Reborn in the Post-Apocalyptic World: Building Infrastructure

Chapter 97: Don’t You Have Any Skinship with the President?

Sheng Hongye nodded. "I understand; they are all safe and alive."

Professor Bai was unaware of Sheng Hongye's precognitive ability and couldn't help but ask, "Where are they now? Should we search for them?"

Sheng Hongye frowned. "I don't know where they are either, let's find a place to rest first."

Geng Hao rushed over and said, "The tornado has devastated all of Lizhou's structures. We combed through the entire city but couldn't find a suitable resting place."

"Then let's return to the storage warehouse," Su Ling suggested.

Chen Yu shook his head. "The storage warehouse is submerged; it's unsuitable for our stay at the moment."

Su Ling smiled at Han Qiang. "Don't we still have fire-based ability user?"

Han Qiang slapped his forehead. "How could I forget about that? Sister Su Ling, it's a relief that you've returned; your thinking is much sharper than ours."

Guan Yuxin chimed in, supporting her waist. "Now that we've decided, let's head back quickly. Do you have any food in your car? We haven't had a meal in three days."

Su Ling's lips curved into a smile. "Don't worry; I have enough to fill all of you."

At the mention of food in the car, everyone's eyes brightened.

They all got into the vehicle and made their way back to the storage warehouse. The women kindled a fire outside to cook, the men went indoors to fetch water, and Sheng Hongye took Geng Hao with him to scout for other suitable lodging options.

With everyone working in tandem, the atmosphere was filled with energy.

An hour later, everyone had completed their tasks. Li Cuiping and the others prepared the food, while Chen Yu and Han Qiang fetched water. Han Qiang used his fire ability to dry the ground. At the same time, Sheng Hongye and Geng Hao also returned.

As the others had mentioned, Lizhou had indeed lost all of its intact buildings. After wandering around in a big circle, they found no available resources. Lizhou had truly become a dead city.

After finishing their meal, Sheng Hongye gathered everyone together.

In a solemn tone, he declared, "The tornado has decimated almost all the buildings, and there are no more supplies. We must depart from this place and search for supplies and a suitable place to live."

Professor Bai nodded. "That's true. Do you have a specific destination in mind?"

Sheng Hongye glanced at Su Ling and responded, "I have a general idea, but the destination is quite far. Our cars are running low on fuel. So, for now, we'll need to proceed step by step. If any of you have alternative suggestions, please share them. Let's discuss it together."

After exchanging glances, no one spoke.

Since the group's inception, Sheng Hongye had assumed the role of their leader, with Su Ling being the only other person authorized to make decisions. Since Su Ling remained silent, her acquiescence was evident, and naturally, no one raised objections.

Observing the silence, Sheng Hongye continued, "Our destination is Panlong Island. However, our immediate priority is to search for supplies."

Curious, Chen Yu inquired, "Brother Sheng, what kind of place is Panlong Island?"

Sheng Hongye's eyes narrowed slightly, some waves rippled within. His voice took on a more serious tone. "It's a place suitable for survival, but it's also very dangerous. You all need to carefully consider your decision."

Professor Bai chuckled. "I'm already halfway in the grave; there's not much to contemplate. Wherever you go, I'll follow."

Chen Yu added, "Indeed. I'm eager to explore as well. I can at least experience a new place before my time comes. That's worthwhile."

Subsequently, everyone shared their thoughts.

With no opposition, Sheng Hongye nodded.

"Let's rest in Lizhou for two days before heading east."

"Very well. The ground in the storage warehouse has dried up, so we can rest there. However, all the bedding was swept away."

Sheng Hongye stood up and declared, "It's not too cold at the moment. Let's endure the inconveniences for now. The meeting is adjourned."

Su Ling also stood up; fortunately, her trusty Passat remained intact. While everyone was occupied with cooking, she took the opportunity to change into a sportswear set and donned a cap.

Upon returning to her car, Su Ling inspected the medical equipment and medicines inside, relieved to find that nothing had been damaged.

Even though Sheng Hongye possessed healing ability, carrying these items seemed prudent, as there was no guarantee that all ailments could be cured with his ability.

Lost in her thoughts, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Without turning around, Su Ling knew it was Guan Yuxin.

Guan Yuxin tilted her head, wearing a mischievous expression, and asked, "Hey, did anything intimate happen between our charming doctor and the overbearing president during those days together?"

With an eye roll, Su Ling replied, not in the best of moods, "Intimate my foot! Stop thinking about perverted things. We've been starving for days; how could we even contemplate anything else?"

Recalling the almost bare entanglement amidst the wind, Su Ling's cheeks slightly flushed.

Guan Yuxin shrugged, "I don't buy it. Since I returned, I sense that Sheng Hongye treats you differently."

Su Ling immediately turned her head with a stern expression and retorted, "Differently in what way?"

Guan Yuxin grinned, "I can't put it into words, but it's distinct. I bet if you were to say you don't want to go to Panlong Island, he'd agree immediately."

Confronted with Guan Yuxin's inclination for gossip, Su Ling was left speechless, but her rescue came in the form of Wang Pian and Luo Xiaobing's arrival.

In admiration, Luo Xiaobing exclaimed, "Sister Su Ling, you're incredible. I didn't expect that in just two days, you and Brother Sheng would go through so much together."

Surprised, Su Ling inquired, "You know about it too?"

She couldn't recall sharing those details with them.

Luo Xiaobing nodded, "Yes, I'm aware. Old Jin informed me."

Old Jin, who was trailing behind them, immediately barked joyfully, wagging his tail as if anticipating Su Ling's praise.

Su Ling suddenly remembered that Luo Xiaobing could understand animal language. Intrigued, she asked Luo Xiaobing how Old Jin had described the events. Luo Xiaobing imitated Old Jin, and Guan Yuxin couldn't help but listen with great interest.

This was indeed a ready-made good plot, brimming with twists and turns.

The thought of Sheng Hongye arriving with Gu Kai Xuan on his back, vanquishing foes in all directions, Guan Yuxin couldn't help but clench her small fists in excitement. She absolutely had to write this part.

In the blink of an eye, darkness fell.

To avoid attracting zombies, Su Ling swiftly ushered the three of them into the storage warehouse.

Sheng Hongye was watching Gu Kai Xuan and Xiaoyue play when he noticed Su Ling and the others entering. He nodded at them.

Then he said, "Su Ling, please wait a moment. I'd like to speak with you."

Guan Yuxin promptly nudged Su Ling with her elbow, wearing a mischievous grin, and, with Wang Pian and Luo Xiaobing in tow, went inside.

Su Ling felt a bit awkward under her laughter and couldn't help but clear her throat.

"What's the matter?"


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