Reborn in MHA as a girl

Quirk Awakening

Time-skip 6 months


Ahh! The feeling of being able to move, even if only slightly, what a wonderful thing these tiny arms and legs can do. That’s right! I am crawling, you can’t imagine the big smiles on my parents face and with the hundreds or so pictures that they did. ‘I swear if it continues like this, I’ll end up blind’.


And even while crawling at 6 months, an achievement I consider worth a platinum trophy, my two idiots parents still ask me to say ‘mama’ and ‘papa’. they already had a daughter! So now they should know that even being 1 year old is too young to speak but they still ask me.


Because I have nothing to do other than eat and sleep, I started to think about my future because, let’s be honest, being a hero is probably the only thing I can do with a quirk that transforms you into a gigantic titan or maybe I can work at a construction company, but it doesn’t look that appealing, I already see myself becoming bored doing the same thing for years.


Time-skip 6 months


In my entire two lives I’ve never felt as much pride as when I was finally able to walk. Walking also meant that I could explore every corner of my home, a place relatively cozy with a lot of ‘modern’ furniture, you know, things like those weirdly shaped bookshelves or those glass tables that I will probably break. Oh right! Like I said before, my room can’t be more girly, Ughhh! Seriously! They could have at least calmed down in using pink but no, my entire room in pink with no colours besides pink


After finally finishing my rant , I began my exploration with my tiny steps, just so you know, it took me 5 minutes to reach the living room. Not even reaching the living room, my mom already found me and is getting ready to attack me with tons of cuddles. ‘Well, at least it’s not my father, the prickly feeling of his beard is so annoying’.


Time-skip 3 years


Besides the cuddles with my mom that I really liked, it was boring, all I did was eat and sleep. It was only at 2 years old that my parents took turns to take me outside, precisely in the park near my home. There, I played with 2 people, one of them is Izuku Midoriya and the other one is Katsuki Bakugo.


I tried but I couldn’t, Izuku is beyond saving, the little bundle of energy is already a hardcore fan of All Might while Katchan is strangely calm when I am there, maybe it’s from that time when he said that girls are weak, I gave him a good beating and he became docile.


Ah right! My birthday is in two months, I might also awaken my quirk, I am so hyped! Just imagine transforming into a 15 meters titan with two rows of teeth, isn’t that terrifying! While thinking about that my big sister was calling me “yuri… ayuri… Sayuri… SAYURI!!!


“Hmm… yes, Onee-chan, what is it”


“Finally! Did you understand? I said your big sister is going to be a hero and will make a lot of money, like that I can help mom and dad and buy you plenty of candies and toys!!!”


“Thank you, I love you so much Onee-chan!!!”


Just before dying of suffocation by my sister’s hug, my mom came to stop her and took me in her arms much to the dismay of my sister. Ah right! About the way I act, I am a girl so I act like one to not look weird but my childish personality is not an act, I don’t know why but the more I grow up, the more I regress mentally and you can’t blame me! I was only 16 years old in my past life before dying so it’s not my fault!


Time-skip 2 months


Today is my birthday, not only will there be a party with Izuku’s and Katsuki’s family, I will also finally awaken my quirk. After eating the cake, receiving my gifts which consisted mainly of toys and plushies and having my cheeks pulled by all my family, it was finally nighttime. ‘Even if today was really a good day with my birthday, I am still sad I didn’t get my quirk’. Noticing my sullen expression, my parents pulled me into a hug and my mother said “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I am sure you’ll have a quirk and it’ll be an incredible one”.


After putting me down on the ground, I had a little headache, I thought it was because I was tired but it intensified and I began screaming “AHHHHHHH”. My parents immediately ran towards me, I ran in the opposite direction while clutching my head. I don’t even know how I can run faster than my parents but I don’t care about that right now. All I know is that what is about to happen is going to destroy all my surroundings.


Mother’s POV


Just before we could enter the house, my husband and I heard a pained scream coming from my daughter, we then ran to her. The moment I saw her, I knew it was her quirk, yellow lightning was coursing on her body and strange marks resembling spider paws just below her eyes, these marks were just above her red marks that were glowing. Although I knew she was awakening her quirk, I still couldn’t help but worry, she was my daughter, if I lost her, I would be despairing.


Then when she saw us, she began running in the opposite direction at a speed we couldn’t possibly match. 


After finally catching up to her, we were in the parks and there was even more lightning on her body. Suddenly a huge and deafening thunder crashed on my daughter, then bones began to form. When the skeleton finally formed itself, we could see a towering milky white figure with two rows of teeth and in the eye sockets, there was a menacing blood red light.


The feeling of death was looming over me, making me shiver.I took a glance at my husband and he was in the same state, I have never seen his cold demeanor this broken. Even if I was terrified, I had to at least see if my daughter was safe and sound. Then flesh could be seen slowly surrounding the bones while skin emerged from it and covered the entire figure.


When the sort of body finally formed in its totality, we could clearly see the figure, a lean female body with a slightly developed chest and slender legs,no reproductive organ, pointy ears, platinum white hair of medium length, grey eyes and the same red marks as my daughter. As I found that this was my daughter, I was relieved but only for a short moment since my little Sayuri started running while being careful not to crush the bystanders that didn’t have time to evacuate.


With the speed at which she was going, all I could do was to call the police and ambulance to make sure my little girl is safe and not show my worry to not make my little Yu worry.


Sayuri’s POV


Directly after the headache subsided, my vision went black and the next thing I know is that I am at least a good 15 meters tall, my parents that appeared to be giants before were now comparable to ants. I could also see my body and it looked more specialized in speed.


So, trying to not panic, I searched around to see if there was a place with no people I could potentially injure, or even kill. Just 5 miles on my right, there was a forest. ‘I should go there, I don’t remember having seen this kind of titan, it may have the same ability as the colossal titan and as I am not used to controlling my new body, I could unintentionally destroy my neighborhood and with it, my loved ones.


I began to run in the direction of the forest while carefully avoiding the cars and those that were frozen in terror. After approximately 10 minutes of running and avoiding the obstacles, I was finally deep in the forest. ‘I have only a little time to get used to my new body and its abilities.


First I imagined the hardening on my hands the same form as brass knuckles, what appeared was some sort of oval not evenly shaped without even the pointy part. ‘Well I guess, I will have to improve my control. I then started to test the war hammer’s hardening and all I could do was form simple things like cube, cone or cylinder, which could barely be used as a weapon.


The final ability I should have; heat release. I lifted my right arm and concentrated to make heat come out of my arm, what followed was a wave of burning hot air that made all surrounding trees charred black while there was no more vegetation on the ground. ‘Oops….. I shouldn’t have used that…’


After I assessed my abilities, I layed down with my face on the carbonized ground and imagined exiting my titan, after going out of it, I just went down on the ground. Because of the toll it took on my body, when my feet reached the ground, I fainted on the spot and because of the discomfort it brought, I had the worst nap ever. While I was unconscious, the titan started to emit steam and vaporize itself until nothing remained.


When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is the familiar ceiling accompanied with the unpleasant scent of the hospital and my parents sleeping with their heads on my hospital bed. My parents woke up from the movement, their blurry eyes observing the room when they settled on me, they immediately got up and jumped on me, embracing me in a family hug with smiles and tears of joy.


After being crushed and saved by my dad, the doctor came in and explained the situation. “Hi Mr and Mrs Takeyama, you see, your daughter just awakened her quirk and it seems to be a strong one, her quirk allows her to create a bigger figure identical in appearance to her but without a reproductive organ. Unfortunately, we can’t see the limit in height her creations have. So what would you like to name your quirk?” “Hmmm….this one or this one…. hmmm… yes I know, shape-shifting would be cool. Right?” “Ok, so it’s Shape-Shifting…. I have nothing other than that to say so shooo. shooo. get out, I still have other patients.”


After being thrown out, we went home, and my sister knew nothing of what happened as she was surveyed by a friend of my mom after the birthday, so we sat on the couch and waited for my sister before going to bed with my mother who must have been worried.


(A/N): I don’t really have a schedule so I will only write when I feel like it.

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