Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem

The Teacher

My fear of disappointing Mistress led me to take a quick shower. It was just long enough to rinse myself clean of any blood and cum. The wounds in my breasts were a problem, but I found some type of bandages in a cabinet in the bathroom, so I wrapped those around my chest. Both my lower lips and actual lips had stopped bleeding by now, so they weren't a problem.

Remembering Mistress's order to get dressed, I shambled over to my wardrobe and searched through the clothes. I oh so desperately wanted to wear one of the formal outfits, as they provided the most modesty, but Mistress had said she wanted me in something cute, and I wasn't about to disappoint her.

I eventually picked out an over-sized pink sweater. I didn't bother wearing anything else, as the sweater was large enough to cover my sex and Mistress apparently didn't want me wearing underwear today.

Nervously, I approached the door. Did I look cute enough for Mistress? Did I look too cute and not sexy enough? I was already having a mild panic attack.

The door opened and Mistress appraised me while I stood with bated breath. When her examination was done she just hummed and walked down the hallway, saying, "Follow me."

I scrambled after, blushing at the thought that any of the other slaves could see my private parts if I made one wrong step. I don't know why I chose the sweater. It was just some compulsory part of me that told me to. At least this time I was allowed to walk, which made scaling the stairs much easier.

We arrived back in the atrium, this time with different slaves cleaning, and walked back up the stairs and into the hallway that we had walked into after my summoning. 

Instead of turning right to the summoning chamber, we took a left and walked up a spiral staircase. These stairs led to a balcony section that wrapped all around the atrium and put us eye-level with the draconic chandelier hanging above the atrium.

Now that we were on the right side of the building Mistress opened a door that led to what looked like a mini library. Inside was marble statue of a wizard made to look like it was meditating.

"The art of summoning heroes has been known to the demons for a couple decades now, and so a few demons have decided to study the heroes and see what they can learn in order to better prepare future heroes summoned by us demons. Obviously, I have more important things to care about, so I have hired an instructor to help you learn what it is to be a hero and how best to utilize the system," Mistress said. I nodded meekly, looking around for the teacher when the 'statue' moved.

It started when the marble face started to bunch up, followed by the eyelids opening to reveal milky white eyes. Aside from his head, the figure's marble skin was covered up by snowy robes. He used a cane made of gnarled white wood to help him get up, despite his body looking like a muscular middle-aged man. My surprise furthered when the voice that came out sounding like a little kid.

"Hello there little slave! How has your day been?"

I stared, wide-eyed. 

"Oh, before I forget: Cali, you can answer any question Albus asks you," Mistress said before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. She seemed... annoyed for some reason.

I turned my attention back to Albus. A large part of me wanted to to tell him the truth, that this day had pretty much sucked so far, but a fundamental fear held me back. A fear that Mistress was just outside the door, listening. A fear that Albus would punish me for saying anything bad about Mistress.

Albus noticed my hesitation. Placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, he said, "Don't worry. Our lessons will remain completely private. Obviously, your mistress fought against that, but I outrank her." 

The confession made me feel lighter, as if some weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Yet at the same time, a sense of longing called me to reunite with my Mistress.

"M-my day wasn't that great," I replied to the white wizard, who nodded understandingly.

"That seems to be the general consensus around new arrivals, most likely due to the fact that they have recently died and are now being forced to work for a demon."

He sounded like he knew his stuff, and the statement got me thinking. How many other heroes were serving demons? According to what Mistress had said earlier, they had been summoning for about twenty years. Surely that was enough to build an overpowered army?

"Anyway, I am going to teach you about leveling today. At least, what I know of it. Please sit."

Ignoring that he totally changed the subject, I looked around. There weren't any chairs in the library for some reason, so I would have to sit on the floor like Albus was doing. Doing so comfortably meant that I would run the risk of flashing the boy-man, but the only way that I could see getting out of that was kneeling on my feet, which didn't seem like it would be comfortable.

I sat down crisscross, hoping my legs covered up my privates. They obviously didn't do a good job, judging by Albus's quick glance down there, but he fortunately didn't comment on it.

"Now then, let us begin. The first point I want to bring up is your current level. Like most adventurers, you started at level one. A few can start early if their summoner or patron is advanced enough, but those cases are very rare. You can level up, however, by gathering Level Points, or, as the other heroes like to call them, Lp. I know, creative name. Any questions so far?"

I tentatively raised a hand, to which he quirked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"What would be the best way to gather Lp?" Given my class, I was pretty sure I knew what the answer was, but I had to ask to make sure.

"There are many different ways to harvest Level Points. One of the most popular is by killing. When you kill an opponent, the system (again, another hero-made term) decides how many points you should get for the kill. If you kill a fellow hero, then the Lp reward is generally equal to their total Lp store divided by yours times their level. Your total Lp store is how many Lp it takes to reach your level plus the Lp you are holding. Killing non-heroes will only grant you Lp if you have a class meant for fighting or if you use a skill to attack them. The Lp granted by this method varies, but seems to correlate to how long you took to kill your opponent.

"The other most popular method is advancing skills. If, for example, you have a skill in brewing potions, you could harvest Lp just by making potions. This method only grants Lp if you level up the skill, and it will become harder to upgrade the skill the higher level it is. This also means that you can't receive Lp from a skill not listed in your status menu."

I frowned. That last method didn't really seem viable right now. I would need to develop more skills.

Albus continued, "The third most popular method is known as transference. This only works if both parties are consenting. One hero can transfer 'free Lp' (meaning that the Lp hasn't been put into an attribute yet) to the other. This is basically the defacto payment among heroes so that they can save their gold for us non-heroes. Any questions so far?"

"Yes sir. How do I get a new skill?"

Albus chuckled. "I suppose that makes sense. Obviously, you don't need a skill to be listed in your status menus to actually have that skill. The only difference is that skills in your status menu offer some kind of affect they usually wouldn't. Like how your masochism increases your arousal, which can be used to replace mana. It also applies to ALL pain, even having a limb cut off."

Wait, he saw my status screen? How-

"Anyway, you can only obtain skills relative to your class. As a sex slave, this will mean skills related to sex or submission."

"Can someone change their class?" 

Albus's eyes narrowed. I don't know why I said it. I should have just kept my mouth shut and tried to figure it out myself. 

"I suppose it's possible. Heroes can usually evolve classes, but complete class change is, as of now, unheard of."

It was my turned to stare at Albus. Had he just...? I figured that he wasn't exactly buddy buddy with Mistress, but outright telling me there was a chance I could free myself? He must really not like her.

"That being said, I would like to remind you that you will always have to follow her orders. As far as I'm aware, that can't change."

My heart sunk. I would need to be extremely clever about my escape. Perhaps I could ask Albus to help me, but not right now.

We spent a few more minutes talking about other forms of gaining Lp: gaining a patron god and praying to them, gathering special equipment, etc.

Our conversation was interrupted by another one of those glowing clocks. It was flashing a brilliant gold and was steadily beeping. Albus walked over and pressed a button on its side, causing it to shut off.

"Well then, that's time. I look forward to seeing you next week." 

Next week? That seemed like an awfully long time between lessons. 

As if sensing my confusion, Albus said, "I'm pretty sure that your mistress has something planned for you in the coming days. This was just an introductory lesson." My stomach dropped. Mistress was planning something for me? That definitely wasn't good.

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