Chapter 77: Revelations and Flirtations
As the night progressed, Delilah and I spent most of it together. There was something about her that piqued my interest, and it was more than just because she resembled the Malfoys. Honestly, she had a caustic wit and a sharp tongue, but also had a surprisingly crass sense of humor that had me nearly choking on my champagne.
And thanks to her, I was able to talk to quite a few people for a lot longer than I normally would be able to. And I grabbed ahold of that opportunity with both hands to dazzle them.
"…and that's why I think that the European governments' fiscal policy is going to eventually run into a lot of trouble," I said, relying on some of my previous world's knowledge of the introduction of the upcoming Euro and European Union. "It's simply too ambitious and will force the richer countries to constantly bail out the badly managed and poorer ones."
"Hmm, yes, I can see how that monetary policy could indeed cause some friction," a member of the Parliament mused thoughtfully. "But surely the proposed European Union will have some good changes?"
"Oh, no doubt, and the idea to open up borders to allow free passage between member countries of the EU will definitely bring in a lot of much needed trade and tourism, but it will no doubt cause a jump in crime as people hop between nations," I replied. "And I imagine France will end up leading whatever coalition winds up forming in Europe, or at least be one of its loudest voices. It's simply too wealthy, and Germany too recently freed from the Iron Curtain, for any other country aside from our own to oppose any policies it comes up with."
"That is true, the wealthier countries will always lead, and the rest will follow," the Parliament member said with a nod. "I'm quite surprised to hear such a well thought out overview of the international scene from such a young man. Pleased, too, of course, but surprised. Do you have any plans for furthering your education?"
"Yes, I plan on attending Oxford for my future studies upon graduating high school," I said to the government official, and he bobbed his head, sending a glance to Miss Hunt who was still by my side.
"If I'm not mistaken, you are already attending Oxford, correct, Miss Hunt?" he inquired, and Delilah nodded back demurely.
"That is correct, Lord Bennington," she said. "I started my first year earlier in October."
"I went to Oxford myself as a young lad. Good school. Why, I tell you…" he then went off on a tangent about his younger days, and I listened politely but with only half an ear. Eventually Delilah saved us both.
"Oh, is that Winston Westforth? I must go meet him and give him my father's greetings," Delilah said, tugging me away from the chatty lord.
"Thank you!" I whispered to her gratefully.
"Lord Bennington is a bit of a windbag," she admitted in a low voice. "I thought I would fall asleep if he kept talking about his time on the rowing team!"
"Well, let's hope Mr. Westforth is less talkative," I hummed.
"Oh, he is," Delilah said in relief. "But before we go over there, I need something to drink."
We grabbed flutes of champagne off the tray of a passing waiter, and also decided to grab some finger food from the buffet before approaching Mr. Westforth.
A rather sharp edge on one of the decorative fake flowers near a platter of shrimp puffs caused Delilah to hiss and jerk her right hand back. I saw a droplet of blood well up on the tip of her index finger, and frowned.
"That's no good, we should get it fixed up," I said, grabbing her right hand to inspect the wound.
"It's fine, just a paper cut," she said, blushing a bit as I held her hand. "A nick at best."
"It wouldn't do to leave it alone, either," I replied, still not letting go. I pulled from one of my enchanted pockets a small jar of medicinal Wiggenweld Cream, and smeared a dab of the blue cream over her injured finger.
"Just leave it alone for a bit, and it should be healed by the end of the party," I assured her.
"Thank you," she said.
I waved it off as no big deal, but I could tell she appreciated my gesture from the way she nodded happily afterwards.
We chatted with a few other people for a bit, even swinging around to the Finch-Fletchleys for a brief stint. During which, I was pulled away by Justin's mother while Delilah spoke with her husband.
"So, how has your evening been?" she asked with an amused smile. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she just smirked back.
"Well, Mrs. Finch-Fletchley…"
"Please, call me Josephine," she chuckled. "My full name is such a mouthful, after all. And call my husband 'Earl.'"
"Of course, Josephine," I said, conceding. "Anyways, it's been going well."
"You've been treating Delilah well, I hope?" she inquired.
"Of course," I said with a nod.
"She's a good girl. Very dutiful, even if her father is a boor and her mother a pushover," Josephine said with a sad shake of her head. "It's been a while since she's actually smiled at one of these events."
She then narrowed her eyes at me. "I am good friends with her mother. Don't make her cry, understood?"
"Of course not," I assured her. "Besides, it's only platonic."
"That's what all youngsters say," Josephine chortled. "That, or they're convinced their crushes are 'true love.'"
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about that," I said, wincing. Being a man in a teen's body had been… awkward, to say the least.
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