Reborn in a Succubus’s Harem


“Oh, Cali! A-are you okay?” Layla asked when she opened the door for me.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it,” I replied, which was technically true. The bruises would go away eventually.

"Well, I heard about what h-happened, and... well, there have been stories about Amaya."

There were a few other slaves in the room since the lowly maintenance slaves 'didn't deserve' their own rooms, so they all got lumped together in a storage room just big enough to fit them. They had looked up when I walked in, clearly interested in what someone as high-ranking as me was doing down her with them, but they all started minding their own business at the mention of Amaya. 

I smiled softly and reached up to cradle her face. Even though she was shorter than most people, I was still shorter, so I had to stand on my tiptoes to give her a soft kiss. I had learned that would usually put her at ease. Predictably, Layla melted into the kiss. Her hair fell down around my head, tickling my cheeks. A hand found its way to my back, desperately pulling me closer. I obeyed. My body pressed tighter against hers, so close that our breasts were pressed against each other. My dick was twitching, reaching up toward Layla's snatch. 

And then it was gone. The warm press of our bodies disappeared, and the wetness of her lips left mine. I'm not too proud to admit that a soft whine came out from the loss of contact. 

“You can’t do that, Cali,” Layla said softly. “You can’t just try to avoid talking about serious stuff. You know that, right?”

I nuzzled my head against her chest.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I murmured.

"Now then. You got a knew skill, right?" 

"Oh yeah! You'll love this," I said, eager to show her my new ability. 

I stepped back and gestured toward her cot. The catgirl quickly skipped over and sat down, crossing her legs in an attempt to be seductive. It was cute. Without wasting any time, I mentally selected the skill and focused on Layla. Before my eyes, her cheeks turned rosy and her breathing grew labored. 

"I-is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?" She asked as she futilely pulled at her collar.

"No one's getting hot but you," I replied. 

Layla's cheeks were bright red now, and it seemed like a struggle just for her to breathe.

"Wait... this is... you?" She panted out. 


The catgirl's eyes glazed over. Her inhales and exhales started to sound more like purring. She slowly pulled her legs onto the bed and crawled on all fours.

"It feels so-uh! Good...," she said huskily. Her tail was swaying back and forth as she crawled towards me, a seductive smiled on her face. 

There was a look in her eyes. A crazed, wild look, that was made even more arousing as Layla licked her lips, revealing her slightly longer than average canines. It filled me with a sense of excitement. Layla didn't usually act like this. She was softspoken and polite, almost always going out of her way to not get on anyone's bad side. But now... she was like a wild animal going into heat. I captured by bottom lip between my teeth. God, it was hot. 

Layla pounced- like, legitimately pounced- onto me. I was knocked onto my back, the air leaving my lugs in a massive burst, tinkling with sound of my giggles. Amber eyes looked hungrily down at me, inches away. Her white hair fell like a curtain around us, blocking the outside world. The prey was trapped alone with the predator.  Her lips came down to devour me, quickly ensnaring me in her embrace. My eyes closed so I could fully enjoy the feeling of our mouths meshing together and the wet sounds of our lips sucking at each other's tongues. It was a game of cat and mouse, my tongue running circles around Layla's while she sought to pin me down. 

Hands that had been previously planted against the stone floor cradled my head. Sharp claws grazed my scalp, providing a fleeting sense of danger that I knew was unnecessary. No matter how lust-addled Layla's mind was, she could never bring herself to hurt me. 

I sent my own hands to cradle her breasts. My fingers kneaded the flesh like pliant dough, eliciting content purrs from the beauty above me. The sound made my heart race. 

Our dance continued, neither willing to give ground to the other. I wasn't sure if the other slaves were gone yet, and I couldn't bring myself to care. I had lost most of my shame since arriving here, and this time belonged to me and the girl on top of me.

Layla pulled back, dragging her teeth along my tongue as she did so, sending pleasant signals to my brain. "Let's take this up a level," her husky voice whispered. She didn't even wait to see my eager nod before she crawled forward. Droplets of precum dripped against my face as her pussy entered my vision. Her juices either slid down the sides of my head or beaded on my faces. One drop landed on my nose and I had to shut my right eye to keep another one from sliding in. 

My left eye, though, got to witness the full glory of the gift presented to me. Unlike most of the vaginas around the manor, which were mostly clean shaven, Layla had a wild mane surrounding hers, and untamed jungle slick with the rain of pleasure. 

Damn. When did I get so wordy? Maybe sex is the key to learning after all.

Layla came down on me, and my arms met her ass halfway to speed up the process. Her pubic hair tickled against my face. Some went into my mouth, while others tickled my nostrils. I didn't mind. Everything about Layla was just so... natural. My tongue shot forward when our lips met, lapping up her deliciously fishy precum. I had never been a fan of seafood, but this girl was making me think about reconsidering. 

Layla rubbed back and forth against my face, causing her bush to scrub against the lower half. I chased after her folds unwilling to let my gift run away. At the same time, my fingers found the base of her furry tail and started drawing patterns around it. Her moans and growls were music to my ears better than anything those old fools Mozart and Bach could dream up. 

In response to my services, Layla pressed her groin harder against my face. I was losing air. I loved it. The powerlessness, the pain, all of it. I don't know if it was the way I was before, or a side affect of my skills, or if I was starting to break after all this time at the manor. It didn't matter. What mattered was that I was loving it. And so was Layla. 

Would she love it, though? She was kind and quiet for a reason. She wouldn't hurt a fly. So how would she react after we were done, when my skill had worn off and her mind was clear? Would she regret it? As her thighs tightened around my head and her back arched, I couldn't bring myself to care. When the flood of orgasmic juices flowed into my mouth and onto my face, all I could think about was sex. Maybe it was my own haze of lust clouding my thinking. I certainly didn't plan to affect her this much when we started. But now that we were here, I didn't want to leave. 

Yes, it was selfish. Yes, it was manipulative. Did it make me a bad friend? Maybe a little. 

Layla rolled over, using what little muscles she had to bring me with her. I stared at up her face. She was panting, her white hair forming a messy halo around her head and her skin flushed. Her eyes were unfocused, clouded, but they were slowly returning to normal. 

My erection poked into the stone floor. 

When she regained her clear mind, she would probably retreat. Her fear of losing control and hurting someone would ruin the moment. We would have to have a whole conversation about it. I would reassure her it was fine. That I wanted it. She wouldn't listen. I really didn't want to have that conversation right now.

Oh Layla, please forgive me. 

I drew back up the power within me. I pushed out just a little, much less than what I used on her in the beginning, but not too little to do nothing. At least, I hoped so. 

I heard the soft, throaty hum build back up. Layla's head came back up, her shining eyes, peeking over the rise and fall of her breasts. Her arm reached out to me. Her fingers were running through my golden locks, reaching for my chin to pull me closer. I pulled myself forward, sliding my skin against hers, dragging my dick along the floor to enjoy the pleasant vibrations. All too soon, my boobs were pressed against hers, our noses just a hair from touching. 

Layla bared her sharp teeth and whispered one word. 


I damn near exploded right then and there. I gasped and bucked forward, but I had crawled too far for my dick to enter her folds. Instead, it trekked through the mange surrounding it and rubbed against her engorged nub. I moaned breathlessly as Layla growled up at me. My whole body was on fire. I needed release. 

Layla grabbed my hips, and with a strength I didn't know she had, pulled me down to align my pathetic member with her pussy. My shaking hand peeled open her flower, and with as mighty a thrust I could manage, I sheathed myself inside of Layla. My arousal burst forth, unable to be contained any longer. Layla held my trembling body, pistoning her hips up and down to ride out my orgasm. 

Relief soon washed over me and I fell against Layla. I contentedly and let my head rest against Layla's nice, warm, flesh pillow. I could sit her for-

"Hey, I'm not done yet!" The white-haired catgirl growled out.

I groaned and half-heartedly began to nibble on Layla's nipple as she humped my now flaccid dick. It wouldn't be nice of me to get her all worked up and then leave her out to dry, now would it?

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