Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 428

Chapter 399: Izer

Yize spent three months of debauchery in his own bedroom, and finally was defeated by Irelia’s strong claim. He fought against the wall, and wanted to handle government affairs for the first time.

Fortunately, the central system of the empire has a special person to manage it, otherwise the country would not have been in chaos long ago.

Nowadays, for the Dragon Empire, the emperor is more like a spiritual symbol. As long as the supreme dragon king exists, any sneaky enemy will not dare to act rashly.

Since Eze Targaryen returned from the Fire Elemental Plane, the breath of the Dragon King once again radiated the entire Northland. Those restless mice before quickly gathered up their minions and waited for the next opportunity.

However, there are only a few who can escape this catastrophe.

The Empire’s Dark Scale Thunder attacked, following the vine, uprooting some rats and the organizations behind them!

It involved many temple powers and the belief in the true God, but the Red Dragon Army still did not hesitate to eradicate it. Facing these losses, the relevant churches just dared not to speak out.

This is the shock and awe brought by the powerful force!

In Elbaf, in the Northland, even the true gods have to obey the rules set by the alien dragon Eze Targaryen!

“Praise you, my supreme emperor, the unparalleled king of dragons, the true master of Elbaf, your eyes are as bright as the sun and the moon, your breath is as vast as the sky, and your body is the most beautiful in the world. A perfect thing, even a true **** is not one ten thousandth of your majesty and heroism. Your deeds are greater than epics and are admired by all races. You will live with the universe and leave your footprints at the end of time, ah, no one. The comparable dragon king, your most loyal servant here greets you.”

Warwick was so excited that he shouted the name of His Majesty and bowed to the ground.

Even though decades have passed, he has grown from a wolf cub to a monster leader who is now famous in the mainland, and his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has always maintained the original respect for his master.

At the same time, all the guards of the Dragon Palace knelt to the ground in the direction of the Dragon King, and the roar of the Red Dragon clan instantly spread throughout the capital.

Eze squinted his eyes comfortably, and this guy Warwick deeply understood the true meaning of dog licking, and what he said was pleasant.

“Warwick, long time no see, your wild dog seems to have gained a lot of ‘fat’ again.”

“Hey, master, if I don’t hurry up, I won’t be able to keep up with your progress.”

Warwick is as ‘simple and honest” as a dog of several hundred tons. This guy received a gift from the “Evil God” last time. While strengthening his spiritual power, his body has grown a lot. Even some ancient dragons can’t match him. compared to.

“Tell me, I have something to report recently.”

Yize said lazily, as the emperor of the empire, he doesn’t have to do everything himself. He only needs to control the development direction of the empire, and the loyal Red Dragon Legion can perfectly execute his plan.

To say it is a report, it is better to say that it is an occasional check to see if the development route of the empire in all aspects has gone wrong.

The main reason is that this guy has less and less sense of time now. The “recent” he said was about three or five months ago, or half a year ago. The longer time is the period when he fell into a deep sleep. The relevant information has long passed the news. of timeliness.

“About your mother, the great mother of dragons, Daenerys.”

Warwick said slowly: “She is still alive and was found by you on the Fire Elemental Plane, which is beyond my expectations.”


“But what?” Isser asked casually.

“My master, the mother of dragons, has not been baptized by the imperial code. Like other red dragons, she has her own way, and has an arrogant tendency to think that the empire you rule is her potential servant.”

Then, Warwick explained to Ize that the flame dragon mother turned into a flying dragon to eat and drink for nothing, and the black dragon Pandaria went to arrest and was beaten badly.

“Fortunately, she restrained her behavior, otherwise the capital would have been destroyed on the same day, but she asked us to convey to you that some regulations must be revised, master, this kind of thinking should be stopped immediately, the civilization you created. The system is unprecedented, and the law is the foundation of the normal operation of this empire!”

Yize could not laugh or cry, he knew that the Flame Dragon Mother had already embarked on the path of the God-Conferred Dragon, and the greed in the blood of the Red Dragon had been suppressed to the greatest extent.

However, a mortal asks the real dragon for money for a meal, which makes the arrogant Flame Dragon Mother unacceptable no matter what. It is not something that can be done in a few words at least to make her change her mind.

“Okay, let’s put this matter aside for the time being. As long as it’s not too demanding, the empire can give her the green light. As for the cost, it will be directly transferred from the treasury.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“What about that idiot in Pandaria?”

Warwick couldn’t help laughing at the mention of the stupid black dragon.

“It flaunted its might and ran to capture the Mother of Dragons, but was beaten severely and is now following her side as a dog’s leg.”

“Very well, it’s long overdue to cure its stinky problems.”

Yi Ze said lightly: “Apart from this matter, is there anything else?”

“Four things in total.”

Speaking of business, Warwick put away the tone of the hippie smile.

“The giant eagle scouts under Hua Luo observed that the shadow mist that filled the entire Kazarin was slowly spreading out, and sporadic skeletons began to appear in the Huangyangang area, but I have dispatched agile wolf riders to patrol daily. , maybe the Undead Grand Duke noticed that you were awake, and the frequency of Undead activities has decreased.”

Yize nodded. He was not surprised by this phenomenon. He and Ikales were now jealous of each other, and would never start a war unless it was a last resort.

“The second thing.”

“The “Fuse Mountains” in the northwest corner of the empire, the space nodes there are unstable, and some people suspected to see a devil or demon with two horns on its head and wings on its sides. I sent a red dragon to investigate, but I didn’t find it. No anomalies have been found, but it has been stationed there for a long time to be safe. ”

“Well done.”

Yize praised Warwick’s decision on some major matters is quite good, and he will not be disappointed.

“The third thing.”

“Silver Dragon King Sophia has come to you several times, but I have rejected you because you are sleeping. She told me that there is a contradiction within the metal dragon, and those metal dragons who have settled in the empire’s nests already have a lot of choices. Take the initiative to leave, the situation is so serious that it can only be resolved if you come forward in person.”

Eze squinted his pupils, this problem is probably related to him taking the true blood of the Nine-faced Dragon God. Bahamut definitely does not want to see a dragon blaspheming Aio’s bloodline, so he issued an oracle to some metal dragons , which led to a mutiny within the metal dragon.

“One last thing.”

“The scroll information you asked us to find has already been identified, and it is related to the elves of the Sun Forest.”

Saying that, Warwick presented a bead with the original chaotic color in both hands.

ps: Thank you for returning me there is a demon, or thirsty, love Jiangnan_, FUTUREDRAGON, walking on the road of Yangyang, half of the devil is an angel, what a reward for this name.

I owe 20 more in the past two days, and I haven’t paid it back yet, so darn!


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