Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 9: Aim to Please

I clicked my tongue at this but also noticed a glowing spot on the back of the golem's thick neck.

"Leon! It's coming for me, but I can't move!" Shelli cried out, and I noticed her feet, which were covered by rock.

"Haha! Thought you could hide from me! Die Angel-kin!" the golem roared as it rushed Shelli.

I watched as the golem closed in on Shelli, her wings fluttering in panic. With a sigh, I reached down to the ground and picked up a baseball-sized rock. Standing back up, I took aim, which was better now, and threw the rock.

The rock whistled out of my hand, and the golem seemed to notice at the last second, but my rock connected with it back all the same. I missed my mark, but the thrown rock had cut a hole in the body three times the size of a basketball. Needless to say, the body and unattached head crashed to the floor.

Shelli, now free from the golem's grip, stared wide-eyed at the scene before her. I walked over to her, looking around at the mess of a cave.

"That was some throw," she commented, still in awe.

"I aim to please," I replied with a smirk.

Shelli shook her head, looking at the defeated golem. "I can't believe you took down that monster so easily. You really are something, Leon."

I shrugged, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "Let's just grab the materials we need and get out of here. I've got a printer to attend to."

Shelli nodded, and we gathered the Junior Gem Hide Crystals, including the massive one from the golem's core. As we made our way back through the cavern, Shelli seemed quieter than usual.

"Is something bothering you?" I asked, genuinely curious.

She sighed, her wings drooping slightly. "I just thought I could impress you with my knowledge and skills, but you seem to handle everything so effortlessly."

I paused, realizing I might have unintentionally downplayed her abilities. "Hey, Shelli, I appreciate your help. You knew about the golem's core, and that saved us. I couldn't have done it without you."

A small smile appeared on her face. "You really think so?"

No, I didn't but I would keep that to myself. I probably would have been done already, but I didn't hate having her around. I didn't think that I would have enjoyed our funny conversations as much as I did. Also, another thing I refused to admit.

 I was so used to being alone, and ignoring everyone that finally being around someone I sort of liked was a bit strange. I felt like a child trying to figure out how to make friends.

"Yeah, I don't mind having you around," I explained, but then gave her a stern look as we walked. "You need to do a better job of staying hidden during fights. If I wasn't as stupidly strong as I am, you could have been in some serious trouble with that golem."

While I acted aloof about most things not directly involving my passions, I knew I would regret it if Shelli got hurt. Whether or not she was working for Garland, she was still a really pretty girl with an enchanting smile and body. 

I knew if she was one of my waifus, and I could fully trust her, I would be fawning over her like crazy. That, how I would react, was also on my mind. It was all fine and dandy that I might be able to make the girls of my dreams, but what was I supposed to do after? 

I had never had a girlfriend, or held one's hand even outside of gym sports!

"Leon? Is there something bothering you?" Shelli asked as we got closer to the cave entrance.

This snapped me out of my thoughts, and I quickly shook my head. There was no way in hell that I was going to try and explain to this pretty woman. I was a virgin and my thoughts were filled with how nervous I was about that!

"Ahh, it's nothing. My head is just filled with stupid thoughts!" I laughed, scratching the back of my head as we reached the cave's entrance.

"Are you sure? You seem like you don't have a lot of experience with girls, so is maybe that the cause of your deep thoughts?" Shelli asked, and I unintentionally flicked.

Was I really that easy to read?!

I coughed as we left the cave, and scanned around for something to change the subject to, but my eyes stopped in the direction of the town we had come from. There was black smoke coming up from it.

"That doesn't look healthy," I said, pointing at the black smoke, Shelli followed my eyes, and then her face painted over with terror.

"Demons are attacking! We have to go help them! We... Leon?" Shelli declared, but then looked back to find me already walking in the opposite direction with haste. “Hey! Where are you going?! The town is this way!”

I stopped and then turned back to Shelli. “Exactly why I am going in this direction,” I called out as Shelli rushed over to me.

“You can’t just leave them! The people need the hero’s help!” Shelli declared, and I rolled my eyes.

“It is just some black smoke. Probably a fire or something. Nothing to get worked up about,” I said trying to turn away, but Shelli grabbed my arm, and I looked back at her. She seemed frustrated, but she even looked cute like that. Shame I couldn’t trust the poor girl yet.

“Fine! I get that you don’t care about people, but if that village is destroyed, and the blacksmith dies, you will never get to use your printer!” Shelli declared, the frustrated look turning into one of a person who had cornered their opponent.

That did put me in a pickle, but something told me getting involved with this was just going to bring more trouble my way and give me less time to do what I wanted. Unfortunately, it looked like I didn’t have much of a choice.

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