Reborn In Another World As A Spirit Familiar

Chapter 183: I'm Afraid Of Women

So the plan was simple. We gathered up all the bandits, or rather, Ruitarian Empire deserters, and kept them prisoner. There were a bunch of issues that Wilharrow and Raon spoke about, but I wasn't listening. To sum it up, we had to wait at the village for about a week so that a group of knights would come to collect the bad guys. Hopefully, there will be a reward for it.

"So, how will we feed thirty more mouths?" [Raon]

We sat at the dinner table at the village brainstorming about a few topics. There was only Wilharrow, Raon, and myself. Fina and Leon were outside watching the bandits.

"What? We only have five party members." [Solace]

"We're talking about the bandits we caught. Do you want them to starve to death before the knights come?" [Wilharrow]

I forgot people needed to eat. It's just that I got used to not needing to eat and not feeling hunger as a spirit.

"We can't just keep relying on this village to support us. Their own supplies are limited as well." [Raon]

"Perhaps we can go hunting?" [Raon]

"Hunting. For twenty mouths over a week." [Wilharrow]

"The ecosystem won't be able to handle that. Are you trying to kill off all the animals here?" [Solace]

Probably the smartest thing I've said in a while.

"What do you suggest then?" [Raon]

"Maybe there's supplies in their base? You know, the one we JUST fought at?" [Solace]

Wilharrow and Raon gave me surprised looks.

"Wait. Did NONE of you think to loot the place?" [Solace]

"You didn't either." [Raon]

"I was healing Leon! The lives of my allies take precedence over some loot!" [Solace]

Never thought I'd ever say that. I would usually abandon my allies for some goodies in video games. Sadly, I had to be responsible in real life.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. I'll go take whatever I can find right now." [Wilharrow]

He backed out his chair and stood up.

"Actually… Can you guys come too? I feel like we're going to need some extra hands." [Wilharrow]

I sighed.

"You know what? You guys stay here. I've gotta chat with Fina real quick and then I'll just pick up the loot myself." [Solace]

"Eh…? Wouldn't it be faster if we all went?" [Raon]

"I concur." [Wilharrow]

These guys, I swear. They've got the memory of a goldfish.

"I'm the one with the |Item Box| remember?" [Solace]

"Ah…" [Raon] [Wilharrow]

Wilharrow sat back down while I was the one who stood up to leave.

"You guys can plan our next move or something while I'm gone. Try to figure out how we'll deal with that demon on the bridge." [Solace]

"We'll try." [Wilharrow]

"No promises though." [Raon]

I nodded before exiting the little cottage. I then walked through the village to some old unused shed where we kept the prisoners. It was made purely of wood. There weren't many signs of decay, it was just super dusty.

"Hey!" [Solace]

Calling while I approached, I grabbed the attention of Leon and Fina standing guard.

"Oh, Alt? What are you doing here?" [Fina]

"Just finished a little meeting with the boys. I just wanted to ask you something real quick." [Solace]

"A question for me? No problem." [Fina]

She smiled not knowing what I was about to ask. Matter of fact, I glanced at Leon thinking whether or not to let her hear this.

"Uh… actually, can we speak privately?" [Solace]

"...Privately?" [Fina]

She also took a glance at Leon who also stared back at us.

"Leon, can you hold this place down for a bit? We'll be right back, I promise." [Solace]

Leon nodded with her usual expressionless and emotionless demeanor.

"Thankies." [Solace]

I then ushered Fina a distance away from the shed. Not too far though, just enough that Leon shouldn't be able to hear.

"This place should do." [Solace]

I then faced Fina with a question I've been meaning to ask for a bit.

"Fina, didn't you lose your mana? How can you cast skills?" [Solace]

Fina's eyes went wide.

"...That's what you wanted to ask?" [Fina]

"...Yeah? What did you think I was going to ask?" [Solace]

Fina's face went red for some reason. She was either blushing, or having some kind of health issue.

"W-Well, you wanted to speak privately with me so I just assumed…" [Fina]

I raised a brow.

"Assumed what?" [Solace]

"N-Nothing! It's nothing! Ah, what was your question again? Why can I still use skills?" [Fina]

"That was indeed the question." [Solace]

I seriously can't understand girls sometimes. Why do they always beat around the bush so much?

"It's simple really." [Fina]

She reached into her little handmade pouch and took out a familiar blue crystal.

("Isn't that what she feeds me when I'm in spirit form?") [Solace]

"This is a mana crystal. As you know, it's used as a treat for spirits. However, it can also be a catalyst to cast skills. Well, I only found that out recently though…" [Fina]

Did she just say it's used as a treat? Am I a pet?

"So… is it a consumable or…?" [Solace]

"...Consumable? As in… food?" [Fina]

She gave me weird looks.

"No, I mean does it have multiple uses or something?" [Solace]

"Oh… It's one skill per crystal. The um… the efficiency isn't very high." [Fina]

That was kind of bad news. Eh, better than nothing I guess.

"How many do you even have?" [Solace]

"About twenty or so. Probably a hundred if you include the ones I packed in the luggage." [Fina]

So turns out I had her source of power in my |Item Box|.

"Ooookay… Well, make sure not to use too much. We don't want our support pushing herself." [Solace]

Fina smiled.

"I know how to manage myself. It's you who should look out for themself." [Fina]

"What? I'm pretty sure I'm the most responsible… not. That's probably you or Wilharrow. Oh, but I'm strong though." [Solace]

"That's exactly the problem." [Fina]

She then poked me.

"You're strong. Strong enough to go toe to toe with the Hero." [Fina]

Pretty sure I beat him in that duel, but okay.

"That's exactly why you throw yourself in difficult situations." [Fina]

I can tell you now, two and two were not being put together.

"That time you fought for me in the church, the time you fought the Hero's party for me, you even joined Wilharrow to follow me. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you like me." [Fina]

When she puts it like that… It made me feel my face heat up.

"I-I see… Okay, I get it. I'll try not to push myself." [Solace]

I backed away a bit. I've never seen Fina so pushy.

"I er… gotta go loot a bandit base. Pardon me." [Solace]

It was a forceful excuse. For some reason, the air here was getting kind of hot. It was kind of uncomfortable so I tried to make a quick escape. Not that I was uh… afraid of anything. I just ran.

"Stay safe!" [Fina]

I could hear her voice clearly as I retreated. Maybe I was cursed, but I couldn't help replaying the whole conversation in my mind.

("I should cool off.") [Solace]

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