Chapter 190: A Temporary Truce?
After making the flower crowns and handing them out, a festival began. Food of all kinds were brought out to the center of the village, alongside alcoholic beverages.
"Here, take this!" [Cheerful Villager]
I was handed a wooden mug filled to the brim. There was a foamy brownish-yellowish liquid inside that smelled a bit… bitter? Maybe a mix of sour as well.
"What is this?" [Solace]
"Don't worry about it. Just try it!" [Cheerful Villager]
("This is probably alcohol.") [Solace]
I cautiously placed the mug at my lips before taking a sip.
"Ew, yuck!" [Solace]
Yep, it was alcohol. It tasted bitter and made my mouth dry.
"Hahaha! You're too young!" [Cheerful Villager]
Turns out, the villager just wanted to see my reaction.
"There you are, young hero!" [Nosy Villager]
Another villager approached me.
"Here, I got this for you." [Nosy Villager]
I was handed a wooden plate mostly filled with unfamiliar foods. The only thing I could recognize were probably a few fruits that I've picked during my Adventurer speedrun.
"Eat up! Today is a joyous day!" [Nosy Villager]
"Uh… sure." [Solace]
I indulged in the meal while getting dragged around the place. Many people greeted me seeing as I have worked with them during the preparation of the ritual. It wasn't until one of my allies called my name that I was able to get away.
"Hey, Alt!" [Wilharrow]
"Ah, there's my friend. It's time I go." [Solace]
"That's a shame…" [Cheerful Villager]
I left the group and approached Wilharrow.
"Thanks for the save. I was lowkey getting swarmed." [Solace]
"Low… key?" [Wilharrow]
"Don't worry about it. So, what do you need?" [Solace]
Wilharrow handed me a plate of food.
"Uh… I'm full. I just ate." [Solace]
"It's not for you." [Wilharrow]
"Oh... Okay. Why are you giving this to me?" [Solace]
"Can you give it to the demon on the bridge?" [WIlharrow]
I blinked twice thinking I didn't hear him correctly.
"Mind running that past me again?" [Solace]
"I need you to give this plate of food to the demon on the bridge." [Wilharrow]
So the Hero has gone insane.
"Why?" [Solace]
"It's the ritual. This time of year all conflicts drop to zero. We have to share." [Wilharrow]
"So it's a religious thing?" [Solace]
Wilharrow put on his thinking cap and went, "Hm…".
"Now that I think about it… I'm not sure. It's a global agreement so maybe not." [Wilharrow]
"Why don't you give the food yourself?" [Solace]
"Just in case." [Wilharrow]
This guy was throwing me under the bus.
"Look. You're the only one who can escape whenever you want. Actually, you're probably the strongest in our party. Who else could do this job?" [Wilharrow]
Was this guy buttering me up?
"If you put it that way…" [Solace]
I took the plate from him.
"I'll see to it." [Solace]
Am I really that easy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The sun had set and night had come. By the time I arrived at the bridge, the shine of stars began to decorate the sky.
("I wonder if the demon sleeps on the bridge?") [Solace]
As I walked towards the bridge, I saw a flame coming from its center.
("A campfire?") [Solace]
I could see the demon sitting beside it, unarmored and tending to his equipment.
"Hey, Zuyi." [Solace]
The demon glanced my way, but didn't really bother to confront me.
("I hope he doesn't attack me.") [Solace]
I approached him and sat beside him.
"I got you something." [Solace]
I offered him the plate of food provided by Wilharrow, to which he surprisingly accepted. There wasn't much to talk about after so I spoke about what the demon was doing.
"Are you mending your armor?" [Solace]
"I am." [Zuyil]
He appeared to be piecing the chestplate back together and then letting it merge over an open flame.
"You did quite a number on it. Not even I can break something like this as easily as you." [Zuyil]
"Easily, you say…" [Solace]
If only he knew breaking it took a lot of effort through his almost impenetrable defense.
"Did you fix the shield too?" [Solace]
Zuyil shook his head.
"The shield has been destroyed far beyond what I could repair. I will have to purchase a new one." [Zuyil]
I let out a small chuckle.
"Sorry about that." [Solace]
"Don't be. The shield served its purpose. There is no greater honor than for it to succumb under its duty. The same can be said for myself." [Zuyil]
"...Would it be your honor to die as a knight?" [Solace]
"It would be my honor to perish in battle. As all warriors wish to fall." [Zuyil]
The culture gap in this world sometimes puzzles me. However, this one was somehow beautiful.
("It would be an honor to succumb to your duty… I wonder if I will get that kind of mindset later?") [Solace]
That was enough pondering. It was about time I left.
"Alright. It's best I get back now." [Solace]
As I stood up Zuyil asked me something odd.
"Do you believe in the gods?" [Zuyil]
"...Where's this coming from?" [Solace]
"Was it too strange a question?" [Zuyil]
"Are you asking me if I'm atheist?" [Solace]
Zuyil gave me a strange look.
("I guess the concept of Atheism doesn't exist here.") [Solace]
"Are you asking me if I believe the gods exist?" [Solace]
Zuyil shook his head.
"The gods do exist. I am asking whether or not you trust them." [Zuyil]
That was really out of left field.
"No clue. I've met one, but I can't say they're the most trustworthy." [Solace]
Not that I've had a proper conversation with Hema. Besides, she's the god of malevolence and… death? That's if I remembered correctly.
"Hm." [Zuyil]
"Is that all?" [Solace]
"That is all." [Zuyil]
With that, I took my leave.
("What a weirdo…") [Solace]