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Bob's eyes lit up at that statement and immediately tried to hide his excitement. Draco had been a thorn for many hell wardens and the chief warden of that quadrant. The reward for roping Draco in was immense to any hell warden and Bob didn’t need to contact anyone and immediately agreed to Draco signing the contract.


“Alright, now you have the same authority as demon kings and as such you both will be awarded the titles. There would be no need to prove your son’s strength since he fought a few of the twelve kings (different from demon kings, much stronger) and killed two in a soul battle and there was never any doubt about you since the title might be an insult to you.” Bob said carefully so as not to insult Draco.


Fred laughed when Bob referred to Draco as his father since they both looked the same in age. But what Fred did not know was Draco’s long history with hell and its wardens, making him a being of much influence, and power and thousands of years old.


But you wouldn’t blame Bob for assuming such. With the reputation Draco had, no one, within millions of miles approached his territory. Yet, there was always one person who did and kept getting away with, the likelihood of Fred being his protégé or child was high.


Draco let that slide since he wanted to just see what Fred was capable of and whether he would fulfil his promises of new adventures and a possibly better option at getting his body back.


“Moving on, after now you will no longer be subject to hell and will be able to travel to as many worlds as you can but you must connect hell to their spirit cycle. There are countless worlds that don’t have a spirit cycle in hell and that needs to be corrected.” Bob explained making gestures with his little hands.


“You will be rewarded for every world you connect and your rewards will be collected here in hell of course. Be wary of worlds that can sense what you want to do because they will fight back and possibly kill you and send you back here even weaker than ever. And you know what we do to those.” Bob said with a wicked grin across his face.


“Also, there are worlds with their own version of hell. Do your best to subjugate such make-believe hells and make their deaths slow and painful. Although they will be reincarnated here for torture, you should never try to imitate us, the real deal.” The flying baby said as darkness filled its eyes.


Fred listened with caution and didn’t interrupt. He couldn’t believe this was the job of demon kings. It also made him wonder if this hell was indeed the original and not another trying to swallow up the others to become the only one that connects across all worlds.


No wonder demon kings were always threatening worlds whenever I read about them in fantasy or cultivation books. They also have a job to connect worlds it seems, so does that mean every world does its best to stop them? If so…’ Fred thought to himself as he stroked his chin.


“There was a case of a particular being who wasn’t a demon king but had strength far greater than one but was subdued by the greatest forces of three worlds and lost a lot of his original strength when he arrived here so be careful out there. If you go more than ten thousand years without subjugating a world… then you will have hell to pay!” The flying baby said as flames surrounded its body.


“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get going Draco.” Fred said as he got up.


“But wait! What about my waters?” Bob asked as the flames around his body died out.


“It’s in that bottle on your bar.” Draco pointed.


“That sea of Abel’s water? You put it inside a bottle?” Bob asked.


“Are you doubting me?” Draco asked as his patience began to wear out.


“NOO… of course not!” Bob panicked not wanting to vex Draco who was infamous for his temper.


“Hey, Bob! How do we even do our jobs?” Fred asked as he turned back.


“You will know. Authority has already been transferred to you. A title in hell is not just a title in name only.” Bob explained annoyingly since he was sure this person was Draco’s son somehow. How would Draco be so cordial and informal with someone with little to no records in hell so he assumed Fred was a miracle birth of Draco and another powerful person to be able to conceive in such a place?


Suddenly, power and information flowed into Fred’s body and he became aware of how he could carry out his new job.


“Alright let’s leave Draco!” Fred said as a path to the void opened up in front of him.


“Not before I get a drink first.” Draco said as almost all the bottles in the bar flew to Draco and vanished into his subspace.


“Hey! You can only take…” Bob wanted to complete his statement until he saw the look Draco gave him and encouraged Draco instead.


Draco then followed Fred and was about to step into the void until Bob stopped them again but they had already gone inside and the void closed behind them.


“Since you are both strong existences, you will reek of hell and it's danger to… ah whatever.” Bob said as he eyed the lone bottle on his bar.




“So where are we going?” Draco asked as they passed through the void at insane speeds while staying still.


“Not where, but when. We can interact with timelines which makes our journey even better than I had hoped. So for now we will go to a low-level world in a universe of powerful beings.”


“Ho, alright.” Draco said with folded hands as a bottle appeared in his hands and took a swig.


In mere minutes the void opened and they found themselves in space.


Fred immediately covered his mouth trying not to breathe in space.


Draco saw this and shook his head and was about to cast a technique on Fred but Fred recalled one of the abilities he learned from absorbing part of the mage King's soul and could even breathe.


“Even without techniques, the aura around you already protects you from the vacuum of space. I wanted to remind you of this but I wanted you to find out yourself.” Draco said as he projected sound from his voice with his aura which made a planet nearby explode and crumble.


“Is that the world…?” Draco spoke again and caused another planet to quake violently.


“Control yourself!” Fred scolded Draco telepathically.

But this realization made Fred angry as he thought that the strength and aura of Draco were enough to destroy a planet by just speaking. Fred figured out that he was at least stronger than Draco and feared that he might not even enjoy any adventures he had planned ahead.


As he felt sad about this realization, something powerful was trying to teleport to their position and he marvelled at how he could even understand the phenomenon.


“Draco! Someone is coming, prepare yourself!”





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