~Reborn as Naruto~(we back!)

Chapter 3: Progress!

(AN:Here's a real long chapter for you my pookies, I'm sorry for not updating but exams are starting soon and I'm really focused on studying, if I don't update, expect long chapters to compensate)


Hiruzen POV:

As I take a deep breath from my pipe, my thoughts drifted to the son of my successor, Naruto Uzumaki. The boy has shown recent signs of maturity along with signs of rapid improvement.

He reminds of his parents. He seems to have inherited both their drives, and some of Minato's intelligence. I truly believe that one day he could surpass all of the kage.

A fear I have, is Danzo, my old teamate, getting his hands on Naruto. That would be as good as breaking my promise to both Minato and Kushina. He wants to train Naruto, to build him into a weapon for the village.

He simply doesn't realise that even if he does train the boy, that doesn't mean he'll listen, in fact, he might come to resent the village. Even if he does place the root seal on Naruto, who's to say what effects the ninetails may have on it.

I truly am interested in what the future holds for Naruto.

3 months TS :)

Naruto POV:

I jump back as a clone threw a quick jab at my face, only to be met with another clone throwing a hook kick towards my head, and another coming from below me with a kunai.

My eyes narrow, as I tilt my head to dodge the kick and throwing an axe kick towards the clone below me. I then grabbed the clone who kicked towards me, and threw a high knee at it's face, dispelling it.

I then did a handspring backwards to dodge a shuriken from the original clone, getting my balance, I sent chakra to my feet and appeared infront the clone, jumping and performing a 540 kick, dispelling it as well.

Taking a deep breath as I recalled the fight.

'alright, I've managed to incorporate some of the martial arts from my previous world, taijutsu is similar but the principles are different.'

I stretched a bit before heading into the forest, 'time to check the traps'. I followed my markings and reached my first trap, a pitfall.

I peered down the hole, most of the game were small animals like rabbits, but there was an occasional boar, hell even some wolves, I only use their fur though.

I shrug off some snow as I carry my game on my shoulders. 'You know, for being the fire country, the winter's quite cold.' I went to my makeshift base I made in the woods, a small wooden hut.


I opened the door and was greeted by a purple haired girl with pure white eyes. Hinata Hyuga. "Yo, I'm back." She giggled a bit, "Hello, Naruto-kun, how was hunting?"

I motion towards my shoulders, "I believe it went well."

Now you might asking, how and why she's here, in my base with me. Well we're friends, I'm sure you've read enough fanfics to know how Naruto and Hinata met in cannon. I did the same except, I actually beat the bullies.

Afterwards, we've hung out everyday and I've managed to make her a bit more confident, we also train together. She's stronger than canon, almost Neji's level but, I'm not that good of a teacher.

My nose twitched a bit, "Would you believe me if I said your cooking is one of the reason I wake up everyday?" She smirked a bit teasingly, "Yes you make sure to remind me everyday~"

Ah, I truly am a genius, can't believe I made this.

2 years and 7 month TS cuz why not?:

Today's the day, starting the academy. 'Can't say I'm excited.' I hum, 'How should I go about the academy? Holding back is obviously out the window, I'm not going to be some pushover. I'm honestly overthinking this, I'll just go with the flow.'

I ran a hand through my hair, it's grown, a lot. A few spiky bangs hung infront of my eyes, they don't impede me though, I pull my hair into a ponytail.

Moving onto my clothes, I wore a skintight long sleeve compression shirt, covered by a black turtle neck sleeveless sweater, some white tape was wrapped over my wrists and hands except fingers. I wore the traditional black anbu pants, wrapped at my ankles with some white tape and the traditional ninja sandals. I obviously had the ninja essentials, kunai strapped to my legs along with some shuriken pouches.

Taking a deep breath, I bodyflickered my way to the academy. Reaching it, I saw all the familiar faces, ranging from the Uchiha's to the Inuzuka's, I obviously didn't approach them, 'I don't wanna be like those Chinese young masters.' I shuddered at the thought.

A little while later the hokage stepped infront of the crowd, "Hello to all! I'm certain each and everyone one of you are excited to welcome the new generation of shinobi,I am as well. Today, I'd like to speak to our successors, there is something the shodai has taught to our village that shall always stay with us. The will of fire, I can see within all your eyes, you have it as well, no, your will of fire shall burn brighter than ours!"

At that point, I just tuned out the rest, I couldn't care less about the "will of fire". 'Sounds like a whole lot of propoganda, reminds me of that old Danzo meme, "make Konoha great again" ' I snort at the thought.

It took who knows how long for the old man to finally stop, when he finished, we were sorted by classes, I was obviously in my canon class. 'Oh, there's Hinata.' I waved to her to which she reciprocates. I felt a bit smug, 'Canon Hinata could never.'

Later, we were led to our classes. Me and Hinata obviously sat together,besides her, I'd only sit next to Shino, Shikamaru, or Choji. The rest are annoying, well besides Sasuke, I'd include him, if not for his fangirls.

Finishing my monologue, I turned to Hinata, "Hey, Hina, how's things been with your father?" She smiled warmly, "Really well, thanks to you, I've gotten stronger, strong enough to make my father proud." I chuckled a bit, "You shouldn't just be thanking me, it's largely due to your own efforts and potential. You were the one who decided to continue and persevere through your struggles, that's something to take pride in."

After chatting with Hinata for a bit, Iruka walked in, hitting against the blackboard at the front of the class. "Hello, my name's Iruka Umino, I will be your teacher for the rest of your time here, occasionally, another teacher may come to assist. Now, how about you all introduce yourselves?

I groaned a bit, I hated this part of schools, I was antisocial yeah, but I could force myself if needed. We started with some randoms that aren't worth mentioning, after a while we reached the familiar faces. First up was Ino.

"Hi! I'm Ino Yamanaka, I like flowers I wanna master my clan techniques like my father!"


"H-Hi, m-my names Sakura H-Haruno and I like reading, I-I want to become a c-capable kunoichi."


"Sup! The names Kiba Inuzuka, and I like my partner, Akumaru, I will be the strongest!"


"Hello. I am Shino Aburame, I like my bugs and dislike those who can't see their worth, I want show the world how amazing my bugs can be."


"Hiya! I'm Choji Akimichi, I like food and I'm not fat, just big boned! And I honestly don't know what I wanna do."


He sighs "Shikamaru Nara, I like sleeping. I wanna be a cloud." before slumping back on the chair.


"Hi! I'm Hinata Hyuga, I like my family and friends, I dislike bullies. I want to be the strongest kunoichi I can be!"


"Hey! I'm Sasuke Uchiha, I like tomato's and my older brother, I dislike when he can't train me. I want-no will surpass him!"

Finally, me.

"Yo, Naruto Uzumaki, I like my friends and dislike rude people. My dream? To be the strongest there was and ever will be."

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