Reborn in the Mist

Water You Capable Of?

The Hozuki clan grounds are wet. Sections of it are split into pools and waterfalls of various sizes and the homes, halls and training areas are smack dab in-between with some even constructed atop a shallow river or small lake.

It isn’t uncommon to find children and adults spending time fishing out of the bodies of water surrounding their homes but it’s far more common to find members within the waters themselves. More than once I’ve been scared out of my body when I look down and find the face of a child staring up at me in the water like some water spirit or something.

Since I’m on protection duties, I’ve had to move in with Rina and her mother. Their floating home has more rooms than even their servants have use for so it was easy settling in. For practical concerns, Fuguki moved in alongside Nana Megumi— although she seemed upset to have to leave her main quarters at the centre of the compound.

I didn’t see Owl mask often but I did sense her presence here and there, especially when I was with Rina. In the two days I’ve been here, Fuguki and I rarely cross paths, a thing I am grateful for because when we do cross paths Samehada’s loud purring and sometimes outright lurches at me make me very uncomfortable.

“Samehada can’t wait to have a taste.” He’d said when it first happened and I barely managed to dodge in time. I scolded him as unprofessional of course, it’s the best thing I could do and since then he’s kept Samehada from lurching at me.

Knowing how delicious that living sword thinks Bijuu chakra is I could be faulted for baiting it. I wasn’t expecting to be assigned on a protection mission or any mission at all for that matter, after all, I’d just become a Jinchuriki and Kage-candidate, I couldn’t be exposed to dangers willy-nilly.

Unfortunately, here I am, away from Turtle Island where I can make good practise with the time left until I face Fuguki in mortal combat. Desperate, I continued on with my chakra moulding training, but with Owl mask, Nana Megumi and Fuguki nearby I didn’t dare practice stealing Isobu’s chakra.

But I believed I could still find my way to Isobu without poking at him through the seal. The progress I’d gained in my week on Turtle Island made me familiar with his chakra, I could sense the direction the Three Pillar Seal siphoned fractions of it to convert into usable chakra.

If I’m right, then all I had to do was follow the trail and meditation would help me key into it.

“Did you see! I got all targets under three seconds! Yagura-senpai?”

If only I had the peace of Turtle Island. I refrained from groaning as I peered my eyes open and found Rina grinning up at me all sweaty. I sat atop one of the taller target posts with only a metal tray to keep my balance. She found it very impressive when I first threw myself on here but in truth I’m barely doing anything asides trusting my body not to fall over.

Rina pointed over at the posts on the other side where she practiced her [Shurikenjutsu] as per my instructions. To her credit she consistently hit all targets, even the ones held up in what few trees the training grounds could foster.

Far from the grieving girl I met at the Mizukage’s funeral, Rina wears gripped black training shorts and an ash grey cropped jacket-top that had pockets for senbon needles and shuriken.

She’s already on the move retrieving the fallen and embedded ninja tools from their targets.

“Improve it to a single second.” Is my half-hearted instruction and by the look on her face I can tell she saw it coming.

Still, she doesn’t complain and carries on with practicing her throws. I know this isn’t the kind of mentorship she wants out of training with the infamous Yagura Karatachi but until I can live up to his name, it’s going to be the best she’ll get.

In hindsight I should have shut her down entirely but how could I possibly? She lost her father, a man she believed to be the strongest around in a mysterious and suspicious manner, and now her family is facing blatant death threats in the aftermath.

Of course she’ll want to get stronger. I don’t need to be a mind reader to know or sympathise with what she’s feeling. But it doesn’t change the scope of my abilities to help. [Shurikenjutsu] is one of the most muscle memory reliant skills I’ve found in my repertoire, right alongside Bojutsu and to a lesser extent, Taijutsu because Yagura never quite favoured it.

Plus, [Shurikenjutsu] is vague and easy to critique if she ever bothers to ask for help improving, which in the past two days, she doesn’t. It’s a simple skill capable of being self-taught.

Satisfied with myself I recede back to my meditative state and continue seeking the right Bijuu mana thread that will lead me into a conversation with Isobu. It’s becoming more frustrating each time I fail because as far as I know, Naruto never struggled so much to communicate with Kurama and the first few times he wasn’t even trying.

Hmm, maybe that’s the problem. I’m trying too hard instead of letting Isobu come to me.

I tried to think of it from Isobu’s perspective. If I was just re-sealed into yet another Jinchuriki the only opportunity I’d be looking for was one to seize control and escape, not talk. If that’s true then I need to somehow make myself vulnerable enough for Isobu to bite the bait, of course, there’s no guarantee he won’t succeed and escape.


I let out a breath as Rina interrupts before I can even get back in the zone. “Yes, Rina?”

Her lips press together as she nervously looked up at me, “Could we train Ninjutsu instead? I’m not really a ninja tool user, only in emergencies.”

“Emergencies are exactly why you’re training in them now, didn’t you say I should make you strong?” Is my swift rebuttal as she practically makes the argument for me.

Looking deflated she murmured, “Yeah but I thought you…train in that and then I’d be stronger.”

“What was that?” I squint down at her, not catching the middle part of whatever she said.

Inhaling and setting her fidgeting hands straight at her side she glared up at me and spoke in a clear, direct voice, “I said I thought you could help strengthen my Hyrdification.”

At this I raise an eyebrow. [Hyrdification] according to both my memories and Yagura’s is a Hozuki clan secret technique, a [Hiden Art] not unlike Yagura’s own [Water Mirror] technique, which should be the easiest jutsu for me to cast but…I don’t know the full secret, at least not yet. Browsing through Yagura’s memories on a subject like Ninjutsu takes time and practise.

“I’m not sure how I could help with that, Rina. Wouldn’t Nana Megumi be a more fitting teacher if that’s what you’re looking for?”

Her gaze faltered for a moment before finding my eyes again, “No, maybe you can’t help me with my clan technique but I know you’re the only one that can make me strong, strong like my father.”

Ahhh, I see what this is about then. “Huh, alright then. Show me what you can do.” I said and hopped off the post, with a Tiger hand sign I summoned my hooked Bo-staff from the scroll I carry around and twirled it with deft, “Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, show me what you’re capable of, Hozuki Rina.”

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