou said handing the record to the disciples following her.

“It is the least I can do to make things easier for the patrol squads. Then, Senior Ming, I’ll be on my way.” Yuzhe took the paved road to Qingyun province through the Iron Wood Forest.

The moon’s light barely made it past the thick net of leaves overhead, however, Yuzhe could see well even in this minimal light, several light posts placed at regular intervals helped people find their way and not lose sight of the path ahead. However, the normal advice was to not travel through the forest at night, especially not alone.

There are howls of the beasts from the left. But they don’t seem close to the road so it shouldn’t be a problem. Yuzhe moved forward without worries, the patrol teams worked day and night to keep the place safe. The only beasts that lived in the Iron Wood Forest were allowed to be there to not destroy the ecosystem.

However, there was only so much distance he could cover in one go, after running for six hours straight Yuzhe came to a halt at one of the camping sites.

It was right beside the road, here several tents lined up with a blazing campfire in the middle, inside the tents were several rolled-up mattresses and a chest that had fresh vegetables and meat. There were a number of these sites in the Iron Wood Forest, built for the traveler's comfort and safety so they could be in a group. The Patrol groups maintained and used them often when moving about the forest.

He grilled some vegetables and meat on the campfire while taking a seat on the logs. Yet, his eyes remained closed, bursts of Qi left his body from his pores spreading around him like an echo, in his empty mind the picture of his surroundings came together in the color of black, like an ink painting. The tents, logs, the flower petal carried to him by the wind, tall trees around him, the paved path, and the moths circling a lamppost one yin away (32 meters), it all came together as the vibrating Qi agitated the natural Qi in the air to increase the size of the canvas.

Beads of sweat formed on his body. The amount of information that entered was far too much for his mind to process at once, forcing him to stop the Nightmare Bat’s Mind Eye Technique. However, he had achieved his goal so it didn’t matter.

“There isn’t anyone in Two li (One li is 576 meters) around me.” Yuzhe patted his thumping chest, his anxiety was through the roof right now as the task he was about to do was an important one, if someone had followed him it would’ve been hard to continue.

“Would it be not good if someone was here?” However, a clear voice came from his left.

Even without looking Yuzhe could recognize that voice, it belonged to the person he least wanted to meet at this moment.

“What is this Disciple Fu? You are sweating an awful lot, are you alright?” Although Li Muchen expressed concern the flatness in his tone didn’t help make the mood lighter, uncaring he dove into the main subject. “I was certain that the Demonic Sect’s Spy would try to grab that pouch, so I placed a tracking array in the insect beforehand, and look what I found.”

With each word, Yuzhe’s heart dropped down until the main question came.

“Why are taking that pouch out of the Sect, Disciple Fu Yuzhe?” Even with an amiable tone that suggested he was willing to listen to an explanation, the underlying intent pricked Yuzhe’s skin like heated needles, it made him shift in place as the air was trapped in his lungs.

“T-The Sixth Peak… Master called…… for me.” He somehow brought the words out of his throat.

“Peak Master Zhao called?” Li Muchen tilted his head.

However, Yuzhe was too busy seeping in the air, his lungs finally had some leeway as the crushing force on his body vanished. The pair of eyes still bore into him. He thought it was time to show the proof, after all, he had the permission slip issued by Zhao Jun, but before he could do that Li Muchen pulled out a black token from his storage ring and spoke words that sent chills down his spine.

“Zhao Jun, did you summon a Disciple named Fu Yuzhe to Qingyun City for some work?” The serene voice was like a sharp sword.

[Why would I summon a disciple from a hall under suspicion of colluding with the Demonic Sects?] The cold voice came from the token, it was Zhao Jun himself.

W-Wait… why does Peak Master Li have a direct communication token of Peak Master Zhao? Yuzhe couldn’t believe it, no one in the sect would. Li Muchen and Zhao Jun do not like each other. They were like the Dragon and Tiger, the fact was well known to people unless they lived under a rock.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” Li Muchen smiled.

[Now, would you mind tellin-] Before Zhao Jun could finish the words the connection was cut, and with that the amiable front also vanished.

“Well well, what do you think you are doing right now, Fu Yuzhe?” Li Muchen’s eyes turned to him again as he pocketed the buzzing token.

What do I say? I can’t run away. That is impossible. Nothing can save me now. But if I can… Yuzhe closed his eyes, he didn’t want to do this. The face of his bedridden sister came to his mind. If it wasn’t for that, he would’ve never done this.

However, the Second Peak Master of all people caught him. The power difference was one thing, but he had no heart to even try and run away at this point. After all, this was the best chance he could get. If he knew one thing about the Second Peak Master, it was his graciousness, although he only showed up once every few years people always praised his kindness and compassion.

“T-They have my sister…” Yuzhe’s nails dug into his palms, he had no choice.

“I-I can’t say n-”

“Are your ears there for decoration?” The sharp words cut him off.

When Yuzhe looked up, unlike the gentle and trusting eyes from this morning, all he met were two orbs of darkness, the blank eyes of Li Muchen frightened him. The deathly still face was nothing like the amiable one he had when handing him the silk pouch. It was like he was seeing a ghost wearing that man’s face.

“W-What?” Yuzhe couldn’t understand what happened.

“When did I ask for your sob story?”

Those words hit him like a wave, taking away the sand below his feet. The Second Peak Master was known for his graciousness and kindness.

However, the Second Peak Master that everyone loved and respected wasn’t real.

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