Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

If you want to keep the peace, prepare for war!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God!*

Chapter 65 – If you want to keep the peace, prepare for war!

Here's the new chapter!

Enjoy it, peasants!


Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


Pov. Thor.

Waking up in the middle of the night to the news that the home I gave to the Aeolites had just been invaded by angels made me very alert.

Especially with the fact that Achilles had killed a high-ranking angel.


This is not how I planned it.

“So… You're telling me that all it took to act against the angels was them flying over the sands of one of the farthest beaches from the Aeolites?” I asked.

At the moment I was inside a room in the main tower of the Aeolite city, and in front of me were Achilles, with his arms crossed, and Karna, who sighed in response.

“Yes my king, they had the audacity to invade your territory, so I had to be a responsive host,” said Achilles, shrugging.

"Don't tell half-truths Achilles... You wanted to fight that angel with twelve golden wings" said Karna.

Achilles just grinned wider.

"What can I say... A good battle is my greatest wish" said Achilles.

This was already getting out of hand...

But I couldn't help but be interested in what Achilles and Karna had said about their encounter with the angels.


Izanagi's own sword.


Considering that Hera had already contacted me before about the disappearance of the Nemean lion, I already suspected that the leader of the angels was already trying to create...

Sacred Gears.

The big question was whether the leader of the angels had already introduced the basic Sacred Gers into the Heaven System.

With that in mind, I already knew the next steps I would take.

Fortifying the territory of Midgard would be the main thing.

Besides, the project that I need to be finalized…


With the Hnefatafl, I would make my allies and most trusted warriors an extra boost of power, so that combat against other deities and extraordinary beings would be viable.

Unlike future 'Evil Pieces', Hnefatafl will not have the purpose of reincarnation to increase numbers of the population...


The purpose was to increase the user's base power, in addition to granting the user the ability to fully utilize Viljestyrke - Archer, and Viljestyrke - Knight.

Although it sounds simple, it would be perfect for my current situation.

Karna, although he had talent, still could not use the advanced form of Viljestyrke - Archer, which allowed the user to see the future, in addition to being unable to use Viljestyrke - Knight, being reduced to Touki.

Achilles, on the other hand, was an expert user of Viljestyrke - Knight but was still unable to perform advanced feats as the true purpose of Viljestyrke - Knight, which was to hurt the opponent's soul, otherwise, Achilles was still unable to learn Viljestyrke - Archer.

The Hnefatafl project would fix that.

Although it was not possible to replicate Viljestyrke – King due to being too complex.

Having that set in my mind, it was time for something else that had caught my attention...

“So, tell me about this Oni… What is this 'eating' ability that you saw Achilles?” I asked.

Achilles just sighed.

“I don't know King... I just know it was a little weird, I felt like the very concept of air was being devoured, and it was hard to breathe. So, with that in mind, I knocked her out first, to make it simpler, even though I was tempted to just kill her,” said Achilles.

I just sweat in response...

My request was that if there was any external threat, the duty of these two was to neutralize the threat.

Unfortunately, it ends up with Achilles killing without having a second thought.

"...At least now I'll have some answers..." I said.

Achilles just gave a victorious smile, while Karna just remained expressionless.

I soon walked towards the other room, made with the purpose of interrogation, and as soon as I opened it, I saw Oni tied to a chair... I could see that she was looking at me with fear, even without me having done anything.

I suppose it was simple enough to assume she knew I was some kind of deity...

"... Greetings, young Oni," I said, quickly approaching a chair and sitting down.

She did not answer me.

... Well, she's not as innocent as I thought she would be.

"You're a long way far from home... As well as fighting in my territory, though in part I must blame Achilles' violent attitude," I said.

For a brief moment, I could see her eyes lose some focus for a second...

“... Who are you?... Where is Buri? I wish to speak with him” said Oni.

... She might not be that innocent... But she's quite out of update with the northern situation.

At the very least, my answer would be a way of confirming the small hypothesis I was creating in my mind.

“… Buri died, along with most of the northern first and second divine generation… I am part of the fourth generation, I am the son of the current leader, although I am not the heir” I said, explaining.

Ah~... There’re the unfocused eyes again.

I know that some people lose their eye focus a little so they can think at their own pace... But asking specific questions? Mainly thinking that Buri was still alive and I looked considerably older than her?

Other than that, I was feeling a strange and, dare I say, unique supernatural energy.

"... I wish to speak with the leader," said the Oni.

I just snorted in response.

“I don't think you understand the seriousness of the situation... I'm the one who decides things in this place, my old man and my brother don't even know you're here, so I suggest you don't start 'demanding' things and just cooperate " I said.

The Oni seemed to be talking again, due to the silence and the loss of focus in her eyes again, although she responded quickly.

"... I understand..." said the Oni.

Progress, although I can tell the Oni's discontent by the tone of voice.

"Firstly, what is your name and what race do you belong to? But before you give me a simple answer like 'Oni race' I ask that you be more specific because I know that Onis have red skin, so I hope you have a good explanation for their current appearance” I said, gesturing to her body.

I know she is an Oni from the unique feel, though it is quite similar to the presence of the Utukku, who were the evil spirits of the Anunnaki who lived in the shadows of Ereshkigal's realm.

But from the drawings and descriptions of appearance... She only had the Oni 'horns'.

"... My name is Yamato, and... I'm a special Oni" said the Oni, whose name is Yamato.

Hmm?... Another loss of focus?

“... Was the 'Special Oni' part your friend in your head suggests to say?” I questioned.

It seemed that I had hit a sore spot because I soon realized that Yamato had frozen in response.

“Save your worries, I don’t care for other supernatural beings who wish to remain hidden. However, I need to know if this friend of yours is hostile if you come face to face with any of my people's civilians” I said.

I explained it as best I could; after all, I wasn't crazy enough to trust and 'extend a helping hand' to a complete stranger with unique powers.

It seemed that my words made Yamato question her supposed 'friend', but I got an answer faster than I thought.

“Taotie is good, he took care of me since I was a kid!” said Yamato.

... Huh?


The Fiend of Gluttony, Taotie?!

I did my best to keep my facial expression neutral, and although I wanted to question further, I could tell that Yamato was having another conversation with what I assumed was Taotie...

And from her flushed, embarrassed face… I think Taotie was scolding her.

It was then that Yamato's facial expression quickly changed and the orange-colored eyes were replaced by an emerald green color.

"Greetings Asgardian," said Yamato.

... Her tone of voice changed...

“…Taotie?” I asked.

Yamato soon nodded in affirmation.

"In fact... Forgive the young Oni, she still doesn't know the so-called common sense and has the bad habit of not paying attention to what she says" said Yamato, with the voice of Taotie.

I immediately disregarded it.

"As I said before, I don't care much about these things... The main issue right now is your presence so far west, I thought you'd be sealed away somewhere" I said.

At least, that was my original thought, after all, Taotie, as the strongest Fiend, who was sealed away by Izanagi and Pangu, two creator gods, would be trapped in some cave somewhere between China and Japan.

“... It's been ages, but this young Oni found me after events traumatic for her, and we merged. Our fusion was also why her appearance was so different from an ordinary Oni,” said Taotie.

I hummed in response as I got lost in thought.

Although I wasn't very satisfied, there was something that bothered me and until now it hasn't been answered.

“… You are too far from home… May I know why?” I questioned.

This seemed to affect Taotie a bit, and this can be seen from the small frown on her forehead.

“We were tasked by Tsukuyomi to hunt down his father's sword thieves in exchange for information. However, of course, we weren't able to complete the mission that was given to us, so we'll come back empty-handed... If you allow it,” said Taotie.

Hmm... He looks fearful, although that's justified. After all, he knows that if I decided to keep them imprisoned, I would have the full power to tear him from the Oni's body...


“… What kind of information?” I asked.

An Oni miles away, hunting high-ranking angels and retrieving a legendary sword, just for information?

What kind of information is this for such dedication to a search and recovery mission?

“…Although I cannot speak in detail due to how personal the information is for my partner, I can say this… See the bone fragment stuck in our clothes?” Taotie asked.

I looked briefly and tried to locate the so-called bone fragment until I found it attached to a small string on her pants...

As soon as I hit my eyes on it I noticed something...

"...Blood magic..." I said, whispering.

But not only that...

"... Devil," I said, looking again at the serious face of Yamato, who was being controlled by Taotie.

Taotie displayed a dark look as she nodded in affirmation.

"... My partner is hunting the devil that held this magical inheritance signature, Tsukuyomi offered information in exchange for our services... This devil has not been seen for a long time," said Taotie.

I was just silent until I thought of something briefly and then I called Karna with a magic rune.

Karna soon opened the door and looked at me.

“What does my king want?” Karna asked.

"Stay here, I'll be right back, I need to check something," I said, getting up from the chair and walking out the door, leaving Karna behind to keep an eye on Taotie.

I created another rune and notified another person, who soon answered me I didn't waste time.

(Thor? What happened?) said the female voice through the rune.

"Sif... Do you still have any proof of the devil energy trail from years ago when Dainn was killed?"

(Well, yes, but... I still don't understand why you -) said Sif, before I quickly cut her off.

“I promise I'll explain later, can you bring the proof to my forge under my house in Midgard? I'll be there soon” I said.

It was just a guess...

But how many times have I heard about a devil who would dare to trespass into a gods-protected territory?

Although devils are driven by desire and some sin, there is always a pattern. In this particular case, it's simple...

The same devil that the Oni was hunting, was it the same devil that was in Midgard all those years ago?

The probability was low, after all, there were several devils.

But it didn't hurt to check...

(... I'm on my way) said Sif, by the rune.

I soon canceled the rune and made a teleportation rune, heading to my forge.

Although I knew the devils were a problem, I still had to solve the problem with the angels, after all, Achilles killed someone of high rank and surely the angels wouldn't leave it at that.

With recent events, and if I'm correct about the devil, then there's only one thing left for me considering the next meeting between the leaders of the pantheons was approaching...

I have to go to Asgard.


- Location: Heaven / Fifth Heaven.

Pov. Third-person.


The house of angels.

It was well known for being the home of beings endowed with the ability to bend the light element to their will, in addition to having been created by only one being of extreme power.


Because heaven is so vast, it was divided by Yhwh himself to separate the heaven into seven levels.

The fifth heaven was the place reserved for the dwelling of high-ranking angels, who were not low-class angels or Seraphim.

In one of the houses made of pristine white marble and clouds, a particular angel with five pairs of wings with an average appearance, black hair, golden bangs, and a black goatee, was concentrating on a small project...

The creation of extraordinary objects.

And, at that moment, it was possible to see that the angel was so concentrated that he ended up not noticing someone entering his house.

“Azazel!” someone shouted.

It was Michael, who was looking at the angel, now called Azazel, with a slightly sad look.

Azazel, having been called to attention soon turned to face Michael and hid some papers behind him.

“Ah! Michael! My brother... May I help you with something?” asked Azazel, sweating.

Michael just raised an eyebrow in amusement and gave a tired sigh.

“… Our father summons us and… You need to come with me to see someone,” said Michael.

Azazel then nodded briefly, before turning towards the table.

"Wait a moment brother... I'll just finish a part of this," said Azazel.

Michael soon floated up to Azazel on his twelve golden wings and looked curious to see what his brother was doing that required full concentration.

It was then that Michale saw a white sword on the table, along with a bunch of papers.

"...Azazel, what do you think you're doing?" asked Michael.

Azazel just looked at Michael and replied with a smile.

“Our father seems to be getting into the habit of collecting things from the other gods; I just thought he could use them for something more productive. I call my little project 'extraordinary weapons that can be used by non-supernatural beings'... Obviously, the name needs to be improved!” said Azazel.

Michael frowned a little, especially when he looked at the white sword on the table.

“Brother… You taught humans to craft stone weapons, father forgave you last time, but now you wish to give humans supernatural weapons? Don't you think enough damage has already been done?" Michael asked.

Azazel looked indignant.

“They were dying by hunger, Michael, HUNGER... I gave the knowledge to all humans to create simple weapons to help them hunt better! I was not the one who used the acquired knowledge as a weapon against other humans!” said Azazel.

Michael was quick to say the counterpoint.

“Still doesn't change the fact that this resulted in new ways for humans to start killing each other! *sigh*… Azazel, I was there when our father had to bow his head and apologize for your actions to the other gods, what you did was reckless and, above all, risky,” said Michael, with a sad look in his eyes.

It was that look that Azazel always saw in Michael... An eternal look of sadness and melancholy.

Although something more could be seen...


“... I thought I was improving the way of life for all humans, it was never my intention to make humans start killing each other for more 'power'. I can't change what I did, but even you must agree with me that humans must have some way of defending themselves against the supernatural,” said Azazel.

“They already have us, who care for humans in a state of despair and without beliefs, in addition to each god being responsible for humans living in already determined territories. We must never interact directly against the other gods, our duty is to care for humans, no matter what their beliefs... It was our Father's request, Azazel” said Michael.

“We can't be everywhere at once Michael! These extraordinary weapons could be the key to mankind's independence!” said Azazel.

Michael, however, remained steadfast.

“... I am not the 'voice' of our Father, so I don't have the power of decision. So the conversation is over, although I still don't agree, you must present what you think to our Father, and ask his advice” said Michael.

"...Father will never agree... It is very likely that he will never forgive me if he sees what I am proposing" said Azazel, stepping away from Michael.

Michael just stared at his brother sadly.

“... Never forgive you? Azazel, have you forgotten WHO is our Father?... Even our Father doesn't think with hate about Lucifer and the others who followed him... But with sadness” said Michael.

Azazel didn't counter.

Michael soon floated out of the room, wanting to leave Azazel alone with his thoughts, but not before speaking.

"...Baraqiel is currently being healed," said Michael.

This roused Azazel, who then looked worriedly at Michael, completely ignoring the disagreements the celestial brothers had moments ago.

Although Azazel doesn't seem like it, he cared for every one of his brothers and sisters.

"... How did this happen? How is he?” asked Azazel, hastily.

Michael answered solemnly.

"... He just returned from a complicated mission and is now resting... Unfortunately one of our brothers, who accompanied Baraqiel on his mission, did not survive, but the father is taking care of him personally" said Michael.

Azazel didn't ask anything more and soon he used his ten white wings and soon flew out of the white room, completely abandoning the search, and passed by Michael at high speed.

Michael remained impassive and took one last look at the table where Azazel's research was located.

"*sigh*... May the Father guide you brother, and grant light on your path," said Michael, walking out of the room, leaving Azazel's research untouched.

- Location: Aeolite City.

It had been some time since Thor had left, leaving Karna just sitting and staring at any suspicious movement from Yamato, who had taken control of her body again after Thor had hurriedly left.

Yamato remained uneasy as she was stared at by the glowing red eyes of the son of the Hindu Sun.

Until the door was opened and caught the attention of the trapped Oni, although Karna didn't even look at the door, as if he already knew who was going to enter...

It wasn't Thor.

"You!" said Yamato, looking at the figure with hatred.

"Hmm?... Me!" said the figure mockingly, as he entered the room carrying a large amount of food.

It was Achilles.

Achilles' response only made Yamato angrier.

“You knocked me out for no reason! I said to not interfere! My fight had nothing to do with you, human!” said Yamato, irritated.

"Orders are orders, woman... My orders were to shoot down anything that trespassed on my king's territory" said Achilles, responding to the Oni's wrath in a nonchalant manner.

Yamato was irritated, though the one who responded to Achilles for the first time since Thor left was Karna.

“I thought our king's order was a simple request to 'protect' the territory from any threat... I don't remember the order to kill on sight” said Karna, confused.

Achilles looked at Karna and just rolled his eyes.

“If you kill the invader immediately, the territory is safe, right? I didn't disobey orders, I just kept it simple, you should learn a little from me, Karna” said Achilles, shrugging with a mocking smile.

It was then that the door opened again, revealing that Thor had returned.

"... In that case, I'll have to be more specific the next time I ask you to do something, Achilles," said Thor, entering the room.

Karna was expressionless, while Yamato eyed Thor suspiciously and Achilles...

He would slightly raise his arms in a surrender posture, though still with a smile.

"...Sorry, king," said Achilles.

Thor, however, didn't pay attention to what Achilles was saying and just walked quickly towards Yamato and held out his hand...

For a moment, Yamato thought Thor was going to hurt her and prepared for the worst... Until she was surprised when Thor grabbed the bone fragment she had pulled from her brother's dead body, and it served to remind her of her mission.

"Hey! Give it back to me!” yelled Yamato.

“I will give it back… Just give me a moment,” said Thor.

The god of thunder soon took a kind of glass sphere from his coat, which contained some remains of stone and grass inside, and soon brought the piece of bone close to the glass sphere.

When the piece of bone was some distance away from the glass sphere, the sphere soon began to emit a bluish glow.

This glow was soon accompanied by Thor's frown, who soon stuck the piece of bone back in Yamato's clothes and placed the sphere that still glowed blue on the table.

“Looks like we have some things in common… If I let you go, will you promise not to cause a fuss?” Thor asked.

Yamato immediately nodded, but Thor didn't seem to believe it at first.

“…Taotie,” Thor said.

Yamato's eyes glowed green for just a few seconds before Yamato, being controlled by Taotie, responded.

"... We swear by our blood and soul," said Taotie.

Yamato was soon back in control of her body, albeit with a scowl, as by the previous request Thor trusted Taotie's word more than hers.

"Very well then. Simply put, these stones and grasses inside the glass sphere were taken from a location close to the murder of a dwarf within Asgardian territory... Apparently, the same devil you are looking for was here "said Thor.

This seemed to freeze Yamato.

It was then that a presence soon took over the room, Yamato's features began to become more animalistic, and the young Oni ripped off the restraints that held her to the chair.

"Where is he?!" roared Yamato, taken by Taotie's power.

The rebuke was instantaneous.

Though Thor remained motionless...

Karna had a red arrow aimed at Yamato's head, while Achilles had drawn his spear and aimed it at Yamato's heart.

“…Try it,” said Achilles, with a smile.

"Calm down Oni... Actions have consequences" said Karna listlessly.

When Yamato was going to answer the two heroes, she was soon interrupted by Thor.

“Stop all of you! I thought honoring oaths was a matter of character,” said Thor.

The Norse god just sat back down on the chair and gestured for Yamato to do the same.

The young Oni then briefly glared at Thor and soon began to calm down, which made Karna and Achilles lower their weapons, and sat down as well while awaiting a further explanation from Thor.

Thor let a few seconds pass until he was sure nothing would happen.

“My knowledge of who he is or where he is currently is very limited… I only know what he did,” said Thor.

Yamato frowned.

“By any chance... Were there any missing persons in Izanagi territory? Whether it is the disappearance of supernatural beings or non-supernatural beings?” questioned Thor.

Thor's question made Yamato a little... confused.

"Tsukuyomi-sama didn't tell me anything about missing people... But he seemed to know about the devil I’m hunting" said Yamato.

Thor just frowned.

“Is it possible that… Tsukuyomi used you to do what he couldn't? Leaving Shinto territory and killing an angel to retrieve a powerful sword without consequences for the Shinto deities?” Thor asked.

Yamato was unhappy with the question.

"Blasphemy! Tsukuyomi-sama, despite being a bit gloomy, is honorable!” said Yamato.

Thor was silent, just watching Yamato's dedication.

“…Does he know about Taotie?” Thor asked.

Yamato soon waved.

"Of course he does! The big three were the first to notice, with Amaterasu-sama being the one who notified Tsukuyomi-sama,” said Yamato.

"I see... Taotie, how can a deity notice your presence?" Thor asked.

It was then that a silver-colored aura emerged from Yamato's body, until it took the form of Taotie's shadow, with two emerald eyes staring at Thor.

“Every deity that can see Yamato's soul is able to see me. Some beings are capable of doing this with just a brief glance; you don't demonstrate such ability, although I can feel that you train your spiritual side… You still aren't capable yet” said Taotie, narrowing its eyes slightly.

Thor hummed a little while thinking for just a few seconds about Taotie's response.

"The three Shinto... Do they demonstrate this ability?" Thor asked.

The room was completely silent, although Yamato became nervous as time went by.

“… Amaterasu, in theory, should be able to. After all, she, along with her two brothers, replaced the rule of two primordial Shinto, Izanagi and Izanami” said Taotie.

“I see… Well, I have no more questions, so you're free to go,” Thor said, getting up from his chair.

Yamato was surprised by Thor's statement.

"Free? Just like that?” asked Yamato.

Thor just smiled.

“Yes, you may leave, although you are more than free to wander around the city… Would Achilles guide our guest to Igris and explain the situation to him? Igris will serve as the city guide,” said Thor, opening the door.

Achilles soon gave an exaggerated bow with a cheeky smile.

"Certainly, my king... Let's go woman" said Achilles, soon leaving for the door.

Yamato quickly followed Achilles, though she looked at Thor in confusion before heading out the door.

However, as soon as Achilles and Yamato left...

Thor had lost his smile.

“… What are the orders?” Karna asked.

Thor soon sighed and looked at Karna.

“I already told you to stop referencing my request as absolute orders,” said Thor.

Karna didn't answer, and just kept a serious look on his face, which made Thor give up trying to instill some common sense in the son of the Hindu sun.

"Increase surveillance in the territory, if something supernatural happens DO NOT KILL just try to capture, and only as a last resort, if capture is impossible to the point of risking your lives, consider killing the invader," said Thor.

Karna soon waved in response.

Thor then left the room but was soon interrupted by Karna who asked one last question.

“My king... Any advice for the city?” Karna asked.

Thor didn't even turn around when he answered.

“Yes, stay watchful, and when the time comes… Prepare for war,” said Thor.

The god of thunder soon left the room.

Thor said this for the simple fact that the Great War will be of great proportions and affect all territories that have humans on the planet.

Besides, this war will not be finishing anytime soon for one simple reason...

Due to Yhwh occupying a very high position, it is quite likely that he will not interfere because then the other powerful beings in the Top 10 will rebuke Yhwh's actions.

In simple terms, Thor knew that if Yhwh directly and more actively interfered in the war by killing the devils... He could have the Trimurti knocking on the gates of Heaven just a few seconds later.

For Thor, there was only one sentence that summed it all up...

'Leveled the Game'.

- Location: Territory of future Ukraine.

In a forest punished by ice, a small figure, wearing a kind of protective cape covering its body and face to protect itself from the cold, walked aimlessly.

Until the figure saw a small hut and walked towards it quickly.

When the hooded figure approached the door, he knocked lightly.

The door opened and an older man with blond hair was now eyeing the hooded figure suspiciously.

“... What do you want?” asked the man.

The hooded figure slightly lowered the cloth on its face, revealing the face of a boy with black hair and slightly tanned skin, but what caught the man's attention were the child's eyes...

Scarlet red, looking like two rubies.

“… Got some food to share?” asked the child.

As soon as the man saw that it was just a child in the middle of a blizzard, he opened the door wider.

“Come little one, my wife and daughter are having Borscht to warm up a little. If you want to stay longer, you are welcome, as long as you pay for your stay through manual labor on the farm,” said the man.

The child soon accepted and entered the house.

“… Where are your parents, boy?” asked the man, closing the door.

But not before being answered by the child.

"... I've always been alone," said the boy.

The man seemed to soften his gaze and then gestured the boy to his wife and daughter.

“I am Ruslan, this is my wife Lyuba and my only daughter Lera,” said the man, identified as Ruslan.

The boy was silent for just a few seconds as if he wasn't very confident about introducing himself to strange people, but soon he spoke...

"... I'm Gil"

Outside the hut...

A being in the appearance of a deformed and fierce woman, with a red upturned nose, wide and burning nostrils, eyes burning like burning coals, and thistles coming out of the skull instead of hair, floated among the branches of the trees mounted on a mortar. , while holding a broom.

It was a Baba-Yaga.

She had followed the child who was emitting abnormal supernatural energy and had become curious.

When she took the first step, she froze... She felt like she was being watched by something or someone.

When Baba-Yaga looked at a specific branch, she began to sweat.

With the full moon shining behind a figure, the Baba-Yaga can only discern a few physical features...

The figure had stag antlers, dark skin, claws on its hands and feet, and most of all...

Bright amber-colored eyes.

"...I strongly suggest you leave..." said the figure, getting up from the branch of the tree.

When the figure got up, because of the moon's brightness, a shadow soon overshadowed Baba-Yaga and revealed more of the figure...

It was Enkidu.


Well, that's it, folks!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, peasants!

See you next week!

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