Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 14 White Wolf with Empty Gloves

“Hello, I have an appointment with Mr. James Carr of the Credit Department!”

Through the front desk, Guo Shouyun met James Carr, manager of the credit department of Citibank San Francisco branch. Because there had been contact on the phone before, the two sides talked directly about the core content after meeting.

“Mr. Guo, according to our overall assessment of Google and our review of your own repayment qualifications, you can only lend up to $50 million in cash for the 40% of Google’s shares in your hands.”

Although it will take two months for Guo Shouyun to officially become a major shareholder of Google, the equity transfer contract signed by him at this time is indeed a formal and legally binding contract, and it has been filed with the industry and commerce department.

The reason why Guo Shouyun had to sign two contracts was that he wanted to use this equity transfer document to get the large sum of money he desperately needed.

And the existence of the non-disclosure agreement, whether it is Sergey Brin, Larry Page, or George Davis and other people involved in the negotiation, cannot reveal any specific details about the negotiation to the outside world. So, even if it is a Citi investigation, it will not find anything out of the ordinary.

Guo Shouyun nodded nonchalantly.

“Mr. Carr, if I sign the contract, what is the interest rate on your loan?”


As the Nasdaq crisis deepened, the Federal Reserve has been cutting interest rates in an attempt to stimulate the economy. So low interest rates are not surprising. Even after 9.11, the commercial loan interest rate will drop to 1%, which is also an incentive for the subsequent subprime mortgage crisis. Of course, this is another story!

“I want a full loan, and the interest rate can accept 5%!” Guo Shouyun calmly said.

“This… I need to ask the supervisor!”

Guo Shouyun stretched out his left hand and made a ‘casual’ gesture.

James Carr stood up and walked out of the room with the materials. After about five or six minutes, he pushed the door again and walked in. But this time, in addition to himself, a bald middle-aged white man with gold glasses also walked in.

“Mr. Guo, let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Clos Rodriguez, Deputy President of Citibank San Francisco Bank and Head of Credit Department.”

“Mr. Guo, nice to meet you!”

“Hello, Mr. Rodriguez!”

After a simple handshake, the three of them took their seats.

“Carl told me about Mr. Guo’s loan request just now. There is no problem with Mr. Guo wanting to get the full loan of 80 million, but the 5% loan interest rate is too low!”

“How much do you want?” Guo Shouyun said indifferently.


A glint flashed in Rodriguez’s eyes.


Guo Shouyun sneered at the middle-aged white man in front of him, “Mr. Rodriguez, I have long heard that people in the financial industry are extremely greedy. I didn’t believe it very much before, but now you have successfully convinced me.  … Give me the information back, we don’t need to talk any more.”

Of course Rodriguez couldn’t return the information to Guo Shouyun. His credit department had few big clients like Guo Shouyun recently.

“Mr. Guo, 8% is just our expectation. If you don’t accept it, we can talk about it later.”

Looking at the smiling Clos, Guo Shouyun said with a cold face: “It’s only 5%. If you want to go higher, I’d rather go to the **** and ask Bank of America.”


“5%!” Guo Shouyun said firmly, “Mr. Rodriguez, please understand one thing, the US economy is in depression during the Nasdaq crisis. According to the report released by the Federal Reserve, the national commercial loan quota ratio in March In February, it fell by 11%, and in April, it was only US$148.7 billion, down 8.4% from the previous month. Now Nasdaq has no intention of bottoming out. According to the US economic survey report released by McKinsey and Roland Berger, The inflection point of the Nasdaq stock market appears, and it will not be until next year at the earliest. This means that the stock market will be in a state of decline throughout 2000. Affected by this, the national loan quota and the loan interest rate of commercial banks will be reduced within at least six months. Will be in a state of decline. In order to avoid paying more excess reserves to the Fed, I think there are many banks willing to issue loans, and the conditions are excellent! At least, the income of commercial loans is far more than the 1% of ‘overnight repo’. Unbeatable rate of return! And it’s easier to operate.”

Rodriguez took a deep look at the confident and calm young man sitting in front of him.

“Mr. Guo, who graduated from Stanford University’s Department of Economics, should come to work in our financial industry!”

“Sorry, I’m still more interested in the technology industry!” Guo Shouyun said indifferently.

Rodriguez smiled, and after a little thought, “6%! Mr. Guo, if it’s any lower, we really can’t work with you!”

“5.5%, the loan term is five years, the interest will be repaid before five years, and the principal will be paid in one lump sum after five years! If you repay early, in addition to the interest paid, I will pay you an additional 1% handling fee. This It’s my last condition, if you don’t accept it, I’ll go to another bank.”

Looking at Guo Shouyun’s firm expression, Clos Rodriguez, who is good at observing words, understands that this is the other party’s real bottom line.

“Mr. Guo, you are really a master negotiator!”

Standing up and holding the hand that the other party took the initiative to extend, Guo Shouyun said indifferently: “If I were really a master negotiator, I wouldn’t let Mr. Rodriguez make such a big profit.”

Given enough time, he is confident he can squeeze rates to around 4%, but what he lacks the most right now is time. Facing the opportunity that was coming soon, he couldn’t wait any longer.

“Haha, Mr. Guo is really humble! … Carl, bring the contract here!”

The latter nodded and hurriedly went down to prepare the contract.

Everything that followed came naturally, and Guo Shouyun got the $80 million in liquidity that was crucial to his future. After getting the money, he did not transfer it to Google, but immediately transferred the funds to Phoenix Capital’s account in a Swiss bank.

Two days later, Guo Shouyun got an affirmative answer from George Davis.

“Boss, your house is ready!”


“It’s less than one kilometer from the company, five minutes by bike, two minutes by car!”

After taking a look at the photo of the house from Wendy’s hand, Guo Shouyun nodded.

“Let’s go see the scene!”


The latter agreed, followed Guo Shouyun out of the company, and it was really close after a two-minute drive.

This is a very typical American-style villa, with a fenced courtyard of about fifty or sixty square meters in front, and a bungalow in the back, with three bedrooms and two halls, about 140 square meters. From the back door, there is a small park not far away, so you don’t have to worry about running out of place in the morning. Moreover, it is located in the middle of the offices of LinkedIn and Google, so it is convenient to go to work anywhere.

“How much is the rent?”

“The monthly rent is $400, one pays three!” Wendy Solo said immediately.

“Yes, here it is. The rent is settled from the finances!”


“By the way, don’t change the furniture here, just clean it and disinfect it. But all the sofa covers, bed sheets and duvet covers are new.”


After explaining, Guo Shouyun returned to the company, and Martin found him as soon as he entered the door.

“Bruce, are you moving out of school?”

“Well, the school is too far from the company. It’s a waste of more than an hour to commute to get off work.”

“It’s really a waste of time.” Martin Alexander nodded, and then his eyes lit up, “Why don’t we find a house together, just like Stanford, let’s live together!”

Guo Shouyun couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Go, go, who will live with you! I don’t want others to misunderstand that I am crooked!”

“Hey, we are brothers…!”

After waving his hand to interrupt him, Guo Shouyun pointed to the document in his hand, “Is something wrong?”

The brain circuit of the programmer is different from that of ordinary people. Martin instantly forgot the loss of being “abandoned” by Guo Shouyun before, and happily put the document in his hand in front of him.

“Bruce, you are still amazing. Since we developed the address book uploading and group renting functions, LinkedIn’s registered users have achieved explosive growth. In just one month, our registered users have exceeded 600,000!”

After taking a look at the document, Guo Shouyun was excited, but he was not as exaggerated as Martin. After all, he had learned too much from later generations. However, there are only 600,000 registered users, and he will be really excited when it exceeds 100 million that day.

“Good. When will the personal homepage program be developed?”

“Three months, three months at most…!”

“One month, I will give you one month. You can recruit more if there are not enough staff, there are not enough places, there are still many empty office areas around, and if the funds are not enough, I can continue to inject capital into LinkedIn. But you must lead the development department in one month. Solve the program development of ‘personal home page’ within the time!”

“Then I’ll hire 10 more engineers!” Martin Alexander gritted his teeth.

“Okay, I’ll send an email to the HR department later!”

After Martin left smugly and energetically, Guo Shouyun sat at the desk and pondered for a while, then took out a document from the safe next to him.

“Let Tim come to my office.”

Guo Shouyun, who let go of his fingers, once again felt the benefits of having a secretary.

Not long after, Tim George, who was brought by Wendy, pushed open the door of Guo Shouyun’s office.

“Boss, are you looking for me?”


After nodding, Guo Shouyun pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

“Martin told me just now that LinkedIn has more than 600,000 registered users!” Guo Shouyun said after Tim George sat down.

“This is really good news!”

“It’s really good news! So, I think it’s time for us to think about the company’s profit model!”

When the words fell, Guo Shouyun handed the document he just took out to Tim George.

“Look after it first!”

After the latter nodded, he took the document and read it carefully.

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