Reborn as a Noble’s Son

Chapter 398 - 384 Ribbon Cutting_1

Chapter 398: Chapter 384 Ribbon Cutting_1
Upon hearing Shen Yanshuo’s words, the cadre who came to welcome him from Liangxi City were stunned. Originally, they assumed that Shen Yanshuo’s visit was merely a formality, to express an attitude. They didn’t expect that he would actually take action.

At this moment, Shen Yanshuo’s gaze landed on Li Guohua. Li Guohua slightly lowered his head at this moment, showing little change in his expression, giving an appearance of willingness to seek advice. This reassured Shen Yanshuo. His words were not randomly thrown out. His aim was to chastise Li Guohua. You are indeed the eldest son and rightful heir of the Li family. Yet, within the system, there are certain things that must be done according to the rules. If not, the chastisement and anger from your superiors is not something you, Li Guohua, can bear.

This time, Shen Yanshuo also did it deliberately. If there’s a first time, there will be a second. This time, Li Guohua manipulated the stock transfer. Next time, who knows what chaos he will create? Chastising him was a must.

Fan Changsheng, at this moment, wiped his forehead which was a little sweaty. As the Party Secretary of the city, Fan Changsheng had no choice but to stiffen his resolve: “Senior leader, your criticism is correct, we will definitely rectify our mistakes. Going forward, we will strengthen the learning of all cadre in the city, implement the spirit of the central party’s directives, and deeply learn from the speeches of the Provincial Party Committee at their second conference. We will absolutely comply with the higher organization’s arrangements.”

The term “Senior leader” is not one to be used lightly. Shen Yanshuo spent his whole life working in Jiangbei Province. Throughout the years, he worked as the Mayor of Liangxi City, then the Mayor and Party Secretary of Jiangzhou City. His roots are deeply planted in Jiangbei Province.

Doesn’t everyone in at least Liangxi City, or even Jiangzhou City, refer to Shen Yanshuo as the “Senior leader”?

Actually, that’s not really the case. To be truly considered a direct subordinate, there are rules. Fan Changsheng has followed Shen Yanshuo since he was just the Deputy Mayor of Liangxi City. As Shen Yanshuo rose in ranks, so did Fan Changsheng. Only people like this have the eligibility to call Shen Yanshuo “Senior Leader.”

After glancing at Fan Changsheng, Shen Yanshuo also nodded, saying, “Very good, Comrade Changsheng. Currently, as the economy develops, comrades below often focus on superficial work and formalities. This is not a good phenomenon. All cadres in Liangxi City should have a clear understanding and strengthen their learning.”

After saying this, Shen Yanshuo went over to Nie Zhenbang, extended his hand with a smile, “Mayor Zhenbang, this is our second meeting, right? Very good, the restructuring and merger of the Textile Group, the reform of the shareholding system, are very decisive in combating corruption and greed. This is excellent, setting a good example for our entire province. Therefore, after hearing about the listing of Liangxi Textile Group, I told Comrade Huazhang that I wanted to participate in the listing ceremony of the Textile Group.”

Comrade Huazhang, a member of the standing committee of Jiangbei Provincial Committee and the Secretary-General, was also present. Shen Yanshuo’s warm and spring-like words immediately eased the awkward atmosphere at the scene. Afterwards, Shen Yanshuo shook hands with each of the welcoming cadres.

Afterward, Shen Yanshuo said, “Comrades Changsheng and Zhenbang, please ride in my car.”

Upon hearing this, everyone at the scene was filled with envy. Not just anyone has the privilege of riding in a car specially used by the Provincial Party Secretary, let alone with a personal invitation from the Secretary himself. It seems that the wind direction in Liangxi City is about to change. The relationship between the City Party Secretary and the Mayor is sure to subsequently be repositioned.

Li Guohua looked gloomy. He clearly saw what Shen Yanshuo was doing. Through the Textile Group’s affairs, he was trying to warn him. Additionally, he was trying to express to the central government his attitude. When Mayor Nie came to serve in Jiangbei Province and Liangxi City, he got support from top to bottom in Jiangbei Province.

Shen Yanshuo’s vehicle was an SUV with seven seats, but it still felt a bit cramped when Fan Changsheng and Nie Zhenbang got in. Naturally, it wasn’t possible for Shen Yanshuo to sit in the back, nor was it for Fan Changsheng as the City Party Secretary. If Nie Zhenbang sat in the back, it wouldn’t be convenient for communication. As such, Shen Yanshuo’s secretary, Tang Penghai, was squeezed to the back.

Fan Changsheng and Shen Yanshuo sat in the back, and Nie Zhenbang sat in the passenger seat. As Shen Yanshuo’s car started, the guide car of the Liangxi City Public Security Bureau led the way, sounding the siren and flashing the police lights. The traffic at each intersection was temporarily controlled by traffic police from various detachments.

Once the car started moving, Shen Yanshuo started talking, smiling: “Mayor Zhenbang, this time, with the restructuring and merger of the Textile Group, I heard that you’ve also put forward a real estate development plan. Could you share your considerations with us?”

“Secretary Shen, our initial idea is like this. After the merger of the Textile Group, there are about 42,000 workers in the three factories. By adopting measures such as layoffs and buyouts, we expect roughly 16,000 workers to leave through early retirement, layoffs, buyouts, and other means. This will significantly alleviate the Textile Group’s wage pressure and burden, allowing them to start afresh.”

Nie Zhenbang was thoroughly involved in the affairs of the Textile Group, having personally planned it. At this moment, as he reported the progress, there was no need for any preparation. His thoughts were clear, and his words flowed smoothly. Shen Yanshuo nodded frequently as he listened. Truthfully speaking, Nie Zhenbang is a rare talent, it’s just a pity that he’s not part of his faction.

“After the new Textile Group is established, the entire group, including the factory area and the residential area, will cover an area of more than 2,300 acres. This time, we plan to use the busiest factory in the Textile Group as a pilot, carving out an area of about 300 acres to establish a real estate development company. This will be a subsidiary of the Textile Group, serving as a secondary enterprise for the Textile Group. On the one hand, this will provide housing for the workers. On the other, selling to the outside world will be a new attempt for us. If successful, it would significantly benefit the Textile Group. Furthermore, it will serve as an exploration for the reconstruction of the entire Guicheng urban area.”

Once he finished speaking, Shen Yanshuo immediately nodded in approval, not stingy with praise, “Excellent, this approach is very good. At the moment, our cadres have rigid thinking. They believe doing business means just doing business, and anything else is irrelevant. This type of thinking is hazardous. The idea of diversified development is the current mainstream. We must change, pay attention to this conceptual transformation. As the saying goes, when there’s no moon in the east, look to the west. Changsheng, you’re fortunate to have a competent assistant in Mayor Zhenbang. I’m quite envious.”

What Shen Yanshuo said, seeming like a joke, was actually to remind Fan Changsheng that Nie Zhenbang is a mayor. In terms of urban development, he exhibits outstanding abilities. You need to fully support him. If everything goes well, the greatest credit will still belong to you as the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

After a glance at Nie Zhenbang, Fan Changsheng also laughed and said, “Old leader, we are also grateful for the care that the organization has shown to our Liangxi city for sending Mayor Nie to us.”

The atmosphere in the car was very harmonious. On the one hand, Shen Yanshuo’s purpose was to cheer on Nie Zhenbang. He needed to use this approach to send a signal to those in charge. This delay was an accident and was not his own intention. On the other hand, Shen Yanshuo really wanted to see Liangxi city develop well.

In this way, the atmosphere became very harmonious. As for Fan Changsheng, everything was led by Shen Yanshuo, naturally, there were no issues.

At this moment, Tang Penghai, who was sitting in the back seat, also leaned his head over and said, “Secretary Shen, we’ve arrived at the Textile Group.”

The fleet had already stopped. They were at the original Factory One of the Spinning Group, which would later become the main gate of the Textile Group.

On either side, many employees and citizens stood by. Police sent by the Liangxi City Public Security Bureau had set up a cordon on both sides. The motorcade slowly entered Factory One and parked in the square in front of the office building.

On the square, Leng Chaohua, the Chairman of the Textile Group, General Manager Huang Jiangsheng, as well as all the middle-level cadres of the Textile Group, had gathered and lined up.

Next to them, there was a waist drum team composed of retired employees of the Textile Group. They were all dressed in fiery red silk clothing, lined up to welcome Shen Yanshuo’s arrival.

When the car door opened, firecrackers suddenly went off at the edge, creating a deafening noise. Following that, the elderly women of the waist drum team also started playing. The even beats of the drums echoed around, marking an unprecedented event in the decades-long history of the Textile Group. The visit from the Provincial Committee Secretary was a first in its history.

In the past, the most senior leader who had visited had only been a Deputy Governor. But this time, the head of the Provincial Committee, the highest official in the province, had come to visit the Textile Group and inaugurate it, which was incredibly uplifting. It seemed as if everyone at the Textile Group saw a bright and promising future on the horizon. The employees who had participated in the subscription were even more thrilled. Although they would be laid off and severance packages bought out afterwards, this did not impact their confidence in the Textile Group.

As Shen Yanshuo got out of the car, surrounded by the leaders of the Liangxi Municipal Party Committee, shook hands with the leadership of the Textile Group, traded a few friendly words with the chosen worker representatives, before being led by the welcoming party to a podium that had already been set up.

Hu Youquan, the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, who was serving as the master of ceremony, stepped up to the podium and began: “Dear Secretary of the Provincial Committee, Shen, Chen, Secretary-General of the Provincial Committee, Deputy Governor Ou, leaders and guests, today is a bright and sunny day. The warm spring breeze is caressing the earth, and we have also ushered in a new beginning for the Liangxi textile industry. Today is a great day for the establishment of the Liangxi Textile Group. Now, let’s invite Comrade Shen Yanshuo, a member of the central political bureau and Secretary of Jiangbei Provincial Committee, Chen Huazhang, Permanent Secretary of the Provincial Committee, Deputy Governor of the provincial government Ou Qingbao, Municipal Party Secretary Fan Changsheng and Mayor Nie Zhenbang to cut the ribbon for the Liangxi Temporarily Group.”

With Hu Youquan’s words echoing in the air, a giant, red silk ribbon was spread out across a red carpet by two young ladies, and each of the five leaders were led to the middle by an usherette.

As they lifted the scissors under the lead of Shen Yanshuo and began snipping away ceremoniously, the employees and spectators outside burst into deafening cheers and applause. Immediately after, Hu Youquan called out again, “Now, may I invite Secretary Shen to unveil the plaque for the Liangxi Textile Group.”

At that moment, two young men dressed in dark suits, carrying a long plaque between them, came forward. A large red silk cloth covered the plaque. Shen Yanshuo approached with a smile, lifted a corner of the silk cloth and gently pulled it away. Displayed was a plaque with a stainless steel base and black letters, and inscribed on it were the large words, “Liangxi Textile Group Co., Ltd.”

After that, a few staff members stepped forward and hung the plaque on the pillar on the right side of the office building. On the left was the plaque for the Party Committee of the Liangxi Textile Group.

After this process was completed, the Liangxi Textile Group was formally established. Following this, there was no need for Nie Zhenbang to worry about setting up a real estate development company, conducting market research, producing products based on market demand, and other production-related issues. The leadership team was selected through a competitive process, so their ability was unquestionably up to the task.

After the inauguration, Shen Yanshuo delivered an inspiring speech, highly praising the restructuring and merging of the Textile Group. Thereafter, the group returned to the Liangxi district, where the Municipal Party Committee and the government of the Liangxi city were located. (To be continued. If you like this novel, please vote for it on Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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