Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Chapter 36: Grimoire of Sin


Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of a huge explosion that blew one of the nearby Tower.

I felt a large amount of Chakra filled with animosity and hatred from the tower. So, this is the Chakra of Nine-Tails. I couldn't really feel the Chakra of Nine-Tails when I am with Big-sister Kushina as her seal is way too powerful compared to the Naruto's seal. The seal is personally crafted by Mito Uzumaki who is one of the most powerful Fuinjutsu users ever according to records.

We leave an exhausted Yamato behind as all of us run towards the explosion. I finally saw Naruto for the first time.

He wore an orange and black jacket with a red Uzumaki crest on the back. He also wore orange pants with a shuriken holster on his right knee, black sandals, and a black forehead protector. His yellow blond hair, paired with blue eyes greatly resembled Minato. The trademark three whiskers markings were ever-present on his cheeks.

Naruto confronted a large spider-like puppet with eight arms as it attacks him. He makes a 'Big Ball Rasengan' and slams the puppet in the ground. The nearby parts of the broken puppets start to rise in the air as they are being controlled by Chakra threads. All of the parts start to assemble and fuse with the spider puppet as the puppet starts to recover.

Kakashi who had been planting explosive tags all around start to detonate them. Choza uses his 'Partial Expansion Jutsu' as he punches the puppet into a wall. Shibi covers the puppet with his insects to suck the Chakra out of it and thus cut-off the Chakra supply of the puppet.

The ground begins to tremble as the remaining parts of the puppets assemble together to form a large humanoid scorpion puppet. The puppet body of Mukade fuses with the large puppet as he starts to rampage around.

Naruto uses some Shadow Clones to pin the puppet but the puppet just shakes them off. The puppet breaks free from the confines of the Tower as it breaks a wall and runs rampant on streets.

As for me, I just create a large Rasengan and slam it into the puppet. The lower body of the puppet is blown away but it starts to absorb Chakra from Ryumyaku and regenerates itself in seconds.

"We won't be able to destroy the puppet unless we cuts-off its power source." Minato remarks.

The Anrokuzan puppet creates Chakra thread as it ties Princess Sara and starts to pull her towards itself. Naruto uses his Chakra Blade to sever the Chakra thread and save the princess.

The princess decides to seal the source of Ryumyaku as she grabs hold of Naruto's Chakra blade. Minato, Naruto, and I decide to break in the main tower to cut off the power source. Meanwhile, Choza and Shibi hold the puppet back.

Shibi infuses chakra in his insects as they quickly multiply and create a swamp below the giant puppet.

'Ninja Art: Insect Deception Jutsu'

The insects cover the puppet and start to devour its Chakra. Choza eats a Chakra pill and expands into a giant as he throws the puppet into a nearby tower.

Anrokuzan puppet absorbs more Chakra from Ryumyaku as it destroys Shibi's insects. The puppets run off to prevent Princess and Naruto from cutting off the Chakra.

Naruto creates a Big Ball Rasengan greatly surprising Minato. He throws the Rasengan to the puppet but it gets blocked by its tail.

"If we want to take it down, we have to find its weak spot."

'Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu'

Minato throws multiple shurikens to find the weak spot of the puppet. The puppet starts to regenerate again. Anrokuzan is annoyed by Naruto's continuous assault as he opens his mouth wide,

'Ley-Line Great Dragon Fire'

A huge amount of purple flames erupts from its mouth as it fires towards Naruto.

'Earth Style: Mud Wall'

Naruto makes a mud wall to block the fire attack.

'Wind Style: Rasenshuriken'

Naruto creates a large Rasenshuriken and throws it towards the Puppet, but the puppet opens its mouth and sucks the Chakra from jutsu inside itself.

Anrokuzan swats Naruto away like a fly as it continues to run towards the sealed gate.

'Earth Style: Mud Swap'

I immediately make some hand signs as I slam my hands on the ground and create a mud swamp to stop the puppet. Anrokuzan struggles for a while before it draws more Chakra from the Ryumyaku and breaks free from the swamp.

Naruto and Minato merges their Rasengan through Chakra Resonance to create the Legendary,

'Supreme Ultimate Rasengan'

"Now, I can't stay behind in the fun can I?"

'Lightning Style: Vanishing Rasengan'

I create a Big lightning Rasengan and throw it towards Anrokuzan. Anrokuzan laugh hysterically as he shouts,

"Whatever that jutsu is, it can't stop me. Now, I shall you one of my most powerful Jutsu."

'Ley-Line Ultimate Great Dragon Fire Jutsu'

The puppet spews out a large beam of purple fire from its stomach. Naruto dodges the beam as Minato opens a hole in the puppet with his 'Shuriken Shadow clone jutsu'. The combination of mine and Naruto's Rasengan destroy the puppet.

The puppet falls in Ryumyaku as it starts to destabilize the ley-line. The seal preventing the destabilization has been destroyed.

Both Yamato and Naruto glow as Minato speaks,

"The perpetrator of the Jutsu Mukade just died, so the pendulum of time will reset itself and both of you will return to your era."

Naruto finally notices my presence and I am really curious to see his expression. He points towards me,

"Are…are you Big brother Izuna?"

He is surprised to see me as he starts to speak,

"Big Brother Izuna, it really is you? Where you went off to in….."

"Ok!...ok! stop from further revealing the future as it may change the timeline."

Minato stops Naruto from speaking further as he continues,

"To prevent the Change in the timeline, I will seal all of our memories."

He makes some hand signs as he presses his hand on the ground, a large Fuinjutsu seal appears on ground as it covers all of us.

'Memory Erasing Seal'

'Sorry, Minato-san but I already know about the future. So, I won't comply with your request.'

I activate my Sharingan as I quickly start to analyze the weakness of the seal. After I find the weakness, I prepare a hand seal of my own which covers my body.


The seal covers all of us including Minato but I shook off the seal with my counter-seal. A white light engulfs us all as Naruto and Yamato disappear in it.

After the light fades away, all four of them forget about the event as they start to recall the details.

"We were on a mission to stop Anrokuzan evil plan. Have we succeeded?" Choza questions.

"I suppose."

I point toward the broken puppet as I remark.

"Then why can't I remember anything?" Shibi frowns as he mutter.

"What's important is the completion of the mission and since we have already completed the mission, there is no need for us to dabble further into it. Let us return back to Konoha." Minato cuts our conversation as he orders us to return.

"Yes, we will return to the Konoha soon." Choza and Shibi agree.

"Kakashi, you did a good job with the mission." Minato praises Kakashi.

As we are about to return I sensed something below the sealing pillar, something attracting me towards itself.

"Minato-san, I want to check the sealing formula once again, maybe it will help me learn more about Fuinjutsu."

"Alright then, but you should hurry up as we have to depart and report about the mission to Hokage-sama."

"Ok! Minato-san. I will only just take a few seconds."

Minato and the rest of the team start to move out as I move toward the column. After ensuring that nobody is present, I jump down from the platform as I move towards the bottom of the seal.

As I moved down, the attraction became stronger. Soon, I reached the base of the sealing pillar just above the Chakra of the Ley-Line. The Chakra of the ley-line is too volatile and hot as sweat begins to drip from my head.

A metallic edge of something is protruding out from the rock wall. As soon as I touch the metallic edge, my Chakra starts to drain as the metallic edge start to shine in purple light. The nearby rocks and debris start to crumble to reveal a metallic box.

I curiously pick up the metallic box to check it out. There is a weird star-like symbol with eight pointy spikes and an eye in the middle of the box. There are six holes around the eye as they resemble a missing part of the box.

As I touched the middle-eye, the book suddenly starts to glow in purple color. The eye shines brightly as the box starts to float in front of me. One of the spikes of the eyes shoots in my direction as it pierces my hand.

I almost screamed in pain but I clutched my mouth with my other hand. The metal box starts to suck my Blood and Chakra inside itself. I start to frantically shake the box in an attempt to free myself from it. I immediately activate my Sharingan to search for any details. As soon as I activated my Sharingan, the box start to heat up again as the eye in the middle of the book opens and a purple beam of light is ejected from it. The beam is too fast for me as I am unable to avoid it.

The beam starts to scan my Sharingan as the box start to spin rapidly. The box closes on me and before I could react, the eight spikes of the book pierce my hand as the box vanishes. A weird fuinjutsu seal appears on my hand. I try to rub the seal but I am unable to clear the mark.

I start to use fuinjutsu to suppress the weird seal but my fuinjutsu seals shatter on contact with the seal. I frantically start to think of a way to get rid of this trouble and start to curse myself,

'Fuck! Mainly in many novels and animes in such a situation the main character is supposed to get a powerful item. But why do I have to get a cursed seal instead? Fuck! I shouldn't have paid any heed to this strange attraction and now I seem to be in great trouble.'

"Sin…Grimoire of Sin"

These words echoed in my mind.


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