Regressed Master: Raising The Son Of Heaven Isn’t Easy

17: The Second Peak Master (II)

The main Travel path of the Azure Sky Sect was a complex yet simple one. Starting at Tiger Peak it went to Chrysanthemum Peak, Peach Peak, Osmanthus Peak, and Sky Peak before connecting back to Tiger Peak to form a circle.

To reach Plum Peak one had to take the forked path in front of Chrysanthemum Peak, while a path from every Peak led up to Lotus Peak. It connected the seven peaks passing through dense forests, over rivers, lakes, and even valleys, making it easier for disciples to reach other peaks.

Passing by the Sky Peak Wang Yang and Huajun finally reached the Gate of the Inner Sect. Last time they flew over it on flying swords, but this time he could see how massive the structure was. Even twenty elephants stacked wouldn’t reach the signboard up there.

At the gate, Disciples from Sky Peak checked the tokens. Wang Yang showed his disciple token while Huajun showed the issued token from the Disciplinary Hall. Without any problems, they descended the Rising Platform to arrive at the innermost part of the Outer Sect.

Here, several pavilions with slanted tiled roofs stood high. The smooth stone path led towards the dotted pavilions in the forest down the slope. Disciples in all-black uniforms fastened by red belts and slip-on shoes walked past them.

Many eyes gathered quickly, but unlike the Inner sect, only admiration came forth here noticing their blue belts. Murmuring too distant to make out, Wang Yang came to a stop in front of a man with gray sideburns wearing black robes with a red belt.

“To think that not one, but two inner sect disciples would come to the Outer Sect. What can I help you with?” He was jovial until his eyes went to Wang Yang’s token. “By heavens!”

“This is Wang Yang, he is looking for his friend from the same hometown. If Elder Si can help us with that, it would be enough.” Huajun said.

“As you wish Inner Disciple Feng, and Inner Disciple Wang.” Elder Si did a salute with a bow.

“Huajun is just fine, Elder Si.” The Elder nodded with a smile. He turned to the disciples behind him and issued the order, while Huajun turned to me. “You won’t ask how I know about her?”

“If Brother Xu talked about me, he should’ve also talked about Kexin too. They hit it off well in the line during that test.” Huajun nodded, confirming that Xu Qiang indeed talked a lot.

“Well then, if I don’t come back till you are done, feel free to go ahead of me. The process is the same, in case you feel stuck ask anyone with the cloud emblem on their shoulder and they’ll help you.” With that, Huajun went his own way.

Guided into a separate room in the pavilion nearby, Wang Yang sat on the cushioned seat, served with tea and some food on the side. His chest felt much tighter now. It felt weird not seeing a face he had seen every day since he could remember. There wasn’t anything he felt like he could say to her at the moment.

Just then the doors slammed open. Kexin stood there, out of breath. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the sleeve of her uniform along with the bangs. Then with a smile, she stepped towards him. This sight was very familiar to him, even this feeling.

“Aiya! Big Sister Kexin you are killing me!!” The ear-pulling had started.

“Big Sister? How come you didn’t remember to visit your big sister in the first week, Huh?” She twisted his ear without mercy.

“I’m sorry!”

Some things in my life would never change no matter what position I have. Wang Yang didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.

“I am sorry, ok? I didn’t know I could come into the Outer Sect.” These small protests were met with a cold shoulder.

“Even Xiao He came to meet me in two days. And here you are.” Those words hurt more than they should’ve. But, Kexin didn’t mean it in a bad way. “This is why I have told you to not go with the flow every time and keep quiet. At times you have to do things on your own.”

Wang Yang knew it better than anyone. But, the scale of it had just settled in. If not for Kexin he would’ve lived his entire life in Baihe City. Tending to the fields and cows, watching the clouds from the rooftop, and roasting mushrooms in the forest once in a while. That would’ve been it. If she hadn’t dragged him to the city that day, he would’ve never come to this Sect. he would’ve never got the chance to be the Disciple of a Peak Master.

“W-Why are you silent? Wait, did I pull your ear too hard?” The silence gave her the wrong message. “I am not angry with you. I just want you to be more careful now that you are in the inner sect.”

Although quick to jump into action, Kexin always had good intentions in mind when it came to him. When she pulled his ear, the pain was substantial, but he had never stopped her. Even he knew that he did need some lessons from time to time to come back to his senses. And Kexin had always done that for him before he fell into trouble.

“I regret not coming sooner.” He said.

“It’s ok. Don’t leave room for regret next time.” She said, her hand patting his head. “Come by when you have time, don’t slack on cultivating and studying.”

“If I do that, the Master will punish me severely.” Sword swings on an empty stomach were terrible.

“That’s normal. I say the punishment should be harsher so you don’t make mistakes.” She said.


“What was that?” The fingers reached his ear in a heartbeat.

“…I said the awesome Big Sister Kexin is always right.” He rested his case as she chuckled. Just then the bell tolled twice in the distance. Although far, it reached the room announcing the end of Afternoon Break.

“I have to attend a lecture on meditation, so I’ll go now. You should return too.” She said walking towards the door. Kexin opened the door but didn’t leave, for a few seconds she stood there, her hand gripping on the handle.

“There is a way for the Outer Sect Disciples to enter the Inner Sect.” Wang Yang looked up, only to see her back. This was a familiar scene.

“I’ll enter the Inner Sect through that soon, Then… we can cultivate together like promised.”

“Don’t take too much time.” At those words, she looked over her shoulder to show a smile.

“I won’t. Improve as much as you can, or it will be sword training all over again.” She said walking away.

“Now I am a bit scared.” He smiled.

Wang Yang started training in the sword with his father first, but later Kexin joined. Later, she surpassed him in swordplay in a year and he has been chasing after her since then. Now, their positions had reversed yet again. And this time, he didn’t want to lose. Holding onto that feeling he walked out of the room. There, Huajun stood by the door, waiting for him.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” He was waiting outside when Wu Kexin opened the door. It seemed like she didn’t notice him.

“That’s ok.” Wang Yang didn’t mind it much. After all, it was Kexin’s fault. But, he had a different question in mind. “You already did your task, Huajun?”

“Yeah. I met my wife. Though she had to attend a lecture and had to rush.” Huajun laughed before stopping. “What happened, Wang Yang?”

“How old are you Huajun?” Wang Yang just felt a need to ask.

“Me? I am Thirty-Nine this year.” The man who looked twenty years old said so with a smile.

“…” This man here was older than his father.

“I entered the Inner sect through the Outer Sect Competition after twenty-six years of cultivation. I have spent years here, and here I also met my wife.” Huajun explained on the way back to the cliff. “My wife plans to enter the Inner sect soon. Hopefully, she succeeds after nineteen Years.”

“Is that really how long it takes?” Wang Yang’s focus shifted from age already.

“It depends on the Spiritual Root Rank. I could’ve entered much faster if not for my stubbornness in choosing the wrong path.” Huajun said. “But, it still takes an Outer Disciple years to finally stand at the line normal Inner Disciples start at. There is still a chance that may not succeed.”

“In that time the inner disciples would progress more.” Wang Yang muttered.

“Yes. So, how does that make you feel?” Huajun’s question made his brain churn.

Wu Kexin wanted to be a cultivator. More than him, more than anyone Wang Yang knew. However, fate decided to play a cruel joke on them.

“I believe in her. She’s always kept her word.” Kexin wouldn’t give up no matter the situation she was in, so he wouldn’t give up on her either.

“How good it is to be young. I am kind of envious.” Huajun smiled as they boarded the platform to reach the Inner Sect Gate.

“Then, until next time.” Huajun entered the Tiger Peak’s path as Wang Yang ran back to Plum Peak.

When he reached the Peak, only an hour remained before nightfall. Today was the break day so he was free. But, for some reason, he couldn’t sit in one place and ended up in the Courtyard again. There, he stared down the fearsome opponent. The Monk dummy. In the week he made zero progress. But, today he felt strangely confident.

Today is the day I beat this damn thing. With solid resolve, his grip on the wooden sword tightened. The long strides led him towards the fearful foe as the sword came down with unparalleled vigor. Three hours had passed since then. The beautiful moon sat high in the dark sky, yet he continued.

“Yeah… I can’t do this.” Wang Yang lay on the stone floor covered in sweat, gasping for air with his reddened hands.

No matter how many times he struck this dummy, it wouldn’t even dent it. It was like solid iron. In the end, he got hurt while practicing again. He had lost count as to how many times he swung the sword on this monk’s forehead with Qi or without Qi. Yet, it was of no avail.

Am I not strong enough right now? The thought seemed plausible, but it was interrupted by someone else.

“You are training during break?” Sun Lingling, who was passing by the courtyard, stopped in her tracks.

Wang Yang sat up and turned to her. The sword still in her hand. However, she wasn’t here to practice.

“I had time, so thought of giving this a try again. Haven’t made any progress on this for long.” He said, heaving a big sigh.

This wasn’t the first time she had stopped by on her way to the kitchen, but she never spoke and went on her way after a glance. But, as Wang Yang got ready to swing his sword again, she walked into the courtyard.

“Raw power isn’t the answer.” She said.

Wang Yang looked confused, if he had to break something in half, power was the only thing that could help. Without another word, Sun Lingling picked up a training sword. Standing in front of the dummy she brought the sword down. The arc was graceful. The slash was slow enough for a child to dodge, yet reached the target in a blink. The moment the sword tip landed on the Dummy’s forehead. It split in two, the two cleanly cut halves falling. She looked back to see the wide-eyed Wang Yang.

“It is about precision and control. The dummy is held together by a trigger, if you put in proper force using Qi, it will open.” Sun Lingling threw two training swords up. When they came down, in a flash she slashed at the two in quick succession.

“Only Raw power will never be as useful on its own. A sword user needs to have control over his strength and not squander it.” One sword shattered into splinters, while the other was split straight vertically. “During our bouts, if I do not control my power, the swing that knocks the sword out of your hand could break it into pieces. However, the objective is to disarm you, so I only use that much power.”

Wang Yang didn’t doubt that one bit now. The swords she had blasted so easily were wooden swords only in name. These swords were unbreakable, just like the monk.

“Here, try it again.” Sun Lingling pushed the split monk together, and with an audible click, it looked as daunting as ever. “Only use fifty percent of your normal strength and restrict the Qi from strengthening your arm by thirty percent.”

“Those are very precise numbers.” He doubted it would be as easy as it sounds.

“If you don’t learn to be precise with Qi and strength usage you will run out much quicker at the early stages. In bouts that could lead to defeat, and in battles death is certain.” Sun Lingling stepped back to let Wang Yang have a clear view of the dummy.

He started to focus and stepped up. Watching him, she thought of how long it would take him to nail it down. It took her five minutes to figure it out.

It should take him about another day or two to get the correct combination once. A few more weeks before he can do it with every swing. Her focus zeroed in on the raised sword.

It came down in a straight line, showing a little experience and understanding of the weapon as the edge remained straight. His body leaning forward to shift his body weight behind the swing. With a resounding thud, the dull blade struck the wooden forehead, yet it sounded like the clash of iron. What followed was a situation neither of them expected.

The two halves of the dummy fell as his sword hit the stone floor at the same time.

“Oh… I did it.”

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