Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 198: A Dream About to Come True

Calvin walked out of the devastated house and immediately activated the Emperor's Veil.

He was now invisible to the eyes of humans. Only the deformed man could possibly see him with his naked eye now.

But the crowd of monsters had eyes and when Calvin walked out of the house. Their ire was lit once more.

Shrill screams filled the air as the silenced rage rekindled.

Calvin's pupils constricted, yet there was this enthralled light in his eyes.


The monsters screamed.

Their cries pierced throughout the entire village as the four women and the deformed man turned their heads to look in Calvin's direction.

"What was that all about?" said one of the women as she furrowed her eyebrows. These women all had one thing in common. They were beautiful. But they also had distinct differences. It was their dresses.

The one-piece dress that clad their bodies were in different shades of color.

Green, red, white, and black.

Green symbolized nature, while red symbolized blood.

White symbolized light, while black symbolized the darkness of the abyss.

"Ignore them. Those flies are probably attracting their attention. Focus on the task at hand." The deformed man coldly spoke.

"Yes, Sum Jin."

The four solemnly bowed their heads as they gnashed their teeth in reverence.

This man in front of them, this deformed man known as Sum Jing-Woo was a monster that they could never defeat.

But they didn't have to defeat him.

He was their allies, and furthermore. It was already too late for them to try anything.

They had been in this industry for far too long and despite knowing that they were going to die tonight. These women were resolute. The moment they took out those loans, they knew that they would forever live under the shadow of the Yellow River Gang.

They worked tirelessly, day and night, yet the interest compounded faster than they could even pay the principal.

In the end, they were buried underneath.

Tonight, they would also be buried.

But this time...

It would be six feet underneath.

They might die tonight—but at least—their families would be able to sleep well knowing that they didn't have that guillotine hanging over their heads anymore.

"Mother, father... I will be going first. Please have a long life." These women uttered to themselves as they cast their decision in stone.

The four women gently placed the wooden plank down the platform.

"Take the four cardinal positions. Stretch your hands into a 'T' once I said so."

The deformed man seriously said.

The ritual to fuse the Sinister Heart into the Queen of Plague had already been given unto him by the Goddess of Pestilence and Famine. But knowing the ritual didn't mean that he was an expert on it. This was the difference between the layman and the educated.

And the deformed man was a layman.

Mistakes weren't permitted.

The corresponding technique required a windless area. Thus, the deformed man summoned another veil. This time, it surrounded him, the Sinister Heart, and the four women inside. Using this method, the deformed man could eliminate disturbances. After all, no human being could possibly pass through this veil of locusts and wasps.

Of course, that was unless they wanted to die a gruesome death.

A hideous smile appeared on the deformed man's face.

His eyes gleamed with excitement as the dream that he had been nurturing for so long was finally about to come to fruition.

There must be no disturbances at all.

The deformed man glanced in the direction of the shrill screams and muttered.

"Wasp, go check that disturbance out. Silence those motherfuckers. But do not kill them. Remember that they will be the stepping stone for the Queen of Plague. So that she'll reach an even greater height! Do not fuck this up, do you understand?"

The deformed man's voice was cold as his shadow trembled under his message.

Then, the quivering of his shadows came to an abrupt halt as his shadow grew wings as it detached from the deformed man. With the deployment of Wasp, the deformed man's shadow returned to normal as a cruel smile flitted his face.

'Wasp is a High-Tier monster. Those ants can only hope to defeat Wasp. They can't even handle the Sabbath without using their ultimates, so what makes them think that they are able to eliminate Wasp?'

'Everything is in the bag...'

'Ashmelion... I hope you are prepared for the horror that I am about to unleash.'

'Shadis, you bald-headed motherfucker. Wash your neck. Didn't you enjoy removing each and every one of my nails? Didn't you enjoy feeding me cockroaches and making me drink my own piss?'

'Shadis... you bastard... you forced me to do all of these!'

'I didn't want to do this! I don't want to be like this! I didn't want to be like this!'

'Shadis... I hope that you're still alive. If not, I will make sure that you'll rise from your grave, so I can beat you to ashes myself!'

'Dear, your death has been unjust. This time, I'll sacrifice the blood of the entire Ashmelion in your memory!'

"You've always hated that city, right? So, what if you were a demi-human? What gives them the right to sentence you to death like that when you also have their blood coursing through your veins?!"

'Those naturalists... no... Everyone in the city... They shall accompany you on your trip.'

'Dear, please do not blame me for taking this long. I've never ever told you of my origins. But I came from this place called Earth. It's a world connected to this world and in that shitty place. We have this popular idiom... that ten years aren't too late for a gentleman's revenge. It must be served cold and the problem must be uprooted from its roots.'

'Since the Joselian Kingdom doesn't care about the corruption of the—no... who are you? What are you doing? Who are you that is hiding in the depths of my heart?! Come out! Show yourself!' The deformed man's eyes bulged until they almost fell out of their sockets.

There seemed to be a soundless scream echoing from within his soul, yet that soul itself was being constricted by filthy, yet famished chains.

The chains looked thin and brittle, but the moment the deformed man made contact with it.

He would forever be unable to break free from the chains.

He would forever be a slave.

"S-S-Sir..." One of the women hesitated as she spoke up.

"Shut up!" The deformed man roared at her, "I didn't permit you to speak!" A deranged light surged in his eyes. But then it was quickly replaced by kindness, "Ah! I'm sorry... I shouldn't have shouted at you... Hahaha. My apologies, fair ladies. All right, let's—BEGIN!" The deformed man yelled in madness once more as the four women started trembling in fear

"Oh no, look what you have done! You scared the ladies!" The four women stared in fear at the deformed man. It was because they couldn't understand what was going on. The deformed man seemed to be scolding someone, yet at the same time, his words seemed to be only aimed at himself.

His attitude at this moment was so strange that the four women felt unnerved.

Would he renege on his promise?

The women thought.

But this thought lasted but a brief moment.

For it didn't really matter anymore.

So, what if the deformed man renege?

Their fates were sealed anyway, so they might as well bet on the chances that the deformed man would honor his promise!

The four women gnashed their teeth as they awaited further instructions.

"Now!" The deformed man gave the signal and the four women raised their hands in a 'T'.

"Prayer for a windless night!" Another command was sent out and the women started chanting words in Elder Tongue.

"Kaluy-i kami o panganud... dunggi ang among pagdayig... tagai kami'g gabii nga walay kahanginan..."

"Oh, the one that hides beyond the clouds... Hear our pleas, bestow upon us a windless night or so we dream..."

While the chanting was ongoing, the deformed man wasn't idle at all.

He took out several 'candles' from his chest pocket and placed them atop the head of the four women.

A crazed smile suffused on his lips.

"I'm sure you four understand that all of you will die tonight, right?" He asked a question, but his expression changed at the very next moment, "Don't you dare respond! Stop the prayer and you will die for naught!"

The four women abruptly trembled and they didn't dare to move their bodies at all.

Their chanting never stopped as the deformed man continued.

"Good, good, good... I will give the four of you a chance. If you managed to keep the candle above your heads from falling. Then, I will consider sparing your lives." The deranged smile on his lips deepened as the four women's eyes flickered in expectation. No one in this world wanted to die, after all, so—if given the chance. These four women would choose to live.

"The four of us spent quite a long time together, and I would miss the sensation of your bodies. I knew we got off on the wrong foot when I married these filthy villagers, but you understand, right?"

"All of this is for the cause. The cause that the four of you wanted to support. I know you hate Ashmelion. Specifically, you hate those bastards sitting up so high that they choose to close their gentry just to keep themselves alive! While what?! While their people starve!"

The deformed man smirked.

He stretched his hand out and caressed the cheeks of the white-dressed woman. Eventually, his hand groped all over her body until it reached her buttocks. The woman wanted to scream in pain as the deformed man slapped her ass, but she knew that she couldn't abandon the prayer. If she did, then she will die right there and then. If she didn't—well, there was a chance that she could live to see the other day.


Hearing the deformed man's words.

The four women started crying.

It was because they knew that even though the deformed man wouldn't renege on his promise and that he would spare their lives. Living meant being nothing but a mindless sex slave for the deformed man. None of them wanted to live a life like that. But none of them could possibly sabotage the ritual, since that would mean the annihilation of their families as well as their cruel deaths.

The women cried as they chanted.

A soundless scream echoed in their hearts.

"Please... if there is exists someone out there looking at us from beyond the clouds."


"Save us."

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