Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v2 Chapter 6 - The mall is like a battlefield

?Sun Hongyu’s visit did make Guo Shouyun a little surprised. For him, this woman who knows the world is not the same as him at all. / This woman has “above” attached to her back. It can be said that she is a person with hands and eyes, which is the so-called “white way”. Under this condition, every business she does is also legal, at least from On the surface it seems so. And what he Guo Shouyun took was the bottom line, it was underworld, it was smuggling, it was illegal trade. What does it mean when two people with different aspirations and disagreements, who do not violate the river’s water, sit together?

In the same way, when Sun Hongyu sat opposite Guo Shouyun in Wangjiang Hotel, he also felt a little surprised, but these accidents did not come from Guo Shouyun himself, but from the Jin named Nina behind him. The girl, and the two old burly men who always had their hands behind their backs and expressionless faces. From these three people, Sun Hongyu could clearly feel a familiar temperament. She was used to feeling this temperament from her father, brother, and uncle since she was a child, and she would never go wrong. This is a kind of military temperament, and it is the kind of cold and rigid temperament that is unique to professional soldiers. Just standing there and sitting there at will, you can attract attention and aggressive momentum. It is by no means the ordinary Soviet Union. What an annual conscript can come out of. According to Sun Hongyu’s understanding of the Soviet army, in them, except for officers above the second lieutenant or the personal guards of senior commanders, the general soldiers are conscripts, and they all need to retire after serving for two to five years.

A small, little-known Chinese businessman was accompanied by two Soviet professional soldiers and a female officer with a rank of no less than a second lieutenant as his secretary. This businessman had to do a lot of Sino-Soviet trade. Interesting, really interesting, now it seems that if Guo Shouyun does not have the background of the Soviet Far East military behind it, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

With the army of the Soviet Far East as the backing, from this aspect, this Guo Shouyun does have the foundation to expand the company. As far as Sun Hongyu understands, in the Far East of the Soviet Union, the military has a lot of power. Due to some historical reasons, the Far East is basically still under a semi-military system, and a large number of factories and mines are under the direct jurisdiction of the military. down. Coupled with the complicated domestic situation in the Soviet Union, the Kremlin’s blindly pro-Western reform policy has long attracted the dissatisfaction and centrifugal tendencies of senior military generals. , and an army that is alienated from the central government is the most unstable factor in the entire country. If a businessman colluded with the Soviet Far East military, how much room would he have? You must know that the Far East of the Soviet Army is stationed with more than 1.2 million standing troops and border guards, and there is also the largest Pacific Fleet of the Soviet Union.

As long as she thinks of this, the golden light flashes in front of Sun Hongyu’s eyes. Although she doesn’t know how Guo Shouyun opened the door from the Soviet army, this is definitely a chance for her to make money. “Back door”, then the Sino-Soviet border in the future trade, is equivalent to tearing down half of the wall. From this point of view alone, Sun Hongyu felt that she couldn’t give up the opportunity in front of her. She tried to find a way to get more inside information from Guo Shouyun’s mouth, and then figured out a way to add it in and get a piece of the pie.

Without looking at all the documents that Guo Shouyun delivered to set up a company, Sun Hongyu picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip, and smiled calmly, “Mr. Guo really wants to start a business. Trading company, huh, investing one million yuan is really a big deal. But to tell you the truth, this matter may be a bit tricky. You are also from Harbin, and you should know our domestic policies. Any company or group involved in foreign trade, All have to go through a very strict qualification examination. First of all, the procedures for setting up an ordinary company must be complete, and as long as the company with the name of ‘Import and Export’, the registered capital cannot be less than 500,000 (standard in the 1990s). In addition, it is necessary to go through a large number of competent departments such as the Commerce Bureau, the Customs, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, etc., and there are quite a lot of difficulties in this.”

“I know that,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “but I also believe that these things are not a problem for you. How is Miss Sun’s ability, who else on the ground in Harbin does not know?”

“Oh, I didn’t expect Mr. Guo to be so optimistic about me,” Sun Hongyu said with a smile.

“That’s natural, otherwise I wouldn’t have found your company,” Guo Shouyun shrugged and said calmly, “Miss Sun can rest assured, I understand your rules, as long as things are done, you should pay For you, I will not miss you even a single child.”

“But as far as I know, it seems that the funds on hand of Mr. are not sufficient,” Sun Hongyu pouted and said with a look of disapproval, “Otherwise, you would not have borrowed so much funds from us, right? After all… “

“After all, the fees for borrowing your funds are not low, right?” Guo Shouyun hurriedly said before Sun Hongyu finished speaking, “Of course I know that. Could it be that Miss Sun is doubting my ability to pay? If so, then I think Miss Sun is really underestimating people. Although I, Guo Shouyun, can’t be called a celebrity or a wealthy person here in Harbin, but it is also considered a little bit of furniture, am I still going to take away your handling fee?”

“That shouldn’t be the case,” Sun Hongyu shook his head and said, “but I think it’s better to figure out some issues in advance, and there are many things that are also involved in the formalities later.”

“For example…” Guo Shouyun picked up the cigarette case on the table, took out one and lit it for himself, then waved his hand and said.

“For example, how much import and export quota does Mr. Guo’s company need each year, where your trade is mainly concentrated, whether you have an overseas partner, your partner status, how you cooperate, etc.” Sun Hongyu said.

“Hehe, Miss Sun is really joking,” Guo Shouyun said with a surprised expression, “If you want to know the import and export quota and trade direction we need, then I can naturally tell you. Our current main trade direction , is the import of steel. In a later period, we may be involved in the export trade of some goods. Although these contents have not yet been finalized, I can guarantee that whether it is import or export, our trade will definitely be allowed by national laws. Therefore, in terms of import and export quotas, we naturally need as many as possible. As for the issue of partners, huh, I don’t think this should be within the scope of your investigation, Miss Sun, and this is also It’s a trade secret, so I don’t want to answer.”

“Mr. Guo is really cautious, are you afraid that I will steal your fortune?” Sun Hongyu tapped lightly on the table in front of him with his fingers, and said in a relaxed tone.

“Hehe, that’s not true, but well, let’s…hehe, we’d better keep our minds on it.” Guo Shouyun said nothing, he could see that the woman in front of him didn’t It’s simple, every word she asks seems straightforward, but after careful scrutiny, you can know the details of her inquiries. Just like the sentence she asked like a joke just now, “Are you afraid that I will steal your fortune?” This is a kind of temptation. If Guo Shouyun answers her “afraid”, it means that he is telling others that he and his back The relationship between the partners is not close, and it is easy to be exploited. On the contrary, it is another answer. However, whether Guo Shouyun answered or didn’t answer, it was equivalent to telling others that he did have a partner, and this partner controlled his purchase and sales channels in the Soviet Union.

The so-called shopping mall is like a battlefield, and its obscurity is often hidden in one or two casual words.

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