Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 8: The Cycle of Reincarnation Begins

Ariana observed with admiration all the animals created by Angely, which had appeared in a short span of time. Among them were agile squirrels, cunning foxes, hopping frogs, and a variety of charming creatures. However, one of them stood out: the large white bear she spotted on the horizon.

The polar bear seemed extremely uncomfortable with its surroundings. Its enormous paws left deep tracks in the moist earth, and it emitted a low growl of discontent. Ariana immediately understood that this bear did not belong to this place, and its nature called it to frozen and cold lands.

The Goddess of Nature realized that Angely lacked knowledge about the specific preferences and needs of the creatures she had created. Aware of her responsibility to ensure the well-being of all life forms in her world, Ariana decided to intervene with her divine powers.

With a gesture of her hand, she channeled her magic and gently began to move all the bears, including the polar bear, toward the frozen lands. She guided them carefully, ensuring they found a more suitable environment for their survival and prosperity.

As the last bear disappeared into the horizon, Ariana turned to Angely and shared an important lesson. "Just as every plant and tree has its specific soil and climate needs, every animal also has its ideal place in nature. Fish need water, birds need the sky, and in the case of polar bears, they thrive in frozen and cold lands."

[As a reward for your excellent performance in nurturing your world, you will receive 1000 Creation Points. Keep up the good work!] announced the System with its mysterious voice.

Ariana was surprised by the sudden appearance of the system, but a smile formed on her face. "A thousand Creation Points... what a generous reward."

Quickly, Ariana decided to explore the options available through the System using her newly acquired 1000 Creation Points. Curious about the System's suggestions, she asked, "Do you have any suggestions, System?"

The System responded wisely, [With all the progress in your world, the evolution of living beings, I recommend that you create a cycle of reincarnation. Every living being in this world possesses souls, and currently, when a living being dies, its soul wanders aimlessly, causing imbalances in mana and the environment in some places due to the accumulation of souls. By creating a cycle of reincarnation, you can prevent this, allowing souls to be reborn as new lives in the world] - explained the System.

Ariana was surprised by the suggestion; she had never considered such a concept. To her, everything in her world seemed perfect the way it was, but now, she realized there was still much to learn.

The Goddess focused her divine power into her eyes and looked beyond the horizon. She saw the souls of various animals wandering the world without a defined purpose, lost in the vastness of existence.

Ariana already knew what she had to do. She went to an isolated place in the world of Arcadia and then opened her System interface.

[Name: Ariana]

[Goddess Rank: Beginner Goddess]

[Worlds: 1] [Arcadia]

[Followers: 60]

[Creation Points: 1455]

[Title: None]

[Purchase Interface]

[Small World: 5000 Creation Points] [1]

[Medium World: 10000 Creation Points]

[Large World: 17500 Creation Points]

[Fertile Soil: 100 Creation Points] [1]

[Creation of Living Being: 50 Creation Points]

[Creation of Magical Ability: 200 Creation Points]

[Manipulation of Climate and Terrain: 1000 Creation Points]

[Creation of Resources and Materials: 500 Creation Points]

[Administrative Deities: 1000 Creation Points]

[Species Multiplication: 200 Creation Points]

[Small Time Jump: 300 Creation Points]

Ariana selected the option [Administrative Deities], and 1000 Creation Points were deducted from her System.

Ariana stood up majestically, her divine presence filling the space around her. Her green hair flowed like a cascade of shadows, and her eyes shone with intensity. She began to recite words, shaping the very essence of her divine creation.

"With the strength of my being and the power of my will, I give life to the Goddess of Death, Lady of Transition. You, who will guide the wandering souls and control the cycle of reincarnation in this world, rise and fulfill your divine mission."

As the words flowed from her mouth, an ethereal figure began to take shape before Ariana. The Goddess of Death emerged slowly, as if sculpted by light and shadow. Her black cloak enveloped her like the deep night, and in her hand, she held a gleaming scythe, a symbol of her power over the passage from life to death.

Ariana extended her hands toward her creation, imparting her own divine power. The Goddess of Death looked at Ariana with serene eyes and an expression of devotion.

"You are the Goddess of this world, and I am your servant, my creator," declared the Goddess of Death with a soft voice, bowing before Ariana. "I accept with humility the duty to guide souls and control the cycle of reincarnation under your divine guidance."

Ariana smiled with satisfaction, knowing that she had given her world a new goddess to rule over the transition from life to death.

When the Goddess of Death rose, her majesty and power were undeniable. Her long, black hair flowed like a somber mantle, contrasting with the paleness of her flawless skin. Her eyes, completely white, seemed to hold ancient knowledge and profound wisdom that could decipher the secrets of the universe.

A sigh escaped the lips of the Goddess of Death, and in that simple act, a crushing pressure descended upon Arcadia, revealing the extent of her power. For the common animals and living beings inhabiting that world, everything seemed unchanged, as if nothing had happened. Tranquility continued to reign in their daily lives.

However, for Angely and Glacius, that moment was entirely different. An indescribable terror enveloped them for the first time in their lives. It was as if the absolute crushing of existence was about to consume them, a sensation that horrified them for a fraction of a second. In the presence of the Goddess of Death, their own presence became insignificant, and the magnitude of her power deeply shook them.

Ariana, noticing the brief moment of the Goddess of Death's loss of control, spoke with a deep and powerful voice, carrying an authority that transcended mortal understanding: "Control yourself."

Immediately, all the oppressive aura and overwhelming power that the Goddess of Death had emanated dissipated as if they had never existed. The divinity's grandeur vanished instantly, and the Goddess of Death knelt humbly before Ariana.

"Forgive me," whispered the Goddess of Death, her words filled with reverence and submission.

The System echoed in a solemn and majestic announcement:

[Administrative Deity created successfully, the Goddess of Death will be responsible for the balance between life and death, guiding lost souls to the cycle of reincarnation] – Announced the System.

Then, a second message from the System followed:

[With the newly added Administrative Deity in the world of Arcadia, the Protection Barrier will be activated. No beings above level 8 of power, classified as deities, can enter the world, except for Goddess Ariana. In the event that any being of the mentioned level wishes to enter the world of Arcadia, they must send an avatar containing a fraction of their power] – Announced the System.

A tremendous magical force erupted around the world of Arcadia, as if the world itself reacted to the arrival of the Goddess of Death. She felt the overwhelming pressure that was trying to forcefully expel her, as if the world itself resisted her presence.

Ariana, attentive to the situation, understood that the Goddess of Death was facing resistance. With her divine authority, Ariana intervened, using her powers to ease the pressure pushing the Goddess of Death away.

"Allow her to stay," Ariana declared in a majestic and authoritative voice, addressing the magical force surrounding Arcadia.

The Goddess of Death, recognizing Ariana's kindness in allowing her to stay, decided it was time to begin her important work. With a respectful bow, she bid farewell to Ariana. With a skilled wave of her scythe, she created a rift in the space around her, opening a dimensional portal. Without hesitation, the Goddess of Death entered the portal, which closed behind her.

The place to which the Goddess of Death had gone was a vast emptiness, a space devoid of shape or substance. However, with a gesture of her hands, she began to shape matter around her, giving birth to a massive staircase that extended as far as the eye could see. At the end of this imposing staircase, a large hole opened up, like a portal to an unknown destination.

Hovering majestically just above the staircase was an enormous temple, suspended in space like a divine beacon. Two giant statues were positioned at the temple's entrance, one wearing a resplendent white cloak and the other shrouded in a deep black mantle. At the end of the temple, a majestic throne awaited, and upon it sat the Goddess of Death herself.


With a voice that echoed through the vast emptiness, she solemnly proclaimed, "Let the Cycle of Reincarnation begin."

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