~Reborn as Naruto~(we back!)

Chapter 1: Rebirth?

My eyes open blearily, I glance around the room as I blink to erase my grogginess. 'Hm? This isn't my room?' I thought to myself with a sigh as I get up, noticing that my completion was far lighter than normal.

I groan as I fell back on the bed,'of course, I had to have been reborn~'. I clicked my tongue, I was a lazy person, I couldn't stand the thought of having to go through life a second time.

'I suppose I better see what I look like now' I mentally grumble as I walk through the ran down apartment in search of a reflective surface. Eventually, I found a bathroom, it stunk to say the least. The water seemed to be turned off, 'Weird', I mentally noted. 'Maybe I couldn't afford the water bills~' I joked to myself with a snort before looking around, the bathroom was small, I'd say about 1.2 meters, the windows seemed chipped as well, I frowned, I already had a suspicion about who I was.

I got to the mirror and staring back at me was a short boy with beautiful azure eyes and sunny blonde hair, the boy was malnourished, but not extremely so. I was wearing a white shirt with the Uzumaki crest on the stomach and black shorts.

I pinched my nose, it seems god dislikes me.

'Alright, at least I'm somewhere I have knowledge about, yeah, I'm glad I'm not somewhere like berserk or 40k'. I shivered at the thought, I ran a hand through my hair in annoyance. I took a deep breath, 'ok, first things first, I need the transformation jutsu, then I'll plan out from there, I still don't know at which point in cannon I am though'.

I left the bathroom and made way to "my" front door. I stepped outside, and only a single thought ran through my mind, 'beautiful'. Everything from the air to the buildings, it all seemed so intriguing. I started walking through the street, looking through various stalls, ignoring the hostile gazes sent my way. I had thick-skin, it was almost mandatory to survive the internet in the 21st century.

Eventually, I reached an open area, my gaze fell on the hokage monument, 'at least I'm not in some weird alternate universe', the familiar faces lined the mountain. I continued through the village, often than not I caught glances at the shinobi of the village.

This didn't mean they weren't good ninja, not at all, I've just always been really observant.

I then started making my way to the giant mansion near the hokage monument, while walking, I tried to focus on my chakra to pass time.' From what I remember it's produced by the heart, the chakra pathways are similar to the cardiovascular systems I'm familiar with'. I took a deep breath as I focused inside myself, it took a while, but eventually, I felt some warmth right as I reached the mansion.

I entered the mansion and was met with an average lady who's honestly not worth describing, someone I'd call a side character. I walked up to her as I got into character mentally. "H-hello miss, is old man hokage available?". I was trying to present myself as an innocent, naive boy. The lady smiled a bit before she nodded, "Yes, lord hokage is free right now, follow me". I raised an eyebrow before I followed behind her, 'so those fanfics back home were wrong huh, makes sense. I don't see Hiruzen keeping someone who hates Naruto or me in the office'. Finishing my monologue we reached the door, the lady knocked, and a warm elderly voice told us to come inside.

Stepping inside, I saw the man himself in all his glory. It was weird, it felt oppressive yet open being in his presence, 'A real leader'.

The man wore red and white robes accompanied by the infamous hokage cap, he seemed a fair bit younger than when first introduced.

I forced a playful grin, "Old man~How've you been?" The elderly man chuckled at my antics before responding "I'm doing quite well Naruto, how have you been, my boy?"

I shrug, "The usual, old man. There has been something bothering me though..."


Hiruzen frowns, clearly concerned,


"I see, please tell this old man what's bothering you my boy?"


I sighed as I looked away, "Well, I've been wanting to go to the library, but for some reason the librarian won't let me in. I really want to improve, old man!" I determinedly nodded my head. Hiruzen was perplexed before he started chuckling, "well, Naruto, why do you want to improve so much, there's still 3 years before you start the academy?"

"Old man, I want to be able to protect my precious people, I can't afford to waste 3 years that could be used for training". Hiruzen chuckles once more, I believe I remind him of Minato and Kushina, my ""parents"". "Alright, I'll only show you the hand-seals once, I want you to memorise them and when you unlock your chakra to practice it". I grinned as I nodded excitedly before the older man started doing the signs, **Rat**>**Tiger**>**Boar**.

(AN:I honestly don't know where to get jutsu hand-seals, so I just made up what seals would be the transformation jutsus, if you know where to get the seals, lmk pls~)

I seared the signs to memory before I nodded, "got it, thanks old man!" I grinned "I'll repay you by taking that hat someday".

'Yeah not happening, I am not being tied down here , especially it's responsibilities', I mentally complained as I waved to Hiruzen and left, making my way back to my apartment.

(AN:Yo, I just wanted to thank you for taking your time to read this, I really appreciate it. It's my first book, so please lmk how I can improve. I'm writing to improve my writing, I'm a 9th grader and according to my English teacher, I write really well. Any form of criticism is appreciated~)

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