Reborn in the Mist

Bar Beach Inauguration

I had an hour to freshen up and have a bite of something before heading back to Bar Beach in my usual grey-green gear and poncho. I was dead tired from subduing the Three-Tail’s chakra, getting knocked into Version-1, and spamming jutsu. But the world waits for no one, not even the Fourth Mizukage.

When I returned, Bar Beach was full of people. At a glance I recognized many of them to be from the five clans or some of the lesser prestigious clans that resided in the Central District. No one from low caste clans was present and with figures like the Daimyo present it’s no wonder.

No wonder…I scoffed at my thoughts as I discreetly placed myself at improved stage the most important figures sat at. Nana Megumi, Lord Funato, Uncle Aoto and the clan heads of the Hoshigaki and Yuki clan greeted me as I took my reserved seat beside the chatty Daimyo.

Uncle returned my hat and haori, both bore the symbol of water and my haori read out my full title along its length— Yondaime Mizukage. I wore both and found neither lacking, it’s as if they’d prepared the traditional outfit ahead of time and with me in mind as the wearer. My ascension was never in doubt.

I’d done it. I overlooked the beach as it filled with performers and vendors, the darkened sky littered with fireworks, lightning effects and other harmless but flashy jutsu. At my presence servers lined up a buffet of choices and for once I had enough to eat even while being picky.

Even though I was hungry I tried to restrain myself, if only to keep from staining my fresh haori with beef and pork juices. The Daimyo seemed to notice my reservation and simply began offering me pieces from his plate, lobster, clam, salamander even. My polite declines were met with raucous laughter that had me accepting the next time he offered.

As scantily clad women with bangles and braces attempted to hypnotize us with their swaying hips, I couldn’t help but think to how the last moments of the succession went, of Yagura’s warnings to me.

He’s not wrong. I have rejected a large part of Yagura, the part that bubbled within me to bask and enjoy the glory and power I now wielded as a Kage. Already many of my goals were within my reach, there was little I couldn’t accomplish from where I sat now and if there was I had a village of loyal shinobi to direct my will.

The gaze that fell on the dancers and the thoughts that passed through my head with the gaze left me wondering how much of me was left, how much of Jason was still important in this world. Yagura was the one who brought me here, not Jason, I haven’t accomplished anything as Jason and so far he only spared me the horrors of Yagura.

My head felt like splitting again as I my personality and way of thinking started to drift and align more with Yagura’s warnings.

A performer guides a tamed lion the twice his size into doing leaps through rings of fire. Another even let the lion have his head for a moment before pulling out of its maw unharmed.

The Daimyo gave applause excitedly and out of mob logic rather than anything, I gave my applause as well.

I heaved a sigh as my eyes glazed over the many eyes settled on my figure in the crowds. Not all of them wore genuine smiles or were smiling at all. Yagura said I already have enemies acting against me, I wondered what he was talking about but I couldn’t be bothered following up when he was telling me I’d have to accept my murderous, bloodthirsty side or never have access to Isobu.

But now, in the haze and noise of my immediate coronation as Mizukage, I found nothing but time on my hands to wonder. Could it be the Kaguya?

They had mounted attack only yesterday but I something about the way Yagura said it made me think it wouldn’t be so easy to unravel. It will be something I’ll have to look into as Mizukage now, why they attacked and what to do.

What to do? You know what to do. I bit my lip at that. I knew what Yagura, no, any Kiri shinobi would do— get vengeance, exterminate them. They’d threatened the safety of all five clans in one night and the night before the Mizukage succession too, it can’t be a coincidence.

And even if it was how dare they attack Kiri? I felt Yagura’s patriotic side flare and sighed again. Is there any point in holding back? He could be right the reason Isobu didn’t break Yagura out of genjutsu was simply because of me and my stubbornness to accept my true self.

I’d been working off the theory that it was because Obito’s genjutsu is simply that strong but…is it?

“Mizukage-kun, you look dreadful, are you alright?” The Daimyo’s sudden consideration catches me off guard and pulls me from my thoughts.

I smiled at him and felt my eyelids drag, “Just thinking of the future and I’m a bit tired.”

He grinned and cracked a crab leg, fishing out its flesh with glee. Whilst chewing he nodded, “Of course, with a performance like that anyone would. I was told you even subdued that pesky Three-Tailed during the fight and then went on to handily defeat that Fuguki.”

“My duty.” Is all I said.

“Ah ah ah, no busy talk tonight, Mizukage-kun. Tonight we celebrate your achievement and that the Land of Water has a new protector.” He handed me a crab leg and I restrained a sigh behind a smile as I took it and cracked it open. Rather than let me eat it he snatched it out of my hand and slurped. “Mmm!! Crab from these waters are always richer in texture, you must share your villages secrets for raising them right.”

I snorted but nodded, “Of course, Daimyo-dono, I will look into it.”

The impromptu party continued to rage with everyone eating their full and casting full glances at the new Mizukage, I felt their judgement behind their eyes, the expectations and hopes for a greater Kiri all lying in their image of me.

At this time the dancers, acrobats and other performers were dismissed, leaving space for the nobles of second rate clans to come bend the knee to their Mizukage.

The five clan heads had been the first to do so right after Fuguki conceded, even Uncle took to his knee and bowed his head at my feet. The second rate clans bowing now included those like the Suikazan who’d just lost possibly their one and only chance to change how power in Kirigakure functions.

Fuguki’s clan head was a young woman with bright orange hair and shark teeth, her face betrayed her grown age even though her healthy figure did not. She kept herself low and humble as she presented her pledge, “I swear eternal fealty to Kirigakure and it’s Mizukage, my blood is yours. Hail Yondaime Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi.”

In a startling show of devotion, she slit across her palm with a kunai and waited for my response. I sat in shock for a second but for my brain booted up and I simply said, “I accept your pledge and sacrifice.”

With grace she stepped out of line with a bow for a middle aged man to step up and kneel. I suddenly realized I was going to be out here for a lot longer than I anticipated and once again restrained myself from groaning.

All hail Yondaime Mizukage huh?

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