Chapter 196: Is This A Therapy Session?
I struck Zuyil with my newfound strength causing his shield to bend and break on the first hit.
"Useless already I see…" [Zuyil]
He tossed away the shield and faced me with his flail.
"I can't imagine that this strength came from nowhere. Is it from your gauntlets?" [Zuyil]
I saw his gaze one my hands, so I took off Vermillion Eclipse and placed it into my |Item Box|.
"Rest assured, this strength came from my own efforts." [Solace]
I still died many times to gain it though.
"That much talent is terrifying." [Zuyil]
He spun his flail and swung.
("...It's not that fast.") [Solace]
Unlike how it was before, Zuyil's attacks were slow. I caught the head of the flail and proceeded to smash Zuyil's breastplate without using any skills.
"Urgh!" [Zuyil]
He staggered back, but I switched from holding the flail to his wrist and pulled him into a headbutt.
"Agh!" [Zuyil]
I released my grip on him to hit Zuyil with a three piece combo. I didn't aim anywhere dangerous, I mostly just destroyed bits of his armor. The only thing left under all the plating was his chainmail.
"Need you toy with me?!" [Zuyil]
The stat difference felt huge. Everytime Zuyil attacked, it looked like it was in slow-mo. At some point, it was more efficient to take the hits than to avoid it.
("This… is getting tiring.") [Solace]
As I had conflicting feelings as to why I even started this fight, Zuyil pulled back.
"...Am I no longer worthy of your attention?" [Zuyil]
He let his flail rest at his side with an expression mixed with determination and pity.
"What is with that look?" [Solace]
"Why do you inquire about my own feelings? Have you seen yourself? Your friends must be quite worried." [Zuyil]
"...My friends?" [Solace]
I turned back to see that the Hero's party was indeed watching. I know that I said I'd handle it, but why were they looking at me like that? What… did I look like?
"..." [Solace]
I had no words. I paused the fight momentarily to peer into the river.
("That's… me?") [Solace]
To put it frankly, I looked like shit. It looked like I had seen hell. It looked like I was on the verge of crying. It looked like I wanted everything to end. It looked like… how I felt.
"...Shit." [Solace]
Seeing my own face like that left a bad taste in my mouth.
"Have you had enough?" [Zuyil]
I gripped the stone railings out of frustration. Zuyil's words made so much sense, even when he wasn't even trying to make a point. He was just… guiding me.
"Why? Why are you trying to help me?" [Solace]
"A warrior's dilemma. Man is not your enemy, only those you choose." [Zuyil]
I let out a weak chuckle.
"The hell is that supposed to mean…?" [Solace]
Zuyil smiled.
"Have you finally found your equilibrium?" [Zuyil]
I took in a deep, relaxing, breath.
"Yeah. I think I'm fine now." [Solace]
"In that case, shall we continue?" [Zuyil]
I shook my head.
"No. There's no longer any point. I can just pass, right?" [Solace]
"You may." [Zuyil]
I waved my friends over and walked past Zuyil.
"Thank you." [Solace]
"Your thanks are unnecessary. For this, I am sorry." [Zuyil]
"What?" [Solace]
I braced myself thinking I was about to get attacked, causing me to be unable to react when Zuyil brought his flail down on the bridge.
"|Heavy Impact|!" [Zuyil]
The seemingly sturdy bridge caved inwards, forcing the collapse of the entire bridge. You'd think Zuyil would fall in and get swept away in the raging current along with the bridge. There was just one thing that he had we didn't. Wings. As he flew, the Hero's party and I retreated away from the bridge on our own respective sides.
"Zuyil! What have you done?!" [Solace]
"What I have come to do. The Hero can not be allowed to enter demon territory." [Zuyil]
How could he do this? Actually how DID he do it? Wilharrow said the bridge was there for the past 200 years! There's no way it would break just like that.
"This must be a trick! Your strength shouldn't be enough to break the bridge!" [Solace]
"Avoiding reality? I've seen many of your ilk. Young warrior, did you believe I would remain still while the Hero's party was gone?" [Zuyil]
So this must be part of his master plan.
"Get to the point." [Solace]
"Every passing day, I picked away at the bridge enough to weaken it. Considering its age, it was still a trial." [Zuyil]
Rage and betrayal filled my chest. I felt like I had just made a bond with this man… no, this demon…! What did I expect anyway? For someone to understand me? I'm so stupid for thinking so.
"Come down here, you bastard!" [Solace]
I threw a |Terra Javelin| at him.
"I refuse." [Zuyil]
What did I expect? All it took was for him to fly to the side a bit for me to miss.
"We will meet again if fate wills it." [Zuyil]
With a great beat of his wings, Zuyil flew away.