Reborn as a Succubus: Time To Live My Best Life!

Chapter 109: The Reward


Raven stood outside Javir's office, her hand hovering over the doorknob. Her mind raced with possibilities, each more unlikely than the last.

[What could she want?] Raven wondered, her brow furrowing slightly. [I take it that this is about the gala?]

She shook her head, pushing the thoughts aside.

[No use speculating. Might as well just go in and find out.]

With a deep breath, Raven straightened her shirt one last time and pushed the door open.

Professor Folden was sitting behind her desk, a couple of notes and a map of Syux laid out before her.

A map Raven had scribbled on a bit, a while ago.

Javir looked up, a small smile playing on her lips as Raven entered.

"Ah, Raven. Right on time. Please, have a seat."

Raven nodded, settling into the chair across from Javir. She kept her posture straight, her face carefully neutral.

"You wanted to see me, Professor?"

Javir leaned back in her chair, regarding Raven with those piercing eyes that always seemed to see right through her.

"Indeed I did. First, I wanted to commend you on your performance at the gala. You handled yourself admirably in a high-pressure situation."

Raven shrugged, uncomfortable with the praise.

"It wasn't much. I just did what needed to be done."

Javir shook her head, a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"Now, now, don't sell yourself short. Your quick thinking and combat skills were instrumental in protecting the king and uncovering the plot against him. Take the compliment, Raven. You've earned it."

Raven nodded, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Thank you, Professor."

Javir's expression grew more serious.

"Now, let's go on to the main reason I called you here. Since you renounced the Shadow Mages and switched sides, the information you've provided has been invaluable. My colleagues and I have been putting it to good use, disrupting some of their operations and uncovering their agents."

Raven tensed slightly at the mention of her former associates but kept her face impassive.

"I'm glad it's been helpful."

Javir leaned forward, her elbows resting on the desk.

"I was hoping you could tell me more about your experiences with them. What was it like, growing up with the Shadow Mages?"

Raven's mind flooded with memories, none of them pleasant.

Cold, dark rooms. Endless training sessions that left her body bruised and aching. The constant fear of failure, of punishment.

She remembered the first time she'd taken a life, the weight of the knife in her hand, the look in her target's eyes as the light faded from them.

There had been no warmth, no comfort. Nothing like the camaraderie she'd found with Melisa and the others, these days.

"It was... difficult," Raven said finally, her voice carefully controlled. "They weren't didn't make a habit of fraternization. Everything was about becoming the perfect weapon, the perfect tool for..." She sighed. "For the sake of preserving humanity."

Javir nodded, her eyes softening with something that might have been sympathy.

"I see. And how do you feel about them now?"

Raven's jaw clenched, a flicker of anger sparking in her grey eyes.

"Well, I now understand they used me. Manipulated me. If I never see another Shadow Mage again, it'll be too soon."

That's what she'd been telling herself recently.

After all, years upon years of teachings and lessons couldn't just fade away in a few months. Raven still had her old Shadow Mage beliefs in the back of her mind, it's just that now, her actual life experiences, as recent as they were, were clashing with them.

A small smile curved Javir's lips.

"I was hoping you'd say that. Because I have an offer for you, Raven. An opportunity, if you will."

Raven leaned forward slightly, her interest piqued despite herself.

"What kind of opportunity?"

Javir's smile widened, a hint of something dangerous glinting in her eyes.

"An opportunity to get back at them."

Raven's heart raced, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through her.

"I'm listening."

Javir nodded, clearly pleased with Raven's response.

"We've been tracking a group of Shadow Mages operating in the city. They're planning something big, but we're not sure what. There are some smaller places they're working in. I want your help."

Raven's mind whirled with the implications.

"You want me to...?"

"Fight them," Javir finished for her. "Alongside me. That's all. I won't lie to you, your nights are about to get very busy if you choose to help. But," Javir continued, "if we take down enough places, we could cripple their operations."

Raven sat back, considering.

"Why me?"

"You have training in something I, and all my friends, do not," Javir replied. "Operating... below the table? Is that a good way to put it? Discreetly. Yes, that's it.

Discreetly." She smiled. "You'd pretty much be acting as my master, if you agree."

Raven was shocked.

She couldn't say the idea wasn't attractive.

She had some concerns, sure. But, above all else...

She was just happy to be given something to do again.

[Finally,] she almost smiled, sighing with relief. [Orders. A mission. That's all I need.]

"I'll do it," Raven stated.

Javir's brows shot up.

"You're certain?"

"I am," Raven nodded. "Compile the information you've gathered and deliver it to my dorm, Professor. I'll come up with some plans for us."

Javir clearly liked what she heard, though she looked curious.

"Alright, then... I'll do that. Thank you, Raven."

[I should be thanking you,] Raven thought. Instead, she said:

"Don't mention it."



Melisa and Isabella snuck off to one of the bathrooms between classes.

"Okay, okay," Isabella said, sounding excited. "Come on, hurry!"

Grinning, Melisa dropped to her knees and leaned forward. She took Isabella's dick into her mouth in one smooth motion.

Isabella gasped, her hands tangling in Melisa's hair.

Melisa set a quick pace, knowing they didn't have much time. She sucked hard as she bobbed her head, her tongue swirling around the sensitive head.

Isabella's hips bucked, pushing her cock deeper into Melisa's throat. Melisa relaxed, taking it all, loving the way Isabella felt.

"Shit, Mel," Isabella panted with a smile, her tail thrashing behind her. "I'm close... fuck, I'm gonna..."

Melisa doubled her efforts, her hand stroking what she couldn't fit in her mouth. She looked up at Isabella, her eyes dark with desire.

With a strangled cry, Isabella came, her cock pulsing as she flooded Melisa's mouth with hot cum. Melisa swallowed eagerly, milking Isabella's cock for every drop.

As Isabella's orgasm subsided, Melisa pulled back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Fuck," Isabella breathed, sagging against the sink. "That was..."

"Amazing?" Melisa grinned, standing up and straightening her clothes. "I know. Now come on, we're gonna be late for class."

Just like that, they hurried to their next course, slipping into the classroom just as the bell rang.

But as they entered, Melisa froze, her eyes widening in surprise.

Standing in the center of the room, drawing every eye, was a knight in full regalia. His armor gleamed in the light, the royal crest emblazoned on his chest.

[What the fuck?] Melisa thought, her heart racing. [What's a royal knight doing here?]

The knight's eyes locked onto her, and he strode forward, his hand outstretched.

"Lady Melisa Blackflame?" he asked, his voice carrying clearly through the suddenly silent room.

Melisa nodded, unable to find her voice.

The knight held out an envelope, sealed with the royal crest.

"A message from His Majesty, King Aldric," he announced, his tone formal and reverent.

Given that the knight was here, delivering his personally instead of just having a courier drop the letter off at Melisa's dorm, the nim could guess as to the significance of this.

With trembling hands, Melisa took the envelope. She could feel the weight of every eye in the room on her, could hear the whispers starting to build.

She broke the seal, her fingers shaking slightly as she unfolded the parchment. As her eyes scanned the elegant script, a slow grin spread across her face.

As she finished reading, she nearly fainted.

[Oh. Holy shit.]


Melisa stood in Javir's office, the letter clutched tightly in her hand. Behind her, Raven, Armia, and Isabella waited with varying degrees of curiosity and impatience.

Javir finished reading the letter, her eyebrows raised slightly as she set it down on her desk.

"Well," she said, her voice measured, "it seems His Majesty has decided on your reward, Melisa. A tutorship under the current court sorceress. That's... quite an honor."

"What exactly does that entail?" Raven asked, her voice neutral as always.

Javir leaned back in her chair, considering.

"It means Melisa will have the opportunity to learn from one of the most powerful mages in the kingdom. The court sorceress is responsible for advising the king on all matters magical, as well as protecting the royal family and occasionally fighting on the front lines. And, that person will now be tutoring Melisa, teaching her directly."

[This is so crazy,] Melisa thought, unable to fight off a grin. Enjoy new adventures from My Virtual Library Empire

Armia stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Melisa's shoulder.

"I think it's wonderful," she said, her voice warm. "You've earned this, Melisa. You should be proud."

Melisa felt a rush of affection for the darian girl, her tail curling happily around Armia's leg.

"Thanks, Army," she murmured, leaning into the touch.

Javir cleared her throat, drawing their attention back to her.

"Melisa," she said, "what do you know about the current court sorceress?"

Melisa blinked, realizing she knew next to nothing.

"Uh, not much," she admitted. "I don't even know her name, actually. What can you tell me about her?"

Javir's expression turned thoughtful.

"To be honest, not much more than you," she said. "The current court sorceress spends most of her time outside of Syux these days. She wasn't around back when I was working at the palace."

Melisa's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Really? But I thought the court sorceress was supposed to be... you know, at court."

Javir shrugged.

"This one's different. From what I understand, she travels extensively, researching new forms of magic and investigating potential threats to the kingdom. What with the war, and all. I've only exchanged glances with her a handful of times, nothing more."

[Huh,] Melisa thought, her mind racing with possibilities. [A mysterious, powerful sorceress who spends her time exploring the world and uncovering magical secrets? Fuck yeah, sign me up!]

"So, what should I expect?" Melisa asked, leaning forward eagerly.

Javir smiled, a hint of pride in her eyes.

"Expect to receive the kind of education most could only dream of," she said. "This is a tremendous opportunity, Melisa. The court sorceress will have access to knowledge and resources far beyond what we can offer here at the academy. You should take full advantage of it."

Melisa nodded, filled with determination!

"I will," she promised.

As they left the office, Melisa's mind was whirling with excitement and nerves. She barely noticed where she was going until she felt a warm hand on her arm.

"You okay?" Armia asked, her golden eyes filled with concern.

Melisa looked up at her, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"Oh, I'm more than okay," she purred, pressing herself against Armia's side. "In fact, I think this calls for a celebration. What do you say, Army? Want to help me work off some of this excess energy?"

Armia's scales flushed a deeper gold, but she didn't pull away.

"I- what- here- now???" she stammered, glancing around the crowded hallway.

Melisa's grin widened as she felt Armia's cock twitch against her tail.

"Why not?" she murmured, her voice low and seductive. "Don't you want to congratulate your favorite nim?"

Behind them, Isabella made a noise of disgust.

"Oh, come on," she groaned. "Do you two have to do this right here?"

Raven just rolled her eyes, looking thoroughly unimpressed with the whole situation.

"If you're going to fuck, at least have the decency to find a closet or something," Isabella muttered.

Melisa laughed, the sound bright and carefree.

"Aw, don't be jealous, Izzy," she teased, reaching out to tug playfully at Isabella's tail. "You know you're still my girl~"


Isabella was now visibly fighting off a smile.

"W-Whatever..." Isabella muttered, turning away as she cracked.

[Well,] Melisa sighed as she walked forward. [Life's about to get pretty interesting. I can feel it!]

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