Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Chapter 3 - big problem

“Brother, isn’t the consumption here too high? Ninety-five rubles a night, let’s go somewhere else. qβ5.” Looking at the luxurious hotel room in front of him, Guo Shoucheng said nervously, “I Looking at the ‘Susa Hotel’ where we originally stayed, it was very good, with convenient transportation, cheap prices, and…”

He casually handed two ten rubles tips to the waiter who carried the luggage, beat him to leave the room, Guo Shouyun closed the door, and then smiled: “Okay, Shoucheng, don’t be so stingy, you know we’re here to do it this time. It’s a big deal, if we don’t live in such a high-end hotel, how can we keep those greedy old men?”

“That’s true,” Guo Shoucheng nodded, but the uneasiness on his face did not diminish at all. After hesitating for a while, he said cautiously, “But brother, are we taking too much risk this time? Three 100,000 cigarettes, this is not a small amount, if we are caught by those ‘greyskins’ (Soviet police), we will have to serve at least ten years of hard labor in Siberia.”

“Oh,” Guo Shouyun walked to the sand in the room and sat down, lit a cigarette for himself lazily, and then asked casually, “Why, Shoucheng, do you have any other ideas?”

“I just don’t think we need to take this kind of risk now,” Guo Shoucheng walked up to his brother and sat down, frowning and said, “Brother, think about it, we’ve made enough money in the past few years, and now we’ve saved it. This amount of money is enough for the three of us, brother and sister, to live the rest of our lives in comfort. You said that since this is the case, why are we taking such a risk?”

“Hehe, Shoucheng,” Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, blowing out a smoke ring, “You are still too young, and your understanding of the world is still in the days when we were starving. That’s why you take what we have now so seriously.”

Leaning up from his seat, Guo Shouyun sat next to his younger brother and patted the other’s shoulder before continuing, “Indeed, compared to a few years ago, what we have now, It was something that I didn’t dare to think about in my dreams. But this society is constantly developing, and money is constantly depreciating in value. Think about it, time goes back six years. At that time, my brother and I were in the factory every day. Working at night, a salary of thirty-seven yuan a month, although it is not rich, it can make us three brothers and sisters eat and drink without worry. But now? What can I do with thirty-seven yuan now? We already have millions of fortunes, but in a few years, with the continuous development of this society and the continuous improvement of the domestic economy, how long can our millions of properties be maintained? My brother is poor. I’m afraid, I don’t want to live the days of worrying about a few dollars all day long. Of course, I don’t want you and Dongting to suffer with me. You and Dongting are not too young now. , I’m thinking that in a few years, you will marry a daughter-in-law and start a family, and Dongting should also find a man. You two are my only two relatives in this world. As a big brother, I don’t care what you say I want to get you married, and prepare a family business for you to eat and drink in your next life. How do you get these things? They all need money, think about it, I can’t spell it well How many years?”

“Brother, I understand everything you said,” Guo Shoucheng said with gratitude to his eldest brother, “but I don’t think we need to take risks like this. Like It turns out that it’s so good, can’t we make money by only taking the things that the Lao Maozi government allows to import? I think if we follow our previous practice, if we continue to work for another four or five years, our money can be doubled several times… “

“How many more years? Hey, you stupid boy,” Guo Shouyun scratched on the top of his brother’s head, then pointed to the large French window on the right, “Do you think a business as easy as ours can still be managed? How many years? You saw it when you entered the hotel just now, what is the crowded place across from the hotel doing?”

“Oh, it should be a bank, right?” Guo Shoucheng glanced at the window subconsciously. From his position, he could see the neon sign on the roof of the building opposite, but unfortunately, the Russian sign on the sign Wen He only knew one “bank”, “Do they have anything to do with how many years our business can last?”

“Hey, it’s more than a relationship, and it’s a big relationship,” Guo Shouyun said thoughtfully, taking a breath, “I tell you, the bank opposite is the French Societe Generale, you know it’s here. What does it mean to appear?”

“What does it mean?” Guo Shoucheng asked dumbly.

“This means that the Soviets have begun to implement comprehensive reforms,” ​​Guo Shouyun said. “This reform is similar to our domestic reform and opening up, but their steps are bigger than our domestic ones.”

“Brother, what do you mean…” Although Guo Shoucheng didn’t have any ink in his stomach, he was very smart. Just a simple reminder from his brother made him understand the key.

“That’s right,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “the fundamental reason why our business is so easy to do and make money is because Lao Maozi has always implemented the semi-closed country policy. They focus on the development of heavy industry, but ignore the investment in the consumer goods industry. In this way, they also restrict imports in this area. In this case, their ordinary people have money in their hands, but they cannot buy what they urgently need, thus creating an excellent opportunity for people like us to make money. But now, Lao Maozi can’t go on, they plan to follow our domestic style to carry out reform and opening up, and once their policy is really implemented, then a large number of foreign consumer goods will swarm in a very short time. Enter, thus smashing the rice bowl we have been holding. Shoucheng, think about it, at that time, why do we still make money from Lao Maozi? “

“I understand what you mean, eldest brother, you want to take advantage of this last period of time to make a fortune from him.” Guo Shoucheng said convincingly.

“You’re half right,” Guo Shouyun smiled and said in a relaxed tone, “I want to make a fortune from him during this period of time, but for us, this is not the last period of time, and Yes, hey, but a whole new one is coming.”

“Brand new?!” Guo Shoucheng was confused again, he said with a bitter face, “Brother, don’t play dumb with me, I’m all confused by you. I just said that Lao Maozi will reform soon. In a blink of an eye, how could it be new again. I really don’t understand what you’re saying is vague.”

“Don’t understand?” Guo Shouyun squinted at his younger brother and said with a weird smile.

“I don’t understand,” Guo Shoucheng shrugged and said helplessly.

“Come, come with me,” Guo Shouyun snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand, then stood up and took his brother to the window, “Did you see the Industrial Bank opposite? What did you find?”

“I saw the bank, as for what it said…” Guo Shoucheng looked at the building opposite for a long time, and then said hesitantly, “I just found that this building is very beautiful, um, there are many people in front of the door, hehe , business should be good.”

“Well, it’s a good observation,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “now think about it with your little head, and see if you can think of anything abnormal.”

“Abnormal place?!” Guo Shoucheng looked at his brother with a stunned expression, and then stammered for a while, “Brother, what, what, what did you find? Someone is fighting this, this bank’s idea?”

“You bastard, where did you go?” Slapped his brother on the back of the head, Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, “Is there any relationship between someone’s idea of ​​hitting that bank, what I’m showing you is …Forget it, look at the Industrial Bank, and then look at the old-fashioned central bank next to it, and oh, and the Labor Savings Bureau (a kind of commercial bank in the Soviet Union).”

Guo Shouyun said this, looked at the watch on his hand, and then continued: “Look at the difference between them, um, I’m going out to meet two people now, and when I get back, tell me what you have in mind. That’s right, and, look at Dongting, don’t let her run around, this place is different from China, it’s her first time here, don’t cause me trouble.”

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