Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 10: Guild Wars II

The first time was disturbed by gunfire outside the manor is labor workers, gunfire sounded a moment he immediately feels chest pain, blurred vision and then, out of the jungle in the distance at least a dozen horses, as well as twenty people .

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Everyone back into the Manor! Protection Miss Hathaway! Fast! Fast!" At the same time, the guards shouted at once, everyone immediately ran towards the manor.

Within a time manor screams everywhere.

In the backyard holding a sniper rifle practice Hathaway also be instantly scared to, followed by two guards on lunged at her, grabbed the arm and Houhaisewei was dragged into the two people directly inside the manor.

"Counter-attack, defense, wheeled the table to the window, go to the second floor sniper shot! Fast!" A guard thirties manor loudly about the arrangement counterattack layout, but just when he finished the sentence, boom! He instantly shot to the chest. The direction of the gunfire, the manor into a pirate hat with a guy withdrew his eyes narrowed Navy revolver, and smoke toward the muzzle gently breathed.

"Well?" Garfield Manor noticed a horse is running away in the direction of the manor.

"Huck, you take two people to solve that guy." Garfield toward the thin guy comes around

"Yes, boss." Huck immediately bring the two of the men came running towards John rushed.

After Garfield did not care, but continued toward both a sniper on the second floor of the manor house pressed.

Bang bang bang bang ~ five gunshots coming from behind, then another a few times, then saw people around Garfield actually down two months, but the bullet did not come from the direction of the manor.

Garfield turned toward his face murderous looked behind him and saw a horse in the 50 - meter free, continuous shooting toward the men who, while far down the road of assault, three bodies upright.

"Damn, you guys first solve the guy back!" Garfield immediately greeted the people around toward the sharpshooter shot behind. While he was still on the second floor of the manor opened fire to suppress the sniper.

But he has continued to pay attention to the guy behind this nasty guy saw seven or eight men shot toward him immediately back to eighty meters away, constantly carriages roundabout, and then continue to burst. Every four guns must fall down a man. Angry mood filled with Garfield's face, but he noted that, gunmen inside the manor also has support seems to know, began sporadic burst onto the scene counterattack. Sniper including the second floor, Garfield saw squinted, raising his hand on the revolver, a position aimed at the second floor, followed by a sniper head sticking out. Garfield immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" On the second floor of the young sniper headshot instantly.

Kick down the gun, Garfield against four people around him said:. "You guys optimistic about the guys on the second floor, he came out on Kill them, you come with me the rest of the four scored remember in addition to the estate after the daughter of Edwin Hathaway, other people can touch. "Garfield finished carriages moving in behind that nasty gunman chase.

The guy who came to see their band after him immediately turned and ran toward the woods.

"Cunning skunk, you can not hide." Garfield resentment said.

The manor, there have been shot dead, a lot of people lying on the ground motionless, on the second floor of enemy snipers also gunmen repression, can not be effective fire support.

Only a few rich experience of old gunman during sporadic counter-attack.

Then the manor by fire less than half, after constantly heard gunfire outside the manor.

"We have the support of the brothers, Blackwater town police rushed to the scene, as long as we can hold on to win!" Said this is an old about forty old gunman Essen, only he and his three friends Howard, who continues to outlaw towards the outside of the villa back, he saw the situation, the so-called Blackwater town police have only one, he continued to draw fire outside the manor.

Two people know that this time should say something so Adelson told the gunmen remaining seven manor this exciting news, so the counter inside the manor will gradually valid up.

Ten minutes ago, Hathaway was taken to the second floor room closest to the lake, thirty-year-old guard and young Danny in the old housekeeper entered the room and immediately locked the door, and then struggling to push a huge bookcase to block the door, and then again turn against wood Zhuo bookcase. Ensure that the guards on the front of Hathaway and housekeeper comes back door was tightly sealed

"Please take it, if someone climb out of the windows on the opening shot him. Do not go here, do not open the door until everything was quiet so far." Cowboys guard took out a revolver and pulled out a box of bullets in there the ground, so much opened the window of the second floor, jump out the window, jumped off the second floor of the guard and fell a staggering, but got up immediately, he is now going to support his colleagues.

"Miss Hathaway, do not worry, as long as twenty minutes Blackwater town police will be able to get here, the more time the robber will be destroyed. And before I die they will not do anything for you . "Danny butler picked up the revolver continue to comfort scared to Hathaway, of Hathaway at this time like a frightened animal curled up in a corner of the room, his face filled with fear.

John riding back to the estate outwards to see the manor counterattack gunfire became weaker, he immediately slowly near the front of the estate of the robbers fired seven guns, robbers have also noticed this, they began a fierce counterattack, while John began circuitous burst.

But John was seriously injured, the state is very bad. Marksmanship can not do four shots a must-John can only rely on eye once killed a death of poor marksmanship and bandits engaged in fire negotiations. John constant exchange with the system of bourbon, a mouthful of stuffy. But John's return to herald the death of Garfield, UU reading then under John poor marksmanship, these bandits actually began to slowly retreat, retreat and bandits guarding the manor inspired counterattack.

On the second floor of the snipers gone three or four people at the same time pressing, he began to show in the commanding heights of incomparable power of terror, continue to have the robbers died in the manor guards back, and then the remaining dozen bandits began to collapse, scattered and fled.

John did not lose them, John continued Taiqiang burst, the guards are out of the manor estate collapse when the bandits fled in front of the bandits began shooting one-sided.

Finally, in pursuit of John and the guards, and only three or four people escaped. John then approached the guards.

The manor guards who also saw this as God mate in the end yes.

"Mr. Wick."

'Miss Hathaway okay? 'John asked, pale toward the guards.

"She and Danny Butler on the second floor is safe." The guard responded thirties, he was very lucky not to be killed in the shootout.

He looked tired looking face is surviving guards and four upstairs sniper John comes to them, "You are the good kind, you guardian of your duties, you do the best defensive back Ed. Mr Wen will definitely make the best reward for you. "

"Mr. Wick, but fortunately there is you, it was amazing, we can not do this without you." Old gunman Eisen said, he knew John to do in the end how amazing.

"No, you stick only let me have time to fight back, I'm going to pick up Ed Wen home, you continue to guard here, do not let your guard down." John looked a little pale and nodded after watching guards Celmen it bolted away in the direction of the manor.

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