Reborn In Another World As A Spirit Familiar

Chapter 181: Mutual Destruction

To be honest, I probably could've taken on Holdren without Wilharrow's help (I'm coping.). Still, it made things easier.

"Hey, do the thing." [Solace]

"Alright." [Wilharrow]

He positioned himself like he was going for a baseball swing. Realistically, it pretty much was. I leapt in front of him, allowing him to smack the bottom of my feet with the flat side of the sword. Needless to say, I flew.

"|Vortex Arts|!" [Solace]

This may be getting stale to use, but I literally had no moves that actually did any damage other than this. Either way, Holdren was quite surprised to see me zooming over.

"Ebby Artz! Iwyn Fisht!" [Holdren]

I think he meant to say: "|Heavy Arts: Iron Fist|". It was clear as day that the burns in his mouth were affecting him. Anyways, it didn't really work. For both of us.

"Huh?!" [Solace]

During his skill, my fingers couldn't scratch his arm. I intended on cutting it up while passing by. "Intended" being the keyword.

"Careful!" [Wilharrow]

Distracted and surprised I was, I didn't think that I'd get caught off guard so easily. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Holdren's other arm nearing me quickly.

"|Blazing Trail|!" [Wilharrow]

Burning a path forward, Wilharrow slashed and redirected Holdren's arm from catching me.

"What?! It's soft?!" [Wilharrow]

His blade sunk into the skin, barely making any deep cuts. It pretty much had the same effectiveness as my vortex arts.

"Retreat for a sec!" [Solace]

I kicked off of Holdren to get away while Wilharrow left in his own fashion. Perhaps it's because I yelled what we were going to do, Holdren gave chase.

"He's not letting up!" [Wilharrow]

"I can see that!" [Solace]

Holdren grabbed a handful of soil, which was also mixed with broken pieces of wood, and threw it at us. I think it was meant to blind us, but it was so clumped together that it didn't spread in the air. In fact, it hit wilharrow like a snowball.

"Ack!" [Wilharrow]

It covered his face and neck area. I can't say that it looked comfortable. Anyways, Holdren took it as an opportunity to go after Wilharrow.

"Stop right there you fat bastard!" [Solace]

I tried to guard Wilharrow, or throw Holdren off by using explosive force. Literally.

"|Explosion Arts|!" [Solace]

I punched his face thinking that it would deter him even a little. Turns out, he just bulldozed right through. Holdren didn't even look my way. Before long, he had Wilharrow by the ankle.

("Uh oh.") [Solace]

I expected Wilharrow to receive the same treatment I did. Though, he most likely would die since he doesn't have as tough a body as mine. Thankfully, Holdren refrained from slamming Wilharrow into the ground. Instead, he used Wilharrow as a weapon to smack me.

"Help!" [Wilharrow]

I could hear Wilharrow's voice get drowned out by the wind as his head passed by. What I saw was reminiscent of seeing someone using nunchucks. Kind of.

"I'll get you out of there buddy! Just give me a- Woah!" [Solace]

I ducked as Wilharrow passed overhead.

"I think I'm going to vomit!" [Wilharrow]

"Please don't!" [Solace]

I did NOT want to be in the "splash zone". I tried to estimate the amount of time I had left before Wilharrow emptied his stomach, which I assume wasn't very long.

("How can I get past that soft body and disable him?") [Solace]

I then came back to the first rule of dealing with large enemies: Target the joints. At this time I wished I had paid more attention in biology class. Well, nothing I could do about it now. I felt around my arm and flexed a few places, checking what connects to what. Though, it was a tad difficult to focus while keeping Holdren from killing me.

("Okay, I think I got it.") [Solace]

From what I could tell, I needed to aim for the inside of the elbow or go for the wrists. Easier said than done.

("I need an opening.") [Solace]

In order for that to happen, I needed to force such a thing. I stood my ground and waited for Holdren to inevitably swing Wilharrow at me.

"Die!" [Holdren]

I don't think I need to translate that one. Pretty sure you and I heard that one loud and clear.

"|Rotating Shell Arts|." [Solace]

Holdren spun around to build momentum, swinging with all his might. Still, it did nothing when I gently pushed Wilharrow around me harmlessly.

"|Vortex Arts|!" [Solace]

Within a split second, I cut the inside of his elbow.

"Argh!" [Holdren]

He screamed in pain as his arm went limp. Unfortunately, it didn't release Wilharrow from his grip.

("Ah, so it was the wrist.") [Solace]

"H-Hold on! I…! I'm gonna…!" [Wilharrow]

As the momentum from my redirection pushed Wilharrow upwards, he puked.

"OH GODS!! WHAT THE FU-!!!" [Solace]

It was a terrible sight. There was no nice way to put it. It… It was everywhere. What I saw… The smell…! I can remember it like it was yesterday… That was trauma inducing.

"Vhat ard uu dooin?!" [Hardin]

I think he asked, "What are you doing?!". Holdren immediately dropped Wilharrow and backed away acting like he was touched by the liquid dripping from a trash bag. Well, I can't blame him. He also got some of Wilharrow's… contents on him. That wasn't even the end of it. When Holdren dropped Wilharrow, there was some… stomach fluids on the ground. So, Wilharrow was dropped in his own filth.

"Ugh… Solace. Can you help me up?" [Wilharrow]

"No. Nah. Nada. Nein. That's disgusting." [Solace]

Probably my fastest record of refusal. Matter of fact, both Holdren and I backed away.

"Hey, don't be like that." [Wilharrow]

Wilharrow stepped closer, forcing me to shift away.

"Woah! Stay away! I don't even want you here anymore!" [Solace]

I glanced at Holdren who was trying to flick off the vomit himself.

"What about you? Do you want to keep fighting?" [Solace]

Holdren growled.

"I vaunt to wip off yur hed." [Holdren]

It was "I want to rip off your head.".

"Vut…" [Holdren]

He said "But." while looking at himself. His fierce expression softened into something that can be described as regret and self pity.

"I voun't vaunt to fight like dis. I yeld." [Holdren]

"I don't want to fight like this. I yield." is what he said. Never had I ever thought pure disgust would bring us to peaceful terms.

"...Alt, can we keep this a secret to the others?" [Wilharrow]

"I'll think about it." [Solace]

He then threatened to come closer.

"O-Okay! OKAY!!! Come any closer and we won't have a deal!" [Solace]

Wilharrow grinned. That is, until Wilharrow smelled himself.

"Ugh… This is not what I wanted in the Hero's first chapter." [Wilharrow]

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