Reborn in the apocalypse, Xiao Baihua went crazy killing her

Chapter 51 Heavy casualties

After dinner, the cooking class washed the pots and dishes with the help of the water superpowers, while the rest found a corner in the car to lie down or sit and rest.

Gu Chen ran fast. After eating early, he slipped into the car and found a place to lie down peacefully, with his bulging backpack under his head.

Although he didn't help much, he was still very sleepy and fell asleep almost as soon as he lay down.

The temporary rest station quickly fell into silence in the dark night. Only the dim light of fire outside and small groups of patrolling soldiers proved that there was still a trace of popularity here.

In the second half of the night, the patrol team also became a little confused. They took turns to take a nap when they took some time. The sound of the burning firewood was like a lullaby, and they gradually fell into a deep sleep.

On the top of a hill not far from the station, a giant zombie was looking down at the little girl in front of him with scarlet eyes.

The hem of the girl's blood-stained white dress, which had oxidized and turned black, moved with the wind, and her long black hair also fluttered freely.

She pointed her finger at the giant zombie and muttered something. The moment she finished speaking, a black mist surged out from her fingertips and headed straight for the giant zombie.

Black mist got into the eyes of the giant zombie and wandered around. The giant zombie seemed to be enduring great pain, and its already ugly face became more and more ferocious.

It took more than ten minutes for it to calm down, and it casually picked up the stupid zombie beside it and put it into its mouth.

As it chewed loudly, black and red smelly blood flowed from the corners of its mouth, dripping on the ground drop by drop.

Soon all the ordinary zombies around it were eaten. It seemed a little dissatisfied. When it was about to get up to find more food, the girl stretched out her hand.

It looked at the girl blankly, and finally continued to sit as if it was a little distressed.

Several black lines appeared on the girl's slate-gray face, running under her skin, and she kept making sharp howls from her mouth.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The crows in the woods flew up in response, screamed and flew far away and landed on other branches.

The girl screamed a few times and found it boring, so she turned around and walked towards the cave. She curled up in the corner of the cave and remained motionless.

Early the next morning, after eating compressed biscuit porridge, the army took all the survivors on the road again. After walking on the narrow road in the mountains for a long time, they finally reached the road they re-planned.

When they originally thought they could finally calm down for a while along the way, a large number of zombies suddenly appeared and shattered their plan.

Although they were all ordinary zombies, they were still difficult to deal with, and a fierce battle broke out again.

Gu Chen was so frightened that he could only hide in the car and tremble. The howls of zombies and the screams of survivors or soldiers in his ears made his heart beat wildly.

Holding back his panic, he forced himself to isolate himself from the interference of outside sounds, but his body that was shaking more and more violently still betrayed him.

The other three people in the car were not much better, especially the woman, who would cry with her mouth open whenever there was any movement, and she was almost annoyed to death.

The two men heard that they were both supernatural beings, so they had the nerve to stay in the car and not go out to help.

Gu Chen seemed to have forgotten about himself. He didn't mention to anyone that he was a superpower. Although most of the water power users in the team were sitting in the car and did not have to fight, he was still afraid that those people would target his power and ask him to help.

So he doesn't mind huddled in a corner like a quail and reducing his sense of security, because he doesn't want to waste any of his abilities for others.

The howls, screams and the soldiers' commands outside the car lasted for nearly half a day before they stopped.

Gu Chen held back his hungry stomach and curiously opened the curtains to look out. It didn't matter if he didn't look, he vomited out as soon as he saw him.

After vomiting for a long time, the three people were disgusted, curious, and then vomited together.

The scene outside the car was simply a purgatory on earth. There were broken limbs and internal organs everywhere. The blood stains on the ground could not tell whether there were more people or zombies.

Most ordinary people with superpowers died in this catastrophe. Zombies are smart. They will avoid people with weapons or superpowers and look for ordinary people who are unarmed.

A dozen large trucks filled with ordinary survivors were overturned, and now the number of ordinary people surviving was only one-third of the original number.

The losses of superpowers and soldiers were not bad. Firstly, they were in good physical condition, and secondly, they were able to protect themselves, so the number of them was one third less than before.

After clearing away the zombies, they didn't dare to stay here for another minute. They were afraid of being attacked again by other zombies and disgusted by the current scene, so they immediately set off on their way without rest.

There were no large-scale zombies on the next journey, but only small groups, as if something was controlling them to cause trouble for humans one after another.

It took three days to finally see the light of day on the return journey, and we would reach the base after driving more than 20 kilometers. Everyone was excited at this moment, and there were more smiles on their faces.

It was at this time that a large number of zombies attacked again, and it was another fierce battle. This time the fierce battle was more difficult than the previous ones, and it was almost finished after peeling off a layer of the army's skin.

Everyone was so depressed that they didn't dare to take it lightly anymore, and only returned to the base in a heavy atmosphere.

After arriving at the base, the soldiers first underwent inspection and returned to the base to rest. The rest, whether it was the distribution of survivors or the transportation and sorting of materials, was completed by the soldiers who were previously stationed at the base.

Zhu Yuansheng's physical strength is limited, and she can now check up to twenty-five people a day. If she checks all the new people brought back at this speed, the zombies can attack the base three times.

Therefore, the inspection this time is not as detailed as before. Only those with wounds on their bodies will be brought to Zhu Yuansheng for inspection, and the rest will be put in after the military inspection.

Xue Han still worked hard and explained all the precautions in detail. When he went to apply for the base card and rent a house, there was also a dedicated person who drove a car to handle it.

As for those who had neither powers nor supplies, they were all arranged in the Datongpu dormitory, with twenty people per room, two kangs per room, and ten people sleeping on each side.

Bedding is rented and distributed uniformly, and ten contribution points per month are deducted from their base card.

If it is damaged, a set of 50 contribution points will be required to compensate. If the contribution points are insufficient at the end of the month and cannot be deducted, the bedding will be taken back and will be returned to you when it is replenished.

Of course, you can also refuse to rent, and you can use the ones you bring from home.

Of course, the premise is that you can protect it from being snatched away and maliciously damaged by others.

If the bedding in the base is stolen or maliciously damaged, the base will handle it. If it is your own, it will be handled, but the specific day is not certain.

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