Chapter 75: The Road to Opportunity
"How do I look?" I asked, showing off my handsome face to Inky, who squinted up at me.
The elderly House Elf then wiggled his fingers and my tie adjusted itself, straightening out. A second waggle smoothed out the creases on my suit, and then my hair got tidied up imperceptibly.
"Now you look good, Young Master Eddy," Inky said with a fond smile. He then snapped his fingers, summoned a Polaroid Camera, then took a picture of me for mother's sake. I had no doubt she'd have the picture framed by the time I came over for Christmas morning tomorrow.
"Thank you, Inky," I said, flashing him a grin in return.
I was wearing a charcoal black suit with a wine-red tie and a snow-white pocket square tucked into my breast pocket. There were runes sewn into the whole suit which boosted its stain and tear resistance. I could hack at it with a chainsaw and it wouldn't be hurt! For a few minutes, anywhere. It also had temperature regulating runes, which kept me from sweating like a pig if it got too hot, or freezing my pants off if it got too cold.
My tie was no slouch when it came to rune work either. Stain resistant – of course – and possessing a poison detection rune, it would tighten around my neck slightly if I got too close to anything toxic. I could also use it as a compass, using the tip of the tie to find directions.
Though my personal favorite bit of rune crafting was on my rings. I'd finished my Bullet Time ring, which let me dip into ten seconds of slowed down perception. But there was also my second ring I'd been working on. It was imbued with Lumos and Nox spells, meaning I could create light, and take it away.
I also had another piece of trick jewelry in the form of a pocket watch. A tiny vial of Essence of Dittany was hidden within it, so I could heal myself up if something managed to bypass my armored clothing.
Now, you might be wondering why I was decked out to the nines in a fancy suit. The answer was simple! I'd received an invitation from the Finch-Fletchleys to attend a Christmas Party being hosted at a fancy hotel. There would be a lot of chances to meet rich people, and potential investors and customers.
I'd been selling Mrs. Finch-Fletchley a number of my cosmetic products to use, and she'd had glowing reviews for them. I'd gotten a bunch of orders from her friends, and their families.
The extra patronage had made me busy, and I'd managed to get a lot of work done since Harry had gone to Hogwarts. My studies had led me to brand-new runic configurations, and I'd finally found a recipe to create a hair growth balm out of cheap, mostly non-magical ingredients. Namely, barley flour and bear fur. Although the latter wasn't as cheap or easy to get as the former.
Unfortunately, there was a small set back. I still hadn't found a way to turn my potions into pills without them losing most or all of their magical effects, but that was always going to be a long-time work goal. But now I was ready to work on my next step for my business; a store.
My savings were modest, but if I wanted to expand the business, I'd need more capital. Investing in a building was important. With it, I'd have a place to set up and increase potion production as well as a way to show off more products.
Of course, before that, I had to get more customers and people interested in my product. And that was where this party would help.
I gave Inky a nod, and held out a hand to him. Just like the time with the country club, Inky popped away, taking me with him. I appeared in a side alley near the hotel, and walked into it from the street, my runic clothes letting me ignoring the biting chill of the winter evening.
Flashing my invitation to the man at the doors, I strode confidently into the hotel and quickly found the ballroom that had been repurposed for the party. Entering, I spotted the Finch-Fletchleys over by a lovely ice sculpture of a swan. Odd choice for Christmas Party décor in my opinion, but I walked over all the same, smiling at the family I'd come to know in the past couple of months.
"Edward! So glad you could join us!" Mr. Finch-Fletchley said, welcoming me with a hearty slap on the back.
"You look lovely," Mrs. Finch-Fletchley commented. "I love your tie!"
"Thank you, you all look good as well," I said with a nod.
"Justin, this is Edward Rose," his mother said, introducing the two of us. "He will be your tutor over the summer to catch you up on your 'normal' studies."
"I remember meeting you," he said, shaking my hand, while recalling me from the Diagon Alley tour. "You were with Harry Potter, weren't you?"
"Yup," I said with a nod. "I'm a neighbor of his, and we attended the same school before he got his letter."
I then tilted my head. "How is he doing?"
"Pretty good. Got sorted into Gryffindor with me. He's pretty chummy with Ron, Hermione, and Neville, as well as two girls from Hufflepuff. Those are other First Years, by the way."
"I remember Hermione from the tour. Bushy hair, correct? Parents are dentists?" Mrs. Finch-Fletchley asked.
"That's correct," I nodded, pleased that Harry sounded to be doing well. And with a larger friend group than in canon, too! "Now, what's the plan for tonight? And who would you suggest talking to?"
"I'd suggest staying away from anyone who says they'll offer you a contract immediately," Mr. Finch-Fletchley suggested. "And of course, you'll need to be wary of anyone slipping in unreasonable terms to the contracts once you do eventually decide on a partner."
"Is that likely to happen?" I asked, and Justin snorted in amusement, before quailing under his mother's scathing glare.
"They won't out and say it or be obvious, but yes, more than a few will try and fleece you," Mr. Finch-Fletchley said with a chuckle, ignoring the look his wife shot him. He responded by simply raising an eyebrow at her. "Come now, dear, you know it's true. The people here didn't get rich by being nice."
"Yes, but there are better ways to say it," she replied.
I glanced down at Justin, and he rolled his eyes up at me.
"These places can be pretty boring," he warned me.
"I figured as much," I replied in a low voice, and he snickered at that.
"Yeah. Don't worry, though. If you want to avoid talking, just have a plate of food in one hand. They'll leave you alone that way."
"Thanks for the advice," I said, giving him grateful nod.
I then proceeded to look about, my eyes sweeping the ballroom, and I took in all of the different people within. It was clear that the rich and powerful of non-magical Britain were here tonight. Not all of them, of course, but a good chunk of the country's movers and shakers had gathered here for the party.
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