Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 190: Filling in Blanks Pt 6

“Feel free to talk to me through the system, or if you wouldn’t mind, maybe we could meet in person. I think it would be good for us to sit down with Elara, the Weaver. Since you plan to bond with Mary, I think it is time we set a dowry,” Gachica explained with a knowing smile. "The traditions of celestial and mortal unions may seem outdated, but they hold significance in both realms. It's not just about wealth or prestige; it's about establishing connections and showing respect for all parties involved."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea but also slightly overwhelmed. "A dowry, huh? I guess we're really doing this the old-fashioned way, but riddle me this, space mom. Do you really think it is a good idea to demand money from a being like Elara? Not to say you are any less of a being, but something makes me feel like this is stepping into the lion's den."

I was going to say more, but Eldros put his hand up to stop me with a very uneasy-looking smile. "I think you should just leave this to your mother. She married one of Elara's brother's sons and, as the head of their entire line, took Elara for all she had. From what I understand, it was a sum of money and materials that should have made any person shy away, but your mother paid for it with a smile on her face. Needless to say, she had been hoping that this day would one day come."

"Do I even want to know how many men are my stepfathers at this point?" I asked, but my father smirked and shook his head.

"Don't know, nor do I want to! Your mother's harem is her own business! The other men stay in their realities, and I stay here with Gachica. She goes to visit them, but it is no business of mine. Keeps things better this way," Eldros explained, but I had so many more questions, just not ones I felt comfortable asking about with my mother present. This was all so weird!

"I think I have had enough family lessons for the day, month, or possibly year. I'm still not even sure if that would be enough of a break," I groaned, and this time, Gachica laughed.

"I am sure this is all a lot for you to take in at once, but please consider my request to meet with Elara. I have been waiting a long time for this moment, and I am glad that you set this up all on your own, even if you didn't know what you were doing," Gachica smiled, and I shrugged.

"While things with Mary might have been a combination of accidents and misunderstandings at first, she has grown on me. Speaking of her, I need to get back to Mary and the rest of my women who are frozen in Hades's shop. While time has stopped for them and my world, I would just as soon get back," I explained, feeling like I had spent enough time with all of this.

My father nodded, understanding the urgency in my voice. "Then we shall not keep you any longer. But remember, Leon, the doors to our worlds, our wisdom, and our hearts are always open to you. You're never truly alone, no matter where your adventures take you."

Gachica stepped forward, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of joy and pride. "Go, my dear son. Go back to those who hold your heart in the mortal realm. But never forget that you have a family that spans the cosmos, each of us cheering you on."

I nodded, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the celestial or mortal realms but everything to do with the sense of belonging. "I won't forget. And... Thank you. For everything. I guess I've got a lot of new family dynamics to navigate, but knowing I have your support makes it seem a little less daunting."

With a final smile and a wave, I opened my map, my thoughts racing. The conversation with my divine parents had added layers of complexity to my already tumultuous life. Still, it also filled gaps in my understanding of who I was and the roles I was destined to play. It was a lot to process, but I felt a strange sense of excitement bubbling beneath the apprehension. My life, it seemed, was destined to be anything but boring, unfortunately.

As I teleported back to Hades' shop, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of my situation. Eon was right. I was not the type to stick my nose into others' problems, but good gravy; that was all I seemed to do since I was reborn. Much of it was pushed on me, but not all of it. Many of the choices to help people had been my own, but maybe that was because I made the choice to help.

Whatever the reason for my indulgences, I still had worries about my own world... It was strange to think of it that way. I had planned on dealing with Garland and taking over his spot, and I had more than enough reason after his spiteful actions on Earth. Now, I would be lying if I said this didn't feel personal. I might end up putting in a lot more effort than I had initially planned in this upcoming war.

I let out a sigh and headed into Hades's shop. It was time to get my girls and take everyone home. I was long overdue for some sleep and had big plans for the next day. A war was coming, and I had many plans for it, but getting the island was one of the most important things. That alone could change the tide of the war, but it wasn’t the only thing that I had planned. I had to forge Vaedos’s soul into something extraordinary, and I had the perfect idea for him!

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