Reborn as a Bully



"The Seed of Delirium will still put a test on you before it determines if you are worthy of the Black Heart", Delirium replied to me.

In order to receive the Black Heart, I must also receive the trial of the Seed of Delirium that previously infected Delirium.

"Damn," I told them.


A surge of dark magic surged through me, overwhelming my senses and threatening to burst from within. My magical heart strained to contain the sudden influx, but it was futile.


I cried out in agony as I experienced a breakthrough in my heart magic, a transformative moment as I accepted the Black Heart of the Dark Angel. However, instead of being rebuilt, my magical heart was replaced entirely.

Dark veins snaked out from the Black Heart, spreading like twisted roots throughout my body, connecting to every vital organ, muscle, bone, and sinew of my being.


I screamed as the Black Heart fused with my being, but my body rebelled against the intrusion of this unholy organ, rejecting it with every fiber of my existence.


"Focus on your magic and pacify the Black heart", Meera said to me and advised.

"What magic?" I asked.

"The magic of the Dark Angel, the constellation of D'Ammur", Meera replied to me.

"But my templar and bone magic is lost in this damn Delirium. I can't conjure the constellation", I replied to her.

"There is an order in Chaos, you can find your Dark angel magic and activate it even if you are under chaos", Delirium said to me.

"The D'Ammur constellation", I said to them.

The D'Ammur Constellation contained the blueprint for the Dark Angel's magic.

"I can't cast my magic in the realm", I protested again.

"There is a flow to your magic even if you could not find its form. It's there all along. You just have to concentrate on it to find it", Sara told me.

Sara also lost her magic in this realm.

But eventually, she discovered the flow in her magic and could command it again even in this realm that prohibits magic by tweaking the source code of her magic.

"I really don't know how to", I replied to her.

"You must try", Cassandra said to encourage me too.

"The Dark Angel's magic is already inside of you, master, you don't have to summon or cast it, you only need to accept and use it", Meera told me.

"Embrace your darkness. You may rediscover your magic", Rinna added.

I immediately followed my wives' advice and focused on the stars that made up the D'Ammur constellation in my mind and remembered how the magic flowed when I used it before.

I tried to replicate the same flow of magic in me and to my surprise the stars that once linked the D'Ammur constellation shone brightly without linking or activating consciously at all.

They all lit up naturally upon my call.

"D'Ammur Constellation"

"Yes, you have received the Black Heart and completed the Seed's trial", Delirium congratulated me before he added, "However, there is one more thing".

"What is more? Please give me all the bad news in one go", I asked Delirium.

"Your body is human. It couldn't contain the divine magic of a god without severe punishment", Delirium told me the bad news.

"Damnit, why didn't you tell earlier?", I replied to him as magic soon flowed out from my Black Heart into my body and organs.

It was a dangerous situation for me as my body was boiling with the excess magic from the powerful Dark Angel's Black heart.

"Use your Dark Angel magic, master", Meera reminded me.

The D'ammur's magic soon circulated in my body to temper the flaring of magic caused by my grafting of the divine heart. Soon, a glowing aura appeared on my body that soothed the Dark Angel magic that was running wild in my body.

"D'Ammur of the Dark Angel"

But that wasn't enough to stop the rush of magic coming from the Black Heart into me.

"I've done all I can, why is the heart still rejecting me?" I asked Delirium.

"It is not the Black Heart that rejects you but the test from nature. Have you forgotten that to obtain divine magic, you will have to face the trial of advancement into divinity", Delirium told me.

"I thought I was done with the tests", I protested but to no avail.


Suddenly, my body was boiling all over again.

My Black Heart was pumping magic into my body uncontrollably. It seemed although the Black Heart accepted me, my body was too weak to contain the magic from the Black Heart.

"What is happening to him?" Rinna asked Delirium.

"It's the Seed of Delirium inside his Black Heart that needs to be contained or extracted, otherwise the magic of the Black Heart will not assimilate with him", Delirium replied to her and explained.

"What is the damned Seed of Delirium anyway?" Sara asked Delirium.

"There is another name for the seed, the Seed of Temptation", Delirium told us.

"Yeah, it's just another name, like the name of it can help us to save the idiot", Sara told us.

"I've heard about the Seed of Temptation. It has something to do with the prophecies about the Mother Serpent, Guardian of the Garden of Eden", Ratatouille told us suddenly.

"What?" I asked him to clarify.

"I'm not an expert on prophecies. Ask the Succubus", he replied.

"Wait a minute, I've heard about the Seed of Temptation too", Meera told us suddenly as she hurried to look for some scrolls from her Faberge egg.

"What did you find?" Rinna asked Meera.


By this time, my entire body was burning red hot. Even my Dark Angel skin was turning into char from the energy of the Black Heart that overflowed in me.

"The Dark magic is too strong, it will kill him", Cassandra said.

"Well, perhaps you'll need to borrow a little magic from Chaos. You will need to augment all the seeds of chaos you obtained from Delirium into your body", Delirium advised me.

I received the seeds of Chaos after killing the worms of Perspicuity. I didn't know what the seeds were for until now. So, I quickly crushed the seeds as their magic flowed into my body.

Suddenly, a strange and unknown force entered my body to counterbalance the Dark Magic overflowing into me reducing its intensity and effect.

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