Almost at a hundred chapters on the Patreon on the Kevin and Gilgamesh fanfic

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“… You and I are going to have a talk when I get back,” Fred remarked as he prepared himself.


“Since this will be your first combat outside of Hell, you have unlocked the Crucible. Do you wish to wield it now?”


“Haha, you are evil, you know. Not now, anyway,” Fred said as a blue portal with dark blue highlights swirled in front of him.


“Just like the game.” Fred smiled as a larger-than-normal shotgun with a hook appeared in his hands.


“Will I even need this?” Fred pondered the decision and let the shotgun back into his storage space, but the shotgun looked like it evaporated to nothingness.


“LET’S GOOO!” Feeling pumped, Fred jumped into the portal.


In another plane of reality,


Fire and brimstone were prominent in some areas, others a frozen tundra, and some with red rocks under a red sky. A crack could be seen in the crimson sky as some of the winged inhabitants with horns observed that spectacle with curiosity until they found a man in his early thirties, who some might even pass for twenty-five, donned in a grey and silver robe with dragon designs on it.


“I have never seen that creature before, but it reeks too much of a demon king!” one of the spectators said as it fled the area after making its comment.


“Haha, it seems Rajhael is more of a coward than I thought. His territory is mine, by the way,” a wingless creature who floated with the appearance of a silverback gorilla with horns said to two other flying creatures that disagreed with him and fled the area as well.


“This is an opportunity to take over their territories!” The silverback demon cackled and summoned its armies of lesser silverbacks.


Draco pinched his nose in disgust after breathing in the air and scrunched his face. “Who is in charge of this area?” Draco asked as the buildings and souls in the area began to explode. The lesser souls eventually returned since they were damned for all eternity, but the silverback demon didn’t.


“That’s better. The place reeks of poor management!” Draco said, but this time his voice didn’t affect the plains. Draco pointed at the ground below him, and the ground was levelled in an instant, with foreign material replacing them, making them more sturdy.


“Now one of you should be in charge here, and that’s it. If I come back and I smell poor management, there will be… I was about to say there will be Hell to pay, but you are already in Hell. He would have found that funny.” Draco chuckled a bit and made sure not to utter Fred’s name since he didn’t know which entity could make use of names to affect one’s soul. The more powerful the soul, the less likely it is to be affected by mana, energy, physical, ethereal, or normal attacks. The next best thing would be attacking that soul at a conceptual level, and Draco didn’t want to leave anything to chance.





Demons of different breeds, variants, and colours invaded the Amazonian island through Hell portals forcefully opened through humans with demonic contracts.


Some parts of the island burned, and chaos ensued on the island as demons slashed their way through the Amazons but somehow were at a stalemate. The Amazons were not normal by human standards as their physicality was leaps and bounds above that of peak men in the world. They had magical weapons, elite Olympic training, and demigods on their side.


The Amazons had a warrior mentality and had many tactics to use on the demons invading their island.


“Die, demon!” an Amazonian warrior cried out loud, impaling a gargoyle with her spear and running through another de-winged gargoyle, thanks to the efforts of the archers whose arrows packed enough punch to compete with and surpass a sniper rifle.


“Forward, sisters!” a squad commander cried out as they dodged fireball attacks from flying gargoyles and threw their spears accurately at them. Their javelin throws at the Olympic Games were showing their results.


More Hell portals opened up, and more demons came in, overwhelming the Amazonians with their numbers and firepower. It wasn’t until giants came in that Princess Diana and her mother, the Queen of Themyscira, arrived.


They were escorted by elite Amazonian guards to a balcony that oversaw the battle below.


A giant humanoid goat-like demon came in from a portal and roared, causing most of the Amazonian warriors to be stunned. The demons didn’t waste a second and skinned a lot of them, decapitated, cut open their bowels, and some demons who went out of control began fighting for the entrails of the fallen warriors.


“No! You demon! I will send you back to Hades!” Princess Diana cried out and flew at incredible speeds to the giant goat humanoid who laughed at the chaos with a deep, reverberating voice, appearing clueless about the imminent danger coming its way.


Princess Diana launched a full-powered punch at the giant, only to punch air.


“What?” the princess questioned what had just happened and found herself launched to the ground at full speed.


“He’s... fast,” Princess Diana said as she spat out some rubble in her mouth.


With lightning-like reflexes, she blocked another punch from the giant, which created a crater in the ground below her.


The sight of Princess Diana fighting on the battlefield bolstered courage and morale as the Amazons fought harder, even though they were getting outnumbered. Battle cries could be heard from the Amazons.


Another giant creature like the former but with red fur stepped out of the portal the demons came from and boasted of power, just like its giant counterpart on the field, and threatened to reduce the number of Amazons until the Queen of the Amazons stepped in with an overhead kick to its temples, causing the giant to falter in its concentration.


The giant fighting Diana soon grabbed her and threw her skywards, sending her flying for several kilometres, giving the princess a good look at their tiny island from high in the sky.


“Great Hera! Give me strength to end this vile beast!” Princess Diana cried out as she marked her target and began to descend at such speed her body was on fire and her armour burned until all she wore appeared as a skimpy outfit. That wasn’t her concern on an island of women but to stop the chaos that unfolded before her very eyes.




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