Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 3: Progress

After playing with the first creatures created in her world for a while, Ariana decided that they would stay in this region alongside the Primordial Fairies.


Ariana asked the Primordial Fairies to take care of these animals and help them adapt to the world.


Having a strong connection with nature and the world made the animals feel unthreatened by them and approach them without any issues.


The rabbits and deer were fed with leaves and grass created by the Primordial Fairies using their powers.


The birds were fed with small seeds and grains.


Ariana was very happy and proud, observing how the primordial fairies and the animals were interacting.


"System!" Ariana shouted.


[How may I assist you, Goddess Ariana? Do you wish to create the remaining animals?] - the System asked.


"No, I want to learn more about the shop. Now that I have more followers, I receive more creation points", Ariana replied.


[Alright, I will provide a brief explanation for you], said the System. [Goddess Ariana, know that the shop offers many options for you to enhance and evolve your world. Besides the possibility of creating living beings, you can acquire special abilities for yourself that will assist you in managing your world.]


"Interesting. Could you tell me about some of these options?" Ariana asked.


[Of course. One of the options the shop offers is the creation of administrative deities. You can create small gods who are responsible for caring for and managing your world, helping you maintain order and balance. These gods can have specific abilities and powers, such as controlling natural elements or protecting certain areas of your world] - said the System.




Ariana widened her eyes upon hearing what the System had said. "Creating gods? But I am already a goddess. Wouldn't that cause conflict?" Ariana asked.


[Do not worry about that. The administrative deities are lesser gods with powers and abilities far inferior to yours. They can only interfere with the world itself. You, on the other hand, are a goddess of the highest level, the goddess of creation] - replied the System. It was a natural reaction from Ariana, as having multiple gods administering the same world could lead to discord.


"I see. So, these lesser gods would be responsible for a function that I assign to them?" Ariana asked.


[Exactly, the administrative deities are artificial gods created by the system, but they have their own free will. You can either designate someone from your world with a close relationship to you as an administrative deity or create one from scratch through the system], replied the System. "[in addition to the administrative deities, the store also offers resources for you to modify the climate and terrain of your world. For example, you can create storms to water your plants or generate rain to fill the lakes and rivers. You can also change the terrain of your world by creating mountains, valleys, caves, and much more. All of this can be done through the store, using creation points that you earn as you create new living beings and expand your world], the System said, complementing the explanation about the store.


"But I can manipulate the climate and terrain with my own powers. Why would I buy from the store?" Ariana asked. After all, she was a Goddess, and such things were simple for her.


[You're right, it would be easy for you to shape the terrain and create climate changes, but depending on how you use your powers in the world, it can negatively affect it. For example, if you were to freeze an entire continent, depending on how you do it, you would cause climate changes in neighboring continents and even affect the fauna and flora] - the System said.


"I see. So the system would do it in a way that doesn't cause problems for my world?" Ariana asked.


[Exactly] - replied the System.


"Very interesting. I'll take a look at the store to see what else it offers," said Ariana. "Thank you for the explanation, System."


[You're welcome, Goddess Ariana. I'm always here to help you when you need] - replied the System.


After the system's explanation, Ariana returned to observing her world, witnessing the climate changes and the development of flora. She decided to open her system interface to see all the options that the system had mentioned she possessed.

[Name: Ariana]

[Goddess Rank: Beginner Goddess]

[Worlds: 1] [Arcadia]

[Followers: 13]

[Creation Points: 70]

[Title: None]

[Purchase Interface]

[Small World: 5000 Creation Points] [1]

[Medium World: 10000 Creation Points]

[Large World: 17500 Creation Points]

[Fertile Soil: 100 Creation Points] [1]

[Creation of Living Being: 50 Creation Points]

[Creation of Magical Ability: 200 Creation Points]

[Manipulation of Climate and Terrain: 1000 Creation Points]

[Creation of Resources and Materials: 500 Creation Points]

[Administrative Deities: 1000 Creation Points]

[Species Multiplication: 200 Creation Points]

[Small Time Jump: 300 Creation Points]


Ariana was delighted with all the new options in the system. "So many good options, but it's a pity I can't buy them yet," Ariana thought.


That's when Ariana decided to create a few more species of animals and a new living being for her world.


For the animals, she would use her system reward, in which she had already created three types of species: rabbits, deer, and birds.


Looking around and seeing many rivers, Ariana focused on creating a new species of fish for her world, using her system reward. She imagined colorful fish with shiny scales and a special ability to camouflage themselves in their environment. With the divine powers of the system, she created two of these fish in one of the rivers of her world.


The fish soon swam away, and not even Ariana could predict where they would go on the planet, but she was sure that if nothing happened to them, these fish would soon be everywhere.


The Primordial Fairies, who have a deep connection with nature, quickly noticed the new animal in the world. They were very happy to see that their home was developing more and more every day.


Several months passed, and Ariana decided to observe how the living beings in her world behaved.


She used her divine powers to see the location of her latest creation: the colorful fish.


Ariana saw that there were not just two of them anymore but thousands. They were already spread almost everywhere on the planet. Without any predators, they could completely dominate the rivers.


"I can deal with this," Ariana thought.


After observing the rapid reproduction of the colorful fish in her world, Ariana realized the need to introduce a predator to prevent overpopulation. She decided to use her system reward to create a new species of animal: the brown bear. With determination, Ariana invoked the power of the System to request its assistance.


"System, grant me the power to create two brown bears in my world," Ariana requested.


[Granted, Goddess Ariana. Your reward will be used to create the two brown bears] - replied the System.


With the authorization granted by the System, Ariana focused on her divine connection with the world and unleashed her creative energy. She mentally shaped the brown bears, imagining them with their robust bodies, dense fur, and sharp claws. With a powerful gesture, she brought the two brown bears into existence in her world.




As the brown bears took shape, Ariana felt the satisfaction of contributing to the balance of the ecosystem. She knew that these magnificent animals would be essential in regulating the populations of fish, deer, and rabbits, preventing any single species from completely dominating.


With the two brown bears now present in her world, Ariana watched with satisfaction as they explored their new habitat. They were an imposing addition to the ecosystem, ensuring that no species became overly abundant, thus preserving harmony and diversity.


The System, witnessing the successful creation of the brown bears, acknowledged Ariana's wise choices.


[You have used your reward wisely, Goddess Ariana. The brown bears will play an essential role in maintaining the balance between species and preserving the diversity of your world. I am here to assist you on your journey as the Goddess of Creation] - assured the System.


After the creation of the brown bears, the System recognized the wisdom and balance brought by Ariana to her world. As a reward for her conscious choices, Ariana received a generous grant of 500 creation points.


[Goddess Ariana, as recognition for your wisdom and care demonstrated in creating the brown bears, I grant you 500 creation points. These additional points will allow you to continue shaping and enhancing your world, promoting harmony and diversity] - stated the System.


Ariana received the System's reward with gratitude, understanding the importance of these creation points in her role as the Goddess of Creation. Now, she could use these points in the System's store to acquire new resources and tools to improve her world.


After a while, Ariana decided to call the System, "System!" she exclaimed.


[How may I assist you, Goddess Ariana?] - asked the System.


"I would like to know what this time leap in the System's store is," she asked with a puzzled expression.


[The small time jump is an extremely powerful ability used by the gods to advance the progress of their world in time, but it is also very dangerous. Depending on how the progress unfolds during this time leap, your world can be ruined] - replied the System, warning her about its pros and cons.


Ariana was shocked. "And how much time passes in this time leap?" she asked.


[It's approximately 125 years] - replied the System.


Ariana reflected on the information provided by the System. A time leap of 125 years could significantly accelerate the development of her world, allowing her to see the future and its possible consequences. However, she also recognized the risks involved. "Maybe there's no harm in doing it. I can inform the Primordial Fairies that I'll be absent for some time and ask them to take care of everything," Ariana decided.


Ariana then descended to her world and went straight to speak with Angely. She explained that she would be absent for a long period of time and that she wanted the Primordial Fairies to take care of her world while she was away.


The first thing Ariana did when she opened the System's store was to purchase "Creation of Magical Abilities." She had a very interesting idea in her mind and immediately called the System.


[How can I assist you, Goddess Ariana?] - asked the System, noticing the unsettling smile on Ariana's face.


"I would like to use the remainder of my animal creation reward, but in a different way. Use it along with the creation of magical abilities to create a magic that brings life," said Ariana.


The System was taken aback by the request. "Is that even possible?" asked Ariana.


[Yes, it is possible. What an unexpected request] - replied the System.


And then, with the power of the System, a new Magical Ability emerged in Ariana's mind. By sacrificing her reward and using the Creation of Magical Abilities, which was the highest level of creation, it was possible to create a God-level magic.




"[Magical Ability Created Successfully: Divine Gift - Life Creation]."


"Perfect!" exclaimed Ariana.


Giving a wide smile to Angely, Ariana snapped her fingers, and suddenly Angely's mind was flooded with information.


[Magical Ability Name: Divine Gift - Life Creation

Level: God (limited by the current status of the bearer)

Description: The magical ability of Divine Gift - Life Creation is a supreme gift granted by Ariana, the Goddess of Creation, to Angely, the chosen bearer in her world, to assist in the divine task of bringing life into existence. However, due to Angely's current status as a mortal and not a goddess, her ability to fully utilize this power is limited.]


Angely, realizing what had just happened, knelt in front of Ariana. "My goddess, I promise not to disappoint you," exclaimed Angely.


"I know you won't," Ariana said with a warm smile on her face.

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